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INSTRUCTION BOOKLET 2 NE PAL VERSION Certo) me) aed Getting started with your Super NES couldn't be easier. In fact if it was any easier you could get Started while actually asleep and how could you enjoy the game then? OK, if youre reading this bie then you must have just CAT rg stil |) Pouce rove Super NES rcsn Iy and are sull being careful. So here we go: Make sure the power is off. if you are really paranoid then you may wish to ensure that the ‘Game Pal is out of ts box as well, With me s0 far? Good Press the Unirally Gamepak firmly into the Super NES. Everything OK? Excellenc! All that remains to be done now is switch the Super NES on. If riety tome Up strange and mysterious has happened, then you should see the following title screen: mm eee “The Unically Gamepak has a battery backed memory to keep Bhs ly! Pig deg MEd Tes imac One ol te things you shouldnt really do is switch the Super NES on and off and on and off and on and off and on and off very very rapidly. If this happens then the cons ‘ones ofthe battery memory stand a plenty big chance of being deleted, which would make you unhappy. Well, who could blame you? You'll be Ses 1S fest 57 into the game, right? Move the arrow to IP, press any of the AB or Start but tons, press any of them again which will select the first Unicycle you come across: ‘and wait a second oF $0 ‘Afcer messing around for a little While, youll soon discover that reading ‘the rest of this manual is a good idea, righe? tory The Sun didn’t rise, the Moon didn’t set. Fluffy ‘clouds failed to make any sort of appearance and the night wasn't dark and stormy. Nobody was silhouet- ‘ed against a backdrop of stars and the burning fires ‘of the dawn sky somehow never had a chance. There were no such things, you see. Not in the Universe of the Uniracers. Bat heck, that’s the viny Ie goes sometimes. There were far Ore important things to work up a sweat about than some retry scenery. Racing for one thing, for another... well that was Te just racing. vas che whole purpose of the Uniracers. And i happened sore of ike chs: Farin the past, or what passed for the past, some great and powerful Unigad looked across the abstract Universe and Fealised that his boredom went right off the scale. He was {hrough with creating a planet here, an asteroid there. Whats fore he was thing to impress a young goddess who thought That he lacked a creative imagination. Afterall, you can only say Hind things about a newly created world so rmany times without sling This wasn’t a fun situation for the Unigod, as you can well Imagine. So after a timeless interval locked in the celestial equiv alent of a cupboard, with an endless supply of Turbo-Strength (Coffee, he came up with the idea of a race of Unieycles who Syould compete in the ultimate games! What's more, it would really break the ie at parses. Such is the legend told by Unieycles when they slow down {Enough to talk to each other (well sometimes), although no-one seems to know whether the Unigod actually won over the young goddess and lived happily ever after. In fact if you Stopped a Unicycle and asked, you'd find that none of them really cared. I's RACING that's the thing So the Uniracers came nto being and, boy, were they racing machines or what An entire race of dedicated cycles. Sure though they got right neo their role and raced all the time in the abstract days and neon nights of their Universe, And 30 it went fra long, long se But there is something wae, too. Even when 2 Uniyele could find racing parner, out 9A the abstract blue would turn up a Gp cycle 10 provide a race by which tog themselves. The Ghosts nevepfat hang about (o see what hagpéle Some them the free spirits of ever to prove # Others gf that they acg@fie’personal cycles Af that old Unies used to make 389 the rest of them keep on track, // ‘And at s54very end of the aay! wm wifes, is cold the cle (offre Anti-Uni, the ult face racer whom no-one fean find, no-one but the very gfbstest ofall, Bocome the very high of racing excellence and the ‘Ap§6Usi wl come to challenge you: ele om EE a RACE! Race race race race race! THAT'S how you play. What do you mean you want to know more? Unirally is a RACE! W's a race, and you race in the race. Not clear enough? Oh very well... How to play? Using a controller lke tis just has to be a plus. Every race is run on a Track. This can be one of three types, Race, Cireut and Stunt. The point, naturally enough, is to be the first across the finishing line. Take a sneaky peek at the labelled Tracks soxaan LAYOUT During the game, there are some indicators that show how you're doing, Most obvious isthe time indicator - which does- Ine le and shows what a nightmare your playing abilty can be and number of laps completed (if you're doing a circuit, say 215), Hf you start to lag behind, 2 chevron (sort of boomerang shaped) wil flash in the direction that you're lagging in. The more there are che greater the distance you have to catch up PLAYING ABA The playing area comprises a let - an awul lot - of track The Unicycle can be controlled both on the ground and in the ai. When in the ar, stunts can be performed. This has the added benefit of making you go faster. (Jet Fighters go faster than cars, right? Cars are on the ground, fighters are in the ai right? So ies faster if you're in the air. Cate proved) Of course this is also a way to encourage lots of risk-taking, making for a spectacular game. TMNGS THAT COULD Bz IMPORTANT ‘When you star a 1P game, you will be playing against a "Ghost Unicycle” whe will hammer your puny efforts into the ground, unless of course, you're any good, ‘When a League is selected to play, the order in which the Payers will compete is chosen by the SNES, This way, no-one ‘an stare whining that «'s completely unfoir. (still could be unfair, of course, you just won't get to know about it!) The members or the League chosen to play will be paired on abit, such as the best two, the next best, the worst bo and so 0°, Ir that isnt the case_ (and let’ face it it could happen) then the members wil be choten to compete randomly. 19 Some of the controls have dif- ferent functions depending whether the unicycle is on the ground or sailing through the air. Don't worry though, it's easy fo get the hang of. But... The L and R buttons operate diferently depending on whether oF not the Unicycle ison the ground. Ifthe Unicycle is in the air, Land R will make ie rotate, Those are the basis, now stop hanging about and gee playing, at least until you get that urgent nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach that says "I need to do some stunt” When that hap- Why bother to explain in words when you can have an artist do pens, flick madly through the pages of this very instruction all che hard worke witha picture? Moving is easier than falling Iebokice wrtipeaayes reson ofa log. Left and Right buttons lve up to their name by mor theytnading ing the Unicycle lefe and right Up and Dow 4 don't do anything, not yet anyway. They will ‘once you jump into the air (the Unicycle, not you personally. although you ‘may Indeed be so happy 10 ‘own Unirally that you WILL jump in the air), but well get to that Button 8 will make the Unicycle leap into the air as if scalded and Button Y will slam on the brakes to stop it moving asi ic had a close encounter of the brick wall kind unless of course i’ in the air because of Button B. ag Too easy. All you need to be able to do is to rotate the Unicycle laterally, transversely something. What does it all mean? It means that you can roll, flip and twist to gain speed. Got that? It's an important point. IT'S TO GAIN SPEED. Doing stunts makes you go faster. But anyway... Seunts come in several extremes of stuntdom. There isthe stune ise plain, simplo and moderately heroic. For example a Fip. If you can manage to Flip over twice before returning to the Track, that's called a double Fip. This 's more than hero ies positively inerepid ‘More than three is too much counting for anyone to be able to cope with (and besides Quadra-fip, Penta-Spin and Hexa- ‘Twist sound a bit silly) s0 four or more at ane go are known collecvely as Spin Cicy oF Flip Cty and so on, The whole point, of course, to land back on your wheel Fail to do this and you'll be dismissively cold ‘Wipeout! — at which poine, hang your head in shame and leave the room. Stunts happen at diferent rates, fr ‘example a Twist can be performed more Quickly than a Roll. Tight situations may require fast Stunts, So now you know! ou This is where the Unicycle goes saddles over wheel in a facesforward direction Ob heck, just take a look at the picture. (k's worth a thousand words by the way.) When in the air, hold down either Button Ror L depending fn the direction the Unicycle i travelling Fup This is the same 3¢ 2 Rel, but in the opposice direction! So that means its not the same at In fact it’s rotating backwards from che Unicycle's point of view. The same direction as the arrow in fact. How is this remarkable event achieved? Hold down Button Lor R, depending on direction of travel So what do you wane to de! Listen to an explanation involving "rotating around the vertical axie bi-directionally’, or simply ass look atthe picture and go "Ah Hat"? < This litle trick is accomplished by hold: ing down Button A and manipulating the Lefe and Right cross keys until some: thing happens As it turns out, it's Left xo Twist Lefe, Right to Twist Right. Impress your friends by being the first co master & This is different from the other Stunts..slightly. The difference that the Unicycle doesn't 20 Il the way around but only halfway. Around which way, you are no doubt ask ing? le depends. ‘And what it depends on is io the angle you happen to be in at ve the me. It isin fact completely straightforward and anyone who can'e come to grips with itis 3 total idiot Not telling, I's supposed to be a secret. But since you'l be staring gogale-eyes atthe Stunt Scores and see "MEGA™ embla zoned in glowing phosphor on your TV, a word might be in lorder. Mega is for the Stunts that may or may not be in the ‘game, s0 you can get scores that you may or may not have feared on Stunts that may oF may not actual ly exe ‘Cool, huh Try press ing butcons at ran dom and see wat happens. Races are run from the menus. They are also a place to set up and adjust some fea-| tures of the game. Make a selection on any of the menus by moving the arrow (that’s the pointy thing doing a dance on screen) with the cross keys. ‘There are vast amounts of information you an access and bits to change, enough to last ages. Ie’s easy, though, just to delve Straight into the game and only make use of che Menus that you feel like Using. Move through the Menus by Using B & A to move tothe next Menu and ¥ & X to move back co any previous Menu. One other thing: 1 Menu has something to select on it, a Sereen on the other hand is use there to present information and look -g00d ina selfimportane sort of way. This is where (¢ all happens (s0 to . , speak!) From | Data Gen ee) en start a one player or two player game by moving the arrow to IP or 2P and pressing B or A. You can't go wrong. This wil move you to another menu ON screen by using the left and righe con- ll trols. Hfyou have teams of friends lining up to play, chen select- ing Lengve will go to the League Menu. UP 3 ap a vs (One Player Mode is the first thng that you'l probably try. and a Sensible thing itis too. When either of these is chosen, the screen will change to the Unicycle Selection Menu, From there you select which Tour you wih to race in, then the specific ‘Track. Then choose Race, Easy realy, Then youll race against spooky looking Unicycle who is controlled by the SNES. ‘The Two Payer Mode is pretty much the same, except that You get C0 race against a real human opponent instend of a Computer controled ghost. (Are you one of those people that plays a two player game by yourself so that you always Win!) Versus Mode is quite straightforward, The winner of the first race stays on untl someone beats him. The game wil ask fora challenger. Once the race is completed, you will get some astonishingly vital information on how you performed. You will then be asked to either advance to the next Track...or don't! So ia that ease you select next track...or don't! waangues word has spread that there's a Unirally Game Pak in the area then the encire neighbourhood will be attempting to kick the ‘door down in order to play it. This is where the League Menu ‘comes in remarkably handy. Selecting ths wil take you to the - can you guess - League Menu where a bunch of players can compete aguinst exch other. You'll be presented with a list of currently active Leagues. Choosing a League in the normal way (you remember how to move back and forward don't yout). see a list off ns of all the players within a League. Choose the option called RACE in order to race. (You muse SETU! before playing; that's in Options, so have a look there as well.) The players will be chosen to race in a certain order, according to bizarre and top secret criteria. No sweat, it's all done fairly. orrlons Ever met anybody who didn’t want to change everything? you're like the rest of the world, then youll want to mess about with the game's setings to suit your- Self Selecting ths wil scroll swifly to the options menu, where all chngs shall become clear. (Well all che options anyway.) DISTHOY EVERY TEUIG GIA GIA GLA GLAR From the Main Menu, the entire contents of the battery backed ‘memory ean be erased by holding down Left on the erase keys with A, Land R at the same time, You'll be asked co confirm his. Ifyou go ahead, then kiss bye bye to ALL the records! Yes, this is a big section, but don't be scared. In these Menus, the Crosskeys move the arrow around the ‘screen as well as the usual buttons. When the arrow is pointing to the Menu item you consider to be the most desirable - to check this, look in a mirror to see if you are drooling or not - then press B to choose. When you're finished, another screen wi ‘appear briefly to say what on Earth is about to happen in case you'd already forgotten. For example, who is, playing against who and on whae track. Easy, huh? In fact it's so easy that you probably won't even bother to read this bit. If you have read this far then congratulations have to be awarded. You're a consci- fentious hero. mayan saLgor ‘The Unicycles already come with names bur there is no reason not to change them to sult your own weird tastes, but well get to that. For the moment, all you need {0 do is choose something to race with. If itis a 2P or VS game then the whole business withthe selection will be repeated. As you can see. all ofthe Unicycles are a di ferent colour for that unique personal touch OUR SaLacir There are eight Tours to choose fram, Choose the one that looks the mast appealing, then select one of the Tracks that comes with ie. Each Tour is harder than the ast one nanvanes Pavan VRAGCK salar What's that? Don't like the names we've given To choose which track ply nex. select the Unit Al righty then, By choosing ia ha Reru option You" ey be proce option ye be ale bo sve your inn cera ‘dp alt of fire wack hich wl be & fig passat nd caverta mem Beer of seme face sd reve ig rae Sy citar inp beck a thewke and han le SOIR be erm af the Mon above Tradkn’ A dc doco orbs Ueaaue happen «and lets face fe Ie ay not - turn to the secton Th wil sro to che League Manu See, {question anyway for a more detailed description. ‘easy to get the hang of, Selecting something will either change it or go somewhere, To find § Dik Hew fo se up tw: Leaguer ier or Options Menu tileca old Uenguee anda ont GES che (pipiens of ce slo Pea yo cameee eo vations interesting bits Including the all: Aa tina art important scores as well as adjust a Bam Takes you back to the Main Menu. No! its all true! handful of options; hence che name fila “Options” because they're optional, Score Screen maconos ; This will tke you to the comprehensive scor- Here is where all the juicy results are kept, Allsorts of ing menu where the players will be able to race scores and information are displayed in a selection laugh at each other's performance, Ths is a f of screens. good one, so good in fact that it even gets one fof those slanting headings all o itl. i TRACK RECORDS All-time track best. Some players will be parila PLAYER better on some Tracks than others. This “his in turn will sroll to the Players menus is Ist of who holds the record for any From here you can set the line up of daring : particular Track. A star in the Player's Increpid friends. Turn to the Lesgues/Players colour will be shown to indicate this. fe section of this booklet for more information. shows Gold, Siver and Bronze records. ‘You know it makes sense Score Screen continued wen scones ‘Who's the greatest? Wall c depends on what you are the greatest at. Did you get the fastest time, or win the most games, oF gain ‘the most points! Ie all here. PLA van soon: Individual scores are shown here, This, after all js where it starts to get personal! The up and down controls will cycle through the sweaty, nervous players until you've had fenough. The usual next and previous buttons will cake you back to the previous sereen, in this case the ‘Options Men GROUP TABLES ‘Which League leads the rest? Which one is hot enough to malt lead? By pressing up and down on the Crosskeys, you will be able to compare the performances of all the Leagues ater read ‘These screens show the immediate results once a race has been run. There are a total of three screens, correspond: ing to each of the three types of Track. RAGE RasULT This presents the necessaries ina straightforward way. Here is where the good or bad news is broken a8 you come firs. second or..something else Should any spinning things appear next to your name, then consider this as being a good sign. They'll be medals and personal best time awards new nesuur Now is this information overload or what? Those litte ball type things filing off the screen stick in place where there was alap. Clear? No? OK then: for every lap you race, a ballin your Unieycle's ‘own colour will show how well you per- formed for each lap. The ultra important point to remember is thae the lower down on screen they are, the better. sruny nasuLy This shows a tally of the different Stunts you somehow succeeded in pulling off. Lots of numbers are added up and generally fiddled around with in order to determine the winner. (OK. That should be enough to gee going with. Menus dealing with Tracks, Leagues, Payers and so on are described in the propriate sections, and don't you forget it! ‘So what on Earth do you think you are waiting for? Foy What better way fo ensure immortality than to create your own team? (Apart from literally living forever that is...) walks in the room...then they can add to their fame by being part of several Leagues! To se up a League fst go to che appropriate ALBAZUS SAB Repu, go wo options then 0 Define League. (Be careful chough, if the League was already defined, it soon won't be! This will erase any- ‘hing thae was already stored there. To ensure tha this doesn't happen by accident - like the phone rings or you spill coffee ‘over your head at the crucial moment and get distracted - the buttons on the controller have to be pressed ina particular order. This rash action is SELECT+Y+A, ‘memory somehow gets wiped, (ike you come into contact with high-voltage | StRtl1¢ moe power lines or something) r So what is a league anyway? e's like thie A League is a bunch of Unicycles that form a team. A Unicycle can be a member of more than one League. League can have a maxi- mum of 8 Unieycles. What's more there can be up t0 six Leagues. So if there happens to be a Payer ‘who is more heroic than the rest, someone: who walks tall, someone who makes people gasp in utter amazement when he or she Dea aaa So you've jst selected Define League. Good Hore is where the juicy bits occur, A screen will then be: displayed with all the Unicyces on it. The ones in the League ‘ll be marked with a cross next to them. There won't be any to stare with, of course. That's down to you, Pressing X or Y. When the arrow i next to 2 Unicycle will remove a member, whereas A or B will add a member. (Inthe League, out of the League, inthe lengue, out of the League, just like that) Then of course it's Stare to confirm, IWAWING THE LEAGUE: This happans automatically and allows the naming of a League. Choose this and a screen will appear as if by magic, complete with all the letters of the alphabet Exch league name ean be up to 19 characters long, but then youre likely 10 figure that out all by yoursel after trying to calla League some thing bke the Acomic out Legion of Wet Coast Mutants, which 1s 35 characters and therefore nota good bet. ay Setting up a Player is easy. Ie works in exactly the same way, 50 it won't be described again. (Less typing too!) Pep yap gulaqity At Unicycle PIP EP CIB ie cho: sen becomes the Player's special friend, What's more, this is the Unicycle chat the Phyer has from game co game, even after the power to the SNES is switched off. This way, the alltime greats can remain great for long periods of ume. (The all-time worst get a similar sort of dea!) ‘When selecting a pleasantly coloured Unicycle to race with 2 warning wil sppeat to make sure that you are of sound mind and know what you are doing, because the previous daca willbe Irretrievably lost. When in the 1P game, you will be racing agnnst a compuer controled opponent. Ifyou are in any doube tat machines are poised to take over the word, consider the fact that when the Updey ae) chest Unicycle was creaced, LCV CIE rian Ss. 3 trolled it were so good that it had to be fiddled about with 30 that mere humans could beat it There are three Ghosts in total, corresponding to the Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels of play (See Tours for precty ‘much the same info, but presented in a dynamic and funny new vay) “The Bronze Ghose is called Bronsan, the Silver Ghost is called Silva and the Gold Ghost is known as Goldie, Such imag: ination, huh? Ever read a manual which has “This Page Intentionally Left 23] a) jp 3 BANE followed by a blank page? Well we IP# 21272415 ont DO blank pages, man's If by some bizzare quirk of chance a blank page turns up, then by heck we're gonna fil t, even if fe means talking about Pizza for a few paragraphs! ‘Speaking of Pizza, don't you hate those litle frozen ones that are the width of a CD and about as thick, come in packs of ten thousand and only ever seom to consist of mashed tomato with single strand of something that might be cheese on the cop? But cha’'s what you always find in the freezer compartment of the fridge isnt ie? That's why you should go out and get a deep. an, high cholesterol Piza the size of a satelite dish (and just as expen- sive) so chat you know what you're missing There are 3 types of track. Each type has fo be tackled in a different way. You might want fo check out the Hints & Tips section as well. In fact that would be a good idea. But read this page first anyway, since you're already here.. ere te ee sect gan: There are he inioke Sara ger‘em-whlecheyredown, puro BLE Ms eeNciichare, igiecote: death, all-stops-pulled-out, turbo blazing frenzied Tega atone scion rate of doom with nodung ee Inaaring even abil In other words, che ony objective with ete oaths sts wiles acy ah as densely a posi Brera te be dreg aet Unga nig Swune Tracks are forthe real show of. You know the yp SO°0 The ids with more shill and alent than EX ZTE thay lnateshae too wth. Here, the oedop- ng is more importanc fr once than the speed Circuit Tracks are sma to Race Track, but you ge round ‘yf and round instead, fishing at the same GEL peu tban leis Se walt wll and have ite numbers tha,tash up to show how Yell youare doing. Wa zero is up. youte in the lend. Ifa umber comes up, this is the cme thac you're losing by (Which ofcourse ra ve or woe, doom and deaster) What do all those colour bits mean then, eh I there no si SHI ALES Tren sreting tax can benetc us all Azwaly, there IS a mearing but ies ot hidden at a You thou larg to "read" the Track to be amare of every sue Repeat etenergec ee react eta neva of paving to think BLUE & GREEN Neral Track dont tay awake at gts worrying about ic You are inno danger when the colou's fasting past are Bue and green RED & BLUE Win there patches are widely space, ic indeates tht the direction of tack about to change. Nove chs wise, other tse Ya co ed up spring x few folsn moments nee aia Dae aber peices are cetaloognht i mean? that whats els happen, you must under ao crcustaces jump off the wack. STAY ON THE TRACK!" (Admitedy the worse that could Happen is hat youl le oes of tie and aut made fun of, nothing REALLY misty) BLUE Loy Now we hae the hore sre tor. ac ghee Trek ets ergy goods be ce ‘tthe pone and relic! Theres vethig sand benveen ee Uhre ve tony natacard, roraiwgs ree you start Seeing Track of this colour then you've yeen awake too long, been hitting the cola a bit too suffer from what doctors and ether professional per~ "as "Having 2 few screws loos at eee once nine a seeing I a Rainbow, which isnt part of the game ‘There are a few other things that really ought to form a part of the very way you think. WAYPOMILS Waypoints are pretty darned important, These objects must be passed through if your lapis to register. So if you don't go through, then youll jst zoom around the Track, while some- fone who knows whac he's doing will get all the glory! To aid you on this importanc ask, a beep beep willing out when you pass the correct waypoint. LAP rds Every ime that you complete a ap on a Circuit Track, you'll be shown the time for that lap. Every time that you pass a Waypoine (See, this section is all connected!) your time behing the leader will be shown, so that it’s possible to tell if you're improving on each lap. rind Owns Ten minutes and you're history, pal! Take this long eo complete a Track and you're obviously so inept that you should expect packs of irate SNES owners to hunt you own for being a complete and total dole ‘The ten minute mark is the point at which the game says "Ah, heck with ths!” You can do better than that, can't you? “The exception to this is when your opponent beats you by 6 seconds on VS, ‘when youl be mad out a that point. STOPWATEH ‘You want a reward for doing better than great, don't you? Luckily, whenever you beat the heck out of your own personal best time (Let's not tal about beating anyone ELSE...) a stopwatch appears to let you know you've done t! Poine i out with pride! ‘Oh, OK chen, ler's say a word about beating the other players: "Ha ha ha ha ha, eat my dust, suckers! (Admictedy this is more than just a word) Beating the other players soundly does enable you to get a medal! This is displayed against the current record holder. Alll the Tracks are gathered together under the ame “Tours.” They get harder and faster and are sponsored by various members of the animal king- dom, all of whom should be pretty familiar. (If they're not, why not?) How far can you go? Are you a Crawler or a Sprinter? Each Tour is made up from five - count chem - five Tracks; For each Tour, the Tracks are in the order: Race. Circuit, Seunt, Race, Circuit, making for a total number of. figure i out yoursel{ (You did pay attention to maths in school didn't you?) Meanwhile. There are several levels of ply, Bronze, Siver and Gold. Simply put, the Siver level has you racing against a hard: ler Ghost Unicycle than the Bronze, Gold is a more impressive ‘opponent all together. So when you rattle through a Tour like 2 demon who's had too much coffee, there is stil a greater challenge awaiting. Myyou win on a particular Track, a check wil be placed next to it Get one for all ive Tracks and you'l be asked t0 do it agnin ata higher level ‘Afier completing a Tour on Gold, youll be prompted for new Tour. Once youlve stampeded up and down the Tours co get Gold on all of them there is nothing left to schiove..or is there? Rumours abound of Tours for the Elite, for the eream of the Unicycling crop. How far is it possible to go? No- fone is telling. I there are any more Tours then they'd have to be extremely FEAR- SOME wouldnt they? Bag. hae Winis & Tivos ‘So how do you best go about the serious business of becoming the greatest living Unicyclist in the entire unimaginable infinity of all creation? Well practicing for every single hour of the day would be a 00d starting point. Forget about all those silly litle things you Used t0 do, such a¢ sleep and eat. But what of those elusive hints thatarent immediately obvious) Try these fr size: + Dont lose After coming out of a halpipe. there is bie of space during which you ean move the Unicycle lft and right while stil in the ai, On the seale of important things, this i a nine and a haf, because it lets you gee out of the halpipe. I even more important (9.999999 on the Importance-o-Meter] when there are numerous halfpipes one after the other Get out ofthe halfpipe by holding dawn Button & and left oF Fight on the Crosskeys Use stunts as much as possible. We made a special effor to pt stunts In the game and ie would be a erying shame not to use them, Besides, when in the middle of a stunt. you are in the air which means that you cover more distance and thus 40 faster. Keep this information to yourself for an unfair advantage, Its top secret afeer al What about high speed from a standing stare? Hold the’ Brake button and then press left or right When the brake’ is released, 2000000000!!! (On a long straight, repeatedly doing Jump, Roll Jump, Rell and so forth will bulld up lots of speea! Remember all hose sily people on TW who says things like ‘variety is the spice of Ifa"? Well for once they're right ‘When oma Stunt Track, the mum= ber of different stunts you try is far more deserving of praise than simply wring to get Twist City een billan Technical Notes: Theory of Uniraces Each UniWorjd/;;numberéd O through 3 is essentia- ly the same world but with a different label applied. The difference comes from the four worlds existing in paralla! tracts of spacetime. The four-dimensional "worldline” of a literal world {described ‘by physics) iscealled a Themed World, for example pyrokinetic themes exist for all four instances of a single world ‘through the aforementioned dimensional space. ‘The overall theory of the Uniracers’ Universe?” is that of a layered ralty whore tracks and worlds, themes and Unioycles exist as- seperate abistrac- tion layer overlaid on top of normal three:dimension- al curved spacetime, . The manifestation of such’ layer inte our ~ perceived Universe is made possible by cutting a stice out of this abstraction layer, converting it to digital bi-slices and rendaring,it-on-a display device such as a television set or monitor. This is the func- tion performed by the SNES, It resonates in a simi- ar manner to a radio tuner and can pick up the emitted “realty waves’ ‘And | bot you thought we only wrate-games! rk 36 NINTENDO HOTLINE ‘Are you being stomped by Thom in Maro 37 ‘ro gargs gung up on yourGame Soy? NINTENDO HOTLINE WE ARE OPEN 12 P.M.-8 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 A.M.-3 P.M. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ‘THE NUMBER TO CALL IS (01 703 652222 CAUTION 90-DAY LIMITED WARRANTY ‘Super Niniendo Enertainment System GAME PAKS. Nintendo UK Entertainment Lined (Nintondo" warants that this per Nitendo Entenalumont System game aks elects in materal and woramanehip fra prod of 90 ays Wom he fate of purchase. a defect covered by this warranty occurs dung tho 90-day ltd warranty petioa Nintendo wil repalo pace the elective pak ats option ee o charge. To reeves waranty Serce, contac the Ninlndo Service Cente on 01 329243300 P ot of purenace i requted oclalm unde hie warranty. This warranty ll not apply te Super Nintendo Entertainment System Game Pale een damaged by negigence, acacont, uveasonable use, ‘xeon, taporng of by oe causes Unelate 1 de ‘rates or workmansh9 nis wartany doesnot inerfre wth your stataory nights NINTENDO TECHNICAL SUPPORT Nerd provides an out-of warranty resis envi or instalation, mantenance and serve of Nendo products. For ul dota of to charges and sonvicesavalabl,plaase Ninlendo Servee Cente on 01 328 245500. Nintendo Service Conte Patham Dove ovat Wood Eatigh Hants ‘S080 ANU England Tal 01 229:243300 hire AGErAN chs STANSAED WAY AREF Hans O16, ENLARED

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