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+62 812 3446 161 | +62 2258 2923

Jl. Puri Kembangan Timur F1 No. 39 RT. 1/RW. 5, Kembangan Selatan, Jakarta Barat 11610
gmail: | | ig : @putihdentalcenter


I, who fill this consent form:

Name :

Sex :

Birth Date :

Adress :

Contact Number :

As the parent / guardian of:

(fill the data below if you are not the patient who will receive the treatment)

Name :

Sex :

Birth Date :

Adress :

Contact Number :

Treatment scheme

I understand and was explained clearly by drg. ____________________ that at this day I will have
tooth restoration treatment through implant. Tooth restoration that will be performed is
________________ with implant in the regio of ______________ / tooth number

All treatments advised by the doctor(s) was conducted based on the anamneses, medical/dental
examination, radiology findings, and other diagnostic examinations that are required.

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Based on the treatment(s) above, the total estimated bill that will be charged are
___________________ which consists of implant abutment and crown _______ per tooth. This
special price is valid with full payment only (no installment).

Implant price mentioned above exclude:

1. Custom Abutment* Rp. 2.500.000,-

2. Sinuslift* Rp. 3.500.000 – 5.500.000,-
3. Bonegraft* Rp. 4.500.000,-
4. Extra Bonegraft* Rp. 1.500.000,-
5. Membran* Rp. 3.500.000,-
6. Bone Tack* (price is tentative based on the findings during treatment)

Those additional treatments mentioned above (*) are optional and will be performed depending on the
dental/clinical findings during examination conducted by PUTIH dentist.

Risk of the Treatments

I acknowledge and fully understand that all medical treatments, along with their benefits, have their
own risks. Therefore, I accept that risk and complication are fitting in all kind of medical practice.

All the doctors at PUTIH will always do their best to minimalized complications or risks that could be

Below are risk(s) and complication(s) that could occur during Implant treatment:

- Pain and discomfort, swelling, redness, bleeding, and change of bite on the area of treatment
that might happen during or/and after treatment, which may persist for days.
- Injury of tooth and other tissues around it, jaw fracture, sinus exposure, sinus infection (upper
jaw implant), limited mouth opening, with pain and discomfort around jaw area.
- Infection might happen which require additional care and medications
- Temporary or permanent nerve disruption in lips, tongue, chin, tooth, and other tissues around
the area of treatment
- Allergic reaction from all the medication and other dental material that are used during
- Additional surgery might need to be done if there are new clinical findings found during the

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I was given the time to ask about all the risks and complications regarding my treatment(s) and have
been contented with the explanation.

I also have been given the chance to discuss regarding my treatment options based on my dental
findings and needs.

Medical Information Validity

I hereby announce that all medical information I provided to PUTIH doctors including medical
history, past medication, past therapy and surgery history (with document attached if required) are
true and valid.

- I hereby declare that I fully APPROVE to undergo treatments advised at PUTIH with full
understanding regarding the risks and complications I may run into.
- I understand that dental practice does not took on a 100 percent certitude and there is no
guarantee of its end result.
- I have received a complete guidance regarding the treatment(s) that will be conducted, all the
risks and complications, other treatment options, total bill amount, also enough time to have a
discussion related to the treatment(s) with contentment.
- I fully APPROVED and AUTHORIZED all treatment advised by PUTIH doctor(s) to be


drg. Patient:

Witness: Family/Guardian:

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Emergency contact:


Phone Number:

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