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How to Use

(During CVI Synchronization)

Real Time Scenario: How to Change BP number during synchronization of
Employee Vendors to BP
You want to influence the data which is synchronized from HR to the business
partners beyond the standard coded logic and customizing. You can use this BADI
to change the business partners and their roles created and updated by the HR->BP
synchronization process.
There is a scenario in ECC where customers and vendors created with same number
ranges with the corresponding Customer and Vendor groups.
While synchronizing customer and vendor (Employee Vendor Group) to BP, same
number range will not be possible for both customer and Employee vendor with
single BP due to conflict number ranges.
In this case, either customer or Employee vendor need to sync with BP, with a
different numbering sequence.
Use BADI BADI_FITV_VENDOR_SYNC to change the BP number for the HR
employees. The BADI will call during the execution of synchronization
program/tcode – MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT
Example Customer number is 9000000001 which already converted to BP with the
same number.
While running the synchronization for Employee Vendor whose number is
9000000001 and must create BP as EF9000000001 to avoid conflict/errors as
already customer BP created with the same number. use BADI
BP number modification.
Here is an example.
If company code = ‘ABCD’ and Payroll Area = ‘EF’ , amend the first two digits of BP
number with EF
If company code = ‘ABCD’ and Payroll Area = ‘GH’ , amend the first two digits of BP
number with GH
METHOD if_fitv_vendor_sync~modify_bp_group_number.

DATA: lv_prefix TYPE char2, lv_pernr(8).

CLEAR:lv_prefix , lv_pernr.

CASE i_employee_data-it0001-bukrs.


IF i_employee_data-it0001-abkrs = 'EF'.

c_bp_group = '63'.”Change BP grouping

lv_prefix = 'EF'.”Prefix to BP number

ELSEIF i_employee_data-it0001-abkrs = 'GH'.

c_bp_group = '67'.”Change BP Grouping

lv_prefix = 'GH'.”Prefix to BP number



c_bp_group = '65'.”Change BP Grouping

lv_prefix = 'MN'.”prefix to BP number


lv_pernr = c_bp_number+2(8).


CONCATENATE lv_prefix lv_pernr INTO c_bp_number.

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