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Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

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Review article

Sleep bruxism and temporomandibular disorders: A scoping review of

the literature
Daniele Manfredini a, *, **, Frank Lobbezoo b
Professor, School of Dentistry, Department of Medical Biotechnologies, University of Siena, Italy
Professor and Chair, Department of Orofacial pain and Dysfunction, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Keywords: Objective: : To provide a scoping review of the literature by assessing all the English-language papers that
Sleep bruxism investigated the relationship between sleep bruxism (SB) and temporomandibular disorders (TMDs).
Bruxism Study data and sources: : A search was performed in the National Library of Medicine (PubMed) and Scopus
Temporomandibular disorders
databases, in order to identify all the articles published assessing the relationship between SB and TMDs, by
several different approaches. The selected articles were then structurally read and summarized in PICO tables.
The articles were selected independently by the two authors.
Study selection: : Out of 185 references that were initially retrieved, 47 articles met the inclusion criteria and were
thus included in the review. The studies were divided into four categories based on the type of SB assessment: 1.
questionnaire/self-report (n = 26), 2. clinical examination (n = 7), 3. electromyography (EMG) (n = 5), and 4.
polysomnography (PSG) (n = 9).
Conclusions: : Studies based on questionnaire/self-report SB featured a low specificity for SB assessment, and in
general they found a positive association with TMD pain. On the contrary, instrumental studies (i.e., electro­
myography, polysomnography) found a lower level of association or even a negative relationship between SB and
TMD pain. Findings from this updated review confirmed the conclusions of a previous review by Manfredini &
Lobbezoo, suggesting that literature findings on the relationship between SB and TMDs are dependent on the
assessment strategies that are adopted for SB. Future studies should consider SB as a multifaceted motor behavior
that must be evaluated in its continuum spectrum, rather than using a simplified dichotomous approach of

Introduction After the publication of that paper, knowledge in the bruxism field
has progressively evolved. Based on emerging evidence that bruxism is
The association between sleep bruxism (SB) and temporomandibular an umbrella term including different motor behaviors, expert consensus
disorders (TMDs) is a controversial topic, which has been addressed by efforts were made to provide a bruxism definition that reflects the
several systematic literature reviews. In particular, a previous paper by complexity of the activity spectrum (i.e., teeth grinding, teeth clenching,
Manfredini and Lobbezoo [1], that was published a decade ago and built mandible bracing, mandible thrusting) and to specify that bruxism may
on an earlier review by Lobbezoo and Lavigne [2], concluded that have different circadian manifestations [3]. A successive consensus
findings are influenced by the strategy adopted to assess bruxism. In paper further clarified this distinction, providing two separate defini­
general, studies based on a self-reported or questionnaire-based tions for sleep and awake bruxism [4]. Within this premise, sleep
approach to bruxism found an association with TMD, which was how­ bruxism (SB) was defined a masticatory muscle activity (MMA) that
ever not replicated by the few investigations on occurs during sleep, characterized as rhythmic (phasic) or non-rhythmic
instrumentally-measured sleep bruxism (i.e., electromyography [EMG], (tonic) and not as a movement disorder or sleep disorder in otherwise
polysomnography [PSG]). healthy individuals [4].

* Corresponding author at: Daniele Manfredini, c/o Policlinico Le ScotteViale Bracci – 53100 Siena, Italy.
** Office: Via Ingolstadt 3, 54033 Marina di Carrara, Italy.
E-mail address: (D. Manfredini).
Received 2 January 2021; Received in revised form 26 May 2021; Accepted 29 May 2021
Available online 6 June 2021
0300-5712/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Different instrumental and non-instrumental approaches have been The population (“P”) is described in terms of sample size, inclusion
suggested as possible strategies for the assessment of SB, without criteria, and demographic characteristics. The intervention (“I”) con­
necessarily having an unquestionable standard of reference [5]. Indeed, cerns information on the study design, the assessment approach, the
PSG is the ideal strategy to evaluate SB correlates, but, as far as the jaw number and qualification of examiners, and the statistical analysis. The
muscle activity is concerned, it just provides a count of the events. comparison (“C”) includes data on the control group depending on the
Because of the lack of information on the amount of muscle work, PSG study design (i.e., individuals without SB; individuals without TMDs).
may not be the ideal approach to evaluate the relationship between The outcome (“O”) is reported in terms of the possible relationship be­
sleep bruxism and signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders tween TMD and SB. The main conclusions of each study’s authors were
[6]. On the other hand, the self-reported (e.g., interviews, question­ also included.
naires) and clinical (e.g., tooth wear, shiny spots on restorations, linea The studies were assessed independently by the two reviewers.
alba, tongue scalloping) approaches for the assessment of SB, which still
remain the most adopted assessment strategies in large-sample studies, Results
have well-known limits of differential diagnosis between different
circadian bruxism activities as well as with respect to other conditions The search query identified 185 citation hits. Title and abstract
[7,8]. Thus, it is not surprising that findings on the relationship between reading led to the exclusion of 138 articles, which were clearly not
bruxism and TMDs is not clear yet and can be influenced by the relevant, and the full text was retrieved of the remaining 46 articles. Of
assessment strategies that are adopted for the two conditions, as these, 27 were excluded for not fulfilling the inclusion criteria, so that 19
emerged from the previous reviews by Lobbezoo and Lavigne [2] and by articles were selected for inclusion in the review. In addition, 28 papers
Manfredini and Lobbezoo [1]. were added to the review by browsing the reference lists of the two
Within these premises, an updated literature review has been per­ previous reviews. Thus, a total of 47 articles were included in the review
formed and discussed in this manuscript to evaluate if the new bruxism [9-55]. Table 1 provides the list of articles that were excluded after
definitions and distinction between bruxism activities based on their reading the full text, along with the reason for exclusion from the review
circadian rhythm has led to an improved knowledge on this issue. The [56-82]. Based on the criteria adopted for SB assessment, the selected
present manuscript focused on papers dealing with the relationship articles were then divided into four categories: questionnaire/self-report
between SB and TMDs, and covers also the decades of literature (n = 26) [9-34], clinical assessment (n = 7) [35-41], electromyographic
reviewed by the previous works, with the aim to summarize findings and recordings (n = 5) [42-46], polysomonographic recordings (n = 9)
provide a scoping review with suggestions for the future researches on [47-55].
the topic.

Material and methods

2.1 Search strategy

Table 1
Studies retrieved in full text but not included in the review.
On April 15th, 2021, a search of the literature was performed to
Study’s first Author and Reason for Exclusion
identify all peer-reviewed English-language citations that were relevant
to the review topic, viz., the relationship between sleep bruxism and
temporomandibular disorders. Emodi- Perlman 2020 No information about the TMD-SB association itself
As a first step, the query “sleep bruxism AND temporomandibular
Somay 2020 [57] Study performed on a particular population
disorders” was searched in the National Library of Medicine Medline (hemodialysis)
(PubMed) and Scopus databases. The literature search was limited to all Wieckiewicz 2020 [58] Study included only TMD patients
the articles on adult populations (>18 years) that were added to the two Osiewicz 2020 [59] Study included only TMD patients
Poluha 2020 [60] Study included only patients with click
databases during the time span from January 1st, 2009 to April 15th,
Yadav 2020 [61] Study included only TMD patients
2021. Search expansion strategies were adopted to identify any addi­ Khayat 2019 [62] Pediatric patients included in the study group
tional potentially relevant citations (i.e., related articles, hands-on Wagner 2019 [63] Study included only TMD patients
search in private libraries, reference lists of included articles). The two Thymi 2019 [64] Study included only probable sleep bruxers
previous reviews by Lobbezoo and Lavigne [2] and Manfredini and Muzalev 2018 [65] Study included only TMD patients
Muzalev 2018 [66] Clinical case series
Lobbezoo [1] served as references to screen for the titles published
Demirkol 2018 [67] No information about the TMD-SB association itself
before 2008. Su 2018 [68] No information about the TMD-SB association itself
Criteria for inclusion in the review were based on the type of study. Magalhães 2017 [69] The sample includes adolescents < 18 y
Inclusion was limited to articles presenting clinical research data on: 1) Tavarez 2016 [70] No information about the TMD-SB association itself
Blasco-Bonora 2016 No information about the TMD-SB association itself
the relationship between SB and TMDs, as assessed by the use of ques­
tionnaires, or 2) the relationship between SB and TMDs, as assessed by de Siqueira 2016 [72] No information about the TMD-SB association itself
clinical assessment, or 3) the relationship between SB and TMDs, as Yu 2015 [73] Study performed on a particular population (pilots)
assessed by electromyography (EMG), or 4) the relationship between SB Dias 2015 [74] Study included only TMD patients
and TMDs, as assessed by polysomnography (PSG). Articles including Raphael 2015 [75] Study based on PSG-assessed SB vs self-reported SB
Blanco 2014 [76] Study included only TMD patients
populations with other conditions/diseases that are known for their
Paesani 2013 [77] Study on correlation between clinically-assessed SB vs
relationship with SB and/or TMDs were excluded from the review. Ar­ self-reported SB
ticles that were potentially satisfying the inclusion criteria for the review Piementel 2013 [78] Study performed on a particular population with
were retrieved in full text. Finally, consensus between the two reviewers fibromyalgia
Alajbeg 2012 [79] Study performed on a particular population (navy
(DM and FL) was reached in order to include/exclude the articles from
the review. Manfredini 2012 [80] Study focused on evaluation method of self-reported SB
in TMD patients
2.2 Assessment of papers Marklund 2010 [81] No information about the TMD-SB association
Smith 2009 [82] Study included only TMD patients

The selected articles were read according to a PICO-like structured Footnotes: TMD, Temporomandibular Disorders; SB, Sleep Bruxism; y, years;
strategy, viz., Population/Intervention/Comparison/Outcome. PSG, polysomnography.

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

3.1 Summary of studies based on questionnaire/self-report 3.4 Summary of studies based on polysomnography

Twenty-six studies investigated the association between SB and Nine studies assessed the relationship between SB and temporo­
TMDs by means of a questionnaire or self-reported assessment (Table 2). mandibular disorders by means of PSG recordings [47-55]. Four of them
The study populations accounted for a total of more than 42 thousands came from the same group of researchers [47,49-51] and have been
subjects. included in this review because of the different data they presented on
Study designs were strongly heterogeneous, based on the evaluation the same populations. The studies involved a total of 516 subjects. All
of the SB-TMD association either in non-patient populations (e.g., gen­ studies had a case-control design, with either bruxism vs non-bruxism
eral population, university students, patients attending dental clinics for groups [48,54] or TMD vs non-TMD groups [47,49-51,52,53,55]. TMD
conservative care) or in case-control groups of TMD vs non-TMD in­ diagnoses was based on the RDC/TMD in all studies except one, which
dividuals. Methodological differences were evident also from the num­ adopted the INfORM TMD Pain Screener [48]. The RDC/SB criteria for
ber and formulation of bruxism assessment items as well as from the the number of arousal-related events were adopted to categorize the
TMD diagnosis strategy [83-86]. All the studies were based on a presence or absence of SB, with the cutoff threshold set as either two or
cross-sectional assessment of the association at a single assessment four episodes/hr. Three studies recorded one night [48,53,55], whilst
point. the others recorded PSG for two nights, even if the first was considered
As for the results, all papers found a statistically significant associ­ only for accommodation.
ation between SB and TMD. However, two articles reported an associ­ As for the findings, no association between SB and TMDs was re­
ation between bruxism and TMD only if awake bruxism and sleep ported, with some minor exceptions. One study reported an association
bruxism were considered together [12,15], and another study showed with myofascial pain [52], whilst two articles on the same study popu­
that the concurrent report of AB and SB increases the odds ratio for lation described an increased background/baseline EMG activity for
TMDs more than the sum of the two behaviors [17]. Yet another paper TMD patients than controls [47,50]. Another article reported a higher
found an association only for patients who are told by their dentist to be prevalence of TMD pain in individuals with low frequency SB than high
bruxers [33], whilst others reported an association with clenching frequency SB [54].
[26-28,30] or grinding report [18, 31].
3.2 Summary of studies based on clinical assessment
The relationship between sleep bruxism and TMDs is still a contro­
Seven studies assessed sleep bruxism by means of a clinical exami­ versial topic in dentistry.
nation [35-41]. They accounted for a total of 1869 subjects. All studies In the past two decades, two successive reviews tried to summarize
except one [37] were based on a case-control design, with comparison all the findings on this topic, pointing out the difficulties to reach con­
groups of TMD vs non-TMD patients. The authors used either the clusions [1,2]. In particular, a 2010 review by Manfredini and Lobbezoo
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) diagnostic criteria (i.e., a on the literature published between 1998 and 2008 showed an incon­
combination of patient self-report and clinical signs) [35], a compre­ sistency of findings between studies adopting different approaches to
hensive clinical assessment [40], or just the presence of tooth wear bruxism assessment. The same inconsistency has been observed in this
[36-39, 41] to evaluate bruxism. TMDs were diagnosed based on the updated review, limited to sleep bruxism, which confirmed that an as­
RDC/TMD. sociation with TMDs is generally found in studies relying on
Findings of the five studies based on tooth wear assessment did not self-reported or clinically-based SB evaluation and is not confirmed in
support an association with TMDs, with minor exceptions [39] con­ studies using instrumental approaches to its assessment (i.e., PSG, EMG).
cerning the possible value of attrition to discriminate between different Some of the weak points underlined in 2010 are still present in the
TMD diagnoses. The other two studies reported that SB patients have a literature produced during the past decade, thus not allowing a real
higher odds for myofascial pain and arthralgia (Odds ratio=6.9) than progress in knowledge with respect to the previous conclusions. In
individuals not fulfilling AASM criteria for sleep bruxism [35] and that particular, despite the very focused clinical research question that was
an association exists between clinically-assessed bruxism and myofascial adopted to select and structurally read the articles [87], several articles
pain [40]. did not focus on the TMD-SB association as their primary outcome. A
total of almost forty-five thousands individuals took part to the 47
3.3 Summary of studies based on electromyography reviewed articles, which had different study designs and inclusion
criteria that renders any attempts of performing a meta-analysis of data
Five studies used a portable EMG device [42–46]. They accounted for impossible. Most instrumental studies had a control group of individuals
a total of 401 subjects, recruited either among attendants of a general not fulfilling PSG criteria for SB. With respect to such studies, the
dental clinic [42], university students [43,46], or belonging to a questionnaire-based investigations have a lower level of specificity for
case-control investigation comparing TMD vs non-TMD patients [44, sleep bruxism, as a result of the frequently adopted single-item self-­
45]. Different portable EMG devices for in-home recording were used, report (e.g., RDC/TMD question for sleep bruxism). This can be recog­
all based on single-channel recording except for one study that gathered nized as a potential bias for the study of the bruxism-pain association,
data from bilateral masseter and temporals muscles [42]. In two studies, since patient might associate their pain in the morning to their bruxism
the researchers placed the EMG surface electrode on the masseter activity at night. In addition to that, population-based surveys are hardly
muscle for two or six nights (the first night was for adaptation) [43,46]. useful to discriminate between individuals with clinically relevant
The other two studies consisted of four recording nights with surface symptoms and subjects who are just reporting an ancillary finding.
electrodes placed on the temporalis muscle [44,45]. All studies were As a general remark, all studies on self-reported evaluation of sleep
based on a dichotomous assessment of presence/absence of bruxism, bruxism reported its association with TMD symptoms. The same
based on a cutoff threshold of two or four EMG episodes per hour of happened for studies on clinically-based evaluation of sleep bruxism,
sleep. with the exception of investigations adopting tooth wear as a SB indi­
As for the findings, three studies did not retrieve any significant as­ cator. A couple of those investigations suggested a synergistic effect of
sociations between sleep bruxism and TMDs [42,43, 45], one study reported SB and AB. In contrast, researches on the instrumental assess­
found an association with unspecific TMDs [44], and another one found ment (i.e., EMG, PSG) failed to show an association between SB and
an association with clicking sounds from the temporomandibular joints TMDs, with minor exceptions. None of the PSG studies found a rela­
[46]. tionship between sleep bruxism and TMDs. Based on the assumption that

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Table 2
PICO-like structured reading of reviewed articles divided per category of sleep bruxism assessment strategies.
Study’s first Population (patients/ Intervention (features of Comparison (control group) Outcome Conclusions
author and problem) study design)

Questionnaire/Self Report studies

Ekman 2020 1962 subjects born in 1966 Q: 1 items for SB report + 1 Presence of TMD signs and Subjects who reported SB or Bruxism should be
[9] and living in Oulu (1050 item for AB report CA: symptoms in subjects with and AB (pain in the masticatory considered as a background
women) modified DC/TMD protocol without self-reported SB or AB muscles, pain in the TMJ) had factor of TMD and should be
significantly more TMD signs taken into account in the
than those not reporting diagnostics and treatment of
bruxism (p<.001) TMD patients
Nogueira 600 undergraduate Q: anamnestic index of Presence of TMD (unclear Of the 233 students who Individuals who have
2020 [10] students (63.8% females; Fonseca, with item on teeth evaluation) in subjects with reported sleep bruxism, 82% reported sleep bruxism are
60.7% under 23 years old) grinding/clenching Q: RDC/ self-reported sleep bruxism vs had TMD - sig. association more susceptible to having
TMD subjects without self-reported between report of sleep TMD
bruxism bruxism and TMD (p<.001)
Ahlberg 2019 1005 musicians from 19 Q: 9 items for assesing sleep Subgroups of musicians Orofacial pain experience Among symphony orchestra
[11] orchestras, (52.3% men m. related problems and according to the played significantly associated with musicians, orofacial pain
a. 47.7 ys SD 10.3, 47,7% Orofacial pain. One-way instrument with unspecified disrupted sleep (p=.001), experience seems to be
women m.a. 43.4 ys SD ANOVA and Chi-square test, demographic features frequent sleep bruxism related to sleep bruxism
9.8) Somers’s d test. Logistic (p<.001), and frequent stress rather than the belonging
regression Model (p=.002) instrument group
Reissmann, 705 patients, recruited Q: SR-SB + SR-AB 2 items 500 TMD (434F, 66 M, m.a. SB (OR 5.1 95% CI: 3.1 to 8.3) SB and AB are both
2017 [12] from community cases and (RDC/TMD Axis I&II) Q+CA: 34.6 ys, SD 13.1) vs 114 pain- and AB (OR 6.7 95% CI: 3.4 to associated with an increased
controls and clinic cases TMD diagnosis and interview free TMD (88F, 26 M, m.a. 39.3 12.9) indpendently associated presence of painful TMD, but
by 6 experts ANOVA, ys SD 13.1) and 91 without with painful TMD. SB+AB are not independent factor
Kruskal-Wallis and non- TMD (57F, 34 M, m.a. 35.8 ys multiplicative interaction (OR and interact additively
parametric test (Chi-square SD 12.7) 0.4% patients exluded = 0.57; 95% CI: 0.24 to 1.4)
test) Logistic regression due to incompelte data was not signicant, but results
indicated a signicant positive
additive interaction (RERI =
8.6; 95% CI: 1.0 to 19.7)
Huhtela, 4403 Finnish students, Q: 186 items, of which 5 21% F + 12.5% M with SB, 2% SR-SB and/or AB associated SR-SB is associated with TMD
2016 [13] (1628 M m.a. 24.9 ± 3.6 ys items on TMD/Facial Pain F + 2.8% M with AB, 7.2% F + with TMD pain (Odds Ratio symptoms
and 2775 F m.a. 24.2 ± 3.6 and bruxism Chi-square test 3.2% M with both and 25.9% F [OR] = 5.71; 95% [CI] =
ys, randomly selected in and Logistic regression + 11.4% M with TMD-pain, 4.86–6.70), TMJ pain on jaw
university) model 9.6% F + 4.2% M with TMJ movement (OR = 4.49; 95%
pain on movement CI = 3.54–5.69), and TMJ
locking (OR = 2.98; 95% CI =
Yeler, 2016 519 university students, Q: 1 item for SB assessment 147 bruxers, 373 non bruxers, Bruxism was present in 42% of Self reported sleep bruxism is
[14] (223 M m.a. 21.57 ± 2.3y, + 10 items for TMD 344 TMD paitents, 185 non- students with TMD, the signicantly associated with
296 F m.a. 21.02 ± 2y) assessment Chi-square test TMD patients relationship was signicant (p TMD
admitted for dental care, < .05) TMD was found in
randomly selected 96.6% of bruxers. Probable SB
was most prevalent (61.50%)
among subjects with severe
TMD (p < .05)
Berger, 2016 508 adult patients, Q: 2 items on SB and AB + 1 Sleep bruxism group (TMD No statistically significant Interaction between SB and
[15] attending dental clinic, item on TMD (RDC/TMD pain 42.6% vs no TMD pain association between SB only AB may increase TMD pain,
(296 F and 212 M, a.r. Axis I) x^2 test 57.4%), awake bruxism group and TMD pain Occurence of but SB alone is not
18–64 y, m. a. 34 ± 12y) (TMD pain 56.1% vs No TMD TMD lower in patient with SB significantly associated with
pain 43.9%), mixed bruxism rather than AB and mixed TMD
group (TMD pain 60% vs no bruxism (AB+SB) (p<.0.05)
TMD pain 40%)
Emodi, 2015 140 F > 18y with 3ys of Q: 5 items cervical pain + 9 48 Dentists (m.a 39.2 ± 9.4 y; A positive statistical Significant associations of
[16] professional life items SR-SB (AASM) CA: a.r. 28–62 y) vs High-tech association between MFP and MFP with both SB and AB
cervical muscle sensitivity workers 44 (m.a 39.9 ± 7.7 y; sleep bruxism (P < .005).
evaluation, TMD evaluation a.r.: 27–56 y vs general group
(RDC/TMD Axis Tukey test 48, (40.5 ± 8.6 y, a.r. 27–65 y)
Logistic regression
Sierwald, 1623, adult population, Q: 2 items on SR-AB and SR- 733 TMD patients (mean age ± TMD pain did not AB and SB are associated
2015 [17] admitted at university SB (RDC/TMD) CA: TMD SD: 41.4 ± 16.3 years; 82% F, substantially increased in with an increased presence of
clinic examination, (RDC/TMD 18% M) vs 890 healthy subjects reports of AB (OR 1.7; CI painful TMD, both are
Axis I&II) Logistic regression (mean age ± SD: 40.4 ± 11.8 1.0–2.7) or SB (OR 1.8; CI interactive in a negative
analyses and other years; 57% F, 43% M) 1.4–2.4) but TMD pain synergism that increases
nonparametric statistical significantly increased in cases TMD risk in an unclear way
tests of simultaneous presence of
AB+SB (OR 7.7; CI 5.4–11.1)
Marklund, 308 dental students Q: TMD symptoms and No “patients” control group Grinding associated with Hypothesis of a positive
2008 [18] followed up for one year awareness of parafunctions Three partially overlapping myofascial symptoms relationship between
(196F, 112 M; m.a. 23 yrs., Standardized CA by two cohorts: no signs and (p=.001) and MP RDC/TMD awareness of bruxism and MP
a.r. 18–48) expert examiners Loading symptoms during the one-year diagnosis (p=.04) at baseline not rejected TMD signs and
test (MVC for 30 s) to interval (N = 140); reports of and 1 year Reported clenching symptoms only in a minor
provoke fatigue and pain jaw muscle signs or symptoms habits increased from 38% at proportion of subjects with
RDC/TMD diagnosis of MP during the interval (N = 196); baseline to 48% at 1 year awareness of bruxism
(continued on next page)

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Table 2 (continued )
Study’s first Population (patients/ Intervention (features of Comparison (control group) Outcome Conclusions
author and problem) study design)

Chi-square analysis RDC/TMD MP diagnosis at Clenching associated with

(presence/absence of baseline or at FU (N = 56) myofascial symptoms and the
symptoms) Logistic MP RDC/TMD diagnosis at
regression baseline and 1 year (p<.001)
Osterberg, Two cohorts of 70-yrs. Q: 5 item TMD index Q: other Comparison of subjects with Sex differences for bruxism TMD symptoms associated
2007 [19] subjects (N = 904; 481F, health problems, among different TMD severity Only (20%F, 15% M, p <0.01) with bruxism Uncertainty in
425 M) representative of which bruxism Logistic 1% high scores (3–5 points) in Correlation between TMD self-reported bruxism,
the general population regression analysis the 5-item TMD index index and bruxism (p<.001) caution in interpretation of
Bruxism: 2.23 OR (95% C. results
I.:1.48–3.35) for severe TMD
(more than two symptoms)
Chen, 2007 9 patients with MFP (6F, RDC/TMD 43 alerts/day 15 MAP-free controls (10F, 5 MFP more NTC than controls MFP nearly 4 times more
[20] 3M: med.a. 35 yrs.; a.r. (wrist vibrator) On alerts, M; med.a. 30 yrs.; a.r. 19–49) (med. 34.9% vs. 8.9%, NTC during wake time and
18–67) subjects checked for their p<.001) NTC frequency not higher stress levels than
teeth contact 10-day protocol different between genders controls NTC frequency not
Frequency of NTC (non- (med. F13.5%, M11.1%) FTC correlated with stress levels
parametric test) frequency (chewing or
swallowing) similar in MFP
and controls (med. 10.9% vs.
9.2%) MFP higher stress
scores, not correlated with
NTC frequency
Johansson, Two cohorts of 50 yrs. (N Q: 123 items on general and Comparison of subjects with TMD pain: 12.1%; MO Association between bruxism
2006 [21] = 12,468) and 60 yrs.-old oral health CA in a randomly and without TMD difficulty: 11.1% Bruxism: and TMD signs and symptoms
(N = 6232) subjects selected subgroup of 961 79.9% of TMD pain; 78.3% of
representative of the subjects (for purposes of Q MO difficulty Bruxism: highest
general population (50.6% validation as for number of odds ratio for TMD pain
M, 49.4%F) remaining teeth and MO) (OR=4.2) and MO difficulty
Logistic regression (OR=2.0)
Kobs, 2005 307 population Abbreviated CA for TMD Stomatognathic dysfunction Clenching: 81 yes vs. 218 no “Solid relationship” between
[22] representatives subjects Unspecified “clenching” (N = 114) vs. no dysfunction Bilateral muscle sensitivity: “incidence of clenching" and
(140 M, 167F; m.a. 35.4 assessment (self-report) 299 (N = 193) 53.1% of “clenchers”vs. 31.2% muscle palpation findings
yrs.; a.r. 20–54) subjects examined for of “non-clenchers” (p=.001)
clenching-muscle sensitivity
to palpation relationship Chi-
square test
Ahlberg, 750 subjects with irregular Q: work-related aspects and 19.6% of the study sample with No subjects with GCPS grade Association between
2005 [23] shift-work and 750 with health problems Self- perceived orofacial pain vs. III or IV scores Frequent perceived orofacial pain and
regular work in a assessed frequency of tooth 80.4% without bruxism: 10.6% of study self-reported bruxism
broadcasting company grinding and clenching sample vs. 37.6% of subjects
(46.3%F, 53.7% M; 41.9% Perceived current orofacial with GCPS grade II scores
aged> 45 yrs.) pain severity (RDC/TMD axis (p<.001) Probability of
II: GCPS) Logistic regression current orofacial pain
analysis positively associated with
frequent bruxism (p<.001).
Mundt, 2005 2963 subjects from a Assessment of TMJ or jaw Cases (subjects with jaw Bruxers: more TMJ tenderness Significant associations
[24] population based survey muscle pain Assessment of muscle and/or TMJ pain) vs. (F: 26.1% vs. 39.4%, p=.003; between bruxism and TMD
(1493F, 1470 M; a.r. occlusal support Dental controls M: 28.7% vs. 44.0%, p=.026) signs in females and males
35–74) interview with a question on Female bruxers: more muscle
bruxism Chi-square and tenderness (25.2% vs. 35.1%,
logistic regression models p=.001) Logistic regression
confirmed associations:
muscle tenderness in F (OR
1.7), TMJ tenderness in F (OR
2.0) and M (OR 1.9)
Glaros, 2005 96 subjects recruited at a RDC/TMD Two calibrated MP (N = 24) vs. MP+A (N = MP+A highest scores of Parafunctional behaviors
[25] TMD clinic or in the examiners Pagers to be filled 21) vs. DD (N = 24) vs. no TMD intensity in teeth contacts MP related with jaw pain levels
general population out at each alert by a wrist (N = 27) m.a: 35.4–44.9 yrs.; F: subjects higher levels of teeth in subjects with TMD and
vibrator (every 120 ± 20 60.7%− 87.0% of the samples contact intensity vs. DD and controls
min) Pagers: pain and stress controls Correlation between
VAS, yes/no question on muscle tension and jaw pain
teeth contacts Linear
regression to predict jaw pain
Gesch, 2005 4290 representative Dental interview: TMD signs No control group Low Univariate analysis: “TMD “Frequent clenching”
[26] randomly selected subjects and symptoms (AAOP frequency of positive symptoms” associated with significantly and clinically
from the general questions) Q: frequency of endorsements to TMD-related parafunctions (p<.01) connected with subjective
population (original parafunctions (clenching and items (10.7%) Multivariate analysis: frequent TMD symptoms
sample: N = 7008) (2181F, grinding) Calibration of clenching 3.4 OR, wear facets
2109 M; a.r. 20–79 yrs.) interviewers and dental 0.7 OR for TMD symptoms
Equal distribution per each examiners (occlusion)
five-year age strata Blinded operators Logistic
regression analysis
Velly, 2003 RDC/TMD SCL-90R Q: 100 TMD-free selected among Clenching-only (OR 2.50) or
[27] bruxism (no clenching- outpatients at a dental clinic clenching–grinding (OR 6.79)
(continued on next page)

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Table 2 (continued )
Study’s first Population (patients/ Intervention (features of Comparison (control group) Outcome Conclusions
author and problem) study design)

83 MFP patients from more grinding; clenching only; (64%F, significantly different positively associated with Clenching alone or combined
than six months (81%F, grinding only; clenching- from cases) chronic MFP in the univariate with grinding, contributing
med.a. 35 yrs., a.r.19–59) grinding) Logistic regression and in the logistic regression factors to chronic MFP
Grinding-only not associated
with MFP
Velly, 2002 152 TMD patients (derived RDC/TMD Q: putative 100 subjects (data derived Four clusters of patients Generalized TMD groups
[28] from tables; unspecified factors related to TMD Single from tables; unspecified Clenching plus grinding (“dysfunctionals”) strongly
demographic features) examiner Cluster analysis demographic features; 17 related to recurrent pain with related to clenching-grinding
and logistic regression subjects with TMJ click and no short duration and low and depression
pain) frequency (cluster 1, 7% of
sample, OR 7.8) Clenching
plus grinding related to
intense pain with high
frequency (cluster 3, 43% of
sample, OR 4.7)
Celic, 2002 230 M needing for dental CA: occlusion, TMJ and Presence vs. absence of specific Awareness of parafunctions: Clinical TMD signs and
[29] treatment (m.a. 21.3 ± 2.1 masticatory muscles Q: clinical signs and symptoms 15% of sample Awareness of symptoms weak association
yrs.; a.r. 19–28) perceived severity of parafunctional habits (teeth with awareness of
symptoms and other health grinding and teeth clenching) parafunctional habits and
problems (awareness of largest influence on the odds with some occlusal
parafunctions) Interobserver of clinical signs of TMD parameters Caution to not
reliability test on 10 (3.6–6.7 OR for TMJ pain, overestimate findings in the
randomly selected subjects 4.2–7.0 for muscle pain) clinical setting
Logistic regression analysis
Huang, 2002 261 patients seeking for RDC/TMD Q: specific risk 195 Controls 97 MP 20 A 157 About 80% of MP (with or Clenching identified as a risk
[30] TMD treatment (Clinic factors for TMD (clenching) MP + A without A) reported clenching factor for subjects with MP
Cases) 1016 age- and sex- MP, A, MP+A groups along with other risk factors and MP+A
matched subjects from a Exclusion of subjects with (vs. 55%A 49% controls)
health cooperative, of missing data or without MP Clenching associated with an
which 121 were or A Logistic regression increased risk of MP (OR 4.8)
Community Cases and 210 analysis and MP+A (OR 3.3) (p<.01)
(randomly selected)
Community Controls
McFarlane 131 consecutive PDS Q (postal): demographic and 196 sex- and age-matched Univariate analysis: diurnal PDS patients characterized
2001 [31] patients (111F, 20 M; med. health-related questions (one TMD-free controls (OR 2.6), nocturnal (OR 2.5) by frequent headaches,
a. 36 yrs.; a.r. 18–65) question on tooth grinding) consecutively selected at a and combined diurnal/ history of facial trauma, teeth
GHQ, IBQ A priori sample clinic for conservative care nocturnal (OR 6.0) grinding grinding, sleep problems,
size calculation (power associated with PDS. Logistic pain elsewhere in the body
analysis with recruited regression: five variables and high levels of
patients: 93% to detect a 2.5 independently associated with psychological distress
OR) Logistic regression PDS (among which teeth
analysis grinding during the day and/
or night)
Ciancaglini, 483 subjects at general Questionnaire-based No control group Bruxism Univariate analysis: Bruxism potentially harmful
2001 [32] population level (300F, interviews Standardization taken as independent variable association of bruxism with to the masticatory system
183 M; m.a. 44.9 ± 14.8 of interviewing dentists Q: (152 bruxers vs. 331 non- several signs and symptoms of Bruxism likely to have a
yrs.; a.r. 18–75) masticatory disturbances bruxers) masticatory disturbances direct relation with TMD and
(Helkimo Index) Single Logistic regression: TMJ play an etiologic role
question for bruxism Test- sounds (OR=1.64) and
retest reliability of difficulty in closing the mouth
questionnaire on 40 random (OR=2.84) associated with
subjects Multiple logistic bruxism Bruxism: SE
regression 43.5–53.5%, SP 73.3–74.5%
for the presence of
craniofacial pain and
difficulty in closing the mouth
Marbach, 151 female TMD patients Q: item on parafunctional 139 age and sex matched Tooth grinding or clenching, Bruxism told by dentist
1988 [33] (cases) - aged 38.0 yrs (s.d. habits (unspecific) controls without any TMD as “told by dentist”, was different than bruxism
11.7) signs and symptoms reported by 39.3% of cases reported by patients
and 23.0% of controls
(p<.005) No difference
between cases and controls in
their report of oral habits
Locker, 1988 677 general population Q: items on TMJ and jaw Presence of nocturnal grinding Significant associations were Grinding and clenching
[34] subjects (55.7%F), no data muscle symptoms + 2 item and/or daytime clenching in observed between the hypothesised as risk factors
about mean age or range on nocturnal grinding and individuals reporting or not reporting of one or more for symptoms
(from 18 yrs to over 65) habitual clenching during the reporting temporomandibular symptoms and grinding at
day disorders night (p<.0001) and habitual
clenching during the day
Clinically Based Diagnosis
Fernandes, 272 subjects (87.5% F m.a. CA: SB combination of signs 58 no painful TMD (of which Risk of myofacial pain and SB patients presented
2012 [35] 36.9, 12.5% M m.a. 38.7) and self report (AASM). TMD 42 w/o SB) vs 214 painful TMD arthralgia increased in SR-SB increased odds for myofascial
diagnostic examination (155 assesed with SB) patients with TMD pain than pain and arthralgia
(continued on next page)

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Table 2 (continued )
Study’s first Population (patients/ Intervention (features of Comparison (control group) Outcome Conclusions
author and problem) study design)

(Orofacial Pain Clinic no pain TMD group (P < .0001

Protocol) and (RDC/TMD Risk for myofascial pain and
Axis I&II) Chi-square test, arthralgia increased in SB
non parametric Kruskal- individuals (OR=6.9 95% CI P
Wallis < .0001)
Janal, 2007 51 F with MP (m.a. 34.5 ± Changes in TW over two 12 matched control F (Dis)Appearance of similar Failure to show more tooth
[36] 11.0 yrs) weeks (blind examination of proportion of old/new grinding in MP than control
dental casts) Diary booklet features appeared over 2 subjects Failure to support a
each night (SCL-90 R, life weeks (index WT creation) model of MP maintenance by
stressors, daiyly stressors, Greater WT index in controls tooth grinding (no
self-report bruxism, than MFP patients (1.34 vs. information on clenching or
spontaneous and widespread 1.23) Higher TW levels on the role of grinding in pain
pain severity) RDC/TMD associated with lower reports initiation)
diagnosis of MP (good inter- of pain o muscle paplation
examiner reliability) Control Tooth grinding related to
of diet influence on TW T-test palpation pain reports only in
for continuous variables and those with unilateral pain
correlation test
Schierz, 2007 646 population Outcome variable: SR TMD TMD pain (N = 31) vs. non- No trend between increased Exclusion of a clinically
[37] representative subjects pain (RDC/TMD question or TMD subjects (N = 615) TW and risk of TMD pain (OR relevant increased risk for
(341F, 305 M; a.r. 35–44 Helkimo Index) Exposure 1.0–1.11) TMD from anterior TW
yrs) variable: anterior TW on a
four-point ordinal scale
Three calibrated dentists
(ICC=0.89) Chi-square plus
logistic regression to control
for age and sex
Storm, 2007 22 F with SR TMD pain Longitudinal FU of a group of 46 F without TMD Positive loading test: 45% Muscle and TMJ pain elicited
[38] lasting from 1 year participants to a previous cases vs. 15% controls with loading test as a
(collected from study Single blind and (p=.007). TMJ pain in 26% of discriminant between cases
participants to a previous trained examiner RDC/TMD cases (p=.002) Awareness of and controls Association
study) Q: parafunctions awareness clenching: 6.60 OR for between parafunctions and
Loading test (MVC for 30 s) inclusion among “cases” TMD
to provoke fatigue and pain (p=.002) Awareness of
Chi-square, parametric and grinding: 1.35 OR for
non-parametric tests inclusion among “cases”
Seligman, 52 patients with unilateral Retrospective recruitment on 132 asymptomatic controls (m. Model for the asymptomatic Suggestion for a peculiar
2006 [39] TMJ DD (m.a. 32.2 ± 9.6 the basis of RDC/TMD a. 37.3 ± 15.4 yrs; a.r. 20–78) controls vs all the TMD attrition pattern in MP
yrs; a.r.: 17–63) 73 patients diagnoses No group overlap patients: SE 74%, SP 86.4% Anterior attrition as a
with TMJ OST (m.a. 40.7 of diagnoses Dental casts Prediction of osteoarthrosis: differentiating factor in the
± 13.2 yrs; a.r. 21–72) 43 (attrition severity) Attrition SE 89.2%, SP 67.4% DD: SE intracapsular models vs with
patients with MP only (m. rate: attrition severity/years 53.8% to 71.2% Nearly perfect the asymptomatic controls
a. 30.5 ± 8.6 yrs; a.r. of age Single blind examiner models on the attrition Asymptomatics: low anterior
13–54) Comparison of the severity characteristics of MP patients attrition severity and some
and rates of dental attrition mediotrusive wear
Classification tree method
Manfredini, 212 TMD patients (144 F, RDC/TMD Set of clinical 77 age- and sex-matched TMD- Bruxism: 58% vs. 44.1% Bruxism more strongly
2003 [40] 68 M; m.a. 34.7) criteria for bruxism (blind free subjects (52F, 25 M; m.a. (p<.05) Prevalence of bruxism associated muscle disorders
examiner with respect to 33.6) in the different RDC/TMD than with DD and joint
TMD) Cross-sectional study subgroups between 38.5%− pathologies Association
Chi-square test 87.5% Strong associations independent from other
with MP alone (p<.05) or concurrent RDC/TMD
combined with other
diagnoses (p<.01)
John, 2002 154 consecutive TMD Patients grouped under the 120 TMD-free patients in need TW related to age in both Incisal TW not associated
[41] patients (115F, m.a. 32.8 collective term TMD TW for prosthodontic treatment groups Controls more TW with TMD Exclusion of a
± 14.8 yrs, a.r. 13–76; 39 index on dental casts (single (76F, m.a. 30.9 ± 13.7 yrs, a.r. (index severity > 2.5) than clinically relevant increased
M, m.a. 28.7 ± 9.8 yrs; a.r. blinded examiner) Good 16–75; 44 M, m.a. 30.0 ± 11.1 TMD patients (51.7% vs. risk for TMD from incisal TW
13–58) intra- and inter-rater yrs, a.r. 17–64) 37.6%) Odds of TMD: 24%
reliability Logistic regression decrease for each additional
unit of the mean TW score
Electromyography (EMG)
Ohlmann 110 individuals in need of a Nocturnal EMG (Bruxoff), 5 58 bruxers (at least one Significant differences TMD symptoms cannot be
2020 [42] dental crown (65F, m.a. 50, nights. (RDC/TMD Axis I&II) recording night with more than between bruxers and explained only by the
s.d. 12.8 yrs; 45 M, m.a. same examiner Q+CA: AASM 2 episodes/hr) vs 52 non- nonbruxers for RDC/TMD number of bruxism episodes
54yrs, s.d. 11.9 yrs) criteria medical, social, bruxers group I diagnosis (myofascial
grinding history, sleep pain) (p=.011)
quality, SB Chi-square test
Mude, 2017 29 students, 10 M and 19 F; EMG 2 days (1◦ for Pain history group (PHG) vs No significant difference in Sustained TE activity higher
[43] m.a. 24.1 acclimatization) on weekend non Pain history group (non- number of episodes per hours in PHG compared to non-
from 9 a.m. Q: OFP and PHG) in phasic, tonic, and mixed PHG during waking hours,
headache (RDC/TMD) to events) between the PHG and but not during sleep.
differentiate pain history
(continued on next page)

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Table 2 (continued )
Study’s first Population (patients/ Intervention (features of Comparison (control group) Outcome Conclusions
author and problem) study design)

group (PHG) and non pain non-PHG. (p = .232, p = .619,

history group (non-PHG) and p = .351
Non parametric tests
(Mann–Whitney U test,
Schmitter, 44 F participants screened CA: Myofacial (RDC/TMD 22 with TMD, 86.1% with SR- According to EMG data, SB occurs more often among
2015 [44] by examiner, (a.r. 18–65) Axis I&II) same examiner SB (m.a. 45.0 ± 13.6 y) vs 22 significant difference in SB TMD patients
Tooth wear (alginate without TMD, 31.8% with SR- activity between TMD group
impression) Q: medical, SB (m.a. 45.2 ± 9.0 y) (95%) vs no-TMD group
social, grinding history, sleep (68%), (p = .02)
quality, SB Noctunal EMG
(GrindCare), 4 nights. Non-
parametric tests
(Kruskal–Wallis test and
Mann–Whitney U test)
Yachida, 115 individuals—39 M m.a Q+CA: three trained 30 individuals without TMD- No significant differences in No major differences
2012 [45] 36.8 ± 14.0 y and 76 F m.a examiners TMD and self pain nor SB vs 22 no-TMD with EMG activity between TTH between patients with
32.8 ± 10.2 y, >18 y reported SB (RDC/TMD) SB vs 13 with TMD without SB patients and those without different craniofacial pain
Portable EMG, 4 nights vs 50 with TMD-pain and SB self-reported SB (p = .294) conditions and pain-free
during 1wk (GrandCare3) individuals in jaw-muscle
ANOVA,Tukey test, EMG activity recorded with a
Spearman correlation tests single-channel EMG device
during sleep
Baba, 2005 103 consecutive healthy 6 nights (no analysis on first No control group Data on 93 subjects Average Association between
[46] subjects (51 F, 23.7 ± 2.6 night) Q: TMD-related muscle activity duration for masseter muscle activity and
yrs.; 52 M, 24.7 ± 2.0 yrs.) symptoms and awareness of subjects with joint sounds click sounds
recruited among university bruxing behavior CA: jaw higher than that of sub.
students function and TMD symptoms without sounds
(calibrated operators)
Nocturnal EMG Single-
channel right masseter
ambulatory device NMMA
events (20% MVC)
Multivariate statistical
Polysomnography (PSG)
Santiago 170 F from university clinic CA: facial examination by 124 patients mTMD, of which High background EMG was The results suggest that
2019 [47] and also recruited oro-facial specialists (RDC/ 34 with muscle pain only (m.a. significantly elevated among research with mixed TMD
volunteers TMD) Group I. Patients 40.3 y SD 15.5) and 90 with the M-pain group compared to groups is biased in
divided into 2 groups (M- muscle and joint pain MJ-pain controls, with nearly half the understading the relationship
pain) with pain on muscle or (m.a. 40.3 y SD 14.7) vs 46 subgroup experiencing high with SB. Future studies
only one TMJ site, and controls (m.a. 36.1, SD 13.5). background EMG (P = .00). should stratify mTMD by
‘muscle and joint pain’ (MJ- Sleep bruxism was twice as joint pain.
pain), with pain on both TMJ frequent in the M-pain
sites; pain intensity scale subgroup compared to
1–10, fibromyalgia controls although this do not
assesment (ACR 1990 reach significance (P = .08).
criteria); PSG: 2 nights, the However, SB appears to be less
first for acclimation, the frequent in TMD with muscle
second for data (RDC/SB); and joint pain compared to
Logistic regression models controls
Smardz, 77 patients (56 F and 21 M PSG + Q: ICD-10-CM (AASM) 17 Patient classified as non- Cases and Controls groups did TMD pain is not related to the
2019 [48] 18–63 y, m. a. 34.8 ± 10.8) and One-night video-PSG bruxers, (BEI < 2), vs 58 not differ significantly in intensity of SB.
(between 10.00 p.m.- 6.00 a. bruxers (BEI > 2), m.a 34.8 ± terms of the results of TMD
m.) Patients divided in BEI 〈 10.8 Pain Screener (U = 253.0, p =
2 and BEI 〉 2 Q: TMD Pain .08). No significant
Screener (Short and Long relationship between BEI and
screener) Paramentric (T- TMD Pain Screener (p = .55)
test) and Non-parametric test
(Mann–Whitney U test)
Muzalev, 170 F recruited among Myofacial Pain (RDC/TMD), 86F with TMD (m.a. 37.8, SD Similar number of SB episodes TMD pain cannot be
2017 [49] patients seeking treatment 2 raters PSG of 2 consecutive 13.4) vs 37F non-TMD (m.a among controls mean [SD] = explained by increasing
at University clinic nights, (1 for 34.7 SD 12.9) both with at least 2.2 [1.9] and cases 2.1 [2.0] number of SB episodes per
adaptation),10:30 pm to 2 SB episodes per night (p = .77). Also duration of hour of sleep or decreasing
07:00 am, RMMA (RDC/SB) interepisode intervals similar time between SB events.
Non parametric tests in cases (mean 1137.7, SD
(Median test, chi-square test) 1975.8 s) and controls (mean
and parametric test (t-test) 1192.0, SD 1972.0 s)
Raphael, 170 F recruited at PSG for 2 consecutive nights 124 with myopfacial pain vs 46 Sleep background EMG was SB event-related EMG was
2013 [50] University Clinic (1◦ for adaptation) 10:30 pm non-TMD patients, a.r. 19–78 significantly higher in TMD negatively associated with
and 7:00 am, RMMA (RDC/ m.a. 39.2 y SD=14.6 cases than in controls, but not pain intensity ratings on post
SB) Myofacial pain (RDC/ because of SB events. sleep waking.
TMD) Parametric tests
Multiple linear regression
(continued on next page)

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

Table 2 (continued )
Study’s first Population (patients/ Intervention (features of Comparison (control group) Outcome Conclusions
author and problem) study design)

Raphael, 170 F recruited at PSG for 2 consecutive nights 124 with myopfacial pain vs 46 Pain duration is similar for The belief that SB is a
2012 [51] University Clinic (1◦ for adaptation) 10:30 pm non-TMD patients, a.r. 19–78 patients with TMD, with and sufficient explanation for
and 7:00 am, RMMA (RDC/ m.a. 39.2 y SD=14.6 without PSG evidence of SB myofascial TMD should be
SB) Myofacial pain (RDC/ abandoned
TMD) Non-Parametric test
(Kruskal-Wallis) and
parametric tests Multiple
linear regression
Rossetti, 30 MFP patients (24F, 6 M; Q + CA for MFP diagnosis 30 healthy controls (24F, 6 M; No association between SB RMMA during sleep
2008 [52] m.a.26.6 ± 5 yrs.; a.r. Single examiner RDC/TMD m.a. 26.0 ± 4.5 yrs.; a.r 20–42) and report of worst pain in the associated with MFP and risk
19–39) without sleep assessment TMD index PSG morning (p=.76) SB: 63.3% of factor (although small) for
disorders and other TMD for 2 consecutive nights (one MFP patients vs. 33.3% of the MFP Daytime clenching
symptoms for adaptation) Calibration of controls (p=.04) No potential risk factor for MFP
EMG amplification differences between MFP and
Recordings of episodes of controls as for sleep variables
EMG activity >20% of MVC Association between SR
Additional question (one daytime clenching and MFP;
week later) to assess daytime no association with report of
clenching Parametric and worst pain in the morning or
non-parametric statistical VAS levels in the evening
Rossetti, 14 TMD patients (8F, 6 M; VAS scores at rest RDC/TMD 12 non-TMD subjects (6F, 6 M; No association between SB neither associated with
2008 [53] m.a. 27.1 ± 7.4 yrs.; a.r. muscle and joint palpation m.a. 27.4 ± 5.2 yrs.; a.r. bruxism and TMD (p=.976), general TMD nor pain on
17–40) without sleep Single-night PSG Calibration 22–40) neither between bruxism and palpation Pain only in some
disorders of EMG amplification pain on palpation (p = 1.000) SB individuals
Recordings of episodes of No differences between
EMG activity >20% of MVC groups for sleep variables No
Parametric and non- difference between RMMA in
parametric statistical test bruxers with and without pain
on palpation (p>.05)
Rompré, 100 SB (60%F; m.a. 26.5 ± PSG for 2 consecutive nights 43 non-bruxers controls (68% Excluded “bruxers” more SB-RDC: high level of
2007 [54] 0.6 yrs.) without TMD as a (one for adaptation) Sleep M; m.a. 24.5 ± 0.9 yrs.) Some complain of clenching, painful discrimination between SB
primary complaint variables and SB episodes subjects excluded after the jaw upon awakening and and controls Pain frequently
scored according to second PSG night (no SB muscle fatigue than included reported among SB with low
standardized criteria (blind confirmation/absence) SB (OR 3.9–4.9) Pain of frequencies of jaw muscle
examiner) Q: SR pain Comparison performed on 54 excluded “bruxers” higher contractions
intensity and other factors SB vs. 34 non-SB subjects than that of included SB
Chi-square, non-parametric (p=.06)
tets and cluster analysis
Camparis, 40 consecutive patients Preliminary interview RDC/ 20 bruxers with TMD (Group Group A: myofascial pain Inconclusive evidence for the
2006 [55] with SR tooth grinding TMD PSG to confirm SB A) vs. 20 bruxers without TMD (100.0%), disk displacement association between facial
(32F, 8 M; m.a. 36.1 ± 11.3 (Single night) Recordings of (Group B) (10.0%) and arthralgia pain and SB
yrs.) episodes of EMG activity (85.0%) Difference between
>20% of MVC RDC/TMD groups A and B for non-
questionnaire items for axis I specific physical symptoms
and II Univariate and non- (p=.001) and mandibular
parametric test impairment (p=.001); no
differences for depression SB
episodes/h: 20% more for
subjects without pain (8.0 vs.

Footnotes: yrs, years; SD, standard deviation; Q, question; ANOVA, analysis of variance; SR, self report; SB, sleep bruxism; AB, awake bruxism; RDC/TMD, Research
Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders; CA; clinical assessment; TMD, temporomandibular disorders; F, females; M, males; OR, odds ratio; CI, confi­
dence intervals; EMG, electromyography; PSG, polysomnography; AASM, American Academy of Sleep Medicine; ACR, American College of Rheumatology; TTH,
tension-type headache.

PSG is required to provide a definite assessment of sleep bruxism [3], all studies relying on PSG/SB criteria were actually reporting on the
these findings have generally been interpreted as a proof of the absence association between pain and the amount of masseter muscle activity
of any clear relationship with temporomandibular disorders as well as associated with sleep arousals, viz., the activity that was taken as the
an indirect proof of the fallacy of self-reported approaches. Nonetheless, reference to count an SB event. Thus, they were not assessing the full
over the recent years, some criticism to the PSG/SB criteria emerged, as spectrum of bruxism activities unrelated with sleep arousals and/or
also pointed out by recent confirmation that, based on the pain adap­ under the EMG threshold for being considered an SB event.
tation model, experimental pain causes a reduction in SB activity [88]. These considerations have important clinical implications for the
The 2018 update of the consensus panel works and a successive paper on interpretation of the literature findings and for the design of future
the misuse of SB cutoffs discussed the pitfalls of a dichotomous approach studies. Indeed, a possible clinical hypothesis is that prolonged, tonic
to SB diagnosis based on currently adopted PSG criteria [4,6]. In muscle contractions or, more in general, the total amount of muscle
particular, it is now clear that, whilst PSG remains an essential tool, viz., activity during sleep are the actual key factors to explain potential
the standard of reference, for assessing sleep correlates of masseter consequences of bruxism from a musculoskeletal viewpoint. Strategies
muscle activities, a broader construct of bruxism as a complex group of to measure the muscle work [89] or to assess the Bruxism Time Index
different muscle behaviors should be adopted. Within this framework, [90] are just two examples of possible approaches to refine in the near

D. Manfredini and F. Lobbezoo Journal of Dentistry 111 (2021) 103711

future. The importance of such findings has been confirmed by the [2] and more than ten years after the review by Manfredini and Lob­
report of an increased background sleep-time masseter muscle activity bezoo [1], the relationship between sleep bruxism and TMDs remains a
in patients with myofascial pain with respect to healthy controls [50]. debated topic. As an update, the literature published during the
Thus, paradoxically, until new algorithms and suggestions for the 2009–2021 span was here reviewed, leading to confirm previous con­
interpretation of the EMG signal emerge [91], it seems not savvy to clusions that association findings are strongly dependent on the assess­
discard all findings that are drawn from patients’ self-report as if they ment strategy for sleep bruxism. Indeed, in general, questionnaire
are biased. Based on the current interpretation of the bruxism construct, studies reported an association between TMDs and sleep bruxism, whilst
instrumental and non-instrumental approaches are just two different, instrumental studies did not. As part of this scoping review, some sug­
broad categories of strategies that can be adopted to collect data, gestions to interpret this ongoing inconsistency have been suggested,
without any real hierarchical or stackable structure. The fact that tooth based on the current bruxism construct that requires a non-hierarchical,
wear (i.e., a potential sign of tooth grinding) is not clearly associated comprehensive evaluation as proposed in the Standardized Tool for the
with either psychological features or TMD symptoms [92-94], whilst Assessment of Bruxism (STAB).
report of muscle clenching and teeth contact habits are [95,96], should
help to definitively understand the current limits of PSG to correlate Funding
with clinical findings.
The ongoing project for a multidimensional system for the evaluation This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
of bruxism (i.e., the Standardized Tool for the Assessment of Bruxism agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
[STAB]) is indeed going into the direction of collecting as many data as
possible before building up any other hierarchical model for bruxism Declaration of Competing Interest
assessment that could confirm or replace the status of instrumental ap­
proaches as the standard of reference [5]. To this aim, identifying the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
best available approach to assess the bruxism status based on the 2018 interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
definition is essential before getting into further speculations about the the work reported in this paper.
possible relationships with any risk, etiological, and associated factors as
well as clinical consequences. The key message from current evidence Acknowledgments
and preliminary STAB works is that bruxism as a muscle activity is not
suitable to be evaluated in terms of the simple dichotomy “present The authors are very grateful to Ovidio Saracutu, undergraduate
versus absent”. Similarly, the suggestion of grading hierarchically student at the School of Dentistry, University of Siena, for his invaluable
bruxism diagnosis as possible, probable, or definite based on the help with literature search and data extraction.
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