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The project aims to create a system that automatically identifies spam

messages. It starts by importing necessary libraries and loading a dataset
containing text messages labeled as spam or not spam. The data is explored to
understand its structure and sources. Two approaches are implemented:
logistic regression and neural networks. Logistic regression is a traditional
algorithm that learns linear decision boundaries, while neural networks can
capture complex patterns in text data. Both models are trained and evaluated
for accuracy. The project also outlines future improvements, including data
preprocessing, advanced models, and hyperparameter tuning. The concept of
feature engineering, cross-validation, sigmoid function, and overfitting is
explained in simple terms. The project concludes with potential deployment for
real-time spam detection. Overall, it's a step-by-step guide to building a spam
detection system using machine learning and deep learning techniques. The
project accurately identifying spam messages, we can help users filter out
unwanted content, protect against potential scams, and enhance overall
communication safety.

The dataset used for this project consists of text messages from various
sources, including Yelp, Amazon, and IMDb. The dataset contains two columns:
"sentence" and "label." The "sentence" column contains the text content of the
messages, and the "label" column indicates whether a message is spam (1) or
not spam (0). The dataset is divided into separate files for each source, and the
code provided reads and combines these files into a single dataframe.

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