Weekly Activity 2 2024

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U3420SE Sustainability and Environmental Awareness Activity 2 2024

Read the two articles to be found at the this https://oxpeckers.org/2024/01/daures-valley/ and this
https://oxpeckers.org/2024/01/how-green-is-this-hydrogen-valley/ links.

Based on the articles, write a two (2) to three (3) paragraph report on a single page outlining the

1. Aspects of sustainable development in the proposed two hydrogen villages of Daures and Puros
respectively highlighting (i) sustainable use of natural resources including clean energy sources,
(ii) sustainable economic growth and (iii) sustainable social development. Here you are expected
to point to the positive aspects, in terms of sustainability, of the proposed developments in the
villages only.

2. Environmental and social constraints or impediments, including limitations imposed by natural

resource availability, that may present complications and challenges to the successful
implementation of the proposed development as part of the Green Hydrogen Project.

3. Features of the proposed project that may inadvertently be unsustainable in the long-term
explaining how and why such aspects may turn out to be economically, socially and
environmentally unsustainable.

Work in groups

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