Activity 1

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U3420SE Sustainability and Environmental Awareness

Activity 1, 2024

Identify any infrastructure development that is taking place or has taken place in the recent past in your
town or region. You may also include planned infrastructure development which you may be aware of in
your town or region. In case of fulltime students, the town/region should be the one where your campus
is located. Distance students may choose any town/region area where one of them is based. Consider
and write a report of no more than one (1) page addressing the following:

 The economic and/or social goal the development aimed/aims to achieve

 Interactions between the humans and natural environment in the execution of the development
 How the development has or may impact the natural environment?
 How the development has or may impact the social environment?
 Ways in which the development could have been/be carried out in a more sustainable manner.

Your report should not exceed 400 words in total, including subheading but excluding the cover page.

Use 12 point Times New Roma font with 1.5-line spacing.

Come up with catchy and succinct title for your report

Indicate the title of your report, names of your group members and date on the cover page

Submit your report in PDF format on Moodle.

No email or hardcopy submissions will be accepted

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