11 Warehousing Procedure Premium 2020 Preview EN

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[Organization logo} {Organization name] Comat BA: Ma he sro WAREHOUSING PROCEDURE ieee ee ce ‘Stipe cea crosses = iemerid [a Aiea aa ‘Version: OL oe Created by ‘roved by Date ofveron Signature Distribution list PFT ptoedo ae |senaure [RTE ‘ems mason maybe ud clef FPS See Li. war con in cachh ns Agent [organization named Change history Date Version | Created by | Description of change ‘04 | 900tAcademy__ Basie document outline Table of contents 1 PURPOSE, SCOPE AND USERS. 2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS... 2. PLANNING WAREHOUSING RESOURCE... 3.2, DeTUANG MED FORWARDING 2a Geneolstorage need 33.2 specalstorege needs 34, Resoune mounewet 4A, PROEESSFIOW nnn - 42, Recrorcoooe = 43. mao MANCEME n ve 44, Goons sparc ano romans river pacers 445, PROOUCTETUNS 10 STORAGE OF NO CONFORMING PROBL. 5 MANAGING RECORDS KEPT ON THE BASIS OF THis DOCUMENT ‘rebound ee iol om ‘emxs sent maybe sad etl PS Seed war cmb the Leas Agen [organization named 1. Purpose, scope and users ‘The purpose of this procedures to describe the process of warehousing and planning warehousing ‘This procedure is applied to warehousing processes within the QMS. ‘The warehousing process includes, buts nat limited to Storage of raw materials, products, clients! property, nonconforming product and hazardous waste This procedure excludes ‘+ Temporary storage of humanitarian ald ‘© Temporary storage incase of incidents and emergency situations Users of this document are [CEO and employees of warehousing department] of frganization ame 2. Reference documents ‘+ 150 9001:2015 standard, cause 8.5.4 + Sales Procedure ‘+ Procedure for Management of Nonconformites and Corrective Action 1 [other legal and contractual requirements) ‘rebound ee iol om wea [organization named 3.2. Determining need for warehousing ‘While determining needs, [ob title] looks beyond the basic need of a warehouse to store products ‘and materials. While determining needs, ib title] wll consider, asa minimum + thevolume of 008s; ——— 1 + ae ee a 3.3, Warehouse preparation and planning 23:1, Genera storage needs Lb titel must ee these requirements n min during the Panning consideration needs tobe given to the following: snnng ofthe main operating area ‘+ allocating space for each type of product and locating number; ee ee ee ee ee ee a eee ee _——— 1 ee ee ee —_—_—_—————— cme ee re ee “Wiaeouing oclure SSC nd om ats) —SSSCSCS*S*~*« ‘22s henge mayb dy et of FE Sei. wan cm cards Wh te see seen [organization named ‘sufficient free space is needed to operate a warehouse effectively - when planning the size ofa warehouse, consider ee ee ee —-- eee 2.3.2. Special storage needs Uo tte} i responsible for managing storage of goods that require special attention. [Special storage come — eee eee ee we ee ee eee ee —_—-—-- —-- ee 3.4, Resource requirement In adtion tothe work methods, equipment and space requiements, its essential thatthe ‘warehouse s adequately resourced. (Jb tite] plans or estimates the requitements fr people and ‘equipment in order to operate the warehouse fact. ~~ + ee es ee ee 4, Warehousing management 4a. Process flow I Wiaeosng oclure SSC fd om ats) SSSS*S*« ‘22s henge mayb dy et of FE Sei. wan cm cards Wh te see seen ‘Commented [9RI4} San tons aaron ‘tectoni es x aseyh Sra e.Ft Stee ‘tole rip sneres encanta oe ‘onberstano hess en oe eee ray ‘iene shite Tyo ere sei ete ou anensn ety ste ‘tra ua sn cM iment soo te nd ae armase not ‘crs btn mst street ee a ‘ca euresneinte compass austen ma [organization named ‘The role of warehousing management Isto ensure that stock s available to meet the needs ofthe beneficlries as and when requred In order to achive this, jb title] must ensure a balance between supply and demand by establishing minimum holding stocks to cover lead times. To achieve this, warehouse manager] must FEFO (First Expired First Out) method s used for picking rules based on lot expiry date. Lots having FIFO (Fist n Fist Out is also used for picking rules, but here materials that are Uo tte} is responsible to establish and enforce vertical and horizontal signalzation inthe warehouse in order to simplfy and speed up the process of picking and sorting goods inthe warehouse, 42. Receipt of goods Uob tte} controls receipt of goods and compares quantities ofreceved goods with the delvery note 43, Inventory management [Uo tite] is responsible for monitoring the movement of goods as they ate transported from the supplier and forthe control a stock movement inthe warehouse fact, The vial stock control measurements include: ‘+ stablshing levels of operating socks based on consumption/rate of usage. The stock levels Shall be reviewed from time to time depending on current needs; ensure that weekly and ‘monthiy stock balance reports ofeach stock item and the total value ae prepared; a ae ee ee eee ee a es ee ee a ee ee ee ee ‘aren ror vee rol om ‘emxs mise maybe sad eto PS Seeder ccd wh eee Aen [organization named [Job tte} is responsible for managing hazardous ad toxic goods labeling and defining space for ‘thelr storage. 44. Goods dispatch and forming delivery documents ‘According to [name of document] delivered by [ob tte) tite] picks and prepares products for ee ee —— ----s 45. Product returns and storage of non-conforming product Incase of product returns fromthe customer, Job tit] who received the returned product, isn ‘the [name of documentland sends one copy to accounting department) — ee ee a eee ee NNon-conforming products handled according to the Procedure for Management of Nonconformities and Corrective Actions. Managing records kept on the basis of this document Record of Warehousing Temperature control . Appendices ‘+ Appendi 1~ Record of Warehousing Temperature Control “Wiaeong roclure SSC fd om ats) SSSS*« TT ‘22s henge mayb dy et of FE Sei. wan cm cards Wh te see seen Commented (9439) ewan detaictom we Gonats otter rts nae compe

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