Cre F3 M South Term Two 2023 Marking Scheme QS

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1. (a). State seven forms of punishment prophesied by Elijah to king Ahab and Jezebel.(7mks).
 Ahab’s death would be at the same place (valley of Jezreel) as Naboth’s.
 Dogs would lick the blood of Ahab at Jezreel.
 God will completely wipe out the house of Ahab like that of Jeroboam.
 The dogs shall eat the body of Jezebel in Jesreel.
 Evil will be upon the family of Ahab.
 Anyone in the house of Ahab who dies in the city, the dogs shall eat.
 The birds of the air shall eat those in his family who die in the countryside.
 God would take away the prosperity of Ahab /end his rule.
7×1¿7 marks
(b). Identify seven activities of King Jeroboam that made the Israelites to turn away from God. (7mks)
 He stopped the Israelites from going to worship in Jerusalem.
 He made golden bulls and placed them in Bethel and Dan thus encouraging idol worship.
 He made people to offer sacrifices to the bulls.
 He chose priests who belong to the family of Levi.
 He instituted religious festivals unlike those found in Judah.
 He worshipped idols and set a bad example for his subjects.
 He led the revolt that led to the split of Gods kingdom.
 He did not listen to the advice of the prophets of God.
 He made the Israelites to offer sacrifices to the two golden bulls representing Yahweh.
7×1¿7 marks
(c). Outline six causes of power struggle in Kenyan churches today.(6mks).
 Excessive greed for material possessions.
 Hypocrisy among the believers.
 Societal discrimination such as tribalism and racism.
 Gender discrimination and insensitivity.
 Social-economic differences between the rich and the poor.
 Generational gap between the youth and the aged.
 Educational status as some are considered illiterate.
 Differences in Christian doctrinal interpretation.
 Conservatism and rigidity among leaders.
 Different political ideologies in church leadership.
 Some fight for recognition and pride.
6×1¿6 marks
2. (a). Identify seven similarities between the traditional African and old testament prophets. (7mks).
 Both mediated between God and the people.
 Both received divine calling, had unusual spiritual power and were charismatic.
 Both received revelation from God.
 Both were consulted by people during crisis.
 In both, they communicated Gods will to the people.
 Both warned people about impending disaster such as drought and war.
 Both spoke with authority.
 In both, their prophesies were fulfilled.
 In both, there were religious experts who could offer sacrifices and prayer.
7×1¿7 marks
(b). Describe the teachings of prophet Amos in Israel’s election. (7mks).
 Israel’s election was out of God’s own initiative/favour for them/God’s chosen people.
 God delivered the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt.
 He led them during the exodus.
 He protected them in the wilderness.
 He defeated their enemies.
 God gave them a special land to inherit.
 God raised prophets among them in their religious life.
 God was to punish the Israelites because of their disobedience.
7×1¿7 marks
(c). Give six evils a prophet like Amos would condemn in Kenya today. (6mks).
 Tribalism, nepotism and social discrimination.
 Land grabbing
 Cheating in business.
 Idolatry
 Bribery and corruption.
 Drunkenness and drug addiction
 Misuse of power by leaders.
6×1¿6 marks
3. (a). Describe the call of prophet Jeremiah. (8mks).
 He was called in form of a dialogue.
 God told him that before his conception, He had known him.
 God had consecrated him before his birth.
 Jeremiah was reluctant to accept God’s call claiming that he was young and did not know how to speak.
 God touched Jeremiah’s lips as a sign that He would put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth.
 He eventually responded to God’s call with faith and obedience.
 God promised to protect him.
 He saw two visions, one of an almond tree and a boiling pot facing away from the North.
 He was then commissioned to speak against the political, religious leaders and ordinary people.
8×1¿8 marks

(b). Give six reasons why Jeremiah condemned human sacrifice (6mks).

 It was an act of idolatry, which is condemned in the first two commandments.

 It indicated infidelity of the Israelites to their one true God.
 It demonstrated Israel’s disrespect for the sacred gift of life.
 It showed lack of knowledge of the true nature of Yahweh.
 It defiled the land given to Israelites by God.
 It provoked God’s wrath/anger.
 It was an act of rebellion against God.
 It was a sign of oppression to the weak whose sons / daughters were given as sacrifices.
6×1¿6 marks

(c). Outline six ways in which a Christian can help to reduce human suffering. (6mks)

 Providing clothing and food to the poor.

 Creating job opportunities to the people.
 Voting out corrupt leaders.
 Educating the public on their rights.
 Condemning acts that lead to violence.
 Praying for the suffering.
 Offering guidance and counselling to those suffering psychologically.
 Providing relief aid to the victims of natural calamities and wars.
6×1¿6 marks
4. a) Describe the healing of the blind beggar (Luke 18;35-43) ( 8marks)
 As Jesus approached Jericho, there was a blind man sitting by the road begging
 When he heard the crowd passing he enquired what was happening
 He was told that Jesus of Nazareth was passing
 The blind man cried out loud calling Jesus son of David to have mercy on him
 Some rebuked him and told him to be silent but he cried more
 Jesus stopped and ordered the blind man to be brought to him
 Jesus asked the man what he wanted
 He said he wanted to have sight
 Jesus ordered him to see because of his faith
 Immediately the man received sight
 The man followed Jesus and glorified God/ all people glorified God
8x1=8 marks
b) Outline Jesus teaching on prayer ( 6 marks)
 Prayers must be honest/ sincere
 To humble themselves before God during prayer/ not to exalt oneself rather be humble.
 Prayer should be addressed to God who is the loving heavenly father
 To be persistent in prayer/ wait patiently for God to answer prayers/ Not to lose hope
 To have faith in God
 Prayers should be short, clear and to the point
 Should show honour to God before making any request
 Prayer should be made in private/ silent places (Jesus always withdrew from the crowd to go and pray).
6x 1 = 6 marks
c) Give six reasons why Christians find it difficult to pray ( 6marks)
 Lack of faith
 Lack of time
 Lack of knowledge on teaching about prayer
 Pride and false confidence in riches/ money
 Unanswered prayers which discourage Christians
 Belief that one can do without prayers
 Lack of role models
 Negative peer pressure

6x1= 6 marks

5. a) Outline the events that took place on the Mount of Olives before the arrest of Jesus (8 marks)
 Jesus told the disciples to pray
 Jesus moved a distance away from the disciples
 Jesus knelt down and prayed
 An angel from heaven strengthened him
 The disciples fell asleep
 Jesus awoke the disciples
 There came a crowd led by Judas one of his twelve disciples
 Judas wanted to Kiss Jesus
 One of the disciples struck off a slave’s ear.
 Jesus healed the man’s ear.
 Jesus asked the religious leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he was a criminal.
8x1= 8 marks
b) Give seven reasons why Peter denied Jesus. (6 marks)
i. Peter was afraid of being arrested/killed.
ii. He was overcome by the devil/Satan
iii. The denial had been predicted by Jesus
iv. Peter was confused by the turn of events
v. He was disappointed by the fact that Jesus did not fight back
vi. He lacked faith in Jesus
vii. He had the support/solidarity with other disciples

6x1= 6 marks

c) State significance of Jesus death to Christians (6 marks)

i. Through the death of Jesus. Christians are forgiven their sins.
ii. Christians are not supposed to make animal sacrifices to God.
iii. It demonstrates God’s love for human beings
iv. Christians are able to commit themselves to the will of God.
v. It enable Christians to face death with courage
vi. Through his death. Salvation/eternal life is availed to all people.
vii. He has become their everlasting high priest by offering his own body
6x1= 6 marks
6 a) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride (7marks)
i. Christians are the bride
ii. Jesus is the bridegroom
iii. Christian /church are to be committed to Christ as the bride is committed to the bridegroom
iv. The church is loved by Christ just as the bridegroom loves his bride
v. The church must remain pure/holy through love/ faith in Jesus as the bride keeps her purity for
her husband
vi. The committed Christians will be taken to a new home/ heaven just as the bride is taken home by
her husband
vii. The union between Christ and the church will be everlasting just as the union between the bride
and the bridegroom is permanent. 7x1=7 marks

b) Outline ways in which Christians are able to identify those who have the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (7
i. By listening to their confession. They should confess Jesus as Lord.
ii. By analyzing the kind of teaching they profess. The teaching should be about Jesus
Christ/Christian doctrine
iii. By examining their life so as to know whether they possess/show the fruit of Holy Spirit.
iv. By observing their behavior. The behavior should not contradict the teaching of Jesus Christ/ be
role models
v. When a Christians leads others to Christ.
vi. If such persons do not use the gift of the Holy spirit for selfish gains/enrich themselves
vii. When such believers give glory to God/Jesus after serving performing miracles.
d) State six ways in which the gift of holy spirit are misused in the church today (6marks)
i. People demands favors/payment for performing miracles
ii. People claim to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit when they are not.
iii. There is too much emphasis on speaking in tongues at the expense of other gifts
iv. Those who have the gifts of the Holy spirit are proud/boastful/look down upon others
v. People misinterpret the Bible/confuse others while claiming to be under the influence of the Holy
vi. Individuals cause divisions/splinter groups in the church claiming that the Holy spirit has inspired
them to start new churches/ministries
vii. Sometimes gifts of the Holy Spirit are expressed in a disorderly manner in the church.
viii. People use the gifts for self-glorification
ix. People speak in tongues without an interpreter hence creating misunderstanding
x. People use the gifts to instill fear/intimidate others.
6x1= 6marks

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