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Exercises: Two Major Killers: Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer.

I. Provide terms that match the following definitions:

1. hospital room equipped for the care and observation of patients immediately following surgery -
2. insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs
before surgical operations -
3. secondary, typically undesirable effect of a drug or medical treatment -
4. cut through skin or other tissue performed by a health care professional -
5. process by which a patient learns about and understands the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of a medical or
surgical intervention -
6. removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids from the living body -
7. physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension -
8. substance taken from body, to be examined -
9. relating to the period of time immediately before a medical operation -
10. branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease by the use of
instruments -
11. regularly watch and check a person or condition to see if there is any change -
12. small slender usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread or surgical sutures at one end and that is used for
sewing -
13. person who is ill or is undergoing treatment for disease -
14. return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength -
15. process of helping a person who has suffered an illness or injury restore lost skills and so regain maximum self-
sufficiency -
II. Provide antonyms, in most cases, use prefixes :
1. order (term ) -
2. operative (term ) -
3. regional (anesthesia ) (term ) -
4. affected (persons) (term ) -
5. cancerous (term ) -
6. expressed (term ) -
7. normalities (term) -
8. physical exersion (term) -
9. curable disease (term) -
10. fall ill, catch a disease (term) -
III. Provide synonyms :
1. condition -
2. predisposition -
3. risk -
4. area -
5. site -
6. wound -
7. researchers -
8. identify -
9. properties -
10. acceleleration -
11. altering -
12. recovery room -
13. specimen -
14. proliferation -
15. virus -
IV. Explain the following terms in English:
1. cancer -

2. metastasis -
3. spread v -
4. staging -
5. gene -
6. gene therapy -
7. angiogenesis -
8. chemotherapy -
9. retrovirus -
10. predisposition -
11. radiation therapy -
12. biological therapy -
13. virus -
14. lethality -
15. lymph nodes -
16. proliferation -
17. chromosome -
18. retinoblastoma -
19. somatic mutations -
20. advanced tumour -
V. Translate the following terms into English:
1. metastazė, antrinis auglys -
2. stadijos nustatymas -
3. priešoperaciniai tyrimai -
4. anestezija, nuskausminimas -
5. ligos baigtis -
6. sutikimas, gavus reikiamą informaciją -
7. vidurius laisvinantis vaistas -
8. klizma -
9. pjūvio plotas, vieta -
10. išrašymas iš ligoninės -
11. žaizda -
12. nekontroliuojamas nenormalių ląstelių augimas, dauginimasis -
13. polinkis -
14. būti paveiktam -
15. paveldimas -
16. mirtingumas/mirštamumas -
17. sergamumas -
18. skilvelių virpėjimas -
19. stenokardija -
20. paplitimas -

VI. Explain the following Acronyms in English:

1. HDL –
2. CPR –
3. AED –
4. ACE –
5. CVD –
6. IHD –
7. CHD –
8. LDL –
9. CAD – ______________________________________________________________________________________

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