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1. a) Give six reasons why the Bible is referred to as the word of God. (6mks)
i. Contains God’s own spoken words
ii. It shows the will of God to human beings
iii. It transforms lives of people
iv. The authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit
v. It’s a source of moral lives
vi. Reveals the actions done by God
vii. It contains God’s plan of salvation to human beings
viii. It remains relevant for all generations
ix. God took part in writing

b) Identify seven consequences of sin according to Genesis 3-11. (7mks)

i. Nakedness became shameful

ii. Damaged the perfect relationship between man and God.
iii. Pain became part of human experience
iv. Man began toiling and struggling to meet his needs
v. The home of man, and the earth itself was replaced under a curse
vi. Man began to die
vii. Man began to hate man changed and became prone to sin
viii. Lifespan of man was reduced
ix. Childbearing became painful

c) What are the consequences of breaking taboos in the Traditional African Society (7MKS)

i. Epidemics
ii. Illness/madness
iii. Poverty
iv. Drought
v. Rebellious children
vi. Unstable families
vii. Environmental disasters
viii. Physical disability
2. a) Describe the background to the call of Abraham (6mks )
i. Abraham’s father was Terah., a Semite
ii. He lived in the city of Ur
iii. They were semi nomadic people
iv. his father was a moon worshiper
v. Abram was married to Sarai
vi. Sarai was barren, she had no child.
vii. They settled at a place called Haran.

b) Outline seven conditions given to the Israelites by God for the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
i. Not to make any treaty with those who they meet in the land where they were going.
ii. To break down altars, sacred stones and false goods of the inhabitants of Canaan.
iii. Not to worship any other God
iv. Not to make any cats God/ idols.
v. To keep the feat of unleavened bread.
vi. To rest on the Sabbath day
vii. To dedicate their first born male children and animals to God
viii. To offer first fruits of the crops to God.

c) Give reasons why it is important for Christians to forgive (7mks)

i. It shows love for others
ii. It creates/ promotes peace
iii. It’s a way of winning converts
iv. It shows obedience to Christian teaching/ commands
v. In order to follow the examples of Jesus
vi. In order to be forgiven by God
vii. It strengthens relationship/ tolerance
viii. It lengthens life/ promotes healthy living
3. a) Identify reasons that led to Mt. Camel contest (7mks)
i. King Ahab had married a phoenician Jezebel
ii. Israelites had turned to baal worship in Israel
iii. Ahab built a temple for Baal worship
iv. Religious syncretism had been brought in Israel
v. Prophets of Yahweh had been killed/ others hiding
vi. There was prolonged drought which threatened Israel.
vii. Israelites had broken the covenant relationship with God.
viii. Elijah religious experienced/ deep conviction about the nature of God.

b) State seven characteristics of local Canaanite religion 7mks

i. It was polytheistic
ii. It was basically a nature, cosmic religion
iii. There was a family of gods with a chief god El.
iv. Rituals were mainly to ensure continued fertility.
v. Animal and human sacrifices were given
vi. There were many high places
vii. There were prophets/ prophetesses/ priests of the gods/ goddesses.
viii. Festivals were observed in honour of the gods
ix. There were images representing the gods
x. Temple prostitution was practiced

c) Suggest ways in which Christians can restore true worship in Kenya (6mks)
i. Condemning modern forms of idolatry
ii. Being honest is giving information
iii. Life of prayers
iv. Helping the poor and the weak/vulnerable
v. Upholding the truth of the Bible
vi. Condemn evils
vii. Preaching about the true God
4. a) Outline prophet Amos teaching on social justice and responsibility (7mks)
i. oppression of the poor-the people of Israel sold the poor for silver/pair of shoes/misuse of
garments taken as pledge
ii. Corruption/ bribery- legal injustices were taking place in court of law/ they took bribes/
imposed heavy fines on the innocent.
iii. Greed/ excessive luxury- he condemned the rich for being selfish/ greedy
iv. Self –indulgence/ false sense of security
v. Cheating in business-they tampered with weighing scales
vi. Overcharged on goods that were sold
vii. Robbery and violence –there was a disintegration of rule of law
viii. Idolatry- the Israelites worshiped other gods/ broke the commandments of God.
ix. Sexual immorality/ temple prostitution- the Israelites had agreed to pagan practice of
prostitution in the places of worship/ wide spread sexual immorality in the land
x. Drukennes- Nazarites were forced to drink excessive wine

b) Explain four differences between Old Testament prophets and traditional African prophets

i. Old Testament prophets were called and received their powers from God while Traditional
African prophets received their powers through inheritance and from the spirits.
ii. Old Testament prophets were both teachers and preachers who taught people about God’s
will and gave sermons while traditional African prophets confined themselves to
predictions and warnings.
iii. Old Testament prophets did not practice divination whereas some traditional African
prophets were diviners.
iv. Some Old Testaments prophets had an idea of glorious Messiah whereas traditional
African prophets did not have any concept of the Messiah.
v. Old Testament prophets stressed monotheism/ the worship of only one true God whereas
some traditional African prophets recognized and worshipped many gods and goddesses
vi. Old Testament prophets had their prophecies recorded and preserved in writtem form
while traditional African prophets have their prophecies preserved and passed on through
oral tradition.

c) How do Christians play the role of prophets today? (5mks)

i. By living prayerful lives

ii. By living exemplary/ holy lives
iii. Helping the needy
iv. By condemning all forms of evil
v. Preaching the gospel
vi. Guiding and counseling people on various issues
vii. Interceding for others before God
viii. By being conscience
ix. By giving messages of hope
x. By participating in making godly/ right laws
5. a) State six symbolic acts used by Jeremiah to teach about judgment and punishment (6mks)
i. Wearing of yoke. Jer 27:1-15
ii. Buying new linen waist cloth and hiding it in cleft of the rock (Jer 13:1-11)
iii. Jeremiah was not to marry (Jer 16: 1-18)
iv. The reworking/ remolding of the vessel by potter. (Jer 18: 1-17)
v. The breaking of earthen flask before the elders (Jer 19: 1-15)
vi. He was shown two basket of figs one with good figs another with bad figs. (Jer 24:1-10)
b) Give seven reasons why Nehemiah carried out religious reforms in Judah (7mks)
i. To preserve the identity of the Jewish people
ii. To protect Jews from foreign influence
iii. To purify the temple which had been defiled by foreigners
iv. To restore the services of priests and Levites
v. To restore tithing system for the upkeep of the temple
vi. To ensure Sabbath is free from business activities
vii. To restore true worship of God
viii. To cleanse Jews who had intermarried with foreigners
c) What lessons do Christians learn from the renewal of the covenant by Nehemiah (7mks)
I. Christians should seek God’s forgiveness
II. Christians should lead a righteous life
III. Christians should lead a prayerful life
IV. Children should lead a humble life
V. Christians should teach others about the word of God
VI. Christians should set aside a day of worship/worship
VII. Christians should respect places of worship
VIII. Christians should share with the needy
IX. Christians should read the word of God regularly

6. a) Give seven moral values acquired during the marriage ceremony in traditional African
communities. (7mks)
i. faithfulness/ loyalty/ patriotism
ii. respect / courtesy
iii. responsibility /hard work
iv. hospitality/ kindness
v. tolerance / perseverance/ endurance
vi. love
vii. co-operation/ unity/ solidarity
viii. humility
ix. honest
x. integrity

b) State seven roles of ancestors in traditional African community. (7mks)

i. blessed the living
ii. protected their families against calamities
iii. warned the living against impending dangers
iv. rebuked those who disobeyed their instructions
v. safeguarded the traditions/norms
vi. mediated between God and man
vii. punishing offenders
viii. were invited in ceremonies to encourage /strengthen people
ix. assisted specialists in their work
x. welcomed the dead to the ancestral world
c) Give 6 conditions under which divorce maybe allowed in the traditional African society.
i. laziness
ii. witch craft
iii. breaking taboos
iv. disrespect of in laws
v. unfaithfulness
vi. failure to pay dowry
vii. incase one is discovered to be a thief
viii. in case one suffers from madness, leprosy or epilepsy.

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