A1. How Do You Do - Do & Does Lesson Notes

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How do you do – do & does lesson notes

Slide 1
Teaching and learning materials for ESL

Slide 2
Give Aims & objectives

Students will know the difference between auxiliary do and the verb do.
Students will know how to place the auxiliary do with the present simple.
Students will know how to ask and answer questions with auxiliary do.
Students will know how to ask open questions with do.

Slide 3
Click through slides. Ask a student to read each statement before repeating clearly
and checking students understand.

Slide 4
Click through slide. Highlight the position of the subject/verb.

Slide 5
Click through slide. Highlight the form and function.

Slide 6
Click through slide. Highlight the position of the subject/verb.

Slide 7
Click through slide. Highlight the form and function.

Slide 8
First see if the students know the answer to the question then reveal the table.

Speak each example and ask students to repeat: I do, I don’t, He does, He doesn’t.

Slide 9
Elicit answer from students.

Slide 10
Elicit answer from students.

Slide 11
Elicit examples for each form from students using prompts, for example:
Do you practice English in this lesson?

1 www.englishevolutionlearning.com
Do I come from England?
Do we come to this classroom every day?
Does it rain in this city a lot?
Does the summer start in January?
Do cats like dogs?
Do the British royal family come to your house for dinner?
Do our your lessons start at 10 o’clock at night?
Do you know who The Beatles are?
Do you like their music?
Now, monitor students as they ask each other questions.

Slide 12
Using target questions, concept check the correct responses for each question
before revealing the answer.

Slide 13
Click through slide, ensuring students understand the concept.

Slide 14
Click through slide, ensuring students understand the concept.

Slide 15
Monitor students as they practice forming and asking each other open questions.

Slide 16
Click through the slide and elicit answer for the first question.

Slide 17
Click through the slide and elicit answers from students.

Slide 18
Click through the slide, ensuring students understand the vocabulary. Students could
take notes/photos of this list for reference.

Slide 19
Click through the concept questions and elicit answers from students.

2 www.englishevolutionlearning.com

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