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Dialog Inggris

“Think About When You Think You Really Need Your friend’s Help”

A: hey! Whats wrong with u …? Are u ok?

B: yea, whats wrong with u? From the moment you arrived, I saw your face always sad.
C: hmm, actually I have a problem with my girlfriend/boyfriend. He/she asked to end the
relationship because she/he boring with me, I don’t know what to do ... im so confuse right
D: im sorry to hear that..
B: but actually im really worry about ur look now.
D: I agree with B, cant u see now? U look messy!
A: look at ur hair, u forget to comb ur hair.. u look so messy.
C: im sorry guys, I don’t have energy to do the things I usually do, I don't even have time to
study because I always cry and think about him/her.
A: C.. people come n go, u cant forced people to stay with u. u have to change ur mindset, u
can life with or without her/him. Come on I know u can do it.
D: I know u can do it C! don’t forced ur self too hard, its ok to not be ok sometimes.
B: but u have to remember, this is ur live and only you can control your own life.
C: my life really messy right now, my girlfriend leave me and I was fired from my job. I lost
my way and didn't know what to do.
A: I think, u can do part time at D's cafe while you looking for new job at another office.
D: yeah, I think that’s a good idea.
C: thank u so much guys, I don't know if friend's advice in this situation is very helpful. I don’t
know what will I do if I don’t share with u guys about my problem, once again I really
appreciate ur help.
B: ur welcome C! I hope you will get better every day!!!
C: btw guys, should I moving house to find a new atmosphere?
A: I think that’s a good idea C!!
D: me too, u have to do that C.
B: and don’t forget to invite us to ur new house!

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