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Assignment No i3 __@\-_| hotis data structure2z bhi ch Data_structi re —— bsed by Python — Python ysers Variot e and manipulate data efficiently some of the commoniy vsed data structures in pyshan— include - List t+ ardered Collections of items thot can be — of different Dota types _____ Tupley !- Similar to lists bus‘ imma _uboble Cannst be changed- ee Aered callection: oF Key-Value Rois sets! Unordered tollections of Onique elements — yoos nade and child Dade | | Grraphs t= Catlections of mades Cverdicen} | and edger thot Camnect +hene Aoder- —————EE———— lS whotare the, different. \ operators thot can be performed on g lish? \. Adding elernent - Waseenisiishadds DH appends!- 7 mecified element to the | ——_—_last_position—o f£ the Vist Big. Vist 12L lo 00, 30! Ger List |. append (sod —prigt Crist 1) : Ourpur t- L\o,20,30 4a so} f_insert 6 +h insert the clementot specified Sq: Visd 1s Te Win diy smokhs’ S Bagi sh Vist 1 inserd C2." Sanskrit) Qrint list 15 O10 SIG wou Wa torn" wT. DPD . . . Qa 2Q: \iss \= Lilo 22 207} Liste = tl isos as, 4s) List | extend Clist 2 oe CVs £5 Obs uk =f lo 28 Bo V2, ST ASD 2. Delele ar Remove elemen*® Cram lish @ deli: 14 Can yemave aneor Mare elements Prom she lis} ar even the entire li eg Vish v2 LN,%,3,4 5,83 prins CVs de\ \ist= Ly ousput L124 5,63 ——~ / se 2) Speciy’ “@ vemove o=_this Sunctl on Gg lish = Lie, 22,3882) tout i= lish iL 1e20.48 a @ Pop O -- This Punctian remove Ffement_ Eugt- ish i = Lle 21030 4od) = ARTS pir) ourspur - Ll\e20 oy Oa aa ; 1 Jp Rlementd Crom aq Vis yo ag ie Vistiscleaccy erins Clist i+ | _Sudprit — ¢ shat is tuple in pyshon How ta create and acces 4k ‘SpoaieL Lg Sa NOS gata 14 allows \ndexing Alle >. Noles > Be Se creda tate tuple | = Cle 20 30,4050) Access tuple OL Soit= Fe this means once o wy Wmmbtable Value Cannot _be changed.“ \- Number : ~~ 7 I. String x 2. tuple \ Ws i C 9 Compiler numbers Bigt- pind 4 Float Oum t=lo a2 \a.— 1 : x oy ® ®g- Str! =" Wwelcame bo python" p> Tuple:- Theyare immutable they are teprerent , ing 0 Cegi- tuple 12 C \o,20, 30) List o-set a Dictionary i a . To Crease q list place items inside V3 seperated by Comma. in Sed t- THis Onordered K&unindexed Callecttan _ ef ivemS- eSe MmYsek = LUUS "Helens : wg ~K - oe . | *xuple - —_ , Wwe_con delete an entire tuple, if it i required. Supe! C lo 20 %0 Ya Sod del tuple — cease ree earner Print Cruple 1) Concatination oF +uple- Adding anoiher tuple into previous tuple | tuple 1 tC la 20.30 40,50) ourpiud t- C\o,2u30 Qo yo lo 26 AT Uo a\ i eAnd how to Delete and Concentrarion ¥ tuple in Python Ddupie in Python 1s an ordered Callections os ~ : 7 may, le} + if x . i ibs immutable posture . Hoineuer—\you_car delete she—entire tuple — osing the del Meytoard - 1 | my—tuple= O,%,9,4,5) | Teoh eee ae angina indo eaten | | bole oC 12,8) | suple 2 =C4 sis) Concarenated 7 pI 1 we a Fare mutoble ond immuohle 4ypat— _——— Tn ython, mutable types are daa Ay pen tohose— Akants can be ch shite 3

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