The Copy Street Community

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If you have completed the 15-Day Hand-Copying & Dissection Workshop…

Then congratulations, because you can now join us at The Copy Street on this
exclusive journey of…

Becoming one of the ‘most sought after’

copywriters in your niche by getting
unlimited copy reviews from senior
copywriters with RESULTS!

You get to STAND OUT and be among the top 1% of the 1% by

interacting daily with copywriters who have been recognized by
7-figure copy coaches from the USA!
Dear passionate copywriter,

Many Nigerians in this trade of ours are thirsty and desperate for clients.

It’s all we think about,

It’s all we focus on,

It’s all we ever want to hear…


But to quote the great Andy Mukolo, the most renowned copywriter in Africa…

“Many Nigerian copywriters FAIL to land foreign clients for one

reason and one reason only: THEY ARE NOT THAT GOOD!”

It’s a sad truth that nobody wants to agree with in a hurry…

But it’s the truth.

What that means right now is… If you were that good…

You would NEVER bother about where your next client will come from
Because you will have the POWER to attract them like a magnet on steroids

Andy Mukolo also goes on to reveal his lifetime secret to what made him the
BEST copywriter in this part of the world…

He operates with the raw principle of:

80% practice and 20% pitching!

Now isn’t that shocking?

In a sea of hundreds and thousands of copywriters scrounging to taste a piece of

the foreign client pie…

Andy rises above all that congestion to the very top by practicing more.

Now I’m sure you might be confused as to how ‘just practicing’ in your small
room can translate to…

Hefty clients hunting you down on social media to offload

ungodly amounts of money into your bank account like a
drug baron.

Let me explain,

Because if you do not understand this, you will be as clueless as this guy right

When you begin to spend tangible hours of your day learning from the legends
who have ruled this game of copywriting for ages…

Studying their lessons and secrets, and hand copying their greatest controls…

Soon enough, you will begin to write like them.

And one day, people won’t be able to recognize the difference.

At that point, you might still not have clients…

But the magic begins to happen when you enter social media.

Because you are now a copywriter with an edge.

You can now attract ANYONE to your DM with just a simple social media post!

Or a valuable comment on someone else’s post.

Or a simple pitch to a prospect.

This is because as a copywriter, the FIRST product you get to sell is YOURSELF!

When you pitch a client, you are selling YOURSELF!

If the client responds to the pitch and hires you, then it means you have been
doing something right that made your pitch so irresistible…

If they don’t respond, or they decline, then there is still work to be done.


If you cannot sell yourself successfully to any client…

Then tell me, do you deserve to sell anything for any client?


That is why this exclusive initiative has come knocking at your doorstep…

So you can join a community of fellow copywriters like you, led by our 2
seasoned admin-copywriters who are currently undergoing various high-level
copywriting trainings themselves!

These copywriters are being mentored by some of the greatest names you know

They have also been mentioned multiple times on social media by 7 figure
copywriters and MBA holders from the USA…

Which means if you choose to join the gang,

There is no chance in hell clients won't know your name!

Because you would have become exceptional.

Which is the 80% portion of landing high-ticket clients.

Now, I’m sure you’re probably thinking:

"Oh I’ve paid for a copywriting course already, I think I have all I need there…”

Let me reveal another harsh truth to you;

We now live in the era where chatGPT and multiple AI prompts can just easily
displace copywriters…

Copywriters who think they’re good to go with the ONE COURSE they bought.

But AI and competition keeps leaving them jobless and stranded for work in the
online space.

Which means if you DO NOT KNOW what edge you have over chatGPT…

Then you very well need to pay attention to this!

Because AI is getting more insanely good by the day…

And if you are not putting in the reps to discovering new secrets of the trade
everyday with constant practice…

Then you are behind the AI revolution my friend.

But this initiative will put you light years ahead of it.

So that you can know what to say to a client when they ask the dreaded

So why should I hire you when I already have chatGPT?

Because they will ask you!

And by my experience, 9 out of 10 copywriters have RUINED their chances at

getting their dream clients by not knowing what to answer.

Or answering the question wrongly!

Which is why you need this community.


What do you get by joining this inner circle of passionate copywriters led by an
Alpha Team of copy gangsters?

● You will have access to UNLIMITED copy reviews by our experts with
years of experience in the game


PAY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR without complaining!

● You will be able to learn copywriting secrets only known by the 1% of

copywriters in the game
● You will be getting strategic growth hacks on how to position yourself as
an authority on social media and look attractive to clients without pitching

● You will have access to underground copywriting lessons from one of our
admin’s coaching programs currently valued at 250,000 naira.

(This is not one of those bogus prices people put on their offer to make it
look valuable, this is actually the real price of that coaching program and
someone in our team has already paid for it, and you will be learning from
him here because we are that connected).

● You will also be able to connect with like-minded copywriters, glean from
their vast perspective of things, interact, learn, and grow!

Now here’s where it gets interesting…

If you get insanely good enough with your copy, and down the line, you still
can’t seem to land any clients…

You can be selected by any of our admins to work on a paid

copy project!

Because you're that good!

Which means as long as you’re willing to put in the reps daily and accelerate
your copy skills with ZERO excuses and ZERO shits given…

You’ll have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to lose!

But EVERYTHING to gain by joining the community.

In fact, I’m intoxicated on your behalf just thinking about the possibilities.

So what do you have to do to join?

Well, I wish we could just tell you this is free…

As you may know, NOTHING of value is free.

In fact, we’ll be cheating you if we make it free.

We’ll also be cheating you if we make it expensive (because we know how the
country is).

Mind you, what we are offering here cannot be quantified in monetary terms…

Because most of it was learned through BITTER and EMBARRASSING

experiences that took months and years out of our lives to master.

And now, you are about to get it for just chicken change.

Please, this is not another copywriting course, NO.

This is a Private and Exclusive Community that would consist of only

serious-minded copywriters who have vowed to make it BIG in this game!

There are no PowerPoint slides, or webinars, or pdfs, none of that CRAP!

This is real-time interaction and progress with the BEST minds…

A well connected community of like-minded and accessible copywriters with

the same goal and vision.
To see you WIN!

So after much deliberation with the admins…

We decided to cap the sign-up fee at…

#30,000 naira.

Nah…just joking, You won’t even have to pay up to half of that.

Because I’m not an affiliate demon.

Those guys will tell you that you’re getting a course worth 30 BILLION NAIRA…

But after 5 years…your life has still not changed a dime.


The reason why we’re putting a price tag on this in the first place is because we
know that:

Those who pay, PAY ATTENTION!

Where there is no financial commitment, there’s NO commitment.

And we don’t want to cast our pearls before swine.


Personally, I love paying for stuff. It shows there’s value there.

But once I hear it’s free, then I know It's a waste of time.

Notice how these social media role models of yours always keep posting stuff


You stole it, yet nothing still worked.

But you just dare take the bold step into their DM and ask how much their real
growth hack costs…

Then you will hear the real price.

The price for success NEVER shows up until you are ready to get it!

Are you ready to get this one?

Okay then brace up!

Because I’ve been in your shoes before.

And while I like to pay for value, I can’t pay for any value that is beyond my
financial capacity…

That’s why we have decided to bring down the price to accommodate

everyone’s financial capacity…

By making it…
10,750 naira only.

This is the cheapest amount you will ever pay for the level
of connection and growth you are about to experience in
the copywriting game!

And all you need to do is pay N10,750 to:

Account Number: 8269671387

Account Name: The Copy Street

Bank: Moniepoint MFB


Send Your Proof Of Payment To Abdullateef Here

Just imagine how your life will be transformed within the remaining months of
this year when you are able to:

● Get your copy reviewed by copywriters with results

● Get quick answers to ANY questions you might have about copywriting
and client acquisition
● Connect with a successful circle and learn secrets that will give you an
edge in this crowded online space
● Learn the hidden lessons that great copywriters use to tear down the
resistance of their readers until they BUY!

Believe me, you haven’t seen anything like this before.

Toyin Omotosho, the highest-paid 9-figure affiliate marketer in Nigeria said:

“Your success depends not just on your skill, but on the circle you belong to.”

So if you are an adult, and your current circle is not transforming your life yet…


You can’t get to where you want to be by interacting with the same people
you’ve been interacting with everyday.

Connections are a lifetime investment…

But you’ll be getting yours today for just N10,750 naira.

This might just be the missing link to your breakthrough in copywriting.

But you’ll never know until you take this opportunity today!

Now I’ll be frank with you…

This price is not going to stay this way for too long…

Because we do not like crowds.

And honestly, the fewer we are, the more we can track your progress…
So while we are not putting a limit on the number of persons that can join…



Because as community members increase, we will have no choice but to

increase the entry fee to reduce the inflow and maintain the quality of the

This isn’t amateur hour here.

This is the Champions League of copywriting.

So kiddies please stay at home.

We are training experts who will make a real impact on foreign client’s
businesses here.

People who will have such insanely good copy chops, they’ll TURN CLIENTS
DOWN because they have enough!

You can have that power.

But You Must Pay The Price.

And you know one thing I find fascinating,

The financial aspect of paying the price for anything is usually the CHEAPEST

You are not enriching anyone with N10,750…except yourself.

Because clients pay us 50x that amount.

No exaggerations

It’s really hard to find tested and trusted copywriters to outsource gigs to, that’s
part of why we are launching this community.

So this N10,750 is just a proof of your seriousness and future commitment…

That’s all.

If you’ve come this far, then you are either convinced enough to know the
esteemed value of this community to your career…

Or you just like to read about random things you don’t ever plan to take action

I hope it’s not the latter.

Because your 15 days of toil and sweat during the handcopying

challenge can easily go down the drain if you lose consistency with
copywriting after today!

It’s happened to me before, and I hated myself for it.

So the only way to ensure your breakthrough is to ensure your consistency…

Which you can get here.


If you want to learn the underground secrets of sales from the best of the best…

If you want to be among the high-flyers of copywriting…

If you want to get to the point of turning down clients because you have
enough on your plate already…

If you want to become such an authority in your niche on social media that rakes
in tangible leads with almost every post…

Then all you need to do is…

Pay N10,750 to:

Account Number: 8269671387

Account Name: The Copy Street

Bank: Moniepoint MFB


Send Your Proof of Payment To Abdullateef Here.

Remember, the price goes up by N1,100 every 48 hours!

But I’m sure you’ll make it inside before then.

I can already see how serious you are about making it in this copywriting game.

Because you have made it this far.


Don’t let all your past efforts amount to nothing.

Join us in the inner circle community today!

The Copy Street

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