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Investment fund returns

Investment fund Rate (per annum) Variable rates Hamilton Ekyle Fomali Balrog

Year 1 4.10 2% 5.10% 4.30%

Atijar Fixed at 4,50%
Year 2 2.5% 3% -1.40% -2.00%
Balrog Variable
Year 3 2.6% 5% 3.70% -1.30%
Cricolo Fixed at 3% Year 4 3.4% 3% 3.60% 3.20%
Damit Fixed at 5% Year 5 4.0% 0% 4.10% 3.50%

Ekyle Variable

Fomali Variable

Gringo Fixed at 4,25%

Hamilton Variable

Table shows by how much the investment funds have appreciated over a period of 5 years. None of the
investment funds above produces any interest / dividends (only capital appreciation).Appreciation over
more than 1 year is compounded.

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