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República de Angola

Escola Amós Coménios

Complexo Escolar Nº1011 “Amós Coménius”
Prova Da Escola De Língua Inglesa

Name: Nº Class: Room:

I Comprehension of Text

Mariana: What do you do for living?

Gleison: I wash dishes in the hotel kitchen but I don´t like my job. I want to find a good job.
Mariana: What do you mean when you say good job? All jobs are good, they contribute to the
development of the country, so why you think your job is bad?

Leia o texto com atenção e responde as perguntas:

a) What Gleison do for living?.......................................................................................

b) Where does he works?.............................................................................................

2. Connect the picture to the phrase

Go straight

Turn Right

Turn Left

II Grammar

3. Please tell me how do I get to Coménius School?

República de Angola
Escola Amós Coménios
Complexo Escolar Nº1011 “Amós Coménius”
Prova Da Escola De Língua Inglesa

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