Application Pandit Ji

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Dated: 22.02.


The Registrar General,

Delhi High Court,
Shershah Road,
New Delhi.

Subject: Correction of name – reg.

Respected Sir,

It is to submit that I have been working in this Court as Usher

(Emp. Code 0782). My name in the office record has been recorded as Krishan
Lal Bhaguna which is ‘Krishan Lal’ as per my 10th certificate (copy enclosed).

It is kindly requested that my name in office record may be please

changed from Krishan Lal Bhaguna to ‘Krishan Lal’.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Krishan Lal)
Emp. Code 0782
M. No.9990074068
Dated: 26.02.2021

The Registrar General,

Delhi High Court,
Shershah Road,
New Delhi.

Subject: Surrender of office ID Card – reg.

Respected Sir,

It is most humbly submitted that I, had been working as Usher in

R.G. Office (Extension of Term). On 26.02.2021 (A/N) my term is going to
end. I hereby surrender my office ID card.

Please acknowledge the same.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Deepak Kumar
Usher a/w Registrar General
M. No._____________

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