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Loan Application Form

Up To Rs. 1 Million
For Bank Use Only
Date: Agricultural Finance Application Form Applicants
Individual: Joint: (Production / Development) Picture

The Manager
Soneri Bank Limited
Pano Aqil branch-0311

Request you for the Agriculture finance of Rs: 1,000,000 for production purpose) and/or
Rs: NIL for (Development purpose).

Crops Agri. Equipment/Tractor Dairy Poultry Fishery Other

Applicants information:
Note: Separate application form must be attached for Co-applicant or joint applicant
(A) Personal information:
Name: NISAR AHMED ______________ S/O D/O
CNIC No:_______________________Date of Birth: DD/ MM / YYYY
Marital Status:______________ Account No:___________________ NTN: (if any)
Qualification: ________________ Present Address:
Permanent Address:
Tel. No. ________________Mobile No. (1) _____________________ (2)
(B) Agri. Business information
Status of Applicant: Owner  Lessee  Owner cum lessee  Tenant  Other  (please Tick one)
Agri. Land / Agri. Business Address: _________________________________________________
Total Area / Land Holding: _____________________ Total Cultivated Land: ________________
Name of actual owner of the property (in case of lessee) _______________________________
Crops under cultivation: (1) ________ (2) _________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) _________
(C) References:

Name Name
Tel No. Tel No.
Address Address
Signature Signature
*(In presence of Bank Official)
(In case of financing against guarantee, guarantors may be considered as reference)
(D) Details of existing Credit Facilities , if any (Fund based & Non fund based):

Name of Bank Finance amount Purpose Nature of security

Signature & Thumb impression-Applicant-1 Signature & Thumb impression-Applicant-2

Loan Application Form
Up To Rs. 1 Million

Security & Estimated Value

(1) Collateral / Security:

Agri. Land Residential Commercial Industrial Property SS Gold Stock Other

Property Property C

Please mention above value of the respective security & also specify further details here under:

Details and value of above security:

(a) Passbook No: _________ Date of issue: __________ Place of issue __________ PIU
(b) Property Description: ______________________________________________________
(c) SSC/Gold/Stock: __________________________________________________________
(d) Other: __________________________________________________________________
(use extra sheet if required)

(2) Guarantee:
A) Personal Guarantees:
(Applicable only for loans without collateral/Security)

S.No. Type Guarantor-1 Guarantor-2

1 Name
2 Father’s Name
3 CNIC No.
4 Address
5 Contact No.
6 Account No. (If Any)
7 Source of Income (estimated)
8 Annual Income (estimated)
9 Value of Assets (estimated)
10 Current Liabilities (estimated)
11 Net worth

Signature Guarantor 1 Signature Guarantor 2

Date: Date:


B) Corporate Guarantee

Company Name
MOU Date
Reference Number

I/We hereby solemnly declare and affirm as follows:

 That the above information is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief and nothing has been concealed therein.
 That I/We agree that the submission of above information and the Finance application
form is not approval of finance and i/We shall have not right whatsoever to claim for
finance before any forum, in case the finance is declined/rejected by competent
authority of the bank.
 I/We declare and affirm that the contents of the finance application form alongwith
all the declaration/affidavit/undertaking have been read/readout to me/us and i/We
agree to comply with the obligations mentioned there-above.

Signature of Applicant & Thumb impression-Applicant-1 Signature of Applicant & Thumb impression-Applicant-2
Date: Date:

Banks officer’s sign & stamp for verification of signature & Thumb impression______________________

For Bank use

Application No. ______________________________ Received dated:__________________
Name Agri Credit Officer _________________________________ Employee ID __________
Signature Agri. Credit Officer ____________ Signature & stamp Branch Manager ____________


Receipt Agri Finance Application Form

Name of Applicant_______________________________________________________________
S/O __________________________________________________________________________
Agri Credit Officer Name _________________________ Contact No. ______________________
Signature & Stamp of Receiving Bank Officer

Date: ___________________________________

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