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The Universe

It seems incredible, but the Universe is everything that exits. Contains millions
of unknown galaxies, and each galaxy contains stars, planets and others astronomical
As we have said, scientists believe that Universe was born after an explosion
called Big Bang, which sent pieces of matter in all directions. Really, the different
astronomical objects in the Universe are made up of these old pieces of matter.
So, Galaxies are the most important systems. Each galaxy is composed of dust,
gas and millions of stars. They can have many shapes. For example, our galaxy (the
famous Milky Way) is spiral-shaped; but others are irregular or elliptical.
Others astronomical objects are:
1) Stars: Produce heat and light, and they are usually made up of burning gases. The
Sun, the most important star in our galaxy, is made up of helium and hydrogen and it
´s essential to life in our blue planet.
2) Planets: Spherical astronomical objects that orbit a star.
3) Natural Satellites: Astronomical object that orbit a planet. For example, the Moon, the
satellite of the Earth.
4) Asteroids: Bodies of rock that are too small to be considered planets.
5) Comets: Balls of ice and dust that grow tails when they approach the Sun.

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