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Funky ass energy, Idris?

1 message

Alex Cattoni <> Sun, Sep 3, 2023 at 5:36 PM

Reply-to: Alex Cattoni <>

Blame it on Mercury Retrograde…

Blame it on the Blue Supermoon (I hope you got to see it, Idris, it won't
happen again until 2037)...

Blame it on the shifting seasons…

But one thing is for damn sure, Idris…

There is some funky ass energy going on right now…

Do you feel it too, Idris?

I'm not just talking about weird tech glitches, awkward conversations
or communication breakdowns (because that's a whole other thing)...

I'm talking about feelings of doubt, imposter syndrome and frustration

with a side of "blah".


(Yup, like you, I'm not immune to these pesky feelings).

And if you're not feeling that way right now, I know you have felt it at
some point…

Because if you're reading this email, I know you're like me. 😉

You've dared to dream big…

You've made tough decisions and bold moves…

You've taken risks…

And you've committed to creating a life and business you love.

So, yeah, that's how I know you've experienced some rough patches…

Because you can't have one without the other.

It's part of the deal you make when you step outside your comfort

And while it may feel impossible at times, remember…

Big feelings open BIG doors.

Without challenge, you can't have triumph.

Your life and business ebbs and flows…

Yes, just like the planets, the moon and the seasons...

Yet we don't call Mercury stupid when it goes into retrograde (lol ok
maybe we do)...

We don't get mad at the Moon when it goes all dark…

And we don't get frustrated by the trees when their leaves fall…

So why in the HELL do we get so worked up by our OWN seasons?

The truth is – growth is NOT linear. Growth is messy. Growth

sometimes means taking a step back before you can leap forward…

And just like my Reign Leader, Jenny, says… there's no such thing as
starting back at zero.
So if you're currently in a slow, low or "blah" season, Idris…

If you're feeling unmotivated to sit down and work…

If you're feeling defeated because so-and-so never got back to you…

If you're feeling scared because you just quit your 9-5…

If you're feeling unqualified because you're just getting started…

Just remember 👉 what's meant for me will never miss me.

Read that again, Idris...

And this time, allow yourself to really believe it.

What's meant for me will never miss me.

That means you can slow down if you need.

You can take a day off if you need.

Hell, you can go into retrograde if ya need 🤣

Flow with your seasons without judgment…

Because what's meant for you will never miss you.

Now – does that mean you'll never experience doubt, imposter

syndrome or frustration?

Of course not…

But how you choose to view the lessons in these experiences can
change everything.

Happy Sunday, Idris 💕


P.S. Every time I'm in a funk, my brother asks me if my Mercury is in
gatorade … to which I say, "YES it is, thank you very much! And it's a
helluva ride."
ABOUT: Welcome to the Copy Posse, you’re now part of the raddest, baddest crew of copywriters on the
Internet over 300,000 strong. You’re here because you signed up somewhere on my website and I’m glad
you did. It means you’re like us – a badass creative, coach, copywriter, or content writer with a passion for
marketing and a flair for the written word and you want to channel that passion into a living doing what
you love.

You’re in the right place. We are on a mission to de-douchify the Internet and create a ripple effect of
positive impact across the planet. We believe that the best copywriting combines timeless direct response
marketing principles of the past with modern, empathetic brand storytelling (without all the hype, BS and
lame tactics that fizzle fast). We are the new school of copywriters and aren’t scared to break a few rules
and ruffle-up a few feathers if it means changing the face of marketing for the better.

Through my social channels and email list (which you’re now a part of, yay) I share the techniques and
strategies I’ve learned over the last decade to build a 7-figure brand from the ground up and how to sell
products and services that actually help people, without selling out on your values.

Get ready for some serious Posse Power coming your way. The team is here to back you up.

Founder & Posse Pres - Alex

Industry-leading copywriter, marketing genius and founder of the Copy Posse. Alex is a lover of Italian
food, wine, true crime and travel and when she’s not behind her laptop, you’ll find her belly-laughing (very
loudly) with her friends and family.

Head Copywriter - Tania

Brand storyteller and human behavior enthusiast. Tania is both an adventure and comfort-seeking
ambivert with a love of true expression, impactful co-creation, and non-conventional living. She heads up
all sales copy at the Posse.

Copywriter - Brittany
Britt is passionate about healthy living, curse words, coffee, overgrown gardens, and old black-and-white
movies. A Launch Pad Season 1 Grad turned full-time freelance copywriter, you’ll find Britt’s brilliant sass
all over our content and social channels.

Social Media Strategist - Ketevan

The Posse's social media maven is a treehugger at heart who loves her heels and never skips breakfast.
Her M.O.? Listen to what the Posse needs most and create the best damn content on the Internet.

Posse Coach - Jenny

Jenny is a festival junkie, ritual-obsessed, Yoga teacher who’s equally as passionate about writing words
with meaning. Around here, you’ll see Jenny zipping around from launch to launch, cheering on & coaching
the Posse.

Project Manager - Michelle

Michelle is a chess-playing foodie who loves sunsets, sweets and decaf coffee. At the Posse, Michelle
manages all of our high-level programs and does whatever she can to help our students win.

Support Leader - Tory

When she’s not holding down the Posse, you can find Tory drinking local beer and cuddling her pet snake
as she raves about poetry, podcasts, and comics. A quirky conversationalist with a killer sense of humor,
she’s our go-to meme queen.

PRIVACY: As much as we care about copywriting, we also care about your privacy. The Copy Posse is
owned and operated by Cattoni Creative Inc. We are committed to advising you of the right to your privacy,
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Alex Cattoni
369 – 1917 W 4th Ave
Vancouver, BC V6J 1M7

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