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NANDURBAR Assignment


ACAD/F/ Subject:- PIC(312303) Pages:- 1

Rev=00 Date:-19/03/2023 Topic No:-4 Date of submission :-22/03/2024
Name of Subject Teacher:- MAGAN P. VASAVE Total No of Questions:- 28

1. Explain with the proper syntax and example User define function : i) Function definition ii) Function body?
2. With suitable example and syntax , explain function declaration/ function prototype?
3. Explain with proper syntax and example of function call?
4. State call by value with example?
5. State call by reference function with example?
6. List the categories of function and explain any one with suitable example
7. Explain Library functions under conio.h header file?
8. Explain Library functions under stdio.h header file?
9. Explain Library functions under math..h header file?
10. Explain Function under string.h header file?
11. Give the syntax , example and use of strcpy() string function ?
12. Give the syntax , example and use of strcat() string function ?
13. Give the syntax , example and use of strcmp() string function ?
14. Give the syntax , example and use of strlen() string function ?
15. Give the syntax , example and use of strlwr() string function ?
16. Give the syntax , example and use of strupr() string function ?
17. Define scope of variable and Recursive Function
18. Write a C program to perform addition , subtraction , multiplication and division of two integer numbers using
function ?
19. Write a C program to perform function to swap the value of variable say a and b use function name “swap” .
20. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of number using function .
21. Write a C program to reverse the number 1234 (i.e.4321) using function
22. Write a function to calculate area of circle.
23. Write a program to Length of strings.
24. Write a program to concatenate two strings.
25. Write a program to copy one string into another.
26. Write a program to copy one string into another.
27. Write a program to compare two strings.
28. Write a program to convert a string a string from lower to upper and vice versa using library functions

Subject Teacher H.O.D.

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