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Workout Routine/Diet Plan

Growing up I was always the skinny kid. I never thought I could build
a good physique. After spending countless hours researching I created my
own routine and diet plan that helped me gain muscle mass and strength
all while maintaining a lean physique. I wish I had this type of information
when I first started my journey. That is why I put together this workout
routine and diet plan to share with you what worked for me.

Orlando Riutort’s PPL Workout Routine

Day 1 - Monday

Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

● Barbell Bench Press (incline or flat)

○ 2 heavy sets 5-8 reps
○ 1 back off set 10-12 reps
● Dumbbell Shoulder Press
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Chest Flies
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Tricep Extensions (superset with flies)
○ 4 sets 7-10 reps
● Lateral Raises (rest time <1 min)
○ 4 sets 10-12 reps
● Dips (more upright to hit triceps over chest)
○ 3 sets to failure

Day 2 - Tuesday

Pull Workout 1: Back, Bis (Upper Lat Focus)

● Lat Pulldowns
○ 2 warm-up sets
○ 3 working sets 8-10 (drop set last set)
● Bent Over Barbell Rows
○ 2 warm-up sets
○ 2 heavy sets 6-8 reps
○ 1 back off set 10-12 reps
● Incline Dumbbell Curls
○ 4 sets 10-12 reps
● Pull Ups
○ 3 sets to failure
● EZ Bar Curls
○ 2 sets 8-10 reps
○ 2 sets 40-second duration

Day 3 - Wednesday

Leg Workout 1: Glute & Hamstring Focus

● Walking Lunges
○ 3 warm-up sets bodyweight
○ 3 working sets weighted 12-15 steps each leg
● RDLs or Deadlift
○ 2 warm-up sets
○ 3 working sets 10-12 reps RDLs (6-8 reps if deadlift)
● Hip Thrusts or Glute Kickbacks
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Seated Calf Raises
○ 6 sets 10-12 reps
● Hamstring Curls (superset with last 4 sets of calf raises)
○ 2 sets 10 reps
○ 2 sets 40 seconds duration

Day 4 - Thursday
Push Workout 2: Shoulders, Chest, Tris (Deltoid Heavy)

● Close Grip Bench Press

○ 3 sets 8-10 reps
● Standing Barbell Press
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Pec Deck Flyes
○ 1 set 8-10 reps
○ 2 sets 40 seconds duration
● Overhead Triceps Extension
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Lateral Raises
○ 4 sets 10-12 reps
● Push Ups (superset with last 3 sets of lateral raises)
○ 3 sets to failure

Day 5 - Friday

Pull Workout 2: Back, Bis (Lower Lat Focus)

● Pull Ups
○ 3 warm-up sets (while warming up for rack pulls)
● Rack Pulls
○ 3 warm-up sets
○ 2 working sets 8-10 reps
● Hammer Curls
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Reverse Grip Row OR Supinated Lat Pulldown
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Cable Curls
○ 3 sets 10-12 reps
● Cable Rows
○ 2 drop sets (total of 20 reps each)
● Dumbbell Curl
○ Run the rack to failure
Day 6 - Saturday

Leg Workout 2: Quad Focus

● Barbell Squats
○ 3 warm-up sets
○ 3 sets 8-12 reps
○ 1 set 4-6 reps
● Leg Press
○ 2 sets 40 seconds duration
● Leg Press Calf Raise (superset with leg press)
○ 2 sets to failure (at least 10 reps)
● Hip Adductors
○ 4 sets 10-12 reps
● Standing Calf Raises
○ 4 sets 10-12 reps (then bounce reps to failure)
● Leg Extensions
○ 2 sets 10-12 reps
○ 2 triple drop sets

Day - 7 Sunday Rest Day

● Dynamic Stretching
● Track Progress
● Focus on Recovery

Lean Bulking Diet Plan


● 4 Eggs - 312 Calories

● 2 Turkey Sausage Patties - 224 Calories
● 2 slices of Whole Wheat Toast - 138 Calories

● Protein - 55 grams
● Carbohydrates - 26 grams
● Calories - 674

Snack 1:

● Muscle Milk - 160 Calories


● Protein - 25 grams
● Carbohydrates - 9 grams


● 2 Chicken breasts - 462 calories

● 2 servings of rice - 412 calories
● 2 servings of broccoli - 100 calories


● Protein - 103 grams

● Carbohydrates - 90 grams
● Calories - 974

Snack 2

● Protein Shake
● 1 serving of milk - 103 calories
● 1 cup of frozen fruit - 60 calories
● 1 scoop of protein powder - 121 calories
● You can also add yogurt, oats, or sugar free ice cream for a thicker


● Protein - 34 grams
● Carbohydrates - 30 grams
● Calories - 284+


● 1.5 Servings of Salmon - 618 Calories

● 2 servings of rice - 412 calories
● 1 serving of broccoli - 50 calories


● Protein - 72.8 grams

● Carbohydrates - 100 grams
● Calories - 1080

Daily Total Calories: 3170

Daily Total Protein: 289.8 grams

Daily Total Carbohydrates: 255 grams

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