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The feeder and pipelines cross rivers and other water bodies primarily in buried trenches. Construction
across rivers will typically involve the construction of temporary berms that are made of soil or aqua

Berms are designed to slow/divert runoff on a construction site. It is a level space /raised barrier usually
made of compacted soil separating areas in a vertical way especially part way up along a slope. Stream
flow will be maintained by steel or concrete flume pipes.

The crossings will be managed as separate construction activities which can be completed
independently to the main construction sequence.

Pipes with a larger wall thickness will be used for the water body and wetland crossings, for ainti-
bouyancy the pipe will be coated with concrete. Geotextile bag weights, concrete set on weights, screw
anchors and concrete coating could be applied at wetland crossings.

Open water course crossings that is a feature constructed to enable vehicles and equipment to navigate
a river and environmental mitigation for water crossings along the feeder line route will be considered.

Preceding activity

Land acquisition and compensation: this activity is to be done in order to establish how much land is
needed for the right of way

Construction of right of way: this is done to ensure that all the infrastructure are within the jurisdiction
of the project width.

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