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Name: Aditya Bikram Raghav

Roll No: 2220981504



1. What is the main argument or thesis of the article?

The article is trying to tell us the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence. It’s trying to
convey that with it there new jobs coming which might require different skill sets which
might be a concern for the population.
It also tells that robots can not replace humans. A new automation will take place which
will change the working style of various industries like transportation, construction,
manufacturing. Low-skilled workers might be effected by this approach as it will require
the investment of cost to learn and upgrade such skills.
At the end it tells that it should be Human centric as it should be help human and make
their lives easier and not take up their work. There own set of rules and principles that
should be followed.

2. What evidence or examples does the author provide to support their claims?

The authors have provided various researches from well known organizations around the
world like –
 McKinsey Global Institute (2018): “60 percent of occupations have at least 30
percent of activities that theoretically could be automated by adopting and
integrating technologies that exist today.”

 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) (2018): Industrial countries have up to 40

percent of jobs with “potential high risk of automation.” Service economies are
slightly lower but still greater than 20 percent of jobs by 2030 will have a high
risk of automation.
 Oxford University (2013): “According to our estimates, about 47 percent of
total US employment is at risk.”

Also shared the Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI)
research and design of IDEO firm.

3. Are there any logical fallacies or weak points in the author's reasoning?

Author has done good research from different places though some more facts based on
statistics and numbers would have been more helpful as we cannot trust on assumptions
made by different institutions. Maybe a survey of people who work for low skilled jobs
would give more clarity about how they feel about this shift towards automation and what
help are they being provided by the government or their companies so that they can stay
with the company even after automation.
As it is a very sensitive topic we need more of numbers to support the lines and
suggestions and how well will it work for all kind of workers.

4. Can you identify any counterarguments or alternative perspectives that the author may
have overlooked?

One thing that I have a concern about that we know that there are great minds who are
working on automation and artificial intelligence. Not everyone have a nice mindset and
wants good for the society. So though we have people who are working on in for the
betterment of the society there are people who will work for their advantage and with
Artificial Intelligence they might find loopholes for taking out information and we all
have heard about of cyber crime. I believe there will be a raise in it and which very
harmful for the society.

5. How does the author's tone or writing style influence your perception of their credibility
and the overall effectiveness of the article?

The author have presented both the side of the stories and I think it was a good way of
presenting one’s point of view. Various examples were given and the way he talked about
things in a systematic way it helped us to develop our base and think rationally about it. It
helped me to have a better understanding about the topic and now I can have a better
discussion about it.

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