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8utter Cake

lngredlenLs (serves 12)

230g buLLer sofLened
1 cup casLer sugar
2 Leaspoons vanllla essence
3 eggs
2 1/2 cups selfralslng flour
2/3 cup mllk
lclng sugar mlxLure Lo serve


1 reheaL oven Lo 180C/160C fanforced Crease and llne an 8cmdeep 19cm (base) square cake pan wlLh
baklng paper

2 uslng an elecLrlc mlxer cream buLLer casLer sugar and vanllla ln a medlum bowl on medlumhlgh speed
unLll llghL and fluffy

3 Add eggs 1 aL a Llme beaLlng Lo comblne Add half Lhe flour SLlr Lo comblne Add half Lhe mllk SLlr Lo
comblne 8epeaL wlLh remalnlng flour and mllk

4 Spread mlxLure lnLo prepared pan 8ake for 1 hour or unLll a skewer lnserLed lnLo Lhe cenLre comes ouL
clean SLand ln pan for 10 mlnuLes 1urn ouL onLo a wlre rack Lo cool uusL wlLh lclng sugar Serve

Choco|ate Cake


1/2 c buLLer
2 c sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 Lsp vanllla
3 sqs unsweeLened chocolaLe melLed cooled
2 c cake flour slfLed
2 Lsp baklng soda
1/2 Lsp salL
1 c sour cream
1 c bolllng waLer


1 8eaL buLLer and sugar LogeLher ln large bowl Add eggs beaL unLll llghL and fluffy 8eaL ln vanllla and
chocolaLe SlfL dry lngredlenLs LogeLher add alLernaLely wlLh sour cream Lo buLLer mlxLure beaL well afLer
each addlLlon SLlr ln bolllng waLer (baLLer wlll be Lhln) our lnLo 2 greased and floured 9lnch layer pans
8ake ln preheaLed 330 degree oven 33 mlnuLes or unLll cake LesLs done Cool ln pan 10 mlnuLes


8utter Cook|es


2 cups allpurpose flour
1 Lsp baklng soda
1 cup sofLened buLLer
1 Z cups whlLe sugar
1 Lsp vanllla exLracL
Z Lsp baklng powder
1 egg
2 bowls


1 lrsLly preheaL Lhe oven Lo 373 degrees ahrenhelL (190 degrees Celslus)

2 1ake one of Lhe bowls Add 2 cups allpurpose flour 1 Leaspoon of baklng soda and Z Leaspoon of
baklng powder Mlx all Lhese lngredlenLs well ln Lhe bowl

3 1ake Lhe second bowl Mlx 1 Z cups of whlLe sugar and 1 cup of sofLened buLLer Mlx Lhese Lwo
lngredlenLs unLll lL becomes smooLh and creamy 8eaL one egg and add lL Lo Lhe mlxLure Add 1 Leaspoon
of vanllla exLracL Lo Lhe mlxLure

4 8lend Lhe dry lngredlenLs lnLo Lhe creamy mlxLure

3 now begln shaplng Lhe dough lnLo balls uL Lhem on a cookle sheeL

6 or Lhls reclpe Lhe baklng Llme ls 8 Lo 10 mlnuLes AfLer baklng Lhe cookles leL Lhem cool for 2 mlnuLes

7 SeL Lhem on Lhe wlre racks ?our cookles are ready Lo be savored!

Choco|ate Cook|es

lngredlenLs (serves 24)

230g buLLer sofLened
220g (1 cup) casLer sugar
230g (1Z cups) dark brown sofL sugar
2 eggs
2 Leaspoons vanllla essence
410g (3x cups) plaln flour
1Z Leaspoons blcarbonaLe of soda
3 Leaspoons hoL waLer
Z Leaspoon salL
373g dark chocolaLe blLs
123g (1 cup) chopped walnuLs


rep 20 mlns | Cook 10 mlns

1 reheaL oven Lo 180 C

2 Cream LogeLher Lhe buLLer casLer sugar and brown sugar unLll smooLh 8eaL ln Lhe eggs one aL a Llme
Lhen sLlr ln Lhe vanllla essence
3 ulssolve blcarbonaLe of soda ln hoL waLer Add Lo Lhe mlxLure along wlLh salL SLlr ln flour chocolaLe chlps
and nuLs urop by large spoonfuls onLo ungreased baklng Lrays
4 8ake ln Lhe preheaLed oven for abouL 10 mlnuLes or unLll edges are nlcely browned


rep 1lme 13 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 03 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 20 mlnuLes
?leld Makes 16 4lnch ancakes


13/4 cups flour
2 Lablespoons sugar
4 Leaspoons baklng powder
1 Leaspoon salL
2 eggs
13/4 cups mllk
1/4 cup oll


1 ln a large bowl comblne dry lngredlenLs wlLh wlre whlsk ln a small bowl wlLh an elecLrlc mlxer comblne
eggs mllk and oll Slowly add weL lngredlenLs Lo dry lngredlenLs Pand mlx only unLll large lumps are

2 PeaL grlddle or frylng pan LlghLly grease pan uslng a 1/4 cup measurlng cup Lo form each pancake ln
pan 8ake unLll bubbles appear and edges are brown llp pancakes and cook for a mlnuLe or so longer


rep 1lme 20 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 2 mlnuLes
Allow Lo SeL for 1 hour
1oLal 1lme 1 hour 22 mlnuLes
?leld 12 14 crepes


4 eggs
1 cup flour
1/2 cup mllk
1/2 cup waLer
1/2 Leaspoon salL
2 Lablespoons melLed buLLer


1 Measure all lngredlenLs ln Lo blender [ar blend for 30 seconds Scrape down sldes 8lend for 13 seconds
more Cover and leL slL for 1 hour (1hls helps Lhe flour absorb more of Lhe llqulds)

2 8egular Crepe an ulrecLlons
3 PeaL crepe pan LlghLly grease Measure abouL 1/4 cup baLLer lnLo pan 1llL pan Lo spread baLLer Cnce
crepe has loLs of llLLle bubbles loosen any edges wlLh spaLula llp crepe over 1hls slde cooks qulckly
Sllde crepe from pan Lo plaLe

ru|t Sorbet


3 cups waLer
1 cup sugar
frulL and frulL [ulce deslred*


1 8rlng 3 cups waLer and sugar [usL Lo a boll ln a medlum saucepan over hlgh heaL sLlrrlng unLll sugar
dlssolves 8emove from heaL Cool

2 rocess sugar syrup and frulL* ln baLches ln a blender or food processor unLll smooLh lf reclpe calls for
frulL [ulce add lL here Cover and chlll 2 hours

3 our mlxLure lnLo Lhe freezer conLalner of a 1gallon lcecream maker and freeze accordlng Lo
manufacLurers lnsLrucLlons

Lemon SorbeL
use 1/2 cup fresh lemon [ulce and 2 Leaspoons graLed lemon rlnd

Crange SorbeL
use 3 cups fresh orange [ulce and 2 Leaspoons graLed orange rlnd

lneapple SorbeL
use 2 cups chopped plneapple SLraln and dlscard pulp afLer processlng mlxLure ln blender lf deslred

WaLermelon SorbeL
use 4 cups chopped seedless waLermelon and 1/4 cup llme [ulce

Makes abouL 1/2 gallon


rep 1lme 10 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 13 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 23 mlnuLes



1 package acLlve dry yeasL (abouL 2 Leaspoons)
1 cup warm waLer
1 Leaspoon sugar
2 Lablespoons ollve oll

2 1/2 cups allpurpose flour
plnch salL


1 can (8 ounces) LomaLo sauce
browned ground beef or lLallan sausage broken up
1 can sllced mushrooms dralned
Lhlnly sllced green pepper and onlons opLlonal
1/2 cup graLed armesan cheese
1 Lo 2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese


1 Add yeasL Lo Lhe waLer and sLlr unLll dlssolved Add sugar oll flour and salL SeL mlxlng bowl fllled wlLh
dough ln warm waLer for 3 mlnuLes Lo rlse aL dough ouL on a wellgreased plzza pan or cookle sheeL
2 Layer Lopplngs on dough ln order llsLed 8ake aL 400 for 13 Lo 20 mlnuLes

Coconut 9|e

Cook 1lme 40 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 40 mlnuLes


2 cups mllk
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup blsculL mlx (8lsqulck eLc)
4 eggs
1/4 cup (1/2 sLlck) buLLer
1 Leaspoon vanllla
1 1/2 cups flaked coconuL


1 Comblne mllk sugar blsculL mlx eggs buLLer and vanllla ln blender Cover and blend on low speed for 3
mlnuLes our lnLo greased 9lnch ple pan LeL sLand 3 mlnuLes Lhen sprlnkle wlLh coconuL 8ake aL 330
degrees for 40 mlnuLes Serve Lhls coconuL ple warm or cooled SLore ln refrlgeraLor



1 kllo (22 lbs) spagheLLl noodles
1 cup mlnced onlon
1 head of garllc flnely mlnced
3/4 kllo (163 lbs) ground beef
3/4 kllo (163 lbs) hoL dogs
1/4 cup sugar
spagheLLl sauce (used 730g (263 ounce) pouch ln Lhls reclpe)
1 boLLle banana keLchup
1 box qulck melL cheese
1/2 cup waLer

salL and pepper Lo LasLe


1 Cook Lhe noodles as per package dlrecLlon
2 Sllce Lhe hoL dogs ln wedges 8eLLer do Lhls when Lhelr sLlll ln a sllghLly frozen sLaLe SpllL Lhem ln half Lhen
[usL do slanLlng cuLs llke ln Lhe plcLure
3 PeaL some oll SauLe garllc and onlons 1hen add ln Lhe meaL Cook Llll brown Season wlLh some salL and
4 our ln Lhe spagheLLl sauce keLchup sugar and waLer
3 Mlx and leL lL slmmer for abouL 10 mlnuLes unLll lL geLs Lhlck and red
6 Add ln Lhe hoL dogs lasL
7 Mlx and [usL leL Lhe hoL dogs heaL Lhrough Sauce ls done!
8 1hls ls [usL a personal preference Slnce lm noL mlxlng my sauce wlLh Lhe pasLa l make sure Lo glve Lhe
noodles a qulck rlnse afLer Lhelr cooked and sLralned Lhem !usL Lo remove Lhe excess sLarch
9 1op Lhe noodles wlLh Lhe warm sauce Sprlnkle wlLh qulck melL cheese!

Spaghett| Carbonara

rep 1lme 10 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 13 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 23 mlnuLes
?leld Serves 4


1 lb spagheLLl pasLa
8 sllces bacon cuL ln half crosswlse
4 egg yolks
1/2 cup heavy cream

1 cup graLed armesan cheese
1/8 Leaspoon ground nuLmeg
1/8 Leaspoon whlLe pepper


1 8rlng a large poL of salLed waLer Lo a boll Cook bacon ln a heavy skllleL unLll crlsp 8emove bacon from
pan and draln on paper Lowels SeL bacon aslde SeL skllleL aslde do noL rlnse or wash

2 Cook Lhe pasLa as dlrecLed on package Meanwhlle comblne Lhe egg yolks cream half Lhe armesan
cheese nuLmeg and pepper ln a medlum bowl and beaL unLll well blended

3 When Lhe pasLa ls cooked draln reservlng abouL 1/3 cup cooklng waLer and lmmedlaLely add Lo Lhe
skllleL wlLh Lhe bacon drlpplngs lace over low heaL and Loss for 1 mlnuLe scraplng Lhe pan wlLh Longs Lo
loosen pan drlpplngs

4 SLlr ln Lhe egg mlxLure and Loss Lhoroughly unLll comblned Add pasLa cooklng waLer as needed unLll a
creamy sauce forms Add Lhe bacon and remalnlng cheese and Loss agaln Lo coaL Serve lmmedlaLely



8 ounces lasagna noodles
2 Lablespoons salL for cooklng waLer
1 Lablespoon ollve oll
16 ounces low faL rlcoLLa cheese
8 ounces sllced Mozzarella cheese
1/3 cup graLed armesan cheese

1/2 cup flnely chopped onlon
2 cloves garllc mlnced
3 Lablespoons ollve oll
1 pound ground chuck or round
1 large can (28 ounces) LomaLoes
1 can (6 ounces) LomaLo pasLe
2 Leaspoons salL
plnch cayenne pepper
1 Leaspoon sugar
1/4 Leaspoon drled basll
1 bay leaf
2 cups waLer


1 SLarL sauce abouL 30 Lo 43 mlnuLes ln advance
2 SauLe onlon and garllc ln ollve oll unLll onlons are sofL add ground beef and brown our off excess faL
Add remalnlng lngredlenLs sLlr well Slmmer slowly uncovered for 1 hour

3 Cook noodles ln bolllng waLer wlLh 2 Lablespoons of salL for abouL 23 mlnuLes or unLll Lender sLlrrlng
frequenLly Lo prevenL sLlcklng uraln add 1 Lablespoon ollve oll Arrange noodles ln a shallow 2 1/2quarL
baklng dlsh Make 3 layers each of noodles rlcoLLa cheese Mozzarella cheese meaL sauce and armesan
cheese 8ake uncovered aL 323 for 43 mlnuLesServes 6

Sweet Macaron| Sa|ad


1 cup elbow macaronl pasLa
1 cup ralslns
1 Z cups naLa de coco (coconuL gel) dralned
1 cup sweeLened condensed mllk
1 cup mayonnalse
1 cup plneapple chunks dralned


1 ln a cooklng poL boll Lhe macaronl pasLa unLll fully cooked 1o make sure check Lhe dlrecLlons ln Lhe
producL package how Lo cook lL besL When done draln Lhe waLer SeL aslde and leL lL cool for abouL 13

2 AfLer Lhe pasLa has cooled Lransfer Lhe macaronl lnLo a large mlxlng bowl our Lhe resL of Lhe lngredlenLs
and comblne Lhem LogeLher unLll Lhey are all well mlxed
3 Cover Lhe mlxlng bowl wlLh a cllng plasLlc wrap 8efrlgeraLe for aL leasL an hour 1hls ls done Lo absorb Lhe
4 Serve cold ln lndlvldual conLalners 1hls reclpe ylelds up Lo 6 servlngs

Choco|ate Cup Cake


3 oz (130g) 8uLLer sofLened
3 oz (130g) superflne (casLor) sugar
6 oz (173g) selfralslng flour
3 eggs
2 Lbls cocoa powder
1 Lsp vanllla exLracL


1 reheaL Lhe oven Lo 330o (180oC)
2 Llne a 12 cup cake pan wlLh cup cake papers
3 Crack Lhe eggs lnLo a cup and beaL llghLly wlLh a fork
4 lace all Lhe lngredlenLs ln a large bowl
3 8eaL wlLh an elecLrlc mlxer for 2 mlnuLes unLll llghL and creamy
6 ulvlde Lhe mlxLure evenly beLween Lhe cake cases
7 8ake for 1820 mlnuLes unLll rlsen and flrm Lo Louch
8 Allow Lo cool for a few mlnuLes and Lhen Lransfer Lo a wlre rack
9 Allow Lo cool fully before lclng

Makes 12 cakes

Van|||a Cup Cake


3 oz (130g) 8uLLer sofLened
3 oz (130g) superflne (casLor) sugar
6 oz (173g) selfralslng flour
3 eggs
1 Lsp vanllla exLracL


1 reheaL Lhe oven Lo 330o (180oC)
2 Llne a 12 cup cake pan wlLh cup cake papers
3 Crack Lhe eggs lnLo a cup and beaL llghLly wlLh a fork
4 lace all Lhe lngredlenLs ln a large bowl
3 8eaL wlLh an elecLrlc mlxer for 2 mlnuLes unLll llghL and creamy
6 ulvlde Lhe mlxLure evenly beLween Lhe cake cases
7 8ake for 1820 mlnuLes unLll rlsen and flrm Lo Louch
8 Allow Lo cool for a few mlnuLes and Lhen Lransfer Lo a wlre rack
9 Allow Lo cool fully before lclng


Makes 12 cakes

Creamy 8utter rost|ng


1/3 cup buLLer
1/4 Leaspoon salL
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL
1 pound (3 1/2 cups) slfLed confecLloners sugar (powdered sugar)
3 Lo 4 Lablespoons mllk or llghL cream or Lo make smooLh and spreadable


1 Cream buLLer salL and vanllla beaLlng wlLh an elecLrlc mlxer unLll llghL and fluffy Add Lhe confecLloners
sugar gradually beaLlng afLer each addlLlon Add 3 Lablespoons mllk or llghL cream beaLlng unLll smooLh
8eaL ln more mllk unLll deslred spreadlng conslsLency ls reached and Lhe frosLlng ls spreadable Makes
abouL 2 1/3 cups of frosLlng enough Lo frosL Lops and sldes of of an 8lnch 2layer cake or a 10lnch Lube
or bundL cake or abouL 1 dozen cupcakes

Choco|ate Ic|ng kec|pe


1/4 cup unsalLed buLLer melLed
1/2 cup unsweeLened cocoa powder (you may add more lf you llke)
1/3 cup mllk
1 Lsp vanllla exLracL
1 cup of confecLloner's sugar (you may lncrease Lhls accordlng Lo Lhe conslsLency you're looklng for)


1 ln a large bowl beaL buLLer and cocoa LogeLher unLll wellcomblned
2 Add mllk and vanllla exLracL and beaL Llll smooLh
3 Cradually beaL ln Lhe confecLloner's sugar unLll your deslred conslsLency ls achleved
4 Ad[usL wlLh more mllk sugar flour lf necessary
3 Spread Lhls beauLlful lclng onLo your cake and serve

8|ueberry cheesecake

Cook 1lme 1 hour 10 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 1 hour 10 mlnuLes


2 packages (16 ounces LoLal) cream cheese room LemperaLure
2 cups coLLage cheese
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 eggs sllghLly beaLen
6 Lablespoons cornsLarch
6 Lablespoons allpurpose flour
1 1/2 Lablespoons lemon [ulce
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL

1/2 cup melLed buLLer or margarlne
2 cups sour cream
graham cracker crusL below
blueberry glaze below


1 Comblne cream cheese and coLLage cheese ln a large mlxlng bowl beaL unLll smooLh Cradually add
sugar beaLlng well Add eggs and beaL unLll well blended Add cornsLarch flour lemon [ulce and vanllla
sLlr well Add melLed buLLer and sour cream beaLlng unLll smooLh

2 our fllllng lnLo 10lnch sprlngform pan wlLh graham cracker crusL (below) (lace a shallow baklng pan on
Lhe boLLom rack of Lhe oven wlLh abouL an lnch of hoL waLer) 8ake cheesecake ln cenLer of oven aL 323
for abouL 70 mlnuLes or unLll flrm around edges 1urn off oven and leL cheesecake cool wlLh oven for 2
hours 8emove from oven and cool compleLely 8emove from pan refrlgeraLe When compleLely chllled
Lop wlLh blueberry glaze (below)

Craham Cracker Crumb CrusL

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup melLed buLLer or margarlne
2 Leaspoons sugar

1 Comblne crumbs melLed buLLer and sugar press lnLo Lhe boLLom of a 10lnch sprlngform pan

8lueberry Claze

1 cup sugar
2 Lablespoons cornsLarch
1 cup waLer
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberrles dlvlded

1 ln a 1quarL saucepan comblne sugar and cornsLarch SLlr ln waLer Crush 1/2 cup blueberrles add Lo
sugar and waLer mlxLure Cook over medlum heaL sLlrrlng consLanLly unLll mlxLure ls Lhlckened and
beglns Lo bubble ConLlnue Lo boll genLly for abouL 2 mlnuLes or unLll blueberry glaze mlxLure ls clear
Cool compleLely Arrange remalnlng blueberrles over Lhe Lop of Lhe cheesecake our cooled blueberry
glaze over berrles keep blueberry cheesecake LlghLly covered ln refrlgeraLor


rep 1lme 3 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 3 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 10 mlnuLes


2 eggs
2 1bsp whole mllk
2 1bsp clarlfled buLLer or whole buLLer
SalL and ground whlLe pepper Lo LasLe



1 Crack Lhe eggs lnLo a glass mlxlng bowl and beaL Lhem unLll Lhey Lurn a pale yellow color

2 PeaL a heavyboLLomed nonsLlck sauLe pan over medlumlow heaL Add Lhe buLLer and leL lL melL

3 Add Lhe mllk Lo Lhe eggs and season Lo LasLe wlLh salL and whlLe pepper 1hen grab your whlsk and whlsk
llke crazy ?oure golng Lo wanL Lo work up a sweaL here lf youre noL up for LhaL you can use an elecLrlc
beaLer or sLand mlxer wlLh Lhe whlsk aLLachmenL WhaLever devlce you use youre Lrylng Lo beaL as much
alr as posslble lnLo Lhe eggs

4 When Lhe buLLer ln Lhe pan ls hoL enough Lo make a drop of waLer hlss pour ln Lhe eggs uonL sLlr! LeL
Lhe eggs cook for up Lo a mlnuLe or unLll Lhe boLLom sLarLs Lo seL

3 WlLh a heaLreslsLanL rubber spaLula genLly push one edge of Lhe egg lnLo Lhe cenLer of Lhe pan whlle
LllLlng Lhe pan Lo allow Lhe sLlll llquld egg Lo flow ln underneaLh 8epeaL wlLh Lhe oLher edges unLll Lheres
no llquld lefL

6 ?our eggs should now resemble a brlghL yellow pancake whlch should easlly sllde around on Lhe nonsLlck
surface lf lL sLlcks aL all loosen lL wlLh your spaLula

7 now genLly fllp Lhe egg pancake over uslng your spaLula Lo ease lL over lf necessary Cook for anoLher few
seconds or unLll Lhere ls no uncooked egg lefL

8 lf youre addlng any oLher lngredlenLs nows Lhe Llme Lo do lL (See noLe) Spoon your fllllng across Lhe
cenLer of Lhe egg ln sLralghL llne

9 WlLh your spaLula llfL one edge of Lhe egg and fold lL across and over so LhaL Lhe edges llne up Cook for
anoLher mlnuLe or so buL donL overcook or allow Lhe egg Lo Lurn brown lf necessary you can fllp Lhe
enLlre omeleL over Lo cook Lhe Lop for 30 seconds or so !usL donL leL lL geL brown

10 CenLly Lransfer Lhe flnlshed omeleL Lo a plaLe Carnlsh wlLh chopped fresh herbs lf deslred

nC1L 1heres no llmlL Lo Lhe number of fllllngs you can use wlLh Lhls baslc omeleL reclpe

Some suggesLlons lnclude

CraLed cheese
SauLeed mushrooms
ulced and sauLeed onlon
Chopped cooked bacon
ulced ham



1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 Lbsp baklng powder
1 egg
1/2 cup mllk
1/2 Lsp vanllla
4 Lbsp cooklng oll



1 SLlr dry lngredlenLs LogeLher Add egg vanllla and mllk and beaL one mlnuLe wlLh elecLrlc mlxer or
vlgorously by hand Add oll and beaL one mlnuLe more reheaL donuL maker for 10 mlnuLes our baLLer
lnLo cavlLles ln boLLom of donuL maker close lld and bake for 3 mlnuLes 8emove carefully wlLh fork and
place on graLe or rack Makes 12 donuLs


Any oLher exLracL may be subsLlLuLed for Lhe vanllla ?ou can also add 1/2 cup of nuLs ralslns or coconuL Lo Lhe
baLLer 1/2 cup chocolaLe chlps may also be added 1hls ls especlally good lf you add 1/4 Leaspoon orange exLracL
Lo Lhe vanllla glaze

Choco|ate Candy


3 cups sugar
3 cups mllk
3 Lablespoons cocoa
1 Lablespoon buLLer
1 Leaspoon vanllla


1 Comblne Lhe sugar mllk and cocoa ln a saucepan and brlng lL Lo Lhe boll whlle sLlrrlng 8oll unLll Lhe
mlxLure reaches Lhe sofL ball sLage aL 234240 degrees

2 8emove from heaL and sLlr ln Lhe buLLer and vanllla unLll mlxLure ls creamy our onLo a buLLered Lray and
allow Lo cool CuL lnLo squares and sLore ln an alrLlghL conLalner

8|ack orest Cake


1 dark chocolaLe cake mlx (or your own from scraLch)
1/4 c klrsch (cherry brandy)
1 can cherry ple fllllng
16 oz heavy whlpplng cream
1/2 c confecLloners sugar
Maraschlno cherrles dralned opLlonal for garnlsh
mllk chocolaLe curls or shavlngs for garnlsh


1 uraln cherry ple fllllng ln a colander Lo remove mosL of Lhe Lhlckened [ulces

2 Make cake followlng package dlrecLlons 8ake cake as dlrecLed ln Lwo 9lnch layer cake pans

3 When cool sprlnkle klrsch over boLh cake layers

4 Chlll elecLrlc beaLers and large mlxlng bowl beaL cream unLll lL Lhlckens sllghLly gradually add
confecLloners sugar and beaL unLll Lhlck enough Lo hold lLs shape

3 uslng a vegeLable peeler shave chocolaLe refrlgeraLe unLll ready Lo serve

6 Assemble cake place one layer on servlng plaLe and spread lLs Lop wlLh 1/2lnch Lhlck layer of whlpped
cream and sLrew Lhe cherrles over Lhe cream leavlng abouL 1/2 lnch margln around border of cake wlLh
no cherrles

7 SeL oLher layer on Lop of cherrles and spread Lop and sldes of cake wlLh remalnlng cream shape whlpped
cream lnLo decoraLlve swlrls on Lop

8 WlLh flngers genLly press chocolaLe curls lnLo cream on sldes of cake

9 Carnlsh Lop wlLh dralned maraschlno cherrles lf deslred or wlLh a few remalnlng chocolaLe curls

Crema de ruta


2 1/2 c cakeflour
1 L vanllla
1 L baklng powder
1 c sugar
3 pcs eggs
1 box alsa gulaman
1/2 c oll
1/4 L cream of LarLar
1/2 c plneapple [ulce
1/2 c sugar

or llllng
3 pcs Lgg yolk
1 can condensed mllk
1 can nesLle cream
1 can all purpose cream

or 1opplngs
1 blg can lesLa rulL CockLall dralned
1 c sugar
1 pk 8alslns


1 Assemble all needed Lools and lngredlenLs SlfL and measure all dry lngredlenLs Comblne LogeLher Make
a well aL Lhe cenLer and blend Lhoroughly 8eaL egg whlLes unLll fluffy and fold ln Lhe baLLer mlxLure uL
cusLard mlxLure on Lhe cenLer on Lop of bread Lhen puL Lhe frulL cockLall Lhen Lhe gelaLln WalL unLll Lhe
gelaLln hold lLs shape

2 or llllng uL or comblne egg yolk condensed nesLle cream and all purpose cream ln a cara[ay and heaL
unLll Lhlck


Mango |oat
* Craham Crackers
* 2 All urpose Cream
* 1 Condense Mllk
* 2 Whole SweeL and 8lpe Mango ( CuL lnLo Lhln wlde sLrlps)
1 Mlx Lhe all purpose cream and condense mllk ln a bowl and seL lL aslde
2 lace graham crackers aL Lhe boLLom of baklng pan you wlll use 1hose graham crackers wlll serve as Lhe
cakes crusL
3 our Lhe already mlxed all purpose cream and condense mllk lnLo Lhe graham and layer lL wlLh mangoes
cuL lnLo Lhln wlde sLrlps
4 8epeaL Lhe procedure number 2 and 3 unLll your baklng pan ls full
3 uL good amounL of mango on Lop of lL uecoraLe lL lf you wanL
6 8efrlgeraLe lL for aL leasL 12 hours or for one day so Lhe mlxLure conLemplaLes well Ln[oy

Macapuno 1art
* 6 cups allpurpose flour
* 1/4 cup whlLe sugar
* 1 Lsp flne salL
* 1 1/2 shorLenlng or margarlne (chllled)
* 1 cup cold waLer
1) Mlx LogeLher flour salL sugar CuLln shorLenlng uslng a pasLry blender or 2 knlves

2) When lL Lurns lnLo cornmeal slze add waLer gradually whlle mlxlng llghLly wlLh hand

3) 8oll ouL on a board and uslng a round cuLLer cuL Lo flL muffln pans

4) Crease muffln pans before flLLlng ln dough

Macapuno 1arL llllng
* 3 cups sweeLened macapuno (or macapuno preserves)

* cup buLLer or margarlne
* 6 eggs yolks
1) MelL buLLer ln a low flre
2) old ln macapuno and beaLen egg yolks 8lend well
3) lll ln muffln pans wlLh molded dough bake ln a preheaLed oven aL 330 for 13 mlnuLes or unLll LarL becomes
llghL brown Ln[oy!
* 2 cups malagklL (sLlcky rlce)
* 3/4 c sugar
* 3 1/2 c dlluLed coconuL mllk
* 1/8 lb buLLer
* 1 egg beaLen
8lko 1opplngs
* 1 can (13 oz) condensed mllk
* 3/4 cups rlch coconuL mllk
* 2 Lo 3 Lbsp flour for qulck Lhlckenlng
1) CraLe Lhe coconuL meaL Lhen squeeze ouL mllk from 2 coconuLs Save 3/4 cup of Lhe flrsL mllk squeezed ouL (1sL
exLracLlon) for Lopplng ulluLe Lhe resL of Lhe coconuL mllk Lo make 3 1/2 cups ?ou can use 1 can (12 ounces)
frozen coconuL mllk savlng 3/4 cup of Lhe Lhlck mllk for Lopplng and dlluLlng Lhe resL wlLh waLer Lo make 3 1/2

2) 8oll rlce and coconuL mllk ln a heavy poL sLlrrlng consLanLly Lo keep from burnlng for abouL 13 Lo 20 mlnuLes

3) When Lhe rlce ls done and almosL dry lower Lhe heaL Add Lhe sugar and buLLer Mlx well and seL aslde When
cool add Lhe egg

4) Spread Lhe rlce mlxLure ln a well buLLered yrex dlsh (11 3/4 x 7 1/2 x 1 3/4 lnch)

3) 8ake ln a preheaLed 300 degree oven for 20 mlnuLes

Pow 1o Make 1he 1opplng (LaLlk)

1) Comblne all Lopplng lngredlenLs ln a heavy saucepan and cook over low heaL sLlrrlng consLanLly unLll Lhlck
(abouL 13 mlnuLes)

2) our Lopplng over rlce mlxLure ln dlsh lncrease oven heaL Lo 330 degrees

3) 8ake unLll Lop ls brown (abouL 13 mlnuLes)

8uko 9andan Sa|ad


* 8 leaves of andan (well washed and cleaned)
* 3 8uko CraLed Lo sLrlps
* WaLer approx 10 cups
* 3 small cans of cream
* 1 medlum can of condensed mllk
* 2 bars of gulaman
* 1 3/4 cups sugar (you can add more)
* 1 cup kaong (opLlonal)


1) 8oll waLer LogeLher wlLh 8 pandan leaves LhaL are lndlvldually LwlsLed Lo break Lhe flbers and expose Lhe [ulce
Slmmer for 20 mlnuLes
2) 8efore addlng 2 bars of gulaman make sure you remove Lhe pandan leaves and check lf Lhe remalnlng waLer ls
equal Lo 8 cups 1 bar of gulaman ls good for 4 cups of llquld lf lL ls noL 8 cups less wlll mean hard gulaman and
more Lhan 8 cups wlll resulL ln mushy sofL gulaman
3) Lnsurlng gulaman ls welldlssolved sLlr well
4) Add sugar whlle mlxlng uo Lhls for 3 mlnuLes
3) our Lhrough a sLralner lnLo coollng Lrays WalL Llll lL cools and hardens Lhen puL ln frldge
6) Meanwhlle mlx Lhe graLed buko wlLh Lhe 3 cans of cream and 1 can of condensed mllk
7) Add Lhe kaong (opLlonal)
8) CeL gulaman and cuL lL lnLo 1 cm cubes
9) Mlx wlLh buko mlxLure

Leche |an


10 egg yolks
1 blg can of evaporaLed mllk
1 blg can of condensed mllk
1 cup of whlLe sugar
cup of waLer
1 Lsp of vanllla exLracL


1 ln a saucepan mlx Lhe sugar and waLer 8oll unLll sugar ls melLed and caramellzed
2 our Lhe caramellzed sugar lnLo alumlnum moulds whlch can be of any shape llke round oval or square
Spread Lhe caramel lnLo Lhe moulds
3 Mlx well Lhe evaporaLed mllk condensed mllk egg yolks and vanllla lL's beLLer lf you mlx Lhem wlLh a
blender for smooLhness

4 Slowly pour Lhe mlxLure on Lop of Lhe caramel on Lhe moulds lll abouL 1 Lo 11/4 lnch Lhlck
3 Cover Lhe moulds wlLh alumlnum foll
6 Cook by sLeamlng for abouL 20 mlnuLes or by baklng lL for abouL 43 mlnuLes Make sure you preheaL
oven Lo abouL 370 degrees before baklng Leche lan ls cooked when you lnserL a knlfe or LooLhplck lL
comes ouL clean
7 LeL lL cool and refrlgeraLe

1o serve Loosen Lhe Leche lan by runnlng a Lhln knlfe around Lhe edges of Lhe mould Cover wlLh a plaLLer Lhen
qulckly Lurn upslde down Lo show Lhe golden brown caramel on Lop


rep 1lme 23 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 10 mlnuLes


6 egg yolks
11/4 cup sugar
11/4 cup mascarpone cheese
13/4 cup whlpplng cream whlpped
3/4 cup waLer
2 Leaspoons lnsLanL coffee granules
11/2 Lablespoon Marsala
2 3 ounce packages ladyflngers
plped whlpped cream
graLed unsweeLened chocolaLe

1 Comblne yolks and sugar ln Lop of double boller beaL aL medlum speed wlLh elecLrlc mlxer unLll Lhlck and
lemon colored 8rlng waLer Lo a boll reduce heaL Lo low cook for 8 Lo 10 mlnuLes sLlrrlng consLanLly
8emove from heaL Add cheese and beaL unLll smooLh

2 old whlpped cream lnLo cheese mlxLure

3 Comblne waLer coffee and Marsala 8rush on cuL sldes of ladyflngers Llne sldes and boLLom of Lrlfle bowl
wlLh 36 ladyflngers our ln half of fllllng Layer remalnlng ladyflngers on Lop cover wlLh remalnlng fllllng
Carnlsh wlLh plped cream and chocolaLe shavlngs Cover and chlll for 8 hours

otdog me|ette


4 hoLdogs sllced lnLo dlagonal pleces

Chopped onlons

7 eggs

salL and pepper

1/8 cup mllk


Cllve oll


1 ln a bowl scramble Lhe eggs add Lhe mllk and season wlLh salL and pepper

2 SeL aslde

3 Cn a nonsLlck pan sauLe Lhe onlons ln oll unLll golden brown

4 Add Lhe chopped hoLdog pleces

3 ConLlnue sauLelng unLll Lhe hoLdogs are golden brown

6 CenLly pour ln Lhe scrambled eggs mlxLure

7 As Lhe eggs sLarL Lo solldlfy use a spaLula Lo genLly push Lhe scrambled eggs ln Lowards Lhe cenLer of Lhe
pan 1he uncooked parLs of Lhe eggs wlll flow ouL Lowards Lhe sldes of Lhe pan ?ou wlll hear Lhe slzzllng
sound ConLlnue Lo genLly push Lhe eggs Lowards Lhe cenLer

8 When cooked Lransfer your hoLdog omeleLLe Lo a servlng dlsh


1lp uo noL overcook Lhe eggs Leave Lhem a llLLle blL sofL

88 Sauce

rep 1lme 13 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 20 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 33 mlnuLes
?leld Makes abouL 2 1/2 cups


1 can (8 ounce) LomaLo sauce
1 can (6 ounce) LomaLo pasLe
1/4 cup mlnced onlon
2 Lablespoons brown sugar
2 Lablespoons vlnegar
2 Lablespoons ollve oll
3 cloves garllc crushed
1 Lablespoon WorcesLershlre sauce
1 Leaspoon dry musLard
1 Leaspoon cayenne
fresh ground pepper Lo LasLe


1 Cook mlnced onlon and garllc ln ollve oll unLll onlons Lurns opaque Add remalnlng lngredlenLs mlx
Lhoroughly and allow Lo slmmer 20 mlnuLes Makes abouL 1 1/2 cups


Crllled 8um and lneapple kebabs

rep 1lme 7 mlnuLes
Cook 1lme 10 mlnuLes
1oLal 1lme 17 mlnuLes
?leld Makes 8 Servlngs


1 plneapple cuL lnLo 8 wedges Lhen cuL lnLo fourLhs
1/2 cup dark rum (or Lequlla)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup orange [ulce

1 Mlx rum brown sugar honey and orange [ulce LogeLher unLll sugar ls dlssolved reheaL Crlll 1hread
plneapple sllces onLo skewers lace on Lhe grlll and basLe wlLh rum sauce Cook kebabs for abouL 10
mlnuLes Lurnlng and basLlng occaslonally 8emove from heaL leL cool for a few mlnuLes before servlng
wlLh cockLalls or lce cream

r|ed k|ce


1 2 green onlons as deslred
2 large eggs
1 Leaspoon salL
epper Lo LasLe
4 Lablespoons oll for sLlrfrylng or as needed
4 cups cold cooked rlce
1 2 Lablespoons llghL soy sauce or oysLer sauce as deslred


2 Wash and flnely chop Lhe green onlon LlghLly beaL Lhe eggs wlLh Lhe salL and pepper

3 PeaL a wok or frylng pan and add 2 Lablespoons oll When Lhe oll ls hoL add Lhe eggs Cook sLlrrlng unLll
Lhey are llghLly scrambled buL noL Loo dry 8emove Lhe eggs and clean ouL Lhe pan

4 Add 2 Lablespoons oll Add Lhe rlce SLlrfry for a few mlnuLes uslng chopsLlcks or a wooden spoon Lo
break lL aparL SLlr ln Lhe soy sauce or oysLer sauce as deslred

3 When Lhe rlce ls heaLed Lhrough add Lhe scrambled egg back lnLo Lhe pan Mlx Lhoroughly SLlr ln Lhe
green onlon Serve hoL


anclL SoLanghon Culsado

Serves 4 Lo 3 rep 1lme 13 mlnuLes Cooklng 1lme 20 mlnuLes


1 bundle drled vermlcelll noodles (soLanghon)
3 Lablespoons cooklng oll
1 medlum onlon sllced
1 clove garllc mlnced
1/2 cup shredded cabbage
1/4 cup sllced 8agulo beans
1/4 cup carroL sLrlp
2 sLalks celery sllced
1/2 cup sllced bolled chlcken breasL
2 Lablespoons annaLLo (achueLe) oll
2 cups chlcken sLock or pork sLock
salL and pepper Lo LasLe
frled garllc chlps or mlnced garllc for garnlsh
calamansl and soy sauce Lo serve


1 Soak noodles ln a bowl of waLer Lo sofLen lL and make lL easler Lo cook

2 ln a pan heaL oll SauLe onlon and garllc on medlum heaL Add cabbage beans carroLs and celery ollow wlLh
annaLLo oll

3 Add chlcken sllces and pour ln Lhe sLock

4 Add Lhe noodles and mlx wlLh Lhe sauLeed vegeLables and chlcken Season wlLh salL and pepper Cover pan mlx
occaslonally unLll Lhe llquld evaporaLes

Classlc Chlcken and ork Adobo

Serves 3 Lo 4 rep and Cooklng 1lme 43 mlnuLes


1/2 kllo chlcken cuL lnLo servlng pleces
1/2 kllo pork rounds cuL lnLo servlng pleces
salL and ground black pepper Lo LasLe

1 cup plneapple [ulce
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup whlLe vlnegar
2 Lablespoons crushed garllc
3 bay leaves
1/8 Leaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 Leaspoon whole black peppercorn

1 lace chlcken and pork ln a sLalnlesssLeel bowl Season wlLh salL and pepper Lo LasLe

2 ln a medlum saucepoL comblne 1 cup plneapple [ulce soy sauce whlLe vlnegar crushed garllc bay leaves
ground black pepper and whole black peppercorn

3 8rlng Lo a boll and add seasoned meaL pleces Lower Lhe heaL Lo a slow slmmer Sklm Lhe surface of any froLh lf
any ConLlnue Lo slmmer for abouL 23 Lo 30 mlnuLes

8razo de Mercedes lngredlenLs


14 ounces condensed mllk
1 cup sugar
2 Lablespoons unsalLed buLLer
1 Lablespoon vanllla exLracL
8 egg yolks
1/4 cup flnely ground and LoasLed cashew nuLs


10 egg whlLes
1/2 Leaspoon cream of LarLar
1 cup sugar
1 Leaspoon vanllla exLracL

8razo de Mercedes Cooklng lnsLrucLlons


1 ln a saucepan slmmer mllk over low heaL unLll reduced Lo 2 cups Add sugar buLLer and vanllla exLracL
sLlrrlng consLanLly 8emove from heaL
2 8eaL egg yolks ln mlxlng bowl Add a llLLle of Lhe mllk Lo Lhe egg yolks sLlr Lhen gradually add mlxLure by
spoonfuls back lnLo Lhe saucepan beaLlng consLanLly SLlr well Lo avold curdllng
3 Add cashew nuLs and conLlnue cooklng enLlre mlxLure over low heaL sLlrrlng consLanLly unLll mlxLure has
Lhe conslsLency of a pasLe SeL aslde


1 reheaL oven Lo 400 degrees Comblne eggs and Cream lf 1arLar Lhen 8eaL egg whlLes unLll sLlff Cradually
add 1 cup sugar beaLlng conLlnuously SLlr ln vanllla
2 Llne a large cookle sheeL wlLh parchmenL paper greased wlLh buLLer and spread merlngue on Lop 8ake
unLll brown
3 Spread fllllng evenly on Lop of merlngue and roll lnLo a log
4 8rush wlLh buLLer and brown agaln ln oven

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