Infants Posses A System of Numerical Knowledge Karen Wynn

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which the manipulation of teacher Snow refers to the original Pyg- R. Rosenthal and D.B.

Rubin, Pygmalion Reaf-

firmed, published as Appendix C in Elashoff and
expectations was quite plausible be- malion study^ as "discredited." But Snow, note 1. Such biased data rejection has been
cause teachers had known pupils that should no longer be the issue. recently discussed in R. Rosenthal, Science and ethics
in conducting, analyzing, and reporting psychofogical
only for 2 weeks or less, 9 studies Even if Lenore Jacobson and I had research. Psychological Science, 5. 127-134 (1994).
show positive effects (i.e., 90%, never conducted our experiment, 3. Rosenthal and Rubin, note 2, p. 155.
4. L.V. Cordon and M.A. Durea. The effect of
compared with Snow's 56%). Simi- there are now too many new studies discouragement on the revised Stanford Binet Scale,
larly, Snow reports the median effect for even committed criticisms of dis- lournal of Genetic Psychology, 73, 201-207 (1948);
E.L. Sacks, Intelligence scores as a function of ex-
size id) for all 18 studies as .035, or liked results to make the basic con- perimentally established social relationships be-
.025 omitting the Pygmalion study. clusion go away: Teachers' expecta- tween child and examiner, journal of Abnormal and
Social Psychology, 47. 354-358 (1952); other ex-
For the 10 studies of the more plau- tions can affect pupils' intellectual amples are summarized in R. Rosenthal, Experi-
sibly manipulated expectancies, the functioning. Science is the loser menter Effects in Behavioral Research (Appleton-
Century-Crofts, New York, 1966; enlarged edition,
median effect size was .195, or .18 when new data have no effect on Irvington, New York, 1976).
omitting the Pygmalion study. In an prior belief. 5. S.W. Raudenbush, Random effects model, in
updated analysis of 19 studies of The Handbook of Research Synthesis, H. Cooper
and L.V. Hedges, Eds. (Russell Sage Foundation,
teacher expectancy effects/ Rau- New York, 1994).
denbush estimates that the expected 6. R. Rosenthal, Interpersonal expectancy ef-
fects; A 30-year perspective, Current Directions in
effect size (d) for studies having no Notes
Psychological Science. 3, 176-179 (1994).
prior teacher-pupil contact is :43, a 7. R. Rosenthal and L. Jacobson, Pygmalion in
substantial effect 3 to 6 times larger the Classroom (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New
York, 1968). Far from being discredited, that study
than the effects of aspirin described 1. J.D. Elashoff and R.E. Snow, Pygmalion Re- was awarded First Prize of the Cattell Fund Award of
considered (Charles A. Jones, Worthington, OH, Division 13 of ihe American Psychological Associ-
in my article^ on which Snow is 1971). ation; il has also withstood nicely the remarkably
commenting. 2. The details of the statistical bias are given in committed criticisms of Snow and his colleagues.

Infants Possess a System of Numerical sentations to obtain further numeri-

cal information. In this review, I
Knowledge summarize these empirical findings,
describe a specific model for how
Karen Wynn infants might represent and reason
about number, and discuss briefly
how this initial system of knowledge
may relate to later numerical knowl-
A mathematical system can be system of inferential reasoning that
characterized by a body of mathe- can be applied over these entities to
matical entities, along with a set of reveal further geometrical knowl-
procedures for operating upon these edge. Similarly, the natural num-
entities to yield further information. bers, in conjunction with arithmeti-
For example, the system of euclid- cal functions such as addition and REPRESENT NUMBER
ean geometry is composed of a set of multiplication, form another mathe-
geometrical entities (point, line, matical system.
plane, angle, etc.), together with a My colleagues and I have been Infants can distinguish different
investigating human infants' numer- small numbers of visual items, such
Karen Wynn is Assistant Professor ical abilities. The picture emerging as dots, points of light, and photo-
of Psychology and Research Scien- from this research is one of impres- graphs of household objects. In stud-
tist in Cognitive Science at the Uni- sive early competence and suggests ies showing this capacity, each in-
versity of Arizona. Address corre- that a system of numerical knowl- fant is repeatedly presented with
spondence to Karen W y n n , edge may be part of the inherent arrays containing a certain number
Department of Psychology, Uni- structure of the human mind: Infants of items, until the infant's looking
versity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ can mentally represent different time to the arrays decreases to a pre-
8 5 7 2 1 ; e-mail: wynn(@ccit.
numbers and have procedures for specified criterion (typically to half
manipulating these numerical repre- of his or her initial levels of looking).

Published by Cambridge University Press

At this point, the infant is considered abstract ones that can apply to input perceptual analysis (on the basis of,
to be habituated to the stimuli. Fol- from different perceptual modalities. e.g., the presence or absence of mo-
lowing habituation, the infant is pre- We have recently shown that tion), but required an analysis of the
sented with new displays, some con- 6-month-olds can also enumerate pattern of motion in the sequence.
taining the original number of items physical actions in a sequence.^ There is, in fact, more than one way
and some containing a new number One group of infants was habituated to pick out distinct actions in such a
of Items. It is well known that infants to a puppet jumping two times, an- sequence; for example, one might
tend to look longer at things that are other to a puppet jumping three pick out the individual jumps as dis-
new or unexpected to them; there- times. On each trial, the puppet tinct from the head-wagging activity
fore, if infants can distinguish be- jumped the required number of and count them, or one might pick
tween the two numbers, they should times, with a brief pause between out the repeating pattern of "jump-
look longer at the displays contain- jumps. Upon completing the jump ing followed by head wagging" and
ing the new number of items. It has sequence, the puppet stood motion- count its repetitions. Thus, the iden-
been found that when infants are ha- less, and infants' looking time to the tification of discrete actions within a
bituated to displays of two items, stationary puppet was measured. continuous sequence of motion is a
they then look longer when shown Following habituation, both groups cognitive imposition. Nonetheless,
three items, and vice versa, showing of infants were presented with test infants again looked significantly
that they can distinguish the two trials in which the puppet sometimes longer at the novel-number test se-
kinds of arrays. Under some condi- jumped two times and sometimes quences (Fig. 1b), indicating that
tions, infants in this type of experi- jumped three times. Infants looked they are able to parse a continuous
ment will also distinguish three reliably longer at the puppet on trials sequence of motion into distinct seg-
items from four.^ containing the new number of jumps ments on the basis of the structure of
Infants can enumerate other kinds (Fig. la). The structure of jump se- motion in the sequence, and to enu-
of entities in addition to visual items. quences ruled out the possibility that merate these segments. Thus, infants
After being habituated to arrays of infants were responding on the basis can enumerate complex, cognitively
two objects, infants looked longer at of the tempo or overall duration of determined entities.
a black disk when it emitted two se- the sequences rather than number. Visual items, sounds, and physi-
quential drumbeats than when it In a second, similar experiment, cal actions are all very different
emitted three; infants habituated to we asked whether infants could dis- kinds of entities. Typically, in exper-
arrays of three objects looked longer criminate between two- and three- iments of the kind just described, vi-
at the disk when it emitted three jump sequences when the puppet sual items or patterns are presented
drumbeats than when it emitted remained in constant motion to infants simultaneously, enduring
two.^ Thus, the infants not only enu- throughout each sequence; between together through time and occupy-
merated both the objects and the jumps, the puppet's head wagged ing different locations in space; thus,
drumbeats, but also recognized nu- from side to side in an exaggerated the identification of visual items re-
merical correspondences between fashion. In these sequences, the in- quires primarily an analysis of spa-
them. This finding indicates that in- dividual actions of the puppet could tial information. Sounds, in contrast,
fants' numerical representations are not be defined through a low-level have no spatial extent (though a
sound may emanate from a specific
physical location, it is perceived in-
Motionless Pause Between Jumps Motion throughout Jump Sequence dependently of it), but typically oc-
15 -\ 15 -I
cur at different points in time and
endure only temporarily, so their
\ identification relies primarily on an
analysis of temporal information. Fi-
nally, actions consist of internally
structured patterns of motion that
New fl New#
unfold over time, and so their iden-
Old# Old# tification entails an integration of
both spatial and temporal informa-
tion. The fact that infants can enu-
Last 6 Habituation Trials Test Trials Last 6 Habituation Trials Test Trials merate entities with quite distinct
properties, presented in different
Fig. 1. Six-month-olds' looking times on the last six habituation trials and on old- and
novel-number test trials for jump sequences (a) in which interjump intervals were mo- perceptual modalities, indicates that
tionless and (b) in which the puppet was in continuous motion. infants possess abstract, generaliz-

Copyright © 1995 American Psychological Society


able representations of small num- moved from a collection of two ob- presented with 1 -I- 1 situations, and
bers, and that these representations jects. Infants in the / -H / group saw another group was presented with 2
are independent of the perceptual one item placed into a display case. - 1 situations; for both groups, the
properties of specific arrays. A screen then rotated up to hide the outcome was sometimes one object
item, and the experimenter brought and sometimes two objects. All the
a second item into the display and objects were placed on a large re-
placed it out of sight behind the volving plate in the center of the dis-
INFANTS HAVE screen (Fig. 2, top). The 2 - 1 group play, which was occluded when the
saw two items placed into the dis- screen was raised. The objects were
play. After the screen rotated up to therefore in continuous motion, so
hide them, the experimenter's hand no object retained a distinct spatial
reentered the display, went behind location throughout the experimen-
Possessing genuine numerical the screen, and removed one item tal operation. Nonetheless, infants
knowledge entails more than simply from the display (Fig. 2, bottom). For looked reliably longer at the numer-
the ability to represent different both groups, the screen then ically incorrect outcomes, showing
numbers. A numerical system is dropped to reveal either one or two that they were computing over the
composed not only of numbers, but items. Infants' looking times to the number of objects, not over the
also of procedures for manipulating displays were then recorded. filled-or-empty status of different
these numbers to yield further nu- Pretest trials, in which infants spatial locations.^
merical information. Infants might were simply presented with displays
be able to determine numbers of en- of one and two items to look at, re-
tities without being able to reason vealed no significant preference for
about these numbers or to use them one number over the other, and no A MECHANISM FOR
to make numerical kinds of infer- significant difference in preference DETERMINING AND
ences. If so, we would not want to between the two groups. But there REASONING
credit infants with a system of nu- was a significant difference in the ABOUT NUMBER I
merical knowledge. looking patterns of the two groups
Studies conducted in my labora- on the test trials: Infants in the 1 + 1 The ability to discriminate small
tory show that 5-month-old infants group looked longer at the result of numbers of entities precisely, and in
are able to engage in numerical rea- one item than the result of two some cases to perform numerical
soning: They have procedures for items; infants in the 2 — 1 situation operations over these numbers, has
manipulating their numerical repre- looked longer at the result of two been documented in a variety of
sentations to obtain information of items than the result of one item warm-blooded vertebrate species as
the relationships that hold between (Fig. 3). well as in human infants. This sug-
them. In these experiments, the in- In another experiment, infants gests that a common mechanism
fant is shown a small collection of were shown an addition of one item may have evolved to perform this
objects, which then has an object to another, and the final number of function at a distant point in evolu-
added to or removed from it. The objects revealed was either two or tionary history/
resulting collection of objects that is three. Again, infants looked signifi- The accumulator is a model of a
subsequently shown to the infant is cantly longer at the inconsistent out- mental mechanism for representing
either numerically consistent or in- come of three objects than at the number, originally proposed to ac-
consistent with the addition or sub- consistent outcome of two objects count for numerical abilities in rats.^
traction. Because infants look longer (Fig. 4). (Pretest trials revealed no The accumulator mechanism can
at outcomes that violate their expec- baseline preference to look at three account for both the ability to repre-
tations, if they are anticipating the items over two items.) sent number and the ability to oper-
numberof objects that should result, These results are robust; they ate over these numerical representa-
they will look longer at inconsistent have been obtained in other labora- tions.^ This mechanism produces
outcomes than at consistent ones. tories, using different stimuli and pulses at a constant rate; these
In the first experiment," one with variations in the procedure.^ pulses can be passed into an accu-
group of 5-month-otd infants was One study tested the possibility that mulator by the closing of a switch.
shown an addition situation in infants were anticipating certain spa- For each entity that is to be counted,
which one object was added to an- tial locations to be filled and others the switch closes for a fixed brief in-
other identical object, and another empty, rather than anticipating the terval, passing the pulses into the ac-
group was shown a subtraction situ- number of items in the display. One cumulator during that interval. Thus,
ation in which one object was re- group of 5-month-old infants was the accumulator fills up in equal in-

Published by Cambridge University Press

As the accumulator is a physical
mechanism and random variability
Sequence of events: 1+1 = 1 or 2 is inherent to any physical process,
1. Object placed in case 2, Screen comes up 3. Second object added 4, Hand leaves emply
the exact fullness level of the accu-
mulator will vary somewhat across
different counts of the same number
1 of items. This variability will in-
crease with higher counts; therefore,
larger numbers will be less discrim-
Then either: (a) Possibie Outcome Or (b) impossibie Outcome inable from their neighbors than
5, screen drops ... 6. revealing 2 objects 5. screen drops ... 6. revealing 1 ob|ect smaller numbers. This feature of the
model may account for why infants'
ability to discriminate adjacent num-
bers is limited to smaller numbers,
and why they less reliably distin-
guish 3 from 4 than they do 2 from 3.
Because the entire fullness of the
Sequence of events: 2-1 = 1 or 2 accumulator represents the number
1. Objects placed in case 2. Screen comes up 3. Empty hand eniers 4. One object removed of the items counted, the magnitudi-
nal relationships between the num-
bers are specified in these represen-
tations. For example, 4 is 2 more
than 2, or twice as large; the accu-
mulator's representation for 4 has
Then either: (a) Possibie Outcome Or (b) impossibie Outcome two more increments than the repre-
5. screen drops ... 6. revealing 1 object 5. screen drops ... 6. revealing 2 objects sentation for 2, so the accumulator is
twice as full. If the mechanism pro-
1 1 vides procedures for operating over
these representations, infants (and
animals) will be able to appreciate
some of these numerical relation-
ships. Addition, for example, could
be achieved by "pouring" the con-
Fig. 2. Sequence of events shown in infants in Wynn,'' Experiments 1 and 2 {courtesy tents from an accumulator represent-
of Nature).
ing one value into an accumulator
crements, one increment for each The entire mechanism contains sev- representing another value. Sub-
entity counted (Fig. 5). The final full- eral accumulators and switches to tracting one value from another
ness level of the accumulator repre- allow the counting of different sets of could also be achieved: If Accumu-
sents the number of items counted. entities simultaneously. lator A represents a given number

a "1+1" Group b "2-1" Group

20 -
20 -

"1 15 - %^\

15 -
Look ing 1 ime

\ 15 • \
ooking 'ime

ooking T me

10 -
- • 2 dolls dolls
10 - 10 •
T5 1 doll
-° 1 doll
•• 2 dolis ^ " • " ' ^ ^ 2 dolls

5- _j 5-

Test Trials
Test Trials Test Trials
Fig. 4. Five-month-olds' looking times
Fig. 3. Five-month-olds' looking times to outcomes of one doll and two dolls following to two versus three dolls after viewing a
event sequences in which one doll was added to a display of one doll (a) or one doll was sequence of events in which one doll
taken av^-ay from a display of two dolls (b). was added to a display of one doll.

Copyright © 1995 American Psychological Society

Switch come to be considered a numerical
Pulse Generator RELATIONSHIP OF THIS entity in its own right, by virtue of
INITIAL SYSTEM OF becoming embedded in the number
KNOWLEDGE TO LATER system as rules for its numerical ma-
, Switch is open -- NUMERICAL KNOWLEDGE nipulation were developed. The
puises dissipate.
^ Accumulator is empty. emergences of negative numbers, ir-
Although an extensive body of rational numbers, complex num-
numerical information is in principle bers, and so on have followed simi-
accessible by virtue of the magnitu- larly gradual progressions.
dinal structure of the representations These facts suggest that the posi-
produced by the accumulator, ac- tive integers—the very values that
Switch closes -- pulses pass into
cess to these facts requires proce- the accumulator model is capable of
dures for manipulating the represen- representing—are psychologically
tations in appropriate ways, and privileged numerical entities. Just as
there will be practical limits on how the development of mathematics as
the outputs of the mechanism can be a formal system required a concep-
manipulated. The kind of procedure tualization of numbers that went be-
required for determining the product yond the positive integers, individ-
of two values, for example, will be ual children must undergo a similar
Switch opens -- pulses dissipate,
and accumulator ceases to ti(l. First much more complex than that for (though not necessarily so exten-
item has been counted. determining the sum of two values; sive!) reconceptualization. Gaining
and that required for determining, a better understanding of how chil-
say, thecubeof a value will be more dren do this is crucial for ultimately
complex still. Infants' knowledge is understanding the role that infants'
therefore limited by the procedures initial foundation of numerical com-
Switch closes again — pulses pass
they have available for operating petence plays in the development of
into accumulator. over the numerical representations later knowledge.
generated by the accumulator mech-
anism. Acknowledgments— 1 thank Paul Bioom,
There are also limits to the kinds Stanislas Dehaene, Randy Gallistel, and
Tony Simon for stimulating and invalu-
of numerical entities the accumula- able comments on a previous version of
tor mechanism represents. It does this article. Much of the work reported
Switch opens - accumulator ceases not represent numbers other than here was supported by an NICHD FIRST
Award (GrantNo, 1 R29 HD29857)tothe
to fill. Second item has been counted. positive integers. Interestingly, an
Result: Accumulator contains two equal
increments, one lor each item counted. understanding of numbers other
than positive integers emerges only
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the states gradually and with much effort, both
of Meek and Church's® accumulator ontogenetically and culturally.^ For
mechanism as it enumerates two items. example, children have great diffi- 1. Fora comprehensive review of these findings,
The resulting fullness level of the ac- see K, Wynn, Evidence against empiricist accounts
cumulator is the mental representation culty learning to think of fractions as
of the origins of numerical knowledge, Mind & Lan-
for 2. numerical entities; to do so requires guage, 7, 315-332 (1992); K. Wynn, Origins of nu-
expanding their construal of num- merical knowledge, Mathematical Cognition. I. 35-
60 (1995).
bers as values that represent discrete 2. P. Starkey, E.S. Speike, and R. Celman, Nu-
quantities of individual entities. This merical abstraction by human infants, Cognition,
36, 97-128 (1990). When, as in this experiment,
kind of conceptual expansion has lest stimuli and habituation stimuli are presented in
also occurred repeatedly in the his- different perceptual modalities, infants typically
and Accunnulator B represents the look longer at the matching stimuli in the new mo-
value to be subtracted from it, the torical development of mathemat- dality rather than the completely novel stimuli, pos-
ics. Zero, for example, was not ini- sibly because the correspondence along a single di-
difference could be obtained by mension between two very different kinds of stimuli
pouring out, one increment at a tially considered a number, but (e.g., pictures and sounds) is inherently interesting
rather was introduced simply as a to infants.
time, the contents of A into an empty
3. K, Wynn, Infants' individuation and enumer-
third accumulator, C, until A and B place-holder symbol representing an ation of actions. Psychological Science (in press).
are equally filled. At this point, C absence of values in a given position 4. K, Wynn, Addition and subtraction by human
infants. Nature. 358. 749-750 (1992).
will represent the numerical differ- in place-value numeral notation (so 5. We have extended these results, exploring
ence of the values originally repre- as to be able to distinguish, e.g., 307 infants' numerical expectations in further situations;
see Wynn (1995), note 1. For replications by other
sented by A and B. from 37). Only eventually did zero researchers, see, e.g., R. Baillargeon, Physical rea-

Published by Cambridge University Press


soning in young infants: Seeking explanations for infants, manuscript submitted for publication 320-3J4 (1983): see also C,R. Gallistel and R, Cel-
impossibie events, British journal of Developmental (1995). man, Preverbal and verbal counting and computa-
Psychology. 12, 9-33 (1994); D.S. Moore, Infant tion. Cognition, 44. 43-74 (1992).
7. For review and discussion, see chapter 10 of
mathematical skills? A conceptual replication and 9. See, e.g., R. Gelman, Epigenetic foundations
C.R. Gallistel, The Organization of iearn/ng (MIT
consideration of interpretation, manuscript submit- of knowledge structures: Initial and transcendent
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990).
ted (or publication (1995); T,|. Simon, SJ. Hespos, constructions, in The Epigenesis of Mind: Essays on
and P. Rochat, Do infants understand simple arilh- 8. For a detailed description of the accumulator Biology and Cognition. S. Carey and R. Gelman,
metic: A replication of Wynn (1992), Cognitive De- model and of experimental support for tl, see W.H. Eds. (Eribaum, Hiilsdaie, Nj, 1991); M, Kline, Math-
velopment, W. 253-269 (1995). Meek and R.M. Church, A mode control model of ematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times.
6, E. Koechlin, S. Dehaene, and |. Mehler, Nu- counting and timing processes, journal of Experi- Vol. i (Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.
merical transformations in five moath old human mental Psychology: Animal Behayior Processes, 9, 1972),

Becoming Mindful of Food adults' questions. As a conse-

and Conversation quence, children frequently do not
disclose the depth of their under-
Michael Siegal standing when questioned in exper-
iments. When given a false-belief
task (e.g., "]ane wants to find her
kitten. She thinks it is in the kitchen.
The ability to reason about men- theory-of-mind tasks because their It really is in the garage. Where
tal states has considerable impor- conversational inexperience leads will )ane look for her kitten?"), they
tance for cognitive development. them to misunderstand the scientific may misconstrue the purpose of the
Once individuals recognize that purpose and implications of an ex- question. Rather than recognizing
other people have knowledge, perimenter's questions."* The aim of that the purpose is to determine
thoughts, and beliefs, they can use this article is to show how children's whether they understand where the
this theory of mind to their own and performance can be facilitated by character will erroneously look first,
others' benefit in problem solving. aligning their understanding of the they may interpret the question as
As seen in a recent, huge surge of task's purpose and relevance with referring to where the character
research, up until the age of 4 or 5 that of the experimenter in the do- should look or will have to look to
years, children often have difficulty main of food and safety, in which find an object. The pragmatics of
with the tasks that have been de- problem solving is related to sur- adult questioning techniques can
vised to tap their understanding of vival. obscure children's authentic knowl-
mental states.' They frequently Philosophers of language, such as edge, and their incorrect answers
predict, for example, that persons Grice," have pointed out that adult may be misinterpreted to indicate
with false beliefs about the loca- conversation is characterized by conceptual limitations in their the-
tion of an object will nevertheless rules or maxims that enjoin speakers ory of mind.
search for the object in its true loca- to "Say no more or no less than is
tion. required. Try to say the truth and
One proposed explanation is that avoid falsehood. Be relevant and
informative. Avoid ambiguity and THE EVOLUTIONARY
failures to take mental states into ac-
obscurity." In communication be- SIGNIFICANCE OF A
count when considering behavior
are due to a conceptual deficit in de- tween adults, it is usually mutually
velopment."^ Another is that young understood that the rules may be
children may not perform well on broken for certain purposes. For
example, adults know that speak- A key example concerns solving
ers may state the obvious for pur- problems that are relevant to food
Michael Siegal is Reader in Psy- poses of irony, or that they may and safety. According to an adap-
chology at the University of speak more than is required out of tive-evolutionary approach to in-
Queensland. Address correspon- politeness or curiosity. However, a telligence, organisms striving for
dence to Michael Siegal, Depart- communication barrier may pre- survival and reproductive fitness
ment of Psychology, University of vent children who are inexperienced confront specific problems, such as
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia in conversation from identifying finding food.'' Solutions to these
4072; e-mail: ms( the purpose and implications of problems require an adaptive, spe-

Copyright © 1995 American Psychological Society

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