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2ND and 3rd TERM

Child’s Name: Jiladeth Markvilay School Year: 2023-2024

Evaluation Key
U = Usually G = Good Progress W = Working on Skill NA = Not Applicable

Social and Emotional Skills

I respect and show concern for people and things around me G

I accept and respond to my teacher’s authority G

I play and share with other children. U

I have a good self-image. G

I am happy and cheerful at school. G

I have appropriate control over my feelings. G
Apao demonstrates respect for his friend's feelings as he calmly composes himself and now express his

thoughts effectively. When playing with other kids, he effectively communicates and ensures that no one is hurt.

Work Habits
I get involved in and attend to activities. G
I can follow directions. G
I respond well to teacher’s suggestions. G
I seek only my fair share of teacher’s attention. G
I am a curious child. U
I ask questions. U
I can make choices. U

Remarks: Apao is very curious about everything. He loves asking his teachers about the lessons,

and he's also started talking in English

Fine Motor Skills

Using crayons. U

Using scissors G

Painting G

Pasting G

Puzzles. U

Building with blocks U

Manipulating zippers. G

Manipulating buttons G

Manipulating snaps U

Remarks: Apao is great at practical tasks and stays focused while doing them.

Gross Motor Skills

Alternates feet on stairs. U
Skipping U
Jump in place. U
Balance on: Left foot. G
Balance on: Right foot. G
Hop on: One foot. U
Hop on: Two feet. U
Throw a ball forward G
Kick a ball forward. U
I know some colors. U
I know some shapes. U
I know some body parts U

Remarks: Apao knows his body parts in both Lao and English. He only needs to practice socializing

more, as he can be a bit shy at times. He loves to dance, and if we cheer him on, he'll dance even more.
Listening Skills

I listen quietly to stories. G

My attention span is lengthening G

I respond to a story by recalling specific details U

Remarks: Apao can focus more during our lessons; he just needs practice and more focus on his

writing. He prefers writing numbers, but we're encouraging him to write more in alphabet and letters in Lao

Speaking Skills

I speak clearly. G
I communicate in sentences. U
I can answer some questions. U
I wait for my turn when speaking in a group. G
I can use language to communicate my wants and ideas. G
I am expanding my vocabulary. G

Remarks: Apao can construct full sentences, but he is sometimes shy to speak in English.
We're working on expanding his vocabulary.

Self-Reliance Skills
I can go to the bathroom by myself U
I am learning to dress myself. G
I am learning to brush my teeth G
I make good use of free time. G

Remarks: Apao is becoming more independent, but sometimes he rushes to play and asks
his teacher to change his clothes.
Music Skills
I participate in group singing. G
I enjoy doing musical activities. G
I am learning to repeat rhythmic patterns. G

Art Skills

I participate in art activities. U

I can use my art materials properly. G
I help clean up messes after my art projects. G


English Area

I can recognize alphabet G

I can point an object. G
I can write properly. W
Remarks: Apao needs encouragement and support while studying.
He often plays before studying.

Lao Language Area

ຮຽນຮ ູ້ ກ-ຮ

ຄຳສ ັບຄກ
ູ່ ັບຮບພຳບ ກ-ຮ
ເຝິກ ອຳູ່ ນແລະຂຽນຄຳສ ັບ ສະຫຼະxຳ
ຮຽນຮ ູ້ ວ ັນນະຍຸດ x່ ູ່ x່ ູ້

ອຳູ່ ນ ແລະຂຽນຄຳສ ັບ ຕ ົວສະກ ົດ

ັູ້ ສວ
ອຳູ່ ນເປັນສຽງດ ົນຕີ ຕ ົວຢຳູ່ ງ: ອະອຳ ອະອຳ ອະມີສຽງສນ ັ ູ້ ສຽງຍຳວໆ ພຳສຳລຳວ ຂຽນອິຂຽນອີ ຂຽນຢູ່
ູ່ ນອີນນມີ
ເທິູ່ ງ ຈູ່ ຈຳໃຫດ
ູ້ ີ
ອຳູ່ ນເປັນສຽງດ ົນຕີ: ຊ ຊູ່ ຊ.ູ້
ກ ກູ່ ກູ້ .ຈ ຈູ່ ຈ ູ້ . ປ ປູ່ ປູ້ . ມ ມູ່ ມ.ູ້ ພ ພູ່ ພູ້

ເຝຶກຂຽນຄຳສ ັບ: ກຳງຄນ ຢນຍຳມ. ອຳຍຸຍນ ຈນປຳ

ຟັງສຽງຄກ ັນ: ອະອຳ ອະອຳ

ເຝິກອຳູ່ ນປະໂຫຍກ

ເຝິກອຳູ່ ນປະໂຫຍກ: ອຳດີຕີປະຕ. ທະຫຳນຢນຍຳມ. ກະດຳນສີຂຽວ. ມຳລີຖສະບ. ຍຳູ່ ມີກະປ

ົູ້ ຂອງຄຳສ ັບ: ວ ັດ ກ ັດ ມ ັດ /ຂ ັນ ມ ັນ ສ ັນ/ ສ ັກ ຜັກ ຮ ັກ/ ຖ ັງ ຮ ັງ ສ ັນ/ ວ ັດ ຕດ

ພະຍ ັນຊະນະຕນ ັ ອ ັດ…
ທວນຄນ ສະຫຼະ xຳ x່ີ xະ / ມຳລີອຳູ່ ນສະຫຼະ xະ xຳ x່ີ ຢກ
ູ່ ະດຳນ

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