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A **chromosome** is a thread-like structure found in the nucleus of each cell.

Let's delve into the


1. **Structure**:

- Chromosomes are made up of **DNA** (deoxyribonucleic acid) that is tightly coiled around proteins
called **histones**. These histones provide structural support to the DNA.

- During cell division, chromosomes become more compact and visible under a microscope. However,
when the cell is not dividing, they are not visible in the nucleus.

- Each chromosome has a **centromere**, which divides it into two sections or "arms." The shorter
arm is labeled the **"p arm,"** and the longer arm is labeled the **"q arm."**

- The location of the centromere on each chromosome gives it a characteristic shape and helps
describe the position of specific genes.

2. **Function**:
- Chromosomes carry **genetic information** in the form of genes. These genes determine an
individual's traits and characteristics.

- Humans typically have **46 chromosomes** in each cell, arranged in **23 pairs**. Half of these
chromosomes come from the mother, and the other half come from the father.

- Chromosomes play a crucial role in **inheritance** by transmitting genetic information from one
generation to the next.

- They also undergo processes like **replication** and **division** during cell growth and

In summary, chromosomes are essential structures that house our genetic code and contribute to our
unique features and traits.

For more information, you can explore resources like [MedlinePlus

Genetics]( and [Biology

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/1/2024

(1) What is the definition of a chromosome?.

(2) What is a chromosome?: MedlinePlus Genetics.

(3) Chromosome - Definition, Function & Structure | Biology Dictionary.

(4) Chromosome - Wikipedia.

(5) undefined.

(6) Getty Images.


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