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The Taneyan Lanjhang house represents one of the numerous traditional dwellings found in Indonesia. Situated on the island
of Madura, surrounded by water, these houses are typically located in close proximity to rivers or springs. The term "Taneyan
Lanjhang" translates to "long yard," indicating the elongated structure of the building, extending from east to west or vice
versa. This architectural style embodies a traditional settlement within the Madurese community, comprising interconnected
houses housing families or relatives. The construction of Taneyan Lanjhang commences with the establishment of the primary
dwelling, known as the "roma tongghu," facing towards the south. This initial construction phase is typically undertaken by a
married couple, followed by the creation of additional structures such as the kobhung (family surau), pet enclosures, and
Some Tanean Lanjhang houses accommodate multiple buildings, housing several members or heads of households sharing
familial ties, while others are occupied by a single head of household due to limited land availability. This demonstrates the
adaptations and variations observed in the structure and arrangement of Tanean Lanjhang houses, influenced by factors such
as land constraints, familial relationships, and the needs and economic capacities of each occupant. A multi-dwelling house
typically hosts 5-10 family heads, illustrating its role as a residence for multiple families connected by blood relations.
Adaptation is an effort to develop architectural heritage for
activities that are more in line with current needs by making
limited changes that will not result in a decline in its importance or
damage to parts that have important values

Restoration and adaptation are differentAdaptation involves

adjusting buildings or environments to meet modern needs while
preserving their historical significance and architectural
uniqueness, often through limited changes like modifying features
or functions. Restoration aims to return structures to their original
condition, repairing damage and replacing missing parts, guided
by historical and archaeological research to maintain authenticity
and integrity.
There are several aspects to consider when adapting a vernacular house, as this can significantly impact its authenticity or
cultural value. If not carefully considered, it may compromise the authenticity or cultural value of the house.

Modern Functionality: While retaining the traditional aspects, the adaptation must also cater to the functional needs of
the occupants in keeping with today's times.

Sustainability: using solutions that

support environmental sustainability

Local Characteristics: This is the most

important thing to consider because it
is the aesthetic and cultural value of the
vernacular house itself.

Functional Needs: adaptation meets

the functional needs of current
Adaptive Design: This approach underscores the importance of incorporating flexibility and adaptability into
the design process, ensuring that vernacular houses can evolve to accommodate diverse needs over time. By
integrating technology and employing innovative design strategies, such as modular construction techniques
and adaptable interior layouts, these houses can seamlessly adjust to the changing requirements of occupants
and the environment. For instance, in response to the increasing prevalence of remote work facilitated by
advancements in technology, adaptability can be demonstrated by incorporating designated workspaces within
the tanean lanjhang complex. This proactive approach anticipates future trends and ensures that the design
remains relevant and functional in the face of evolving societal demands. By embracing flexibility as a
fundamental principle, vernacular houses can continue to serve as sustainable and adaptable living spaces for
generations to come.
Ecological Approach : The Ecological Approach prioritizes the relationship between vernacular houses and their
environment by using environmentally friendly features. For example, using locally sourced wood for walls,
which is abundant in tropical climates where these houses are often found, helps conserve natural resources.
Additionally, installing solar panels supports sustainable energy use. By considering such factors, this approach
ensures that adaptations to vernacular houses are eco-friendly and contribute positively to the surrounding

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