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Year End Performance Script

Theme: PPKG: survivors of God’s Grace

Bible Verse: Genesis 8:1-22
Synopsis: The animals in Noah ark are getting bored, grumpy, and desperate for they have
spent a long time there. What gonna happen next? Will they survive and get out of the ark

1. Butterfly (lewat aja) (4)
2. Cat 2 (punya banyak anak), kitten (3)
Suara: Ms.Pris
3. Dove bird (cinta damai, bawa daun zaitun) (1)
Suara: Ms.Titiek
4. Crane (nyinyir, sinis) (2)
Suara: Ms.Cesca
5. Rabbit (lucu, manja, optimis) (4)
Suara: Ms.Amanda
6. Horse (bijaksana, tua) (1)
Suara: Ms.Dina
7. penguin (rewel kepanasan) (1)Mr.Andry
8. Swan (santai, sombong) (1)
Suara: Ms.Cesca
9. Parrot (bawel) (2)
10. Dog (galak) (6)
Suara: Ms.Mbindi

1. Ark
2. Fish (es)

Opening scene: Noah’s Ark floating on the water. The fish is swimming. The door is open
and zoom in to the ark (background: ocean/water, backsound song: “Who Built
the Ark” or…? )

Scene 1: (binatang2 mengeluh, ribut, di dalam bahtera)

3 Kittens : Meow, meow, meow….. (noisy)
Daddy Dog : Shhhh… Mommy Cat, why your kittens are so noisy? My babies want to
3 puppies : woof, woof, woof (barking softly)
Mommy Cat : Sorry to bother you. Daddy Dog. But, they want to play and there is no
other space to play around
Crane : Hey! Be quiet! I need to take a rest
Parrot 1 : Take a rest! Take rest! Need to take a rest! (flat voice, just repeating)
Penguin : Oohhhh…. Dear friends… It’s so hot here. I’m melting now
Swan : Take it easy, guys…. Life is beautiful. Enjoy the moment!
Parrot 2 : Enjoy the moment! Enjoy the moment! Life is beautiful!
Mommy Dog : What? You ask me to enjoy the moment while we are all being stuck here?
In the middle of nowhere? Floating on the boat with all these creatures?
Daddy Cat : Do you think I am happy here? It’s been sooooo long. I am bored!
Penguin : Oh dear…I miss my soft, fluffy, nice cold ice

Scene 2: (ada kuda yang melerai, kelinci optimis)

Horse : Ehmm… ehmmm… ehmm… looks like we have a problem here. Don’t you
feel the joy? We are still here, safe and sound, in this big and beautiful ark
Rabbit 1 : I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy (lagu)
Rabbit 2 : Down in my heart
Rabbit3 : Where?
Rabbit 4 : Down in my heart
Rabbit 1-4 : Down in my heart to stay
Horse : What a wonderful song! What makes you so happy being here?
Rabbit 1 : Hi Mrs.Horse!
Rabbit 2 : We are so happy
Rabbit 3 : ‘Cause we can survive
Rabbit 4 : by the grace of God
Crane : Huh? What do you mean, Rabbit?
Rabbit 1 : You know, a lot of people and other creatures out there can not survive.
Rabbit 2 : But here we are.
Rabbit 3 : We can have enough food to eat, friends to meet, and family to be with.
Rabbit 4 : And many other little things here we can enjoy.
Horse : That’s true, Rabbit. Instead of being so grumpy, why don’t we be grateful
for all the things that God has given to us?
Parrot 1 : Be grateful! Be grateful! Be grateful!
Horse : I know, the situation may not the same as before. But, we can grow
better, wiser and have more faith in God. Look at the butterflies!
(butterflies come) Before, they were the caterpillars. But now, they
already turned into beautiful creatures! Time will tell…
Parrot 2 : Time will tell! Time will tell! Time will tell!

Scene 3: (burung merpati keluar, pulang bawa daun zaitun)

Kittens 1-3 : Mommy, Daddy, look! The dove is coming! It brings something!
Mommy Cat : Ahh… where is it from?
Daddy Cat : Is it from outside?
Horse : Yes, it’s the olive leaf!
Mommy Dog : What does it mean?
Daddy Dog : Can we go out now? And brings the puppies to see the land?
Dove : Sure! It’s time for us to leave this ark. But wait for Noah to open the door!
God will tell him what to do. I brought the olive leaf to show that we have
come to the land.
Horse : The rain has stopped. The flood is gone. The world is a better place now.
We’ve survived by the grace of God!
Closing scene: The animals come out of the ark happily (background: new land with the
ark at the back, backsound song:….)

-Ms.Dina and Ms.Titiek, 290421-

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