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There are 5 different routines for the gym, and 5 different routines for home.

Find them by clicking the different tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

There are 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 day workout plans.

The more workouts you do, the shorter each workout will be.

DO NOT ignore this. It is important for recovery and making proper progress.

You do not have to do the exact exercises listed in the plans. Provided you are doing a
similar exercise, it will not make a meaningful difference to your results.

Tracking Your Workou

Workout plans need to be progressive in order for your body to

There are may variables you can manipulate to progress a workout program. The
The two variables you will manipulate to progress are load and reps. Load is simply the amount of w

With slow reps to failure, the idea is to keep your muscles under CONTINUOUS load until they fail. That means stopping JUST
of reps. The only pausing that is allowed is at the max contraction on pulling exercises, bec

In order to make progress, you must track the two variables - load and reps. You might find it hard to count reps whilst also co
round this is to record your sets and then count the reps after whe

But what if you manage the same reps with the same weight, but you lifted it slower - therefore meaning your muscles spe
reason why there's the "TUL" (Time Under Load) variable on these

The easiest way to track this is to record your sets and check afterwards how long the set lasted, by lo
Rep Cadence/Tempo

It is my recommendation that you use slow reps to failure (or close) when you follow these

Try 4 seconds down and 4 seconds up.

Every rep should be slow and controlled. There should be no sudden, fast or jerky
movements. Each rep should be taking at least 8 seconds, and longer as you tire and can no
longer move the weight at this speed.

It should go without saying that you will need to use considerably less weight than you're
used to using in order to do this. DO NOT get caught up in thinking that this will make your
results worse. It will not. It will make them better because you've never lifted this intensely
with this much tension on your muscles before.

Lift like this until you cannot complete another rep with good form, even if your life depended
on it.

our Workouts

der for your body to keep adapting and growing.

rkout program. These programs use a double progression model.

ply the amount of weight you are using and reps is the number of times you lifted it.

eans stopping JUST short of lockout on exercises like bench press and squats. No pausing at the top or bottom
ulling exercises, because your pulling muscles are having to work to do this.

reps whilst also counting yourself for 3 seconds down and 3 seconds up. The way I've found that works to get
the reps after when you watch the recording back.

g your muscles spent longer resisting the weight before they failed? Well that is progress too, and that's the
d) variable on these plans which you can also track.

the set lasted, by looking at the time on the recording at the start and end of your set.
2 or 3 Day Per Week Plan (Full Body, ABA Structure)

Full Body A
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
Leg Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:
Machine Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Seated Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Machine Chest Fly Weight: Reps Weight:
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:

At Least 2 Rest Days Between Workouts

Full Body B
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Back Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
Incline Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Dumbbell Incline Bench Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Seated Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
l Body A
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

l Body B
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
3 Day Full Body Plan

Full Body A
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Hack Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Reverse Fly Machine Weight: Reps Weight:
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

At Least 2 Rest Days Between Workouts

Full Body B
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
Seated Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Machine Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:
Seated Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

At Least 2 Rest Days Between Workouts

Full Body C
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Leg Press Weight: Reps Weight:
T-Bar Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Machine Chest Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:
Body A
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Body B
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Body C
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
4 Day Per Week Plan

Day 1 - Upper
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Machine Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Seated Row Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Machine Chest Fly Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 2 - Lower
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
Hack Squat Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Glute Ham Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Hanging Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Seated Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 3 - REST DAY

Day 4 - Upper
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
Dumbbell Incline Bench Row Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Incline Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 5 - Lower
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
Back Squat Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Standing Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 6 - REST DAY

Day 7 - REST DAY

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)

Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)

Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)

Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
5 Day Per Week Plan

This 5 day per week plan contains SIX

workouts. You need to work through
the workouts with one per day,
restarting the cycle once you've done all

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
Seated Row Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Hack Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Machine Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Machine Chest Fly Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
T-Bar Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
Barbell Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:
Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Saturday - REST DAY

Sunday - REST DAY

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Incline DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:


Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

6 Day Per Week Plan

Day 1
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
Seated Row Weight: Reps Weight:

Day 2
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Hack Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Day 3
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Machine Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Machine Chest Fly Weight: Reps Weight:

Day 4 - REST DAY

Day 5
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
T-Bar Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:

Day 6
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
Barbell Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:
Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Day 7
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Incline DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Day 8 - REST DAY

It is important not to make this a 7 day cycle.
As a 7 day cycle this would result in only one
rest day per 7 days, after 6 consecutive days
of working out.

Whilst you might be fine, it's better to err on

the side of caution and recovery. Have a rest
day after every three workouts on this plan -
and keep to the order shown so that your
different muscle groups get adequate time
off before being worked again.
Day 1
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Day 2
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Day 3
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Day 5
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Day 6
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Day 7
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
2 or 3 Day Per Week Plan (Full Body, ABA Structure)

Full Body A
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Reverse Lunge Weight: Reps Weight:
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
Dumbbell Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Dumbbell One Arm Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Dumbbell Fly Weight: Reps Weight:
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:

At Least 2 Rest Days Between Workouts

Full Body B
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Dumbbell Goblet Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Band Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Dumbbell Incline Bench Row Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Hanging Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
l Body A
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

l Body B
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
3 Day Full Body Plan

Full Body A
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Goblet Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Reverse Fly Weight: Reps Weight:
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

At Least 2 Rest Days Between Workouts

Full Body B
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
Dumbbell Bent Over Row Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
Band Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

At Least 2 Rest Days Between Workouts

Full Body C
Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Reverse Lunge Weight: Reps Weight:
DB One Arm Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Decline Pushups Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:
Body A
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Body B
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Body C
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
4 Day Per Week Plan

Day 1 - Upper
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB One Arm Row Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Chest Fly Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 2 - Lower
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
DB Goblet Squat Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 3 - REST DAY

Day 4 - Upper
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
DB One Arm Row Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Band Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 5 - Lower
Exercise Set 1 Set 2 (optional)
DB Reverse Lunge Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Glute Bridge (Single leg) Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 6 - REST DAY

Day 7 - REST DAY

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)

Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)

Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps

t 2 (optional) Set 3 (optional)

Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps
5 Day Per Week Plan

This 5 day per week plan contains SIX

workouts. You need to work through
the workouts with one per day,
restarting the cycle once you've done all

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
Pullups Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Row Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Goblet Squat Weight: Reps Weight:
Knee Raise Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Shoulder Press Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Fly Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB One Arm Row Weight: Reps Weight:
Band Lat Pulldown Weight: Reps Weight:

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps Weight:
Ab Wheel Rollout Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps Weight:

Saturday - REST DAY

Sunday - REST DAY

Exercise Set 1 Set 2
DB Bench Press Weight: Reps Weight:
DB Lateral Raise Weight: Reps Weight:


Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps
Set 2 Set 3
Reps Weight: Reps
Reps Weight: Reps

6 Day Per Week Plan (6x15 minutes)

A very similar routine to this one got me through a year

of coronavirus lockdowns with no gym access. The nice
thing about this routine is that you're doing something
almost every day, but the workouts are always so short
(5-10 minutes) that it's not difficult to motivate yourself.
From a mental perspective, that can be helpful.

The days are deliberately ordered like this, with a rest

day after every 3 workouts, so there should be 96 hours
of recovery per muscle group. Be aware of this if you are
going to go changing the order of days. Make sure you
keep at least 72 hours between workouts targeting the
same muscle groups.

Day 1
Exercise Set 1
Chinups Weight: Reps

Day 2
Exercise Set 1
DB Goblet Squat Weight: Reps
Knee Raise Weight: Reps
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps

Day 3
Exercise Set 1
DB Shoulder Press Weight: Reps
DB Fly Weight: Reps

Day 4 - REST DAY

Day 5
Exercise Set 1
DB One Arm Row Weight: Reps
Day 6
Exercise Set 1
DB Reverse Lunge Weight: Reps
DB Romanian Deadlift Weight: Reps
DB Calf Raise Weight: Reps

Day 7
Exercise Set 1
Decline Pushups Weight: Reps
DB Lateral Raise Weight: Reps

Day 8 - REST DAY

It is important not to make this a 7 day cycle. As a 7 day

cycle this would result in only one rest day per 7 days,
after 6 consecutive days of working out.

Whilst you might be fine, it's better to err on the side of

caution and recovery. Have a rest day after every three
workouts on this plan - and keep to the order shown so
that your different muscle groups get adequate time off
before being worked again.
Day 1
Set 2 Set 3
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 2
Set 2 Set 3
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 3
Set 2 Set 3
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 5
Set 2 Set 3
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Day 6
Set 2 Set 3
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

Day 7
Set 2 Set 3
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps
Weight: Reps Weight: Reps

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