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Erich Huesmann Political Party Speech

Richard Novotny
Grade 10
Social Studies
I am Erich Huesmann, former average middle class citizen, running a small clothing
manufacturing and selling store. with a nice family and a stable amount of savings. All I wanted
was to provide for my family and put my children through a stable education. Until the economic
collapse of 1923. Where everything was lost, our values were lost. So with the crash of wall
street everything is lost, for the second time! Our nation is unstable economically and politically
separating the fact that we should be working on a solution. We as the government should
continue focusing on further developing our democratic values while establishing an economic
foundation with social justice/rights for all the people. Bringing equality and a future for a
peaceful and nonviolent Germany.
Fundamental Rights, a considerable issue that our nation has been facing. Something
that we want to work on, something that is important for all citizens of the Weimar Republic. So
why is this important? Why could this help bring the Weimar Republic back to a socially
maintainable society? With taxes and fundamental rights developing, we would definitely see an
economic breakthrough through the falling of incomes. In turn circling back to the quality of
these fundamental rights which will proportionally create a sustainable democratic economy and
a higher quality of living.
To persist in the topic of fundamental rights, the NSDAP is only attempting to exploit your
vote with the insistence of revenge. Is that really what we want to be known for? A nation that
seeks revenge? Rather than pursuing a sustainable future economically, providing a stable
standard of living for all? That is the question to think about.
As I ran a small clothing manufacturing store, I know the importance of protecting
workers rights, ensuring the stabilization of lessening unemployment. With the current
unemployment being at 30 %-a minimum of 19.8 million people unemployed-we need to focus
on ensuring workers rights and the right to a safe maintainable job. Therefore 24 percent of the
labor force is currently unemployed. This has been an extremely significant issue throughout the
whole Weimar Republic, and especially for us. We seek to provide a generous tax credit for
expanding employment in a business, by giving the employers a 20% subsidy for increases in
employer’s wage bill. This can prop up the standard of living by encouraging taxes through a
system that can both benefit unemployment and the economy.
Now you may ask what do we have that the KPD doesn’t? We are not being largely
controlled by the Soviet’s unlike the KPD who is not only being supported by the KPD but even
funded by the comintern in Moscow. Contrary to the KPD, we seek an independent German
controlled nation and wish to continue negotiating with the allies in changing the unjust
pro-visions of the Versailles Treaty. Especially working with the allies to set back the 5 Billion $
amount of reparations.
Overall, when thinking about the future and the development of the Weimar Republic,
you can see that we have the best interest at heart. We are looking to develop this republic
based on our democratic values, and prosper our economy while maintaining a set of
fundamental rights, and a high standard of living. With the past issues that the Weimar Republic
have had to deal with, such as the harshness of the treaty of Versailles, the huge inflation and
many others; we want to transform the Weimar Republic into an example for other democratic

Alphahis. “Great Depression in Germany.” Nazi Germany, 30 Aug. 2020, Access date 26 Nov, 2022.

“Communist Party of Germany.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Access date 26 Nov,

Policy Paper Misremembering Weimar - Hertie School.
Layout.pdf. Access date 26 Nov, 2022.

“Jun 28, 1919 CE: Treaty of Versailles.” National Geographic Society,

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