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Name : Femy Chandra Winata

Class : PIA 2
NPM : 2301030072
Subject : Vocabulary and pronunciation

No Word Function Meaning

1. Consider Verb To think about, contemplate,
or take into account something
before making a decision or
forming an opinion
2. Evident Adjective It describes something that is
apparent, clear, or obvious
without requiring further
explanation or proof
3. Intend Verb To express a purpose, plan, or
aim to do something
4. Approach Noun Method, technique, or way of
doing something. It describes
the action or manner of
approaching a task, problem,
or situation
5. Establish Verb To describe the process of
founding or instituting an
organization, system, or
6. Conduct Verb It refers to the act of
managing, organizing, or
carrying out a particular
7. Engage Verb To actively involve or
participate in something
8. Obtain Verb “Obtain” often implies
obtaining possession or
ownership of something
9. Scarce Adjective Describes something that is in
short supply or insufficient
10. Apparent Adjective To describe something that is
easily seen, understood, or
11. Fancy Verb It can also mean to imagine or
conceive something in a
whimsical or creative way
12. Court Noun To a legal tribunal or venue
where legal proceedings take
place. This includes a system
of judges and magistrates
responsible for administering
13. Appoint Verb That generally means to
designate, assign, or nominate
someone to a particular
position, role, or task
14. Passage Verb In a formal context, “passage”
may denote the approval or
acceptance of a proposal, bill,
or resolution
15. Instance Noun “Instance” can refer to a
specific example or
occurrence of something
16. Circumstances Noun The overall situation or
conditions surrounding an
event, decision, or individual
17. Generate Verb The act of producing or
creating something
18. Campaign Noun A “campaign” refers to a
series of organized activities,
actions, or events conducted
with a specific goal or purpose
in mind
19. League Noun League” can refer to an
association or alliance of
individuals, groups, or nations
formed for a common purpose
or goal
20. Labor Noun “Labor” as a noun refers to the
physical or mental effort
expended in the process of
21. Confer Verb To engage in discussions or
consultations, especially to
exchange ideas or information
22. Convince Verb Involves persuading or
causing someone to believe or
do something
23. Convention Noun To a formal agreement, treaty,
or contract between parties
24. Furnish Verb The most common use of
“furnish” is related to
providing furniture or
equipment for a space, such as
a room, house, or office
25. Venture Noun To a business undertaking or
project, especially one that
involves some risk
26. Assert Verb Means to state or express a
fact, opinion, or belief
confidently and clearly
27. Chamber Noun A room or an enclosed space
within a building
28. Scheme Noun A plan, program, or systematic
arrangement of elements
aimed at achieving a specific
29. Despair Noun A state of profound sadness,
hopelessness, or the feeling of
being utterly without hope
30. Manifest Verb To show or display something
clearly and visibly
31. Resource Noun A stock or supply of assets
that can be drawn upon when
32. Distinction Noun The recognition of a clear
difference or contrast between
two or more things
33. Disposition Noun A person’s natural inclination,
attitude, or temperament
34. Partial Adjective Indicate a bias or inclination
towards something or
35. Credible Adjective When something is described
as credible, it means that it is
considered believable or
36. Provoke Verb To incite or prompt a
particular behavior or emotion
37. Decree Noun A formal and authoritative
order or command issued by a
person or authority with the
power to do so
38. Elaborate Verb To provide more detail,
information, or explanation
about something
39. Gravity Noun The force of attraction
between two masses
40. Extravagant Adjective To describe something that is
excessive, luxurious, or over-
the-top in a way that goes
beyond what is reasonable or
41. Kindle Verb The most literal meaning of
“kindle” as a verb is to ignite
or start a fire
42. Dispatch Noun A message or order, typically
one that is sent quickly
43. Frustrate Verb When used as a verb,
“frustrate” means to thwart or
block the achievement of a
goal, intention, or effort
44. Device Noun A tool or instrument designed
for a particular purpose
45. Objective Noun When used as a noun,
“objective” often refers to a
goal, aim, or purpose that one
is trying to achieve
46. Conjure Verb When used as a verb,
“conjure” often means to
summon or invoke something,
typically through magical or
supernatural means
47. Ominous Adjective When something is described
as ominous, it often carries a
sense of foreboding or threat
48. Edifice Noun A large and impressive
building or structure.
49. Elude Verb To escape or evade capture,
pursuit, or understanding
50. Pervade Verb To spread or permeate
thoroughly throughout

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