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Q1) Discuss the Judicial Control of Administrative Action through Writs.
Q2) What do you understand as Doctrine of Bias? How judiciary applies the Doctrine as basic facet
of Principles of Natural Justice? Explain.
Q3) Discuss the role of Administrative law in modern democracies.
Q4) What is an Administrative Tribunal? Discuss nature, need and growth of Administrative Tribunals
in India.
Q5) The Doctrine of Judicial Review of Administrative Discretion is essential for the maintenance of
the Rule of Law. Explain.
Q1) Explain the nature and scope of the administrative law with help of the de nitions given by
well-known scholars.
Q2) Discuss the legislative control of delegated legislation along with relevant case laws.
Q3) ‘No one should be condemned unheard’ is the principle which forms part of ‘natural justice”.
What are its components and necessary ingredients? Discuss.
Q4) “Though there is a well-organized regular judicial system operating in India, parallel to it
quasi-judicial system came to be developed”. Comment critically.
Q5) Explain the concept of 'Administrative Discretion'. Discuss the grounds judicial control of
exercise of Administrative Discretion in India.

Q1) “Administrative Law deals with nature of powers of the administration andthe manner in which
the powers are exercised but does not go into the examination of the content of those exercised
powers”. Explain.
Q2) What is delegated legislation? Enumerate the reasons for growth of delegated legislation with
suitable examples.
Q3) What is an Administrative Tribunal? Discuss nature, need and growth of Administrative tribunals
in India.
Q4) “The Indian Constitution has not indeed recognized the doctrine of Separation of powers in its
absolute rigidity”. Comment.
Q5) Explain the theory of ‘Rule of Law’ as propounded by Dicey and its application in the Indian legal
Q6) Discuss the law on the Tortious Liability of state with the help of relevant case laws.
Q7) Discuss the salient features of Right to Information Act, 2005.
Q8) Explain the extent to which the Doctrine of Separation of powers is incorporated in the
Constitution of India.
Q9) Critically examine Diecy’s Concept of Rule of Law.

Q6) Discuss the salient features of Right to Information Act, 2005.
Q7) Explain the Nature, Scope, need and functions of Commissions of Inquiry.
Q8) Explain the essential requirements to make the Government liable for Contracts
entered on its behalf.
Q9) What do you understand as Doctrine of Bias? How judiciary applies the
doctrine as basic facet of principles of natural justice? Explain.

Q6) Critically examine Diecy’s concept of the Rule of Law.
Q7) Explain the nature, scope, need and functions of the Commissions of inquiry.
Q8) The distinction between sovereign and non-sovereign functions of the state
has undergone a change in the recent pass to hold the state liable in tort.Discuss.
Q9) Discuss the salient features of the Right to information Act, 2005.

a) Audi Alteram Partem
b) Court Privileges in legal proceedings
c) Sub-delegation
d) Lokpal and Lokayukta

a) Write of Certiorari
b) Bias
c) Lokpal and Lokayukta
d) Court Privileges in Legal Proceedings

a) Write of Habeas Corpus
b) Administrative Discretion
c) Audi Alteram Partem
d) Lokpal and Lokayukta
e) Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation

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