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Global Site Acceptance Checklist

Node Information
Site ID 3258 End Site 2893

Appex New Site 21.339455, 39.201185

Project Site Coordinate
Region Jeddah Site Priority NA

Site Config 2G900, 3G900, L1800, L2100, L800, L2300 Owner Information Open Site (Site Located inside Green Belt of Road)

Cabinet Type Ericsson Enclosure 6150 Power Type Temp Generator

36m Lightpole NA
Site Type SCECO Number

# Check List Severity Status Remark Test Conductor

1. Site Overview
1.1 Installation Accuracy against site-specific design Major OK NOK N/A
Check site against as-built drawings, BoQ, floor layout & material approved lists. MNS Telecom
The Roxtec is properly installed and
1.2 Roxtec Major OK NOK N/A
closed. The frame is to be installed properly and weather proof. MNS Telecom/ E&M

1.3 Nodes Installation Major OK NOK N/A

Check Node Installation,Fixation and spacing(MW and RBS) MNS Telecom

Cable ladder is to be horizontal on cross sections and vertical on rising sections. It is to be firmly
1.4 Cable ladder indoor Major OK NOK N/A
secured. Cable ladder elements must be electrically linked with Earthing straps which must be
properly terminated and short. There must be no ornamental loops in the links. MNS E&M

1.5 Extra Material on Site Major OK

completely removed before HO5 offered. MNS Telecom

1.6 Clear up / rubble removal Minor OK NOK N/A Is site and surrounding area clear and clean? MNS Telecom

1.7 Labeling Minor OK NOK N/A

all items must be labeled as per specification MNS Telecom/ E&M

1.8 E2E Service Design (LLD) Minor OK

MNS Telecom
2. General Environment

The site should be of a good appearance & show attention to detail. The equipment room is clean
2.1 Cleaning of Site and Surroundings Minor MNS Telecom/ E&M
& free of all rubbish. All unused materials are to be cleared from the site & properly disposed of.

3. Equipment Enclosure (Room and Shelter) Installation

3.1 Shelter/Equipment room Major OK NOK N/A

Holes inside the shelter to be sealed perfectly MNS Telecom/ E&M
In case of new shelter The flooring, walls & ceiling should be in good condition, clean &
Room Flooring /wall / ceiling/Door /wall Penetration Minor OK NOK N/A undamaged. The door shall be of the specified type with a functioning lock & rubber seal. Roof &
3.2 Wall penetration are properly sealed & weather proofed, no packing modules are missing, it is MNS E&M
3.3A Shelter/room foundation Minor OK NOK N/A
Tiny tempreture cracks MNS E&M
3.3B Shelter/room foundation Major OK NOK N/A
3.4 Movable (COW) sites Major OK NOK N/A Support to be fully tightened (Guy wires) MNS E&M
4. Site Access Site is accessible 24/7. Access to site, tower, shelter, generator is free from obstructions & safety
hazards. There is adequate lighting at night time. MRN to avoid using such site with access
4.1 Access to sites (roof top) Minor OK NOK N/A difficulty as hub site and to provide ladder if hanging antenna below the parapet level (owner
agreement is required) or as per approved condition and in case of sharing will follow owner MNS Telecom/ E&M
4W drive car should be able to access the road for maintenance purposes, otherwise road access
4.2 Access to sites (GF) Major OK NOK N/A not accepted. For generator sites , the Fueling Car should be able to access the road for Fulling
Purpose otherwise road access not accepted. In addition generator door should be opened easily. MNS Telecom/ E&M
The door shelter lock is functioning properly & 3 sets of shelter keys must be made available to
4.3 Lock Major OK NOK N/A
Managed services (each copy for RAN, E&M and Field Teams). Rooftop keys can be provided if MNS E&M
The gate is to be mounted correctly, hinge fixing bolts checked. Combination Lock for the gate and
Gate Hinge Minor OK NOK
4.4 fuel tank to be provided MNS E&M

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The access procedure must be submitted for sites in restricted area and give time to MNS to apply
4.5 Access procedure and permissions Major OK NOK N/A for long period permissions. Access permission for rental Generator team hould be ready and
avilable for two weeks before the need to renewal by Implementation Team or as per approved
condition and in case of sharing will follow owner condition. MNS Telecom/ E&M
5. AC Power installation
after SEC meter cables are selected & routed in a safe way & in accordance for site design
Mains Power Cables/Breakers(Permanent / Temporary) Major OK NOK N/A drawings & SCECO requirement. The supply cable & breaker must be of correct rating & type
5.1 referance to approved design. MNS E&M

Temporary Generator should be free from leakage; sound proofed with sound attenuated
5.2 Temporary (rented) generator Major OK NOK N/A
facilities ; it should operate with fixed voltage & frequency values; generator with its fuel tank & MNS E&M
cabling (male/female and right size of cable) should be properly/safely installed

MDB, Contactor to be functioning correctly Major OK NOK N/A

5.3 If the main breaker and contactor are functioning as per the protection requirement MNS E&M
5.4 Shelter Main Distribution Panel (indoor) Minor OK NOK N/A
MDB should be installed according to the site generic design & wiring diagram. MNS E&M
Installation to be in accordance with wiring diagram, type according to specifications with respect
Stabilizers & Isolation Transformer Major OK NOK N/A

5.5 to site outdoor condition. In case where needed. MNS E&M

5.6 Power Agreement Minor OK NOK N/A
A copy To be submitted to MNS team in case there is no MOBILY meter. MNS E&M
6. Distribution unit ODF/DDF/BATB
DF/DDF should be correctly mounted with top horizontal & secure fittings based on vendore
6.1 Panel mounted Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
installation standered .
All cables(PCM & alarm Cables) should be terminated correctly & connected securely & labeled
Alarm & TXM Cables installation NOK N/A properly. The cables must be routed in a correct manner & be well fixed no joints are acceptable.
Minor OK
Proper separation between Power & Signal Cabling based on vendore installation standered
6.2 MNS Telecom
All BATB alarms( Commercial Power; generator; Cooling system; fire system; DC system; ;Intruder
6.3 BATB alarms and Panal Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom/ E&M
system;Tower system) are tested with NOC & found visible & working properly.
7. Dual / Standby Generator Backup

in case of new Genset is tested and passed as per PAT document. Checked for correct make & type
(according to specifications, & approved martial list & site generic drawings) & functional. Clear
7.1 Mobily (permanent) GenSet Major MNS E&M
from damages. The genet is free from fuel, oil & water leakage. Serial numbers are according to
commissioning document or as per dismantling sheet in relocated.

ATS Major
7.3 ATS including its component to be functional (according to specifications). MNS E&M
To be tested and accepted as per PAT document and free from leakage & major Damages. Fuel
7.4 Fuel system installation Major OK NOK N/A
level senior is connected and alarm can be reported to NOC.
The canopy shall be installed correctly, sound proof, corrosion free, sound level at 1 m away NGT
Canopy & Key Minor OK NOK N/A

7.5 70 dB. All keys to be available MNS E&M

7.6 Generator power Cables Major OK NOK N/A
To be tested and accepted as per PAT document MNS E&M
The generaror noise reading should be as per Mobily approved by site design for Restricted area
Generator Noise Major OK NOK N/A

7.7 so the reading must be taken during J.V MNS E&M

ND to advise MNS before redeploy any Genset in order to check the running hours for Overhauling
7.8 Redeployed Generator running hours should not exceed End of life Major OK NOK N/A
7.9 Baladiyah Permit Minor OK NOK N/A A Copy to be submitted to MNS team MNS E&M

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8. Earthing and Lightning Protection
All metallic equipments should be connected to grounding (like
8.1 Earthing of metal parts Major OK
tower,mast;poles;fence;gate;shelter;Generator;ladders;railings;equipments;feeders;support MNS Telecom
frames, fuel tank, etc)

Earthing cable management system Minor OK NOK N/A

8.2 Cables shall be resistant to mechanical damage, by use of proper routing, proper fixations etc. MNS E&M
8.3 Main Earth Pit & Earth bar(s) Minor OK NOK N/A
Earth PIT is properly installed & corrosion free. MNS E&M
8.4 Earth Resistance reading Major OK NOK N/A Overall Resistance to be ≤ 5 ohm. MNS E&M

With proper installation, highest position, Lightning arresters are needed for four-legged tower in
8.5 Lightning arrester/rod Major OK NOK N/A
heavy rain areas while lightning rods are for monopole.
9. Air Conditioning

As per PAT document (The Ac system is of the correct brand & & type, positioned correctly & in a
9.1 ACU system installation Major OK
location, safe from damage. The units & control panel are functional, fixed correctly, free of MNS E&M
corrosion, earthed & correctly wired. Drain pipe is properly fixed and unclogged)

9.2 HVAC Major OK NOK N/A To be functioning well MNS E&M

10. Aviation Warning Light
the tower light system is of correct type (only approved by site design), functional, & properly
10.1 Aviation Warning Light(s) Major fixed (in correct locations) for four-legged tower higher than certain value must be installed or will MNS E&M
be rejected

10.2 Fall arrestor Minor to be Provided to MNS E&M MNS E&M

11. Lighting & Appliance
as per PAT document (lighting & appliances are installed & functioning in accordance to design
11.1 lighting & Appliance (Indoor/Outdoor) Major MNS E&M
requirement. Emergency lights are required)
12. Fire Fighting System

The fire protection system is available, correct type (according to specifications), correctly
12.1 Fire Extinguishing System Major OK
fastened & connected, nozzle is installed & the inspection sheet/tag available. Trigger of MNS E&M
automatic release mechanism is tested & found working properly.

Manual Fire Extinguisher Minor OK NOK N/A

12.2 Is of correct type (3 kg CO2) with inspection sheet / tag available & sealed. MNS E&M

in case of new The Battery back up should working properly. The Battery showing the correct
12.3 Battery Back up Unit Major OK NOK N/A
value or as per dismantled check list for relocated site.

13. DC Power Installation-Rectifier & Batteries Bank

As per PAT document (Rectifier & Battery cabinet is in the position noted in the new site layout.
13.1 Mechanical Installation for Rectifier and Batteries Major OK
the cabinet are secured to the floor in accordance with specification. No damages were found & MNS E&M
no leakage is seen on batteries. Batteries Temperature sensor cable is correctly)

The internal battery connection straps are positioned & connected correctly. The cables from the
Rectifier & Batteries Interconnection Major OK NOK N/A
Battery banks to the BFU are of the correct size / type , routed, & terminated properly. Battery
13.2 lugs are greased properly. MNS E&M
as per PAT document (The Fuse Unit is installed with correct rating, undamaged & labeled. All
13.3 DC Distribution Panel Major OK NOK N/A
installed fuses are functional & its protection rating as per designated load requirement.) for
The Battery Load Test Results sheet is available on site & shows that the Load Test was correctly
Batteries Bank Testing Major OK NOK N/A
carried out & the result was satisfactory. Battery Serial Numbers comply with serial numbers on
13.4 Test Sheet. MNS E&M
13.5 DC System Operation Major OK NOK N/A
DC system has been commissioned & tested & found working properly without alarm MNS E&M
Manufacturer:…………………………… Product No………………………………No of Modules
Rectifier minor OK NOK N/A

13.6 …………………………… Rating (W)……………………………… MNS E&M

Manufacturer:…………………………… Product No………………………………No of Strings:……………………………
13.7 Batteries minor OK NOK N/A
Rating (AH)………………………………
All cable should be terminated correctly and connected securely. The cables must be routed in a
All cables connecting to the unit Major OK NOK N/A correct manner & be well fixed no joints are acceptable. Proper separation between Power &
13.8 Signal Cabling. MNS Telecom
13.9 Cable routes Minor OK NOK N/A
The cables must be routed in a correct manner and be well formed and fixed. MNS Telecom

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CB rating should be matching Equipment.this is for expansion and new addition of the equipment
Circuit Breaker Rating Major OK NOK N/A
in any exsting sites then power breaker ratings to be matched with Vendor equipment power
13.10 consumption. MNS Telecom

Labels must be applied correctly and in the specified positions.if CB cnnected to telecome then it
13.11 All breakers should be labeled Minor OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom/ E&M
should labeled for specfic equipment
13.12 Battery Fuse unit (BFU) Major OK NOK N/A Must be properly seated and bolted into place MNS E&M
13.13 Batteries Installed Major OK NOK N/A
Physical Check MNS E&M

Battery cables from battery to BFU Minor OK NOK N/A

Battery cables are of correct size and type and connectors crimped with proper tool. No exposed
13.14 copper should be observed and no damage to crimps due to use of wrong crimping tool. MNS E&M
The temperature sensor must be fixed in the centre of the battery array. The cable should be run
13.15 Temperature sensor and cable Minor OK NOK N/A
neatly and securely.
DCDP Breakers Major OK NOK N/A
13.16 DCDP Main Power breakers to be testesd along with the standard cable ratings. MNS E&M
14. Civil Work

The fence must be erected in accordance with the site drawings. Support post must be vertical.
14.1 Fence/ shelter door Major The chain link fence is 2.75 metres high. Any damage in the fence, which will lead to security MNS E&M
breach is not accepted, meanwhile small cuts in the fence will be considered as minor

14.2A Foundation Minor Tiny tempreture crack MNS E&M

14.2B Foundation B Major OK NOK N/A Deep crack only MNS E&M
14.3 Tower/Antenna Mounts/ RRU Mount / Supports/Cable ladder / Gantry Major All steel structure to be: galvanized, fully tightened, painted, scratches to be considered as minor. MNS E&M
15. Telcome Inspection
15.1 Inside shelter, Service Space of 1 m is required for an easy maintenance) Minor OK NOK N/A
to ensure easy access to maintain the equipment MNS Telecom

BTS & indoor MW Cabinet Installation/Physical check Major OK NOK N/A

15.2 Radio Cabinet housing fastening bolts are completed & tightened properly. MNS Telecom

It should be in correct position in accordance with site layout,& clear from damages. Any changes
15.3 BTS & indoor MW Installation/Physical check Minor OK
MNS Telecom
in the drawings to be updated and submitted to MNS

BTS Functionality Major OK NOK N/A

15.4 the BTS was tested & found functional with no alarms. all indicating leds are ok MNS Telecom
15.5 Sweep Test(VSWR-with & without TMA ) Major OK NOK N/A
VSWR are all NGT 1.4:1 for GF & RT sites. For Indoor & microcell sites the VSWR is not NGT 1.8:1 MNS Telecom

Sweep Test(DTF- with & without TMA ) Major OK

Feeder Runs are all “Distance to fault” tested with Antenna connected. DTF Vaule NGT than 1.05,
15.6 OK NOK N/A
exceptional cases to be agreed by MNS and MND on case by case basis. MNS Telecom

OK NOK N/A Antenna height, tilt, azimuth installed as per the RF & MW design. Antenna & Sector (Location &
15.7 Antenna Direction, Tilt & Height Major MNS Telecom
Orientation) its not blocking another antennas or sector coverage for another projects.

OK NOK N/A All cables should run properly , fixed with standardized clamps. Clamps are not loose & fixed
Feeders , Jumpers and Ethernet Cable Installation Major OK

properly, distance between two clamps is 60cm for 1/2 S/F,80cm for 1/2 foam,120cm for 7/8" and
15.8 OK NOK N/A
140cm for 15/8".No mixed cables allowed. No feeders sharp bend (no sharp angle) allowed. MNS Telecom
The site is clear from all internal alarms(including not limited to VSWR, RX diversity, power limit
15.9 BTS/ Node B Remote Check Minor MNS Telecom
exceeded, ect..) The latest SW is installed & accepted by OMCR
If called up they must be of the specified type and installed in accordance with site drawings and
Wall brackets and or equipment spacers Major OK NOK N/A

15.10 equipment plan. as per site design standered MNS Telecom

15.11 Cable ladder, Trunking and Cables inside secure Minor OK NOK N/A
Firmly fixed and secured properly, with fixtures correctly Vertical or Horizontal. MNS E&M

15.12 Internal Optical cables connected Major OK NOK N/A Internal Optical cables connected. MNS Telecom
RBS should have proper ventilation and easy maintain.Ventilation should not be blocked due to
15.13 RBS Ventilation Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
any Hardware or cables.
Check RRU Power Connectivity and breaker ratings.Power should be connected on breakers in AC
RRU Power Connectivity Major OK NOK N/A

15.14 power pannel.Pannel should be environtally protected(Not Outdoor). MNS Telecom

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15.16 Dummy panel covers. Major OK NOK N/A Must all be in place and correctly fixed. MNS Telecom
15.17 Feeder/Fiber Lengths. Minor OK NOK N/A
Lengths should be as per design and housed in box MNS Telecom
The Feeders must enter through the Roxtec in the correct positions. They must be set in the
Feeder/Cable/Fiber lead-in (Cable glands / Roxtec) Major OK NOK N/A

15.18 OK NOK N/A

rubber inserts correctly. MNS Telecom
15.19 Feeder cable earthed at outside Cable lead-In and ower Bottom. Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
Feeder cable earthed at 30m in case the Tower heightis more then 60m. Major OK NOK N/A

15.20 MNS Telecom


15.21 Flexible Pipes installation and cable tie Minor Check tie wraps and flexible pipe installation.properly closed from outdoor. MNS Telecom

Cable ties should be of a standard pattern throughout. They must be placed in a uniform manner,
e.g. the tongue must always point in the same direction (before trimming) and the locks should be
Clamps or cable ties installed Minor OK NOK N/A
level with each other. Colour should be uniform bearing in mind that white cable ties are not UV
protected, they should not appear on external elements. N.B. all cable ties must be trimmed after
tightening. The tongues must be cut off flush using a tie wrap tool or the flat side of a good pair of
15.22 side cutters. Clamps MNS Telecom

15.23 Feeder/Radio cable marking done. Minor OK NOK N/A

As per approved Drawing MNS Telecom

15.24 Cable ladder earthed Major OK


15.25 Connecter Weather- proofing. Major OK NOK N/A

Check Weather Proofing. MNS Telecom

RRU Installation Major OK NOK N/A

15.26 Check Bracket,Ventiliation,Temperature should be as per site lay out and accessible. MNS Telecom
15.27 Pole popullated Minor
Check antenna installation(Mount and Antenna). MNS Telecom
TMA,Duplexer,Splitter installed (if specified in configuration data in IE
Major OK
15.28 document) if applicable Must be installed in accordance with site drawing and functional. MNS Telecom
OK NOK N/A Check GPS for bloakage and other antenna as per standards (>10 m).Sealing,grounding and
15.29 GPS Installation Major MNS Telecom
brackets. If applicable
15.30 Synch Cable connections Minor OK NOK N/A Synch cables to be installed as per standards.
15.31 ASC and RET correctly installed as per design Minor OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
Access Point Installation, Direction and Height as per design and in reference to target coverage Access Points must be installed based on standard and design, Indoor antenna for indoor coverage
Major OK NOK N/A

15.32 (WIFI) and outdoor for outdoor coverage (unless justification provided by design) MNS Telecom

15.33 Power Injector for Access Points (WIFI) Major OK NOK N/A
Power Injector must be installed in safe location for MACRO Site and outdoor coverage MNS Telecom
15.34 Power Source and Adaptor Installation (WIFI) Major OK NOK N/A Cabling for the power adaptor and power source must be safe and protected MNS Telecom

15.35 AP Profiles and SSID Configuration (remote verification) (WIFI) Major OK NOK N/A
Proper AP Configuration for all AP's based on design with Correct folder and SSID MNS Telecom

Acceptable Latency is 50ms from end user, FTP Test must be same result with the configured BH
FTP Test for the backhaulLatency Test for Backhaul, Speedtest (WIFI) Major OK NOK N/A

15.36 capacity MNS Telecom

16. MW Inspection
a. Visiual Check

Dummy cards/plates are not missing at empty slots/ unused plug in unit positions to provide dust
16.1 Dummy Covers Minor OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom
free and a proper cooling circulation through the electronic equipment.

MW System functionality Major OK NOK N/A

16.2 the MW system to be tested & found functional with no alarms.all indicating leds are working MNS Telecom
OK NOK N/A The wave guide to be properly fixed by proper support, the two end of wave guides to be properly
16.3 IF Cable/ Wave Guide Fixing Major MNS Telecom
sealed, All connectors must be weatherproof (heatshrink/rubbertape)
Optical fiber cables are dressed sequentially or have no crosses. Optical fiber extra cables are
Optical Cables installation Major OK NOK N/A

16.4 properly mounted & placed. Optical fiber cable connections are secured. MNS Telecom

16.5 Transmission equipment with cabling Major OK NOK N/A

Check LAN/Fiber/E1s Etc routing , connectivity . MNS Telecom

16.6 Sub-racks and Magazines are correctly fitted and grounded Major OK NOK N/A Check Fixation and grounding. MNS Telecom

16.7 Transmission node ventilation as per product standard Major OK NOK N/A
Check TXM ventilation. MNS Telecom

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Power Connections to checked for redudency and Breaker Rating.Fuse Rating in MW Rack DCDB
Transmission Power Connections Major OK NOK N/A
and BLVD Connectivity to be checked.Power should be connected on separate breakers in
16.8 rectifiers based on approved EIR MNS Telecom
16.9 Transmission equipment and cables weather proofing Major OK NOK N/A All the cables and equipmen to be weather proofed.

Dishes must been on correct bearing. This will be indicated of acceptance of RSL. Dishes must be
Antennae (Dishes) Height and Diameteras per cevil design approval Major OK
positioned so that we will not be blocked. Dishes on roof top sites must have at least 2.2 metres
height, measured from the bottom of the dish, above any adjacent walkway.
16.1 The locking bar(s) provided with larger dishes must be in place and securely fixed. MNS Telecom
All the outdoor cables should have proper clamping and in case Tie raps used then steel tie raps to
16.11 Outdoor Tie raps and clamps Minor OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
be used.
Protected, properly clamped and secure. No loops or unnecessary length.
Microwave Indoor/Outdoor cable is correctly installed. Major OK NOK N/A Connectors properly installed and in good condition.Labeling and Weather proofing to be checked
16.12 for connectors properly. MNS Telecom
16.13 Rack / Subrack installation Major OK NOK N/A
Rack / Subrack installation according to Civil layout and access design approval MNS Telecom
16.14 Rack Ground Connections for new installation Major OK NOK N/A Rack and Subrack ground connections MNS Telecom
16.15 Power supply protection circuit breakers values based on EIR Major OK NOK N/A
Check Power supply protection circuit breakers values should be as per standard and load. MNS Telecom
16.16 E1 Tributary and Ethernet labeling Minor OK NOK N/A Check E1 Tributary and Ethernet labeling MNS Telecom

16.17 Antenna(s) position Major OK NOK N/A

Antenna(s) position according to plant doc. MNS Telecom

16.18 Antenna(s) polarization Major OK NOK N/A Antenna(s) polarization according to plant doc. MNS Telecom
16.19 ODU(s) and pole / braket mounting as per design Major OK NOK N/A
ODU(s) and pole / braket mounting according to design doc. MNS Telecom
16.2 Warning labels Minor OK NOK N/A Antenna(s) EMF warning labeling presence. MNS Telecom

16.21 IF Cable Routing Major OK NOK N/A

Proper installation/laying of IF Cable and weatherproofing of connectors MNS Telecom

ODU(s) cable protection Major OK

ODU(s) cable protection weatherproofing with rubber tape ODU(s) cable protection
16.22 weatherproofing with rubber tape as per product and installation standard. MNS Telecom
16.23 Equipment Grounding Major OK NOK N/A
All MW equipment indoor/outdoor should be grounded with standard grounding cable MNS Telecom

the outdoor units including RAU & Dish antenna support/assembly (bracket) for both 1.2 & 1.8
Antenna Fixture (1.2 & 1.8 Antenna Must be Supported By Struts) Major OK
mtr are adjusted at correct azimuth & properly tightened (Antenna height and Polarization must
be as per design)
16.24 MNS Telecom
16.25 SYNC cable connections if applicable Major OK NOK N/A
Check for sync Cable connections properly. MNS Telecom

Boards Installation Major OK NOK N/A

16.26 Boards are properly placed in slots. MNS Telecom

16.27 Rox-tec Major OK NOK N/A

Rox-tec must be closed properly and no light observed from inside the shelter MNS Telecom
16.28 Spare parts if applicable Major OK NOK N/A Spare Parts Availability , All Spare Parts should be available before proceed Acceptance MNS Telecom
Fuse rating of For all MW Equipments should be as per design providedFuse rating of For all MW
16.29 Fuse Ratings Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
Equipments should be as per design provided and approved EIR
b.Link test and measurements (On field)

16.3 E1 Tributary loopback test – Physical test Major OK NOK N/A

MNS Telecom

16.31 Channel Protection Switching test (N+1) – Physical test Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom
c.Link test and measurement (Back-end)

16.32 Channel protection switching test Major OK NOK N/A

MNS Telecom

16.33 48 hrs link stability test Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom

16.34 Frequency checks (Sub band and spot frequency) Major OK NOK N/A
Frequency Pair should be as per Design MNS Telecom

16.35 Link configuration Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom

16.36 Link modulation Major OK NOK N/A

MNS Telecom
16.37 Link capacity Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom

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16.38 Link SW License Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom

16.39 Planned link parameters vs Achieved link parameters (Tx pwr, Rx pwr etc). Major OK NOK N/A
Receive Signal Level if exceed (+/-3 db) and all other parameters to be as per design MNS Telecom
16.4 XPD Test to be done & mention the values NE & FE (=/>27) Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
16.41 Threshold shoud be not less than 30 dbm Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom

16.42 Provide BIR ( Backhauling Integration Report) with new site acceptance. Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom

Since most sites are carrying over IP NW, so need to add KPIs of MW performance on IP domain
Major OK NOK N/A

16.43 (ping Loss rate, latency, Jitter, etc…) MNS Telecom

16.44 QoS Implementation (PLAN, TEST,RESULT). Major OK NOK N/A

MNS Telecom

New link should carrying live traffic prior to PAT and it will help to fast detection on vandalism
Major OK NOK N/A

16.45 cases, because will be under monitoring by MW NOC. MNS Telecom

Test if there is interference signal from Mobily Network(inside interfeance) or other
16.46 Interference test should be provided Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
network(outside interference)
d. Link Upgrade (HW/SW/Capacity without HW/Feature)
16.47 Availability of L3 approved MOP for the upgrade Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
16.48 Analysis: Effect of Link Upgrade on DC Power distribution/balancing on Rectifier Major OK NOK N/A based on approved EIR MNS Telecom
16.49 Field acceptance of upgrade (HW) Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom
Remote acceptance of upgrade (SW /Capacity without HW and Features) Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
KPIs acceptance is required after SW BH Expansion (BW/Capacity) and provide planning approval
16.51 Major OK NOK N/A
with design. MNS Telecom
16.52 SW version release to be matched with latest SW version Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom
e. Traffic Re-Route Exercise
16.53 Testing and confirmation of SOR readiness (or new MW route readiness) Major OK
N/A MNS Telecom
16.54 Traffic re-route to new direction on field as par plan Major OK
N/A MNS Telecom
16.55 Confirmation of service stability after change Major OK
N/A MNS Telecom
16.56 Removal of all old cables (FE + Tributary) on the old route Major OK
N/A cables related to the specific rerouting MNS Telecom
16.57 Cleaning of all concerned sites of all unused cables. Major OK
N/A cables related to the specific rerouting MNS Telecom
16.58 All SORs are ready and implemented as per design. Major OK
N/A MNS Telecom

16.59 All new configuration has beem implemented as per design , Removal of all old configuration Major OK

MNS Telecom
f. Link Dismantling Exercise:
16.6 Removal of all configurations from link to be dismantled. Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom
All equipment and its related connection are removed from the site and no leftovers exist at the
16.61 Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
Disconnection SOR must be applied and implemented to remove all related connections of the
Major OK NOK N/A

16.62 dismantled equipment MNS Telecom

16.63 Closure of IDU slot with Dummy Plates Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom

Link dismantling exercise does not affect other traffic at the site. Major OK NOK N/A
MNS Telecom
16.65 Confirmation of dismantling completion. Major OK NOK N/A FATA to be shared with MNS
17. Router
17.1 Cables arrangement Minor OK NOK N/A
Check cable arrangement and cable connectivity with RBS and Transmission. MNS Telecom
17.2 Tie raps installation Minor OK NOK N/A check cable are properly routed and tie rap. MNS Telecom

17.3 Labeling for Routers Cabinet/Cables/ODF/DDF Minor OK NOK N/A

check for labelling on cables is per physical connectivity. MNS Telecom

17.4 Console Access Major OK NOK N/A check console access is working with login. MNS Telecom

17.5 Fuse Redundancy and Fuse Ratings Major OK NOK N/A

check for power Breakers and redundancy and test by switching one by one. MNS Telecom
17.6 System recovery after manual reboot Major OK NOK N/A check system recovers after a manual restart. MNS Telecom
17.7 O&M connectivity to OSS Major OK NOK N/A
check for O&M connectivity. MNS Telecom
17.8 Routers configuration Major OK NOK N/A check router configuration is as per design. MNS Telecom

17.9 Check system alarm Major OK NOK N/A

check for system alarms. MNS Telecom

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18. Safety Engineering
18.1 Steps and ladders Major OK NOK N/A
Monopole and tower ladder steps are missing/broken MNS E&M
Emergency phone numbers must be available at shelter door. Safety instruction plates are

18.2 provided as per safety rules (Hazard, warning & Safety) MNS E&M

18.3 Safety wire availability if applicable Minor OK

To be installed correctly and Cab lock to be provided to MNS Telecom MNS Telecom/ E&M

19. Site Document

Site Binder should include not limited to :design information; Materials lists & BOQ;Test protocols
& results signed (PAT document) & ready for acceptance; operation manuals where applicable to
19.1 Site Binder Major OK NOK N/A MNS Telecom/ E&M
be submitted to MNS within max 3 weeks.All the desing documents should be part of the site
binder and CD.

Global Acceptance Checklist Result

Accepted with OIL list
Not Accepted
NRO Contractor (Civil)
NRO Contractor (E&M)

NRO Contractor (Telecom)

Mobily Project Representative(optional)
Manage Service Representative (E&M/Civil)

Manage Service Representative (Telecom Name:



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