Course Contents BFD Adnan Rashid

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Business Finance Decisions


130 Hours Course Contents

Topics hours of Fee of Date of Availability of
recording Module videos

Free module
Video 1 Syllabus, Study notes, How to prepare, Revise practice and summarise Uploaded
Video 2 Exam Strategy, Performance echancement for exam Uploaded

Module 1 18 4,000
Relevant costing and Decision Making
Video 1 Relevant costing and Decision Making Basics Uploaded
Video 2 Indentifying relevant cost of material (Illustration 1) , Labour and overheads Uploaded
Video 3 Relevant Costing Illustration 3 and 4 Uploaded
Video 4 Decision Making Theory(concept) Uploaded
video 5
Video 6 Decision Making Illustration 4, 5, Limiting Factor and Sales Price Sensitivity (sky limited Uploaded
Video 7 Limiting Factor (Sky limited part b & c), Make or Buy Decision (Illustration 7,9) Scarce res
Video 8 Make or buy with limiting factor (Illustration 11, 12 ) Uploaded
Vidoe 9 Shutdown decisions(Illustration 13 , 14) Uploaded
Video 10 Further Processing Decisions (illustration 16) Utilising Spare Capacity(example) Uploaded
Video 11 (QB 2.1,2.2 & 3.1) Uploaded
Video 12 (QB 3.2 Wazir) Summer 05 Q2 Uploaded

Liner Programming
Video 1 Liner Programming Theory (illustration 1, 2) Uploaded
Video 2 Liner Programming Theory (Remaining steps), slack Uploaded
video 3 Illustration 3 and summer 11 Q6 Uploaded

Module 2 23 5,000
Forecasting and Budgeting
video 1 Forecasting And budgeting high low method( illustration 1,3,4) Least SquareLine regression
video 2 Illustration 5 , time Series analysis, Moving average (example), Sesional Variation additive model
(QB 25.9) Uploaded
Video 3 proportionate Model (Example), Budgeting (Illustration 9 part a and b) Uploaded
Video 4 (Illustration 9 Part c,d,e,f,g,h and i) Uploaded
Video 5 Master Budget, PL, Cash Budget, Budgeted Balance Sheet Uploaded
video 6 Winter 10 Q1, Winter 13 Q6 Uploaded
video 7 Summer 2010 Q3 Uploaded
Video 8 Winter 2011 Q3 Uploaded
Video 9 winter 11 Q3(Remaining part), summer 16 Q6 Uploaded
video 10 winter 16 Q 3 Uploaded

Standard costing & Variance analysis

Video 1 Variance Analysis(Ill 1, 5, 6) Uploaded
Video 2 Standard Costing (ill 8, 10, 11) Without idle time (ill 13) unplanned idle time (ill 15, 16) Uploaded
Video 3 with planned idle time (ill 17, 18) Variable Overhead vairance( ill 20, 21, 23) Uploaded
Video 4 fixed Overhead Variance( Ill 24, 25 Uploaded
Video 5 Ill 26, Sales vairance(ill 27, 28, 29, 31) Operating Statement (ill 32) Uploaded
Video 6 Standard Costing (Mixed and yield variance) QB 26.1, Illustration 33,35,37, Summer 2013 Q.
Video 7 Standard Costing (illustration 42, qb 27.2) Uploaded
Video 8 Standard Costing (planning and operational variances illustration 44, 45, 47 w16(CFAP Q.4)
Video 9 Standard costing Variance Analysis (Illustration 48, 52, 55, 58, W15(Q.7) Uploaded

Module 3 18 4,000

Working Capital Management

Video 1 Working Capital Management Uploaded
Video 2 Working Capital Management ( Illustration 2, 3) Uploaded
Video 3 Working Capital Management (Illustration 4, 6 QB#29.3) Uploaded
Video 4 Woking Capital Management ( summer 2011 Q.2, Overtrading, Summer 2015 Q.4) Uploaded
Video 5 Working Capital Management ( Debtors' management, Illustration 7, 8, 9, 11) Uploaded
Video 6 Working Capital Management ( facoring services, Illustration 12, 13, 14) Uploaded
Video 7 Working Capital Management (w2008 Q.4, creditor,s management (ill 15,16) Uploaded
Video 8 Working Capital Management (Summer 2014,Q.2, Summer 2013 Q.1) Uploaded
Video 9 Working Capital Management (Inventory Management EOQ, Bulk discounts Ill 20, 21) Uploaded
Video 10 Working Capital Management (Inventory Management (ill 22,23,24, W13 Q.1, S16 Q.3)) Uploaded
Video 11 Working Capital Management( Inventory Management, (JIT), Cash Management(Miller-orr
Model(ill 24), Baumol Model(ill 26,27)) Uploaded
Transfer Pricing
Video 1 Transfer Pricing (ill 1, demand curve, ill 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Uploaded
Video 2 Transfer Pricing (S14 Q.3, W12 Q.5) Uploaded

Module 4 41 10,000

Capital investment Appraisals

Video 1 Capital Investment Appraisal (ill 2, 3, decision rule, ill 4, bailout payback period, ill 5, ARR, ill 6, 7,
TVM, Exp 1,2,3,4, PV, ill 8,9) Uploaded
Video 2 Capital Investment Appraisal (NPV, IRR,ill 10) Uploaded
Video 3 Capital Investment Appraisal (Annuity, Types of Annuity, Perpetuity, Types of Perpetuity, ill 15,
IRR) Uploaded
Video 4 Capital Investment Appraisal (Discounting,non annual cash flow, Sinking fund, DCF) Uploaded
Video 5 Capital Investment Appraisal (IA tools, DPBP, ill 24, reinvestment, MIRR, ill 25,27, Relevant Cash
flow) Uploaded
Video 6 Capital Investment Appraisal ( Inflation in DCF, ill 28,Real or Money, ill 29,30) Uploaded
Video 7 Capital Investment Appraisal (DCF,ill 31,32, taxation in DCF, ill 33,34,36) Uploaded
Video 8 Capital Investment Appraisal (QB 7.4) Uploaded
Video 9 Capital Investment Appraisal (Q.7.5, Baily) Uploaded
Video 10 Capital Investment Appraisal (Assets Replacement Decision,ill 37,38, W12 Q.2) Uploaded
Video 11 Capital Investment Appraisal (Investment Decision-Capital Rationing, Reasons of CR, Types,
Single period CR, ill 40) Uploaded
Video 12 Capital Investment Appraisal (Single period CR W14 Q.1, Multi-Period CR, ill41, Decision
Making,ill 42) Uploaded
Video 13 Capital Investment Appraisal (Sensitivity Analysis,ill 44, Q.Burley) Uploaded
Video 14 Capital Investment Appraisal (Decision Tree,ill 46,47, S2008,Q.3, Lease or Buy,ill48) Uploaded
Video 15 Capital Investment Appraisal (Lease or Buy Scenario 2,ill 49, Q. Leaminger) Uploaded
Video 16 Capital Investment Appraisal (QB 9.2,9.3 Cont.) Uploaded
Video 17 Caital Investment Appraisal (QB 9.3 (cont.) Uploaded
Video 18 Caital Investment Appraisal (QB 9.8) Uploaded

Sources of finance Cost of Capital and financing of project

Video 1 Sources of Finance (Basics) Uploaded
Video 2 SOF (Options of SOF, underwriting, Right Shares, ill 1,2,3, Dividend Decisions) Uploaded
Video 3 SOF (Long term debt finance, Covenant, Debentures, Types) Uploaded
Video 4 Cost of Capital (ill 2) Uploaded
Video 5 Cost of Equity (ill 3, 4,5, Dinidend growth rate, ill 6,7,8, WACC) Uploaded
Video 6 CoC (WACC Assumptions, Portfolio Theory, Risk, Correlation,Correlation coefficient) Uploaded
Video 7 CoC (WACC Comparing Prtfolio,ill 11, Three Assets Portfolio, ill 12, sys & un-sys risk) Uploaded
Video 8 CoC (CAPM,Beta, Alpha value, ill 13, Beta Portfolio, ill 14, QB 14.9, ill 15) Uploaded
Video 9 CoC (ill 21, Q. Munxay, Q.XYZ, Capital Structure, Traditional theory, MM theory, ill 22) Uploaded
Video 10 CoC (ill 23, MM and CAPM, ill 24) Uploaded
Video 11 CoC(MM and CAPM, Ke, ill 25,26,27,28,29,30,APV, QB16.16) Uploaded
Video 12 (APV, ill 31,33,32, APV Adjustments) Uploaded
Video 13 APV (ill 34, Q.Saud) Uploaded
Video 14 APV (Q.Vazir, W14 Q.4) Uploaded

Module 5 30 7,000

Business Valuation
Video 1 Business Valuation(Assest valuation,ill 1, Drawbacks,PE Ratio,ill 2, EY Ratio,ill 3,4,DY Ratio,ill
5,6,7,8) Uploaded
Video 2 Business Valuation (Cash Flow based, ill 9,10,11,12,13,Debt Valuation,ill 14,15,16,QB
17.3,17.4,17.5) Uploaded
Video 3 Business Valuation (QB 17.5 (B), Q. ZED) Uploaded
Video 4 Business Valuation (Q.Oakton ltd., Paxis ltd.(QB 17.12 is based on paxis) Uploaded
Video 5 Business Valuation (QB 17.14,17.13) Uploaded
Video 6 Business Valuation (QB 16.11 Jazib ltd, QB 18.6 Hali ltd, QB 12.8 PSd ltd) Uploaded
Video 7 Business Valuation (QB 12.6 Shoaib ltd) Uploaded
Video 8 Business Valuation (QB 18.7 URD, Summer 2015 Q.2, Winter 2015 Q.1) Uploaded

Risk Management
Video 1 Risk Mangement (Foreign Currency Risk Management Basics,ill 1,2) Uploaded
Video 2 Risk Mangement (Foreign Currency, ill 3 page 136, ill 4,5,6, Hedging, ill 7,8,9) Uploaded
Video 3 Risk Mangement (Monry Market Hedge,ill 10,11) Uploaded
Video 4 Risk Mangement (Futures, ill 13,14,15) Uploaded
Video 5 Risk Mangement (ill 5 scenario 2, QB.22.1, 22.5) Uploaded
Video 6 Risk Mangement (Options,ill 16,17,18,19,20) Uploaded
Video 7 Risk Mangement (Currency Options, QB 23.2, QB 23.4) Uploaded
Video 8 Risk Mangement (SWAPS,ill 21,22, Interset RRM, FRA, ill 23,25,IRG,ill 26) Uploaded
Video 9 Risk Mangement (IRF,ill 28,29,30,31) Uploaded
Video 10 Risk Mangement (Options in IRF,Q.HYK, Q. Shawter) Uploaded
Video 11 Risk Mangement (QB.21.7, Index Futures, ill 32,33) Uploaded
Video 12 Risk Mangement (Currency SWAP, ill 34, Interest Rate SWAP,ill 35,36,37,QB 24.10,QB 24.4) Uploaded
Video 13 Foreign Investment Appraisal (Q.TYU6) Uploaded
Video 14 Foreign Investment Appraisal (ill Puxty page#174, QB 20.4) Uploaded


This online course is class recording of regular sessions of winter 2017. In this course aimed to cover all topics with extensive & exhaustive practice of ICAP Past papers and other important illustrations
including examples.

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