Sample Papers Grade 7

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GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper: Observational and Interpretational Study Time: 2 hours

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


 Candidates Roll number and Name must be written clearly on the top right-hand corner of the front
surface of the paper.
 Bear in mind that the quality of the composition, feeling and originality are the main objectives of this
 No credit will be given for small drawings.

 This Question paper contains 2 printed pages.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

Grand Total 50

This paper consists of 2 printed pages.
Attempt any one of the following questions: [50]
A. Imaginary Drawing
Draw and create a Fantasy Sea World.

Mediums: Crayons/Color pencils/Poster colors


B. Observational Study
Draw and create an interesting Observational Study with the reference given and
render in the following two mediums.

Pencil Shading
Water/ Poster colours
Texture Pattern with pens and paints



GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 (INSERT) Time: 1 hr 10 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

In P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No. M. Marks Marks Obtained

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 3 printed pages.

Text A

Mechanical performances?

Robots is as visually engaging as the best digitally animated films. The landscapes are
really stunning, there's plenty of high-octane action, and actor-comedian Robin
Williams provides plenty of laughs. Despite these positive qualities, it more often
resembles a video game than a movie. It doesn't take long to uncover the culprit for
Robots' lack of inspiration. The dreary plot is targeted squarely at five-year- olds. 5

Unfortunately, when it comes to vocal performances, Robin Williams is the only actor
worth mentioning. His co-stars read their lines, but don't do anything more than that.
Williams brings life and energy to his role as Fender. Most of his dialogue sounds
improvised – we're never quite sure what Williams' animated alter ego is going to
say or do next. 10

The narrative is familiar fairy-tale stuff: a young robot sets off to pursue his dreams
and ends up doing great deeds. The robot, who is named Rodney Copperbottom,
leaves the sleepy suburb of Rivet Town for the metropolis of Robot City. In Robot City,
he wants to seek out his hero, Bigweld. But, when he arrives, Rodney learns that
Bigweld has ominously disappeared. With the help of his new friend, Fender, 15
Rodney aims to find Bigweld and rescue the city from the clutches of an evil robot
called Ratchet.

If the plot doesn't grab you, the look of the film will. The directors have created a robot
world to stir the imagination: each of the robots is unique, gaudy colours run riot, crazy
contraptions abound. The wow factor is greater in Robots than in many other 20
digitally animated films. However, that only partly compensates for the emptiness of
the story, and the lifelessness of all of the characters apart from Fender.

The movie is peppered with content guaranteed to guard against boredom – an

action sequence pops up every five minutes. And, of course, there's the humour.
Ninety per cent of this comes from Williams’ performance. 25

If you have kids, there's little chance that you'll escape seeing this movie. But when
you do go, you'll probably enjoy yourself. Robots is not one of those must-see
animated digital movies that works as well for adults as for children. Robots is more
than a load of spare parts, but there are some nuts and bolts missing.

Text B

Computer beats human at Go

Players of the ancient Chinese board game, Go, have been stunned by the success of
a program called AlphaGo. The computer program has defeated a human champion,
marking a significant advance for the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

AlphaGo beat legendary player Lee Se-dol in Seoul, South Korea, with a 4–1 victory.
This is the first time a Go program has won so decisively against such a highly ranked 5
player. The program is partly self-taught, having played millions of games against
itself. Not even the developers can explain how AlphaGo analyses the game position
and picks its next move.

Computers have previously surpassed humans in other games. Those include chess,
checkers and backgammon. But AlphaGo’s success is considered the most 10
significant yet, due to the complexity of Go. The game requires creative and
strategic thinking. According to researchers, there are more possible positions in Go
than atoms in the universe.

Go originated in China more than 2 500 years ago. Two players take turns by putting
black or white stones on a 19-by-19 grid. Players win when they take control of the 15
most territory on the board.

The rules are simple. But playing it is not.

It is said to be probably the most sophisticated game invented by humans so far.

Martin Mueller, a computing science professor who has worked on Go programs for
30 years, said the new program ‘is really a big step up from everything else we've 20
seen. It's a very, very impressive piece of work.’

AlphaGo’s developers say its learning strategy may someday let computers help
solve real-world problems. Those could include making medical diagnoses and
pursuing scientific research.

GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hr 10 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Insert (enclosed)
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.Do not
use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer all
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
For Examiner’s Use
Total marks obtained
In P1
Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No. M. Marks Marks Obtained

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 8 printed pages.

Section A: Reading

Spend 30 minutes on this section

Read Text A, in the insert, and answer questions 1–7.

1 Look at the first paragraph (lines 1–5). The writer uses a connective in thethird
sentence. Why? Tick one box.

to add details

to contrast ideasto

introduce a list

to draw a conclusion


2 Look at the second paragraph (lines 6–10). The writer begins thefirst
sentence with an adverb.
What is the effect of this?

3 Look at the third paragraph (lines 11–17).

The writer uses the word clutches. What does this tell the reader about therobot called


4 Look at the fourth paragraph (lines 18–22).

(a) How does the first sentence link the third and fourth paragraphs?


(b) Why does the writer use a colon ( : ) in the second sentence?

5 Look at the fifth paragraph (lines 23–25).
Give one phrase which has a similar meaning to peppered with.


6 Do you think the writer likes the film? Tick one box.



Why? Give two reasons and support each reason with a quotation from thetext.
Reason 1:

Quotation 1:

Reason 2:

Quotation 2:


7 Give two features of a review as shown in Text A. Tick two boxes.

characters’ dialogue

intended audience

variety of tenses

use of subheadings

summary of the plot [2]

Now read Text B, in the insert, and answer questions 8–14.

8 What type of text is this?


9 Look at the first paragraph (lines 1–3).

Give one word that means ‘shocked’.


10 Look at the second paragraph (lines 4–8).

What is the effect of the phrase not even?


11 Look at the third paragraph (lines 9-13).

(a) Give one word that means ‘beaten’.


(b) Give one example of the passive voice.


12 Look at the fourth paragraph (lines 14–16).

Identify the main clause in the third sentence.


13 Look at line 17.

Why does the writer use two short, simple sentences?


14 (a) What makes the success by AlphaGo so remarkable?List
up to six points.

 [4]

(b) Using the information from your list, write a summary of the significance
of the win by AlphaGo. Include 4–5 points from your list. Write up to 50
words. Use your own words as much as possible.


Section B: Writing
Spend 30 minutes on this section.

15 Write an information text on any gadget.

You should consider:

 What is the gadget? For example, a computer, a washing machine, asmart

 What are its good and bad points?

Space for your plan:

Write your information text on the next page.

GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 2 (INSERT) Time: 1 hr 10 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

in P1 _

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No. M. Marks Marks Obtained
P2 50

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Text for Section A, an extract from The Legendeer: Shadow of the Minotaur by Alan

Chapter 1

But still the beast stood in the archway, pawing at the floor. It was bigger than a man.
It stood almost three metres tall and was massively built with slabs of muscle on its
chest and shoulders. Below the waist it was bull-like. It had a swinging tail and mud-
splattered hooves. Or was it mud? Above the waist it was a man except, that is, for
the head. And what a head! The muzzle was huge and when it opened it revealed 5
the sharp, curved teeth, not of a bull but of a big cat. They were the fangs of a lion or
tiger, made for ripping flesh. Its eyes were yellow and blazed unflinchingly through the
murk. Then there were the great horns, glinting and sharp, curving from its monstrous
brow. Thick and muscular as the neck was, it seemed barely able to support such a
fearsome head, and strained visibly under the impossible weight. 10

‘Oh my – ’

The beast stepped out from the tunnel, and the boy actually took a few steps back.
It was as if his soul had crept out of his body and was tugging at him, begging him to get
away. In the sparse light shed from the gratings in the ceiling, the beast looked even
more hideous. There was the sweat for a start, standing out in gleaming beads on 15
that enormous neck and shoulders.

The beast began to stamp forward, its hooves clashing on the stone floor. It raised its
head, the horns scraping on the ceiling, and gave a bellow that seemed to crush the

‘I can’t do this …’ 20

He fell back, scrambling over obstacles on the floor, and fled. That’s when he
realized he’d dropped the ball of string. His lifeline had gone.

‘Oh no!’

The beast was charging head down.

Got to get out of here!

In his mind’s eye, he could see himself impaled on the points of those evil-looking
horns, his legs pedalling feebly in the air, his head snapped back, his eyes growing
pale and lifeless.

Suddenly, he was skidding on the slimy floor while running for his life

‘Help me!’ 30

He saw the startled brown eyes of the girl above the grating. ‘Don’t run!’ she

cried,‘Fight. You must fight.’

He was almost dying of shame. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn't meant to
lose and there weren’t meant to be witnesses to his defeat.

‘Fight,’ she repeated. ‘It’s the way of things.’ 35

The way of things. That’s right, he was meant to stand and fight. It was in his nature
as a hero. But he couldn’t. Not against that.

‘Please,’ he begged, turning his face away from the girl in shame, ‘somebody help

The beast was careering through the tunnels, crashing, bellowing, thundering through 40
the maze. Its charge was hot, furious, unstoppable. It was almost on him.

Get me out of here!

‘That’s it,’ he cried, throwing down his sword, ‘I’ve had enough. Game over!’

Chapter 2

Ripping off the mask and gloves, Phoenix bent double gulping down air like it
had been rationed. The dank half-light of the tunnels was replaced by the welcome 45
glow from an Anglepoise lamp in his father’s study. He glanced at the score bracelet
on his wrist. It registered total defeat: 000000. For a few moments everything was
spinning, the claws of the game digging into the flesh of the here and now. Then his
surroundings became reassuringly familiar.

He was out. 50

It was a game!

‘Well?’ his dad asked, ‘What do you think?’

‘Mind-blowing,’ Phoenix panted. ‘It was so real. It was like another world. I mean,
I was Theseus. I went into the palace of the tyrant-king Minos. I could actually
touch the stone columns, feel the heat of the braziers, smell the incense.’ 55

He knew he was gushing, babbling like a little kid, but he didn’t care.
‘The king’s daughter Ariadne helped me and she wasn’t just an image on a screen.
She was a real girl. Then I actually came face to face with the Minotaur. It was really
happening. I believed it.’ He shivered. ‘Still do.’

‘Oh, I could tell how convincing it was’, said Dad, enjoying the mixture of excitement 60
and fear in his son’s voice.

‘You were screaming your silly head off by the end.’

Phoenix blushed then, beginning to control his breathing at last, he picked up the

mask and gloves and traced the attached wires back to the computer where images
of the labyrinth were still flashing away on the screen.

‘It really is just a game?’

Dad pushed his seat back and gave a superior smile.

‘That’s all. Just a very sophisticated piece of software, hooked up to an even more

GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 2 Time: 1 hr 10 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question

Paper. Additional Materials: Insert
(enclosed) READ THESE
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough
working. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue
or correction fluid. Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained
In P2
Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No. M. Marks Marks Obtained

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 7 printed pages.

Section A: Reading

Spend 30 minutes on this section

1 Look at lines 1–10.

(a) Look at the exclamation mark ( ! ).

What does it tell the reader about the boy’s attitude to the beast’s


(b) Give one word that means ‘fearlessly’.


2 Look at lines 11–16.

(a) Why does the writer use a dash ( – ) in line 11?


(b) Look at lines 13–14.

What literary technique is used in this sentence?


(c) What does this sentence tell the reader about how the boy feels?


3 Look at lines 17–25.

(a) Give one word that tells the reader the beast’s voice was very loud.


(b) Explain how the writer structures this section to build tension. Give

 [3]

4 Look at lines 26–28.
What is the effect of the three clauses at the end of this sentence?


5 Look at line 29.
What literary technique is this?


6 Look at lines 30–43.

In what ways do you think the boy is unheroic? Give two reasons and
support each reason with a quotation from the text.

Reason 1:

Quotation 1:

Reason 2:

Quotation 2:


7 Look at lines 44–46.

What does gulping tell the reader about how the boy feels now?


8 Look at this extract, the claws of the game digging into the flesh of the
hereand now in line 48.
What does this tell the

reader? Tick () one box.

The bull has injured him.

Phoenix kept scratching


The score bracelet is too tight.

Phoenix is still thinking about the game.

9 Look at lines 53–59.
How does the writer make Phoenix’s experience sound realistic? Give
explanations and support each explanation with a quotation from the

text. Explanation 1:

Quotation 1:

Explanation 2:

Quotation 2:


10 Look at lines 60–69. Phoenix’s father is pleased with himself.

Explain how the writer shows how the father feels. Give one way and
support your answer using evidence from the text.


11 Look at line 43.

Explain why the writer starts a new chapter at that point in the text.
Give two

 [2]

Section B: Writing
Spend 30 minutes on this

12 Write the opening of a story that is set in an imaginary place.

Create two characters who meet each other after a long time.

Consider the following:

 What is the setting? For example, a forest, a house, an

unusual village or landscape.
 Who are your characters? Why are they there?
 What happens?

Space for your plan:

Write your story opening on the next page.

GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 25

SUBJECT: FRENCH (0520) Date:

Paper No: 1 Time: 45 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 25

P2 50

P3 25

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

1. Qu’ est-ce qu’ ils font? Écoute et écris la bonne lettre. [5]
i. …Ex b…
a) Ils vont en ville.
b) Ils restent à la maison.
c) Ils font des courses

ii. Ils ….
a) mangent des fruits.
b) achètent des fruits.
c) détestent des fruits.

iii. Ils …
a) montent dans l’ autobus.
b) descendent de l’autobus.
c) attendent l’ autobus.

iv. Caroline…
a) n’ aime pas les bananes.
b) aime bien les pommes, mais préfère les bananes.
c) n’ aime pas les pommes

v. Elle…
a) Mme Dumas achète des croissants.
b) Elle n’ aime pas les croissants.
c) Elle mange des croissants.

vi. Ils …
a) n’ aiment pas beaucoup les pique-niques.
b) choisissent des choses pour un pique-nique.
c) finissent leur pique-nique.

2. Une journée de vacances. [8]
Écoute le texte et écris la bonne lettre dans chaque case.
i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

3. La journée de Roselyne [6]

Écoute et trouve la bonne réponse.
i. Âge de Roselyn:
a) 11 EX b) 12 c) 13

ii. Année scolaire:

a) 6e b) 5e c) 4e

iii. Jours d’ école par semaine:

a) 5 b) 4 c) 6

iv. La recreation dure ….

a) 10 minutes b) 15 minutes c) 20 minutes

v. La pause-déjeuner commence à ….
a) 13h00 b) 12h00 c) 14h00

vi. Elle aime les repas?

a) elle ne dit pas b) non c) oui

vii. Fin de la journée:

a) 16h00 b) 16h30 c) 17h00

4. Du travail. [6]
Écoute et écris le bon chiffre dans la case.



GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50

SUBJECT: FRENCH (0520) Date:

Paper No: 2 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 7 printed pages.

Section 1

1. Cochez la bonne réponse A, B, C OU D. [5]

a) Le musée ouvre à trois heures moins quinze.

Quelle heure de l’après-midi ouvre le musée?


b) À l’office de tourisme, l’employée vous propose d’aller à la pêche.


c) Vous allez dans un magasin pour acheter les livres.

Qu’est-ce que vous achetez?


d) Vous regardez la météo à la télévision. Vous entendez: il pleut.


e) Je prends l’avion. Où est–ce que je peux aller ?


2. Trouve les paires. [6]

1. Quand tu vas louer un vélo? a. Il va à la mer.
2. Où va Marc pour faire de la voile? b. Demain matin.
3. Tu vas téléphoner à ta copine? c. Non, ils vont jouer au tennis.
4. Tu peux venir me voir dimanche? d. Oui, je vais appeler ce soir.
5. Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire e. Bien sûr.Vers trois heures?
6. Est-ce qu’ on peut jouer au golf à f. Je vais aller à la pêche.
7. Françoise et Luc restent à la g. Oui, je peux faire tous les sports
maison? dans cette ville.

1…b… 2……… 3……… 4……… 5……… 6……… 7………

Section 2

3. Lisez le texte et répondez aux questions : [8]

La journée de Charlotte
Je m’appelle Charlotte Laurent, j’ai 12 ans et je suis en cinquième. Je vais au
collège à Paris. Le collège est à environ 30 minutes de chez moi. Le matin, les
cours commencent à 8h presque tous les jours, le samedi aussi.
Pendant la journée de classe, il y a trois pauses. Le matin, il y a la récréation de
10h à 10h 10. Pendant la récré, on vend des pains au chocolat. Mmm, c’est bon
La pause – déjeuner est de 12h à 14h. Je suis demi – pensionnaire, alors je reste
manger à la cantine. On mange assez bien en général. Le vendredi on a souvent
du poisson et une fois par semaine, on nous donne des frites avec du ketchup.
a) Lisez les phrases et écrivez vrai ou faux :

i) Charlotte va au collège à Lyon. ………….. [1]

ii) Elle est en cinquième. …………… [1]

iii) Elle ne mange pas à la cantine. ………….. [1]

iv) Les cours commencent à huit heures et demie …………. [1]

v) Les étudiants mangent assez bien en général. ……………. [1]

b) Répondez les questions suivantes :

i) Les cours commencent à quelles heures le samedi?

……………………………………………………………… [1]

ii) La pause- déjeuner est pendant quelle heure ?

……………………………………………………………… [1]

iii) Combien de pauses y a-t-il ?

……………………………………………………………… [1]

4. Lis les annonces et réponds aux questions. [5]

a) Nommez un adjectif dans les annonces ....................……… [1]

b) Comment s’appellent les parents de Kevin?............................................... [1]

c) Le treize Janvier, c’ est l’ anniversaire de qui? ………………….. [1]

d) Est-ce que Nicole est enfant unique? Oui / Non ? ............... [1]

e) Est-ce que Kévin a des frères? Oui / Non ? ........................... [1]

Section 3

5. Conjuguez les verbes au passé composé. [5]

a) J’………………………………. (vendre) mon vélo sur internet. [1]

b) Tu……………………………… (regarder) le même film que moi. [1]

c) Elle………………………………. (acheter) les croissants. [1]

d) Elles………………………………………………… (réussir) son examen. [1]

e) Il……………………………………………(rendre) leurs livres. [1]

6. Conjuguez les verbes au présent. [6]

a) Elle ...................................(partir) pour Paris. [1]

b) Nous ................................(boire) du jus d’orange tous les matins. [1]

c) Pardon, qu’est-ce que vous ..........................................? (dire) [1]

d) Vous ......................................(pouvoir) rester encore un peu. [1]

e) Quel livre est-ce que vous .............................(lire) en ce moment? [1]

f) Paul ………………………………………….( se lever) à six heures. [1]

7. Complétez les phrases : [5]

La semaine ......................... (prochaine / dernière) Monsieur Giroux va partir en

vacances ! C’est formidable ! Il va aller ......................... (à / en/ au) Paris. Paris est

......................... (à / en/ au) France. Il va aller à la gare en taxi, puis Il va prendre le

train à Douvres. Il va traverser La Manche en ......................... (bateau / avion /

métro). A Calais Il va ......................... (louer / vendre) une voiture et il va partir

pour Paris.

Section 4

8. Ecrivez 10 phrases sur “Mon Collège”. Mentionnez la location, les nombres

d’étudiants à l’école, le moyen de transport, les activités, les heures
d’études, les matières, les professeurs, les pauses, la cantine, etc.















……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [10]

*******LA FIN *******

GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50

SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY Date:16/09/2022

Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

in P1

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 7 printed pages.

1. Fill in the blanks: [5]
a) is the wearing away of the land.
b) People who move from one place to another to live are called
c) Industries provide a high-tech service that
carries out research and provides information and advice.
d) is the flat land at the bottom of a river valley which
is often flooded.
e) The___________is Europe's premier business location, and home to many of the
world's leading multinational companies, as well as playing host the vast majority of the
UK's technology sector.

2. Define the following terms: [2]

a) International migration

b) High-tech industries

3. Answer the following questions: [10]

a) Give one advantage and a disadvantage of migration? [2]

b) Of the four statements below, TWO are correct. Write out the correct ones: [2]
I. Weathering is the breakdown of rock by nature.
II. Weathering and erosion are the same.
III. Weathering moves material from one place to another.
IV. Erosion includes the removal of loose materials.

c) What is the difference between sunset and sunrise industries? [2]

d) Explain freeze thaw weathering with the help of a diagram. [2]

e) What is a push and pull factor? Give one example each. [2]

4. Label these features on the sketch: [3]

Flood plain Meander Alluvium

5. Match the following: [5]

1. Arêtes a Long, narrow lake found on

the floor
2. Carriers b Valley left high above the
main valley
3. Hanging valley c Narrow, knife edged ridge
4. Ribbon lake d Triangular shaped mountain
formed during glaciation.
5. Pyramidal peak e Deep rounded hollow with a
steep back wall and sides

6. Picture study:

Use the picture above to name the type of farming and explain? [5]

7. Label the diagram: [5]
Valley side Channel Source Spur V-shaped valley

8. Answer the following questions: [15]

a) Complete the sentences using the following words: [4]

Densely Polar region Uneven Sparsely
i. The distribution of population over the world is .
ii. The areas with the fewest people are the dense forests, deserts and
iii. Mountainous areas are populated.
iv. Areas with good resources and industry are populated.

b) Put the statement from the box into the correct columns. Advantages and
disadvantages to industry of science and business parks. [4]

 Firms may prefer to be by themselves so as to keep new ideas a secret.

 Leisure facilities and support services may be shared.
 They should be near to a main road on the edges of town for easy access.
 Edge-of-town sites can be far from shops and services in the town center.
Advantages Disadvantages

c) Describe how V-shaped valley is formed using the diagram. [4]

d) Make a list of any 3 jobs and explain that might be found in a large tourist
holiday center. [3]

GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

Grand Total 50

This paper consists of 9 printed pages.

Section A

1. State whether the following is true or false – [5]

a) Actively absorbing information, showing that you are interested and
giving feedback is called effective listening. ……………

b) Social media always influences children and adults in a positive

way. ……………

c) Listening to music while your friend is talking is the best example of

good communication. ……………

d) Speaking directly and openly to people is the best way to

communicate honestly. ……………

e) Nobody cares if you do not choose your words wisely while

speaking. ……………

2. Choose the correct options – [10]

a) The advantages of digital communication are – [1]
i) easy to send multiple signals
ii) easy processing
iii) reliable
iv) all of the above

b) Which of the following is not a form of social media – [1]

i) Twitter
ii) Whatsapp
iii) DTDC
iv) TelegramX

c) Which of the following should be avoided for effective listening – [1]

i) Analysing before listening
ii) Listening to the speaker carefully
iii) Giving positive feedback to show you are interested
iv) None of the above

d) A well organised talk is a ___________ talk. [1]
i) Long
ii) Very long
iii) Brief
iv) Random

e) Which of the following is not a reason to migrate – [1]

i) Bad economy
ii) No movie theatres
iii) War in the country
iv) A refugee situation

f) Michael is playing with his phone while Mark is speaking to him. How do
you think Michael feels? [1]
i) Comfortable
ii) Frustrated
iii) Sad
iv) All of the above

g) The documents required for migration include – [1]

i) Birth certificate
ii) Passport
iii) Bank statements
iv) All of the above

h) What are the challenges faced by the people who migrate from one
country to another? [1]
i) Poverty
ii) Social bias/discrimination
iii) Environmental degradation
iv) All of the above

i) What is the main reason for communicating? [1]

i) Clarity
ii) Avoid loneliness
iii) Build friendships
iv) None of these

j) People who migrate from one country to another for safety and security
are called? [1]
i) tourists
ii) refugees
iii) friends
iv) spies
Section B

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow – [10]
Migrants contribute with their knowledge, networks and skills to build stronger,
more resilient communities. The global social and economic landscape can be
shaped through impactful decisions to address the challenges and opportunities
presented by global mobility and people on the move. The Global Compact for
Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GMC) offers the opportunity and guidance to
actualise human mobility and seize the opportunity it presents. The International
Organisation for Migration (IOM) has assisted millions of migrants that were
displaced during the Second World War and continues the way in promoting a
humane and orderly management of migration for the benefit of all, including the
communities of origin, transit and destination. Today, more people than ever live in
a country other than the one in which they were born. While many individuals
migrate out of choice, many others migrate out of necessity. In 2019, the number
of migrants globally reached an estimated 272 million, 51 million more in 2010.
International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of
concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to
celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international
days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced
them as a powerful advocacy tool.
a) What is the contribution of the migrants when it comes to building strong
and more resilient communities? [1]
i) Knowledge, network and skills
ii) knowledge, food supplies and ability
iii) network, skills and resources
iv) knowledge, network and food supplies

b) In which year did the number of migrants reach 272 million? [1]
i) 2010
ii) 2007
iii) 2012
iv) 2019

c) The global _________ and _________ landscape can be shaped through

impactful decisions. [1]
i) Powerful advocacy and reinforcements
ii) Transit and destination
iii) Social and economic
iv) All of the above

d) What is the full form of GMC and IOM?


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]
e) Which organisation has assisted millions of migrants that were displaced
because of World War Two? [1]
i) IOM
ii) GMC
iii) United Nations
iv) None of the above

f) What are international days and weeks used for?


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]
g) The existence of international days predates the establishment of
the______________, but the _____________ has embraced them as a
powerful advocacy tool. [1]
i) United Nations
ii) GMC
iii) IOM
iv) All of the above

h) IOM continues the way in promoting a ___________ and _______________ of
migration. [1]
i) Good and safe
ii) Humane and orderly
iii) Happy and joyful
iv) Peaceful and safe

i) GMC offers the opportunity and guidance to actualise ______________

and _____________ it presents. [1]
i) human mobility and seize the opportunity
ii) happiness and food
iii) peace and understanding
iv) all of the above

j) While many individuals migrate out of choice, many others migrate out of
necessity. Explain this line in your own words (10-12 words).


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow - [10]

Discovering that there was nowhere to run, Adam stood there and tried speaking to
the masked man. “I’m just a child and I dint mean to enter your house without
askin’.” Cried Adam. The man with the blood shot eyes, crooked nose and the
large scar across his face, just stood in front of Adam breathing loudly and staring
at him. “Pls, sir. I ain’t got nothing against you. Imma go home now, my mum will
be watin’ for me.” Said Adam
The tall man just walked away without listening to Adam and grunting to himself.

a) Explain with an example how you know that the conversation between the
strange man and Adam was one sided.



…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

b) Point out the lines that tell you that Adam’s speech is affected by the
modern online language.

 Line:………………………………………………………………………………………


 Line:………………………………………………………………………………………

Correction:………………………………………………………………………………. [4]

c) Write a response on behalf of the strange man, which will give a clear
explanation to Adam that he shouldn’t enter someone’s house without



…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

d) Make a list that will tell us the adverse effects the digital world has on

 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

 …………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

5. In your own words write a short note (about 50 word) on how online
communication can harm the coming generation and hamper their
knowledge and usage of the English language.







…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [5]

6. Match the following communication barriers with their examples- [5]

1. Linguistic barrier a) I cannot come for the wedding because I am not
allowed inside temples.
b) A child using sign language in a class full of
2. Emotional barrier normal students.
c) “Please don’t make me sing on the stage, I have
3. Psychological barrier terrible stage fright.”
d) “My child can make very good decisions when it
4. Cultural barrier comes to consoling a friend.”
e) “Could you please explain what he’s saying, I do
5. Physical barrier not know Spanish.”

7. List 5 effective ways in which you can maneuver around the ill effects of the
communication strategies used on social media. E.g. Wrong language, lack
of respect, incorrect spelling, etc.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………………


 ……………………………………………………………………………………………


 ……………………………………………………………………………………………


 ……………………………………………………………………………………………


 ……………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………… [5]


GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper: 1 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue
or black pen.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

Grand Total 50

This paper consists of 9 printed pages.

अभ्यास 1
श्रु त भाव ग्रहण
कहानी को ध्यान पूर्वक सुने तथा बताइए कक किए गए कथन कहानी के आधार पर सही है या गलत। यह
कहानी आप को िो बार सु नाई जाएगी।
सही गलत

1. राजा किकार और र्न कर्हार के कलए जंगल गए थे। [1]

2. राजा और उनके सेर्क आसपास भोजन खोजने लगे। [1]

3. पडार् के पास ही उन्हें कुुँआ किखाई किया। [1]

4. नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति लोगों को जल कपला रहा था। [1]

5. राजा सबसे पहले स्वयं जल के कलए नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति के पास गए। [1]

6. नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति ने सेर्कों को पानी नहीं किया। [1]

7. नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति ने सेनानायक को पानी किया। [1]

8. राजा ने नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति से नमस्कार करते हुए कर्नम्र स्वर में पानी मां गा। [1]

9. नेत्रहीन व्यक्ति ने राजा से कहा कक इं सान को पहचानने के कलए आं खों की

जरूरत नहीं होती है । [1]

10. मनुष्य की र्ाणी से उसकी पहचान हो जाती है । [1]

[Total: 10]

अभ्यास 2
गद्ाांश को ध्यानपूववक पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्ोां के उत्तर दीजिए।

आज का यु ग कर्ज्ञान का युग है । कर्ज्ञान ने मानर् को नए अकर्ष्कार करके अनेक अनोखी र्स्तुएुँ िी,
उनमें से एक अनोखी र्स्तु है िू रििवन। इसके द्वारा हम न केर्ल अपना मनोरं जन कर सकते हैं , अकपतु
महत्वपूणव जानकाररयां भी प्राप्त कर अपने ज्ञान में र्ृक्ति कर सकते हैं । िू रििवन संचार का सबसे सिि
साधन है । इस पर किखाए जाने र्ाले नाटक, किल्म, खेलकूि, समाचार आकि से हमें अनेक प्रकार की
जानकारी प्राप्त होती है । यह किक्षा का सिि माध्यम है क्ोंकक इस पर प्रसाररत होने र्ाले कायवक्रम के
माध्यम से कर्द्याथी अपने कर्षयों के बारे में भी जान सकते हैं ।
इसके अकतररि जो ग्राकिकल तथा किस्कर्री चैनल पूरे कर्श्व की आधुकनक जानकाररयों से हमारे ज्ञान में
र्ृक्ति करते हैं । िू रििवन जहां इतना उपयोगी है , र्हीं इसमें कुछ हाकनयां भी हैं । इसे अकधक िे खने या
बहुत पास से िे खने के कारण आं खों पर इसका िु ष्प्रभार् पडता है । इस पर प्रसाररत होने र्ाले काटू व न
धारार्ाकहकों के कारण बच्चे इससे कचपके रहते हैं , तथा खुली हर्ा में बाहर खेलने नहीं जाते , कजससे
उनके स्वास्थ्य पर बुरा असर पडता है ।

1. कर्ज्ञान द्वारा ककए गए आकर्ष्कारों में सबसे अनोखा आकर्ष्कार ककसे कहा गया है ? [1]

2. िू रििवन के िो मुख्य लाभ बताइए। [2]


3. िू रििवन के द्वारा होने र्ाली हाकनयां कलखें। [2]


4. दू रदर्शन को शर्क्षा का सर्क्त माध्यम क्ोों कहा गया? [2]


[Total: 7]
अभ्यास 3

अ) शदए गए र्ब्ोों के शिए पयाश यवाची र्ब् शिखें। [2]

1) नदी - ------------------------- -------------------------

2) वन - ------------------------- -------------------------

आ) शदए गए र्ब् का शविोम शिखें। [1]

1) अनुकूि - -------------------------

इ) शदए गए वाक्ाों र् के शिए एक र्ब् शिखें । [1]

1) समाज से सों बोंध रखने वािा - -------------------------

[Total: 4]

अभ्यास 4.
दिए गए दित्र का वणणन 80 शब्दों में करें ।


[Total: 6]

अभ्यास 5.
जदए गए आलेख को ध्यानपूववक पजढ़ए तथा साराांश 100 शब्ोां में जलखें। अांतववस्तु के जलए आपको
3 अांक और भाषा शैली के जलए 4 अांक जदए िाएां गे।

मनुष्य जाकत प्राचीन काल से ही प्रकृकत पर कनभवर है । कबना प्रकृकत के मनुष्य का कोई अक्तस्तत्व नहीं है ।
इसकलए पयाव र्रण की सुरक्षा में ही हमारी सुरक्षा कनकहत है , यकि मनुष्य इस बात को समझ िे तो र्ह
प्रकृकत की रक्षा करे गा और उसके साथ स्वयं की भी। आज किन-ब-किन पयाव र्रण प्रिू कषत हो रहा है और
यह प्रिू षण आने र्ाली पीढी के कलए एक बहुत बडी समस्या बन सकती है । प्रिू षण के कई प्रकार हैं -

जल प्रिू षण, र्ायु प्रिू षण, ध्वकन प्रिू षण। जल मनुष्य की बुकनयािी जरूरत है । िू कषत जल पीने के कारण
कर्कभन्न बीमाररयों के किकार आज हम हो रहे हैं ।जल प्रिू षण के कलए सबसे ज्यािा कजम्मेिार कारखाने
हैं ।
र्ायु में भी प्रिू षण होता है । यातायात के साधनों और कारखानों से कनकला धुुँआ र्ातार्रण को िू कषत
बनाता है । इसी कारण र्ातार्रण में ऑक्सीजन की मात्रा कम हो रही हैं । इस समस्या के समाधान के
कलए र्नों का संरक्षण एर्ं सं र्धवन बहुत जरूरी है ।
ध्वकन प्रिू षण िहरों में बढता जा रहा है । बसों के, मिीनों के चलने और तेज आर्ाज से ध्वकन कर्स्तारक
यंत्रों के माध्यम से संगीत सु नने और सुनाने से यह प्रिू षण बनता है । इसी कारण बहरापन कसरििव आकि
रोग होते हैं । भूकम कटार् के कारण भूकम प्रिू षण बढ रहा है । र्नों के कटार् और बाढ आने के कारण यह
समस्या बढती जा रही है । जब र्ृक्ष ही नहीं है तो प्रिू षण कैसे कम होगा? अतः पयाव र्रण को सुरकक्षत
रखने के कलए सबसे जरूरी है र्ृक्ष लगाए जाएं । आज सभी को संकल्प करना होगा कक पयाव र्रण को
स्वच्छ रखना उनकी कजम्मे िारी है ।



[Total: 7]

अभ्यास 6.
िीवन में जमत्रता का महत्व बताते हुए अपने छोटे भाई को को पत्र जलखखए।



[Total: 8]

अभ्यास 7.
“अनुशासन ही सफलता की कोंु जी है ।” इस उखि को ध्यान में रखकर अपने जवचार 120 शब्ोां में


[Total: 8]

GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50


Paper: 1 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:


Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided unless
this has been done for you.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

Grand Total 50

This paper consists of 7 printed pages.


1. Fill in the blanks.

a) The discovery of the American continent was followed by the establishment of

………………………… European settlements in the 16th century.

b) The central figure during the Revolutionary war in France was


c) The American Civil war was fought on the issue of the …………………………

d) The industrial revolution sparked of a mad scramble for …………………………

in Asia and Africa.

e) The British and the French for the ………………………… wars in India to
establish their Monopoly in trade. [5]

2. Match the following:

a) Boston Tea Party 1) 1600 CE
b) Coup by Napoleon Bonaparte 2) 1764
c) Harriet Beecher Stowe – Uncle Tom’s 3) 1871
Cabin book
d) Unification of Germany 4) 1799
e) Queen of England granted exclusive rights 5) 1773
to trade with East
f) Battle of Buxar 6) 1852

ANS a……………, b……………, c……………, d……………,

e……………, f…………… [6]

3. State true or false:

a) By mid 18th century 11 British colonies had been established along

the east coast of North America. ……………

b) The French Revolution laid the foundation of a democratic

government. ……………

c) Abraham Lincoln was the 14th President of the United States of

America in 1861. ……………

d) Manual labour was replaced by the Machines during the industrial

revolution. ……………

e) Warren Hastings led the foundations of an organised system of

government in Bengal. …………… [5]

4. Answer the following questions.

a) Name any two European philosophers whose ideas inspired and influence the
American revolutionaries.



…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

b) Mention two characteristic features of the French monarchy.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

c) What fact was permanently established as a result of the Civil War?



…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

d) What do you understand by imperialism?





…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

e) Name the British training settlements in Madras and Calcutta.



…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

5. Picture Study
a) This picture depicts a very important event in world history wherein a
great mob is shown attacking a state prison:

i) Mention the event.

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

ii) In which country did it take place and when?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

iii) What is the significance of the event?


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

iv) Give a brief account of the development the followed this event.




…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

b) This is a picture of a machine invented during the Industrial Revolution:

i) Identify the machine in the picture. ……………………………………………… [1]

ii) Who invented it? …………………………………………………………………… [1]

iii) Which industry did revolutionize? ………………………………………………... [1]

iv) Mention any four impacts of the industrial revolution.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]


1. Fill in the blanks.

a) Each member state of the UN can send up to ………………… representatives

to the General Assembly.

b) The …………………… is often referred to as the enforcement wing of the UN.

c) The ……………………………………………… was formed in 1920 after the end

of the First World War.

d) The International Court of Justice is located in ……………………………………

in Netherlands. [4]

2. State True or False.

a) French is one of the official languages of the UN. ……………

b) UNESCO and UNICEF are specialized agency of the UN. ……………

c) Most of the world’s problems have disappeared with the end of the
Cold War. ……………

d) All the members of the UN are members of the General Assembly. …………… [4]

3. Answer the following questions.

a) Mention any four functions of the general assembly.










…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [4]

4. Picture Study
This building is the headquarters of an international organization which was
established in October 1945 to maintain international peace and security.

a) Name the organization.

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) Where are the headquarters of The Organization located?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]


GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

P2 50

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 6 printed pages.

1. Fill in the blanks: [5]

a) IBM-390 is an example of a ………………………….

b) The ………………………… feature in Excel enables to restrict the type of data

that can be entered in a cell.

c) A ………………………… displays data in an Excel sheet in the form of vertical


d) The ………………………… feature of Excel enables you to use the desired

result of a formula to determine the possible input value required to obtain that

e) ………………………… refers to a large number of controlled computers linked

over a network which is used to spread malicious files and software.

2. State whether true or false: [5]

a) Cyber bullying is a form of identity theft. ……………

b) The Internet acts as a Global Network Platform. ……………

c) Doughnut chart is a variation of the column chart. ……………

d) Filtering helps you to arrange data in ascending or descending

order. ……………

e) The vertical axis of a chart (y-axis) is also known as value axis. ……………

3. Identify the correct cybercrime associated with the description. [5]

a) The type of crime in which the criminal attacks the victim and demands money
for not receiving further attack


b) The crime that involves use of computers and internet to conduct terrorism

c) This involves installing a piece of malicious code on a computer or the server
which misdirects the users to fake websites without their knowledge.


d) This is another form of identity theft in which the attackers send malicious e-
mails or URLs to the users to gain access to their accounts or computers.


e) This involves making a false copy of the document with malicious intent


4. Label the chart elements in the given figure. [6]


a) ………………………………………

b) ………………………………………

c) ………………………………………

d) ………………………………………

e) ………………………………………

f) ………………………………………

5. Give two examples for each of the following. [6]

a) Antivirus program ………………………………………

b) Boot sector virus ………………………………………

c) Multipartite virus ………………………………………

6. Answer the following. [23]

a) Mention two differences between mainframe and mini computers.




…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [4]

b) Name two actions taken by an antivirus


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

c) What is cyber security?




…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

d) Write a short note on firewall.






…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [3]

e) What is a chart? Name and explain four types charts that can be inserted in






…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [5]

f) What is the use of forms in Excel?




…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]

g) Mention three features of an anti-virus.






…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [3]

h) Name three types of sparklines.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]



GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 2 Time: 1 hr 30 mins

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Additional Materials: Source Files


Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces at the top of this page.
Write in dark blue or black pen in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
You must not have access to either the internet or email system during this examination.
Answer all questions.
Carry out all instructions in each step. You can track your progress through the examination by crossing out
question number
At the end of the examination, save all your work securely together as instructed.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

1. Do as directed.

Open the MS Excel program and perform the following steps.

a) Enter the data as shown in the figure below

b) Sort the data in ascending order of Height.
c) Save the worksheet as “Sort_data”.
d) Create another worksheet in the same Excel workbook with the same data and
name the worksheet as “Filter_data”.
e) Filter the records in the worksheet “Filter_data” to show records for students
whose height is less than or equal to 160cms.
f) Save the Excel workbook as “Student_details.xlsx”
[Total:20 marks]

2. Open the source file student_details.xlsx which is provided.
The worksheet shows the Numbers of days each student has been absent for
both Term 1 and Term 2.

Create a pivot table for the data .

a) Student names to be placed in rows [4]
b) Term details to be placed in columns [4]
c) Summation to be made based on Number of days absent. [5]
d) Save the Excel workbook. [2]
[Total: 15 marks]

3. Open the source file sales_details.xlsx which is provided.
We have sales details for three car manufacturers.

The data is as shown below:

a) Create a line graph to represent the data.(we have three data series namely
Ford, Toyota and Mahindra). [3]
b) Provide a suitable title for the chart. [2]
c) Add appropriate axis title for both value and category axis. [4]
d) Also, make sure the chart contains a legend and data labels. [5]
e) Save the Excel document. [1]

[Total: 15 marks]

GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour 15 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 6 printed pages

१.अ. ऱऱ ांच ळ य र ऱष . [5]

१. ळशऱऱ ष? [1]

र -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

२. ऴ लच शषऱ ऱ ष ? [1]

र -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

३. अ ऴम ऱ य डय ांच शां य ष? [1]

र -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

४. य ळर शां ऱ ळ र घट ष?[1]

र -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

५. अभय र य ऱ क्षय ांच ळ ऱष . [1]

र ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

१.ब. ऱऱ ांच ऴ र ऱष . [5]

१. ज ळ जळल अभय र य ष? [1]

र --------------------------------------

२. य य य ऴ अशऱ य च ळ य ष? [1]

र --------------------------------------

३. ऴ लच ष? [1]

र --------------------------------------

४. अभय र य च ळ य ष? [1]

र --------------------------------------

५. म ल स ळव ळल अां घ ऱ ? [1]

र --------------------------------------

२.अ. य य यय ळ ळ ऱष [5]

१. यम जल र ऴ ऱष .- भ -

१. ऴ

२. ां [1]

२. श ष ऱ ऱष . “ अर ळ य , जां ऱ च [1]

ऴ ळझळ ऴ ”

१. ऴस लऱ ष ऱ.

२. ल म ऱ ष ऱ.

३.ज ऴ र. ऱ- [1]

१. चल


४.अ ऱष - ष बऱ ष - [1]

१. रऴ ष

२. ां ष .

५. अभय र य जळलच ळ. [1]

१. ज

२. ऱ र

२.ब. र य ज भर . [5]

१. म ल ऱ ------------------------ म ष . [1]

२. ई शषज त्य ---------- फ ऱ ऱ. [1]

३. ां च ----------------------- जलऱ ष . [1]

शळ च

४. रशर ऱ र ल य य ---------- भरभरू ौ र ष . [1]

५. --------------------- ळ जळल 'म ल अभय र य ष. [1]

3.अ. शम ऴ ऱष . [4]

१. श र - -------------------- [1]

२. ऴौय - -------------------- [1]

३. ऴ - -------------------- [1]

४. श - -------------------- [1]

3.ब. ळ ऴ ऱष [4]

१. शय स् × ----------- [1]

२. शां र × ----------- [1]

३. ऱ × ----------- [1]

४. ळ × ----------- [1]

3. . ऱां ब ऱ . [4]

१. ई - -------------------- [1]

२. स - -------------------- [1]

३. मऱ - -------------------- [1]

४. र - -------------------- [1]

४.अ. ऱऱ ऴ ांच ां ज अ ऱष . [4]

१. शषऱ - -------------------- [1]

२. ष ट - -------------------- [1]

३. स - -------------------- [1]

४. षां म - -------------------- [1]

४.ब. ऱऱ ऴ ांच मर अ ऱष . [4]

१. Unforgettable- - -------------------- [1]

२. Environment- -------------------- [1]

३. Unnecessarily - --------------------- [1]

४.School- -------------------- [1]

५.अ. ऱ ऱ ळ य ां ऱ ळऴव ल ळ ऱष . [5]

१. ळ ष मऱ भ ष . [1]

र --------------------------------------

२. मऱ ज . [1]

र --------------------------------------

३. र ज भर र य . [1]

र --------------------------------------

४. रस् ट म ष . [1]

र --------------------------------------

५. ष ऱ चळ ळ य ष. [1]

र --------------------------------------

५.ब. ऱ ऱ ळ य ां ऱ य ल ळ ऱष . [5]

१. स मश . [1]

र --------------------------------------

२. अ र बां ऱ ष . [1]

र --------------------------------------

३. रर ज ऴ ल ज . [1]

र --------------------------------------

४. अजय छ षश .[1]

र --------------------------------------

५. ई य ळ च ल ळऱ. [1]

र --------------------------------------


GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler, Geometrical instruments


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

P2 50

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 9 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. In the number 549, 023, what is the place value of 5?

…………………………… [1]

2. 3 angles are formed on a line.

a) By forming an equation, calculate the value of x.

…………………………… [2]

b) Calculate the size of each of the three unknown angles.

…………………………… [2]

3. The first four terms of a sequence are

17 10 3 -4
a) Find the next term

…………………………… [1]

b) Write down the term to term rule for continuing this sequence.

…………………………… [1]

4. In triangle ABC, BC = 7.6cm and AC = 6.2 cm.
Construct triangle ABC. Leave in your construction arcs.

A B [3]

5. Write one of the signs given below in each box to make a correct statement.


6. The area of the parallelogram is the same as the area of the trapezium.
Work out the value of x.

x = ………..……..……..... [2]

7. Write 825 as the product of its prime factors.

…………………………… [2]

8. Subtract: 5 – 3

…………………………… [2]

9. Draw the graph y = 3x - 1 on the grid below.


b) Find the gradient of the straight line

…………………………… [2]

10. A box contains blue and green marbles. The probability of getting a green marble
from the box is . What is the probability of getting a blue marble?

…………………………… [2]

11. Circle the calculation that increases 400 by 7%. (Show working)

400 x 0.07 400 x 0.7 400 x 1.07 400 x 1.7 [2]

12. Work out circumference of circle with radius 4m. Use π=3.14. Round your answers
correct to 1 decimal place(1 d.p)

…………………………… [2]

13. Expand the brackets and simplify.

4 (2m + 3) - 5 (m - 2)

…………………………… [2]

14. A machine for making cups makes 500 cups in 20 minutes.

How many cups does it make in 3 hours?

…………………………… [2]

15. The diagram given below shows two shapes A and B.

Describe fully the single transformation which maps A onto B


……………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]

16. For the multi-link cube given below, draw a plan view, a front elevation and a side
elevation. The arrow on the diagram shows the front elevation view.


17. Students in a class took a spelling test.
The diagram shows information about the scores.

Lucy is one of the 29 students in the class.

Her score was the same as the median score for her class.
Work out her score.

…………………………… [2]

18. The diagram shows a shape made from three identical rectangles.
Each rectangle has a length of 7 cm. The width of each rectangle is 5cm shorter
than the length. Find the perimeter of the shape.

…………………………… [3]

19. A bag contains 10 discs.
Each disc is labelled with a different number from 1 to 10.
A disc is chosen from the bag at random.
Write down the probability that the chosen disc is
a) the number 3

…………………………… [1]

b) a number less than four

…………………………… [2]

c) a square number

…………………………… [2]

d) a prime number

…………………………… [2]




GRADE: 7 CAIE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 2 Time: 1 hour

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler, Geometrical instruments


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
Calculators are allowed.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 9 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. Here are three lengths.
0.0509 km 60.5 m 5700 cm
Order these lengths by completing this statement.

…………………………… > …………………………… > …………………………… [3]

2. Carlos, Angelique and Safia are three friends who have some sweets.
Carlos has 2n sweets. Angelique has half as many sweets as Carlos.
Safia has 4 more sweets than Angelique.
Write an expression, in terms of n, for
a) the number of sweets Angelique has,

…………………………… [1]

b) the number of sweets Safia has,

…………………………… [1]

c) the total number of sweets for all three friends. Give your answer in its simplest

…………………………… [1]

3. Work out the following:

…………………………… [2]

4. F = 1.8C + 32
a) Work out the value of F when C = 2

…………………………… [2]

b) Work out the value of C when F = 50

…………………………… [2]

5. The diagram shows a number machine.

a) Find the output when the input is 7

…………………………… [1]

b) Find the input when the output is 41

…………………………… [2]

6. The first five terms of an arithmetic sequence are

1 4 7 10 13
Write down an expression, in terms of n, for the nth term of this sequence.

…………………………… [2]

7. ADC is a triangle.

AED and ABC are straight lines.

EB is parallel to DC.
Angle EBC = 148°
Angle ADC = 63°
Work out the size of angle EAB.
You must give a reason for each stage of your working.

…………………………… [5]

8. Karim buys 200 tiles.

The tiles are sold in boxes.
There are 25 tiles in each box.
Each box of tiles costs £9.75
Work out the total cost of the boxes of tiles Karim buys.

…………………………… [2]

9. Here are the first five terms of a number sequence.
45 40 35 30 25
a) i) Write down the next two terms of this sequence.

…………………………… [1]

ii) A term of this sequence is −5. Which term is it ?

…………………………… [1]

The nth term of a different sequence is given by the expression 4n + 3

b) Find the 9th term of this sequence.

…………………………… [2]

10. The bar chart gives information about the numbers of students in the four Year 11
classes at Trowton School.

a) What fraction of the students in class 11A are girls?

…………………………… [2]

b) Shola says,
“There are more boys than girls in Year 11 in Trowton School.”
Is Shola correct? You must give a reason for your answer.

…………………………… [2]

11. The diagram shows a trapezium ABCD and two identical semicircles.

The centre of each semicircle is on DC.

Work out the area of the shaded region.
Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.

…………………………… [4]

12. a) Translate the shape by the vector

Label the new shape B.


b) Translate the shape B by the vector [2]

Label the new shape C.

c) Describe fully the single transformation from A to C.

…………………………… [2]

13. Tick to show whether each of the statements about the line x = 4 is true or false.
True False
a) The line x = 4 is parallel to the x–axis.

b) The line x = 4 passes through the point (-2,4). [2]

14. A teacher asks all the students in her class to write down an algebraic expression.
Julie writes down this expression: 4n –6
The expression that Jim writes down is: 2n + 14
What value of ‘n’ makes the value of Julie’s expression equal to the value of Jim’s
expression? Show your working.

…………………………… [2]

15. 60 students were asked how they get to school.

The table shows the results.

a) What fraction of the 60 students did not walk to school?

…………………………… [2]

b) Complete pie chart for the information in the table.




GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 1 Time: 45 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P1

Teacher’s signature

For Examiner’s Use

Paper No M. Marks Marks Obtained

P1 50

P2 50

Grand Total 100

This paper consists of 12 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. Pierre investigates photosynthesis.
Look at the leaf. It has some areas that are green and other areas that are white.
 puts a small strip of black paper across part of the leaf
 puts the leaf under a light source for 24 hours.

Pierre then:
 cuts out the four different parts of the leaf labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4
 adds these parts to separate test-tubes containing a small volume of ethanol
 heats each test-tube to remove any green colour from the leaf parts
 tests parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 for starch with iodine solution.
a) Ethanol is a flammable liquid.
Describe how Pierre safely heats each test-tube containing ethanol.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) When starch is present iodine turns black.

Look at the results.

Starch is made after photosynthesis happens.

Explain how the results show that both light and chlorophyll must be present for

light ….……………………………………………………………………………………...


chlorophyll ..………………………………………………………………………………....

…...…………………………………………………………………………………………... [2]

2. Look at the diagram of the carbon cycle.

a) Write down the name of process Y.

…...…………………………………………………………………………………………... [1]

b) Write down the name of the gas needed for process Z.

…...…………………………………………………………………………………………... [1]

3. Here is some information about a loaf of bread.

a) Why does the body need a supply of protein?


…...…………………………………………………………………………………………... [1]

b) The total mass of protein, carbohydrate, fat, dietary fibre and salt in the table does
not add up to 100 g.
What substance makes up the remaining mass of bread?

…...…………………………………………………………………………………………... [1]

c) Rajiv eats 50 g of bread.

This provides 5% of his recommended daily amount (RDA) of protein.
What is Rajiv’s RDA of protein?

…………………………………g [2]

4. Look at the diagrams of the four arthropods, A, B, C and D.

Use the key to identify each arthropod.

Write the letter of the correct arthropod next to its name.

Orconectes punctimanus …………………………………………

Cancer pagurus …………………………………………

Schistocerca gregaria …………………………………………

Enantiulus armatus ………………………………………… [2]

5. The diagram shows part of the human respiratory system.

a) i) The structures labelled X and Y change the volume of the lungs during breathing.
Name the structures X and Y.


…...…………………………………………………………………………………….......... [1]

ii) Describe how structures X and Y move to increase the volume of the lungs.




…...…………………………………………………………………………………….......... [2]

b) Mike and Rajiv plan an investigation to find out how running speed affects breathing
i) Name the equipment they must use to measure their breathing rate.

…...…………………………………………………………………………………….......... [1]

ii) State one variable they need to change.

…...…………………………………………………………………………………….......... [1]

6. Chen crushes some coffee beans into a powder and adds boiling water.

a) Why does the water turn brown in stage 2?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) Chen then filters the mixture of coffee and water.

Some brown solid is left on the filter paper. Circle the statement that explains
all of the coffee powder is soluble

some of the coffee powder is insoluble

all of the coffee powder is insoluble

some of the coffee powder is frozen [1]

c) Use these words to complete the sentences about stage 3.

filtrate mixture residue solvent

The brown solid on the filter paper is the ………………………….

The brown solution in the beaker is the …………………………. [2]

d) Chen heats the brown solution. Half of the water evaporates.

What happens to the colour of the brown solution? Tick () one box.
goes colourless
becomes a lighter brown
stays the same colour
becomes a darker brown [1]

7. Safia investigates the rusting of iron.

She puts iron nails into three different test-tubes.
Each test-tube contains different conditions.
The test-tubes are then left for one week.
The diagram shows the test-tubes after one week.

a) The iron nail in tube A rusts. This is because the nail reacts with water and a
gas found in air. What is the name of the gas?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

b) Complete the sentences about the investigation.

The iron nail in tube B did not rust because …………………………………

The iron nail in tube C did not rust because ………………………………… [2]

c) Rusting is a reaction that is not useful. Explain why rusting is not a useful

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

8. Gennaro makes the following mixtures in his kitchen.

a) Complete the table to say what happens to each of the mixtures.

Tick () the correct box for each mixture.


b) Which is irreversible?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

c) Why is it irreversible?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

d) Write down how he could get salt back from B.

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

9. This diagram shows the structure of the potassium atom. Complete these numbers
for potassium:

Atomic number = …………………………

Mass number = …………………………

Number of protons = …………………………

Number of neutrons = …………………………

Number of electrons = ………………………… [3]

10. Samir is flying a kite. There is a strong wind blowing. The picture shows the forces
on the kite.

a) Which letter shows the gravitational force on the kite?


Which letter shows the pulling force Samir exerts?


Which letter shows the pulling force of the wind?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [3]

b) Which two forces balance? Circle the correct answer.

A and C

B and C

C and D

D and A [1]

c) The strength of the wind increases. The kite stays in the same place. What
happens to the pulling force that Samir exerts?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

11. Rosie is playing a drum.

a) She increases the pitch of the note made. What does Rosie have to do to
increase the pitch? Tick () one box.
tighten the drum skin
slacken the drum skin
strike the drum harder
strike the drum softer [1]

b) Which of these statements is true? Tick () the correct box beside each
True False
Sound can travel around corners.
Sound can spread out in all directions.
Sound cannot travel through solids.
Sound can travel through liquids.
Sound can travel in a vacuum. [3]

12. Kofi has built an electrical circuit.

a) The lamps are off. What does Kofi do to turn the lamps on?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) In the space below draw the circuit diagram for this electrical circuit. Use circuit


13. Complete these sentences.
Cables and wires need to be good electrical conductors.

They are made of …………………… . For safety, wires are covered with materials

that do not conduct electricity. The wires are covered with …………………… . Any

material that is a non-conductor is an …………………… . [3]

Class 9 look at a photograph of the night sky.

A camera normally lets light into it for a second.

The camera that took this photograph let light into it for 30 minutes.

What objects in the night sky make the lines on the photograph?


Explain why they look like lines.

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [2]



GRADE: 7 IGCSE Max. Marks: 50


Paper No: 2 Time: 45 minutes

Name of Candidate:

Candidate No: Centre No:

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Ruler


Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Answer all questions.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

For Examiner’s Use

Total marks obtained in P2

Teacher’s signature

This paper consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

1. Look at the three food chains for a desert.

a) Use the food chains to make a food web.


b) There is a disease which kills all the grasshoppers in the desert.

Predict what happens to the number of lizards in the desert.


Explain your answer.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

c) i) What is the role of the microorganisms in a food web?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

ii) Explain why microorganisms are important in a habitat.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

2. Look at the diagrams of different cells.

a) Four of the cells are animal cells.

Write down the letters of the four animal cells.

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) Write down two reasons why these cells are animal cells and not plant cells.


2…...……………………………………………………………………………………........ [2]

c) Microorganisms are made of cells.

How many cells does a typical microorganism contain?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

3. The diagram shows a flowering plant.

Plants need to absorb water and transport it to all of their living parts.
a) i) Name the process that plants use to absorb water through the roots.

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

ii) Name the tissue that transports water to different parts of the plant.

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) Several factors affect the amount of water lost by transpiration.

Chen uses this equipment to measure the rate of transpiration.

Chen predicts that the temperature of the air affects the rate of transpiration.

i) Which variable must Chen change to test his prediction?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

ii) State two variables that Chen needs to control in his investigation.


2…...……………………………………………………………………………………........ [2]

iii) Describe how Chen measures the rate of transpiration.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

4. Jamila investigates the reaction of different metals with hydrochloric acid.

The metals are magnesium, zinc and iron.
She measures how long it takes for the reaction with each metal to make 50 cm3 of
hydrogen gas.
a) She thinks these variables are important in her investigation.

A the metal used

B the volume of hydrochloric acid used

C the concentration of the hydrochloric acid used

D the time to make 50cm3 of hydrogen gas

E the temperature of the room

Which letter shows the variable Jamila changes? …………………

Which letters show the three variables Jamila keeps the same?

…………………, and …………………

Which letter shows the variable Jamila measures to find out which metal reacts

the fastest? ………………… [4]

b) Jamila predicts that hydrochloric acid will react fastest with zinc.
Look at her results.

Is Jamila’s prediction correct?

Explain your answer.


.................................................................................................................................... [2]

5. The diagram shows the atomic structure of aluminium.

a) How many electrons are there in one atom of aluminium?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

b) Which scientist discovered the structure of the atom?

Circle the correct answer.

Darwin Einstein Pasteur Rutherford [1]

c) In which group of the Periodic Table is aluminium found?

................................................................. [1]

d) Aluminium is used in the circuit boards and batteries of mobile phones. Use
ideas about properties to explain why.

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

e) Aluminium burns in air to form a compound. What is the name of this


.................................................................................................................................... [1]

f) What is the atomic number of Aluminium?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

6. Safia investigates endothermic and exothermic reactions.

She mixes different chemicals together and records the temperature change.
a) Complete her table of results by
 calculating the change in temperature for water mixed with ammonium
 writing either endothermic or exothermic in the last column.


b) The reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate is an example of

neutralisation. This neutralisation reaction forms a salt, a gas and a colourless
liquid. Write down the names of the three products of this reaction.



3...................................................................... [3]

7. Label the diagram showing the reflection of light by a mirror.
Choose words from.


8. The diagram shows the energy flow into and out of a coal-fired power station.

a) How much useful electrical energy is provided by the power station?

……………………………………… MJ [1]

b) Calculate how much energy is wasted from the cooling tower?

……………………………………… MJ [1]

9. Gabriella connects an electrical circuit.

There are two lamps and four ammeters in the circuit.

The lamps are identical.
The reading on A1 is 0.8A.
What are the readings on the other ammeters?

A2 is ………………………… A.

A3 is ………………………… A.

A4 is ………………………… A. [3]

10. Blessy draws five different distance/time graphs on the same axes.

a) The distance axis shows how far an object is away from Blessy.
Which graph shows an object moving towards Blessy?
Circle the correct answer.

A B C D E [1]

b) Describe what is happening to the speed of object B.


…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

11. Rajiv puts a piece of wood on a pivot. He adds weights at different distances from
the pivot.

The wood balances.

Calculate the weight labelled A in the diagram.

Weight of A = ……………………… N [2]

12. Safia wants to find the density of a small ball.

a) She measures the mass of a plastic cup containing ten identical balls.

i) The plastic cup has a mass of 2.5g. What is the mass of one ball?

………………………………………g [1]

ii) Why does Safia use ten identical balls?

…………………………………………………………………………………………......... [1]

b) Safia measures the volume of the ten identical balls.

Complete the measurements to find the volume of one ball.

The volume of water in the measuring cylinder is …………………cm3.

The volume of the water and ten balls in the measuring cylinder is ……………cm 3.

The difference in volume between these two readings is …………………cm 3.

The volume of one ball is …………………cm 3. [2]

c) Calculate the density of a ball.

Use your answers for mass in part (a) and volume in part (b) to calculate the

The density of the ball is ………………g/cm3 [1]




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