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I. Objectives
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affect clmate,
and the effect of changing climate and how to adapt.
B. Performance Standards: Learners should be able to participate in activities that reduce risk and
lessen effects of climate change.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:
Competency: The Learners should be able to describe certain climatic phenomena that occur
on a global level. S9ES-IIf-31
Objective: *Define climate change and give its causes.
*Develop ways on how to lessen the effects of climate change.
*Construct a poster slogan on how to combat climate change

II. Content
III. Learning Resources
Science 9 Learner’s Module pp. 48-60
Other Learning Resources: (K TO 12 GRADE 9 LEARNER’S MATERIAL IN SCIENCE)
Retrieved from
37094718 ,

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Prayer Prayer
-Let’s start our day with a prayer. May I request *Ms. Anna will lead the prayer and everyone
everyone to please stand up, Ms. Anna will you prays*
please lead the prayer?
- Good morning class, How’s your day? Greetings
- Good morning, sir, we’re doing great sir
Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance
- Classmate monitor, who are absents today? *everyone is present sir *

- okay thats good! im so glad that no one is

absent for today. I see that everyone wants to

Checking of Assignment Checking of Assignment

-Since we’re now done with the checking of
attendance before I forget, did maam give you - No sir.
an assignment last meeting class?
Okay, did you read and review your notes? -yes sir
Glad to hear that.
A. ELICIT (3 mins)
- Here are our objectives for today’s lesson.
*Presents learning objectives to the class* *Class familiarizes the objectives

- Before we proceed let’s have first a short

review to check if you have learned something
from our previous lesson .

So what was your last topic last meeting?

( student raise their hand)
- its all about the factors affecting climate.

What are those factors affecting the climate?

( student raise their hand)
- The factors affecting climate are altitude,
latitude, topography and ocean current.
Okay, very good!

B. ENGAGE (5 mins)

Before we start our lesson. We will

have first an activity. It is called:


I want you to classify the pictures

in the board and identify if it is a
cause or an effect of a climate

Is that clear? - yes sir!

(Students’ possible answer.)

For this activity, we will split you CAUSE
into two groups. Group 1, you will
get pictures that depict the possible
causes of climate change. Group 2,
you will get pictures that show the
possible effects of climate change.
You may start now.
Alright, time’s up.
Well done, class! We will see later
on if your answers are correct as we
go on with our discussion.

C. EXPLORE (20 minutes)

What is climate Change?

- it refers to the natural phenomena and has

been occurring since the Earth came in to
(students will listen attentively: active
Do you notice our climate nowadays? participation is encouraged)

Do you even notice that the climate today is

warmer than the climate in the past years?

Yes, it is.

Climate change refers also to the change in an

average weather of a given area or region. It
lead also to the significant change in rainfall,
temperature, and wind patterns and other
measure of climate that occur several decades.

So what was climate change again? - it refers to the natural phenomena and has
been occurring since the Earth came into being.

Based here on the picture class, can you give

your observation in the two picture? Lets
analyze the picture.
(student raise their hand)

- in the picture A sir is full of life, there's a tree,

Yes? the grass are so green.

Okay, very good! In picture A is their a living

thing on there like grass and trees .while,
picture B the living things there are died.

(Student raise their hand)


Yes? - in the picture A sir, the temperature is normal.

on the other-hand, the temperature is so high or
Okay nice observation! That is correct in the
picture the temperature there are normal or
suitable to the people, grass and trees and the
other one since it has extreme temperature, it
leads to drought and the trees and grass cannot
survive in that kind of temperature.

(student raise their hand)

Is their anyone to add?

- Climate change is when the earths

temperature gets warmer and causes changes in
the weather

- I think there are things that causes these

So what do you think about climate change?
changes, sir!

You're absolutely correct! if earth temperature -yes, sir!

gets warmer it causes changes in weather.
Since you’ve mentioned the word changes. So,
what can we conclude?

Okay, do you think this changes are natural

occurrence or there are things that causes it?

Later, we will find out the answer to that.

Now, please read what is Climate change, class Climate Change is the
“ significant change in global
temperature, precipitation,
wind patterns and other
measures of climate that
occur over several decades or

So, we can say class that, climate - yes sir!

change is one of the most pressing
issues of our time right? Do you
notice that class, where the climate
today is warmer than the climate
before or the past years?

It has something to do with

significant changes in global
temperature, precipitation, wind
patterns and other measures of
climate that occur over several
decades or longer.

Now, let us have move the Causes

and Effects of Climate Change.

For years, scientists believe that -yes sir!

Climate Change is caused by
human activities. Do you agree

Okay, let’s check if your answer is

Human activities that causes
correct on Activity 1.
Climate Change:
First, let us see what are The
• Burning fossil fuels
Human Activities That Causes
• Deforestation; and
Climate Change. Please read
• Intensive farming

Okay, Group 2, did the group 1 put

the right answers on the Causes of -yes sir!
Climate Change?
Very good! Now, what does Burning fossil fuels, it refers
burning fossil fuels mean, class? to the burning of oil, natural
gases and coal to generate

Deforestation is the
How about deforestation? purposeful clearing of
forested land.

Deforestation releases carbon

Why do you think deforestation causes climate into the atmosphere, which
change? traps heat and contributes to
climate change.

Intensive farming is a
method of agriculture that focuses on
Moving on to Intensive farming to maximizing
produce crops and livestock raising. production by using high
inputs of labor, machinery,
fertilizers, and pesticides.

Intensive livestock farming

Intensive farming can contribute to also known as factory
climate change. For example, the farming is a type of animal
use of synthetic fertilizers and farming that aims to
livestock manure produces nitrous maximize production by
oxide emissions. confining animals in small
spaces and using high inputs
of feed, and antibiotics.

Do you have other ideas on what

are the other human activities that -sir?
causes Climate Change?
Other human activities like
Yes? Goo! improper waste disposal,
increasing number of
vehicles which contributes to
pollution and greenhouse gas
emission can contribute to
Climate Change.

very good, those are coorec!

Next, we have The Effects of
Climate Change.
Effects of Climate Change
Okay, Group 1, did the group 2 put • Extreme storms
the right answers on The Effects of • Intense drought
Climate Change? • Melting of glaciers; and
• Rising a sea level

Okay, very good!

Since we have learned that Climate

Change includes the significant
changes in precipitation, droughts
will be more frequent and more
severe which causes the glaciers to
melt that may then causes the rising
of sea levels.
-yes sir!

It is like a domino effect, right,

class? There will be consequences
for our every action. So we must be
careful for every action that we do
because it may have a good or
Negative effect. Do you understand?
-yes sir!

Did you understand our lesson for today?

- none sir!

Do you have any question from our topic class?

Wow, very good! To deepen your

understanding of our lesson, let us
have a group activity

D. Explain (15 Minutes)

(Group Activity)
POSTER SLOGAN MAKING (Students will listen
Direction: With your assigned attentively for the
group, create poster slogan showing instructions.)
how to reduce the effects of climate
change. You’ll be given 5 minutes
to create your poster slogan and
present it to the class.

For this activity, we will have the

same group as earlier in the
Activity 1

I have here cartolina paper where

you will put your poster slogan.
From this material provided you
will create a poster slogan that.
Here are the materials and before
you start, here are the rubrics: (Students will listen
attentively for the

Any questions or clarifications None, sir!


“You can start now. Take note class

the allotted time is only 5 minutes (Student do their activity.)
for planning and creating. Another
2 minutes for presenting.”

“Ok class, times up. Arrange your

chairs and choose a presenter for (Presenters will explain their
each group.” work.)

(Teacher gives feedback about their

work and give them score.)

Good job, everyone!

E. ELABORATE (3 minutes)
Recycling our garbage, we
In your life now, what activity do must have different bins for
you do to take care of our earth and paper, plastic, and other
it could the ways to lessen the materials, so we can sort
effects of climate change to us and them. I think it’s important to
the environment?” recycle because it saves
resources and reduce waste.”

That’s great! Some more?

“Participating in tree planting

It’s great to hear that you’re all activities and planting trees
taking action to acre for the earth at home. Because trees help
and lessen the effects of climate to reduce carbon dioxide in
change. Let’s keep up the good work. the atmosphere and improve
air quality”

For the recap of what we discussed, Climate Change is changing

who can define again what is the pattern of weather that
climate change? cause flooding, droughts and
other natural disasters.

Do we human, contribute to climate Yes, Ma’am.


By burning fossil fuels,

How? deforestation, human
activities like transportation
and using products that
contribute to the pollution of
air and water. That have a
negative impact on
environment and human


And climate change has negative The negative effects of

effects, what are those? climate change to us and in
the environment are intense
drought, extreme floods,
rising of sea levels and
melting glaciers.”

F. EVALUATION (10 minutes)

(The students will answer the
Direction: Write your answer on a following)
piece of paper.
(two points for correct answer)
1. B
1. What is the most significant 2. D
contributor to the greenhouse 3. D
effect? 4. D
a. Water vapor
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Oxygen
d. Nitrogen

2. Which of the following is NOT a

consequence of climate change?
a. Rising sea levels
b. Increased hurricane activity
c. Drought
d. Decreased allergy symptoms

3.What can individuals do to help

mitigate climate change?
a. Drive less and use public
b. Use energy-efficient
appliances and turn off lights
when not in use
c. Plant trees and support
reforestation efforts
d. All of the above

4.Which of the following is NOT a

way that climate change can affect
the environment?
a. Changes in the distribution
and abundance of species
b. Decreased air quality
c. Increased frequency and
intensity of natural disasters
d. Improved soil fertility

G. EXTEND (2 minutes)
ASSIGNMENT: Climate Change

Create an info-graphic that raises

awareness about climate change
and encourages people to take
action to reduce their carbon
footprint. You can upload it in your social
media account


Prepared by: Checked by:
Teacher Master Teacher/Dept. Head

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