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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, we are about to begin our afternoon program, so please find a

seat and make yourself comfortable. Thank you.

L: To our highly respected school principal, sir Benjamin P. Campomanes.

R: To our goal-oriented junior high school coordinator, Ma’am catalina a. Capanang.
L: To our humble and responsible senior high school coordinator, Sir Rodel B. Crozus.
R: To our enthusiastic faculty and staff.
L&R: Good afternoon!

L: A warm greeting to each and every one. Indeed, a happy Thursday afternoon as we welcome you to
the opening ceremony of Moral Recovery and Spiritual Enrichment Orientation.

R: To formally start the program, let us all stand for a prayer through an audio-visual presentation, and
please remain standing for the National Anthem.

L: Please take your seats. To kick-off this afternoon’s program, we are pleased to have with us our very
own commendable EsP Department Head, Ma’am Leame Ranit Melquiades to give her welcome
remarks. A big round of applause please.

R: Thank you Ma’am Leame for the warm welcome. At this point, to deliver the message, let us lend our
ears to our ever humble and energetic School primcipal, Sir Benjamin P. Campomanes. Let us give him a
round of applause.

L: Thank you Sir for that warm message. At this moment, ladies and gentlemen, let us clap our hands
and welcome the selected Grade 7 & 8 students for their intermission number.

R: Thank you very much students for that great performance. At this juncture, we are now ready for the
orientation proper. Let us hear from our first speaker, _________________, to discuss the first and
second topic the Pre Marital Sex and the Danger of Abortion. A big round of applause please.

L: Thank you so such ____________ for the informative discussion.

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