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Passage 11

Theme: - The theme of this passage shows Allah’s special relation with Adam. It tells us about the origin of mankind and
thus, negates all false ideas of man’s origin. Therefore, Allah is the Creator of everything as the Quran says “He is the
creator of everything.” This passage also tells us that it is only Allah who has the knowledge of everything and He, with
His will, can teach His knowledge to anyone, like he taught Adam and grant anyone the wisdom and high position of a
Prophet, like he did Adam. It also shows us the position of the angels that they used to always praise Allah and obeyed
Him when He asked them to bow down to Adam, except Satan. Thus, the Quran declares Satan as our enemy, “Truly
Satan is you open enemy.” It also tells us that when Satan misled Adam and he was sent to Earth as a punishment, Allah
forgave him which shows his great mercy and forgiveness to His Prophet.

Importance of theme: - The theme of this passage acknowledges us to accept Allah as the creator of everything and
negate all kinds of false ideas regarding man’s origin; so, it strengthens our faith in Allah. It also urges us to seek
knowledge and know that we are a vice of Allah in this world so we must always choose the right path. It also realizes us
to stay careful as it declares Satan as our open enemy who is always ready to mislead us. It also realizes us of the
countless blessings of Allah that He bestowed on mankind and his prophets. Moreover, it shows us Allah’s special
relation with Adam and his importance as he is known as the father of mankind; Allah also asked his angels to bow to
Adam and forgave him which further proves Adam’s importance. So, we must also ask for forgiveness from Allah and
worship Him.

Passage 12
Theme: - The theme of this passage shows Allah’s relation with Prophet Ibrahim. It emphasizes on theme of Tawhid and
accepts Allah as the only creator of everything and that the moon and the sun are only his creations with no power of
their own. The Quran says, “He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth.” It also tells us about the
strong faith of Prophet Ibrahim who did not believe in any polytheistic creeds from his early life.

Importance of theme: - The theme of this passage acknowledges us to accept Allah as the only Creator of everything and
that only He has the power over everything; this helps to strengthen our belief in tawhid which is the base of our faith. It
negates the idea of polytheism or worshipping the sun and the moon. These are all the signs of Allah and help us to
know more about his majesty and get close to him. So, we should worship him only.

Passage 13
Theme: - The theme of this passage tells us about the relation of Allah with Prophet Isa (JESUS). It tells about the
countless blessings that Allah bestows on his prophets like Isa. He gave him knowledge, the Torah and the Gospel. The
Quran says, “He taught the use of the pen, Taught man that which he knew not.” Many more blessings and prophetic
signs were given to Isa but only by God’s permission, which shows his special relation towards his prophets and that He
always blesses his true servants.

Importance of theme: - The theme of this passage tells us the close relation of Allah with his prophets and in this case,
Prophet Isa. It acknowledges us to follow the straight path and worship Allah alone in order to attain his blessings. It
further strengthens our faith when we accept that Allah is the only source of knowledge and everything happens with
his will only. It also the negates the Christian idea of trinity as Allah is the creator and lord alone. It also directs us to
believe in all his prophets which is an article of faith and realizes us that if we reject truth today, we will be held
accountable for it tomorrow in front of Allah.

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