Practice Paper 1

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A. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows:
She took me by the hand and walked me into the lobby like a five-year old child. Didn't
she know I was pushing 15? This was the third home Nancy was placing me in a span of
eight months! I guess she felt a little sorry for me. The bright fluorescence lights
threatened to burn my skin as I walked towards a bouncy-looking lady with curly hair
and a sweetly smiling man. They called themselves Allie and Alex. Cute, I thought. After
they exchanged the usual reams of paperwork, I was off in their Chevy Suburban to get
situated into another new home. This time, there were no other foster children and nor
another biological child. Anything could happen. Over the next few weeks, Allie, Alex
and I fell into quite a nice routine. She'd make pancakes for breakfast, or he'd fry up
some sausage and eggs. They sang a lot, even danced as they cooked. They must have
just bought the house because, most weekends, we were either painting a living room
butter yellow or staining a coffee table mocha brown. I kept waiting for the other shoe
to drop. When would they start threatening the loss of pancakes if I didn't mow the
lawn? When would the sausage and eggs be replaced with unidentifiable slosh because
he didn't feel like cooking in the morning? But it never happened. They kept cooking,
singing, and dancing like a couple of happy fools. It was a Saturday afternoon when Allie
decided it was time to paint the brick fireplace white. As we crawled closer to the dirty
old firepit, we pulled out the petrified wood and noticed a teeny-tiny treasure box! We
looked at each other in wonder and excitement. She actually said," I wonder if the
leprechauns left it!"
1. Over the next few weeks who all fell into a nice comfortable routine?
Select the correct option:
1. Nancy
2. Allie and Nancy
3. The narrator, Allie and Alex
4. Only Alex
Ans. Option 3 is correct.
Explanation: Over the next few weeks, Allie, Alex and I fell into quite a nice routine.
2. "She took me by the hand and walked me into the lobby ... ". The 'me' refers to the:
1. Narrator and the protagonist of the passage
2. Narrator and the footballer
3. A film star and a villain
4. The headmaster of an English School
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: This passage is written in first person.
3. On a Sunday afternoon, what did Allie decide to do?
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. Crawl towards the dirty old garage
2. Paint the brick firepit white
3. Sing a song
4. Write a letter to the President
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: It was a Saturday afternoon when Allie decided it was time to paint the brick
fireplace white.
4. A word meaning ‘terrified’ in the passage is:
1. threatening
2. petrified
3. excitement
4. biological
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: Petrified means someone who is so frightened that he or she is unable to move
and being terrified.
5. Match List I with List II

A Nancy I Treated the narrator as if he was a 5 year
old child
B Allie II Made pancakes for breakfast
C Alex III Fried sausages and eggs
D Narrator IV Was placed in the 3rd home

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A-I, B-I, C-Ill, D-IV
2. A-IV, B-lll, C-II, D-I
3. A-IV, B-I, C-Ill, D-II
4. A-ll, B-IV, C-I, D-Ill
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Spot the areas in the passage for List I and then match them with sentence
fragments from List II.
A-I: She took me by the hand and walked me into the lobby like a five-year-old child. Didn't
she know I was pushing 15? This was the third home Nancy was placing me in-in a span of
eight months!
B- II: Over the next few weeks, Allie, Alex and I fell into quite a nice routine. She'd make
pancakes for breakfast.
C-Ill: Over the next few weeks, Allie, Alex and I fell into quite a nice routine. She'd make
pancakes for breakfast, or he'd fry up some sausage and eggs.
D-IV: This was the third home Nancy was placing me in-in a span of eight months!
B. Read the passages carefully and attempt the following questions.
The Great Barrier Reef, located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, is the world's largest coral
reef system. It stretches over 2,300 kilometers (1,430 miles) and covers an area of
approximately 344,400 square kilometers (133,000 square miles). The reef is a natural wonder,
renowned for its stunning biodiversity and vibrant coral formations.
Composed of nearly 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands, the Great Barrier Reef is home to a
vast array of marine life. It supports over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, and various
species of sharks, rays, and marine mammals. It also provides critical breeding grounds for sea
turtles and is a habitat for countless bird species.
The reef's incredible biodiversity and unique ecosystems have earned it a place on the UNESCO
World Heritage List. It is not only a site of ecological significance but also plays a crucial role in
scientific research and environmental conservation efforts.
However, the Great Barrier Reef faces numerous threats, including climate change, coral
bleaching, pollution, overfishing, and coastal development. Rising sea temperatures have led to
widespread coral bleaching events, which weaken the corals and disrupt the delicate balance of
the ecosystem.
Efforts to protect and preserve the reef have been ongoing, with initiatives focused on reducing
carbon emissions, improving water quality, and implementing sustainable fishing practices.
Conservationists and researchers are working tirelessly to understand the reef's complex
ecosystems and develop strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Tourism also plays a significant role in the region's economy, as millions of visitors come to
explore the reef each year. Sustainable tourism practices are being promoted to minimize the
environmental footprint of these activities.
In summary, the Great Barrier Reef is a remarkable natural wonder of the world, known for its
stunning biodiversity and ecological importance. However, it faces significant challenges due to
climate change and human activities, making conservation efforts crucial to its survival.
6. The passage is about-
1. The world's largest coral reef system
2. The history of Australian marine conservation
3. The economic impact of tourism in Queensland
4. Climate change's effects on global ecosystems
Ans. Option 1 is correct.
Explanation: The passage is about the world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef,
its features, biodiversity, conservation efforts, and the challenges it faces, primarily due to
climate change and human activities
7. Match the terms in List I with their descriptions in List II.


A Coral bleaching I 1. A major challenge facing the reef,

leading to coral bleaching and
other issues, discussed as a

B UNESCO World Heritage List II Efforts to minimise environmental impact

and maintain the reef's attractiveness to
tourists, highlighted as important.

C Sustainable tourism III Recognition and protection for the reef's

ecological significance, mentioned in
relation to its inclusion on this list.
D Climate change IV A phenomenon that weakens corals due
to rising sea temperatures, discussed as a
threat to the reef.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
2. A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
3. A-I, B-III, C-II, D-IV
4. A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
Ans. Option 1 is correct.
8. Is the following statement true or false according to the passage?
Statement: The Great Barrier Reef is not included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
1. True
2. False
3. Can’t say
4. None of the above
Ans. Option 2 is correct.
9. What is one of the primary threats mentioned in the passage to the Great Barrier Reef's
1. Overfishing
2. Sustainable tourism
3. Rising sea temperatures causing coral bleaching
4. Recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage site
Ans. Option 3 is correct.
Explanation: The primary threat highlighted in the passage is the rising sea temperatures
causing coral bleaching, which weakens the corals and disrupts the reef's delicate balance.
10. Why is the Great Barrier Reef considered significant and renowned, according to the
1. Because it is the world's largest desert.
2. Because it is home to only a few species of marine life.
3. Because it is a critical breeding ground for sea turtles.
4. Because it is primarily a site for scientific research.
Ans. Option 3 is correct.
Explanation: The Great Barrier Reef is considered significant and renowned because it is a
critical breeding ground for sea turtles, as mentioned in the passage.
C. Read the passages carefully and attempt the following questions.
Workers and Slaves
The Pharaohs may have believed that it was their links with the Gods that kept Egypt going, but
really it was the hard work of the ordinary people. It was they who dug the soil, worked in the
mines and quarries, sailed the boats on the river Nile, marched with the army into Syria or
Nubia, cooked food and raised children. Slavery was not very important in ancient Egypt, but it
did exist. Most of the slave prisoners who had been captured during the many wars Egypt
fought with their neighbors in the Near East. Slaves were usually treated well and were allowed
to own property. Many Egyptian workers were serfs. This meant that their freedom was limited.
They could be bought and sold along with the estates where they worked. Farmers had to be
registered with the government. They have to sell crops at a fixed fields lay under water, many
workers were recruited into public building projects. Punishment for those who ran away was
11. From the passage we get to know that distinct quality of ancient Egypt under the pharaohs
was the fact that.
1.Though slavery existed slaves were not treated harshly at all
2. The pharaohs were very democratic and handsome
3. No Egyptian working in ancient Egypt worked as a serf
4. The river Nile would stop No flowing during the rains in Egypt
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: From the passage, we learn that the distinct quality of ancient Egypt under the
pharaohs was the fact that, although slavery existed, slaves were usually treated well and were
allowed to own property.
12. From the passage we get to know that in ancient Egypt many workers were known as serfs.
These were people with
1. Workers with limited freedom in ancient Egypt
2. Students with limited intelligence in modern Egypt
3. Nobility with limited power in medieval Egypt
4.Pharaohs with limited connection with the gods of Egyptian Gods
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: In ancient Egypt, serfs were workers with limited freedom, as mentioned in the
passage. They were not fully free and could be bought and sold with the estates where they
13. What according to the passage was the reason of ancient Egyptian progress and prosperity.
1. The link the Pharaohs claimed they had with the Gods.
2. The labour and hard work of the slaves and ordinary men in ancient Egypt
3. The mines and quarries full of germs armed with rockets and missiles and jewels in
ancient Egypt.
4. The modern smart Egyptian army
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: The passage emphasises that the progress and prosperity of ancient Egypt were
largely due to the hard work of the slaves and ordinary people, not just the claims of the
14. From the given passage options, select the one which is true according to the passage.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. Pharaoh's believed that is was their link with the Gods that favoured Egypt
2. The ordinary people worked overtime to destroy Egypt
3. The pharaoh's did not believe they were connected to the Gods
4. The Pharaoh's were the hard working salves of ancient Egypt
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
15. Select the option that is incorrect according to the passage.
1. In the Egypt under the Pharaoh's, slaves were allowed to own property
2. Most of the slaves were prisoners captured in the many wars Egypt fought with its
neighbours in the NEAR EAST
3. Slaves were well treated in ancient Egypt
4. Slavery was extremely important in ancient Egypt
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
16. Choose the correct homonym pair:
1. Career- Carrier
2. Birth- Berth
3. Confident- Confidant
4. Eligible- Illegible
Ans. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: The homonym pair "Confident" and "Confidant" are similar in pronunciation but
have different meanings. "Confident" means self-assured, while "Confidant" refers to a trusted
person with whom one shares secrets.
17. Identify the sentences that have 'adjectival phrases':
(A) She dance skilfully.
(B) She is a skilful dancer.
(C) That was a thoughtful act.
(D) He acted thoughtfully.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (B), (C) Only
(2) (A), (B), (C) Only
(3) (B), (C), (D) Only
(4) (A), (D) Only
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Adjectival phrases are phrases that function as adjectives to modify nouns.
Sentence B contains the adjectival phrase "skilful dancer," which describes the noun "she” and
sentence C contains the adjectival phrase "thoughtful act," which describes the noun "That."
18. Match List – I with List – II
List- I List- II
A. Ad interim I. Meanwhile
B. Carte blanche II. According to law
C. De jure III. Mixture
D. Pot Pourri IV. Full freedom of action
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(1)
(2) (A)-(1), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(IV)
(3) (A)-(IV), (B)-(III), (C)-(II), (D)-(1)
(4) (A)-(I), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: A. "Ad interim" means "in the meantime," so it matches with "I. Meanwhile."
B. "Carte blanche" means "full freedom of action," so it matches with "IV. Full freedom of
C. "De jure" means "according to law," so it matches with "II. According to law."
D. "Pot Pourri" means "mixture," so it matches with "III. Mixture."
19. You are ___________ gem of___________ person.
(1) an, the
(2) a, the
(3) a, a
(4) the, the
Ans. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: Option (3) "a, a" is correct because both "gem" and "person" are indefinite,
indicating that the person is a gem but not necessarily unique or specific.
20. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the live feed on a school news
Congratulations Change Makers!
The regional competition awards have been announced and our school music club
___________ the first prize.
1. had been won
2. will win
3. was winning
4. has won
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: Option (4) "has won" is the correct choice because it indicates that the school
music club has already won the first prize in the regional competition, which is the intended
21. Get me a cup of coffee, _________
(1) shall you?
(2) will you?
(3) won't you?
(4) wouldn't you?
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: Though grammatically all the options can fill the blank in different contexts but
in the given sentence a request has been made to bring a cup of coffee. 'Wouldn't' is a more
polite way of conveying something when compared to 'won't'. 'Shall' and 'will' are not correct
words in the context of a request. They indicate authority or order which makes them
inappropriate for the given sentence. Thus, based on these conditions, 'wouldn't' is the most
appropriate option to be used in the blank.
22. From the options given below select the one which is Opposite in meaning to the given
(1) Limited
(2) Charming
(3) Foolish
(4) Colourful
Sol Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Capacious means having a lot of space inside and Limited means confined
23. Choose the correct question tag for the following sentence:
You are a real piece of work, _______?
(1) aren’t you?
(2) isn’t you?
(3) weren’t you?
(4) are you?
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: The question tag "aren't you?" is the correct choice because it forms a negative
question to match the affirmative statement, making it grammatically correct.
24. From the given pair of words, select the one that carries the same relations as-
Shriek: Whisper
(1) Cautions: Negligent
(2) Prohibit: Forbid
(3) Refined: Elegant
(4) Transient: Temporary
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Shriek which means scream is different from whisper which means
undertone. Therefore option 'A' suits here as both the words in the pair have different
meanings. Otherwise, words in the rest of the options carry similar meanings.
25. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank.
It was a challenge to ______________ a response from the prisoner.
(1) Illicit
(2) Ilicit
(3) Elicit
(4) Elicit
Ans. The appropriate word is "elicit." It means to draw or obtain a response or information,
which fits the context of trying to obtain a response from the prisoner.
26. Rearrange these parts to write a meaningful sentence.
(A) shares with monkeys/(B) when any suspicious object is sighted/ (C) the Indian-giant squirrel/
(D) The habit of scolding barking and raising a general alarm
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (C), (A), (B), (D)
(2) (B), (C), (A), (D)
(3) (C), (B), (A), (D)
(4) (C), (A), (D), (B)
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: The rearranged sentence begins by introducing "The Indian giant squirrel" (C),
highlighting its similarity with monkeys in (A). It then explains their common behavior of
scolding, barking, and raising an alarm (D) when they spot a suspicious object (B).
27. Choose the most appropriate word as the meaning of the given word-
"Tout de Suite" means ___________
1. immediately
2. intransitively
3. imminent
4. intimate
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: "Tout de Suite" means "immediately" in French. It implies a sense of urgency or
promptness in acting or responding to a situation.
28. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank:
We _______ in the London, but now we live in Delhi.
(1) lived
(2) used to live
(3) were
(4) happen to live
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: 'Lived' looks absurd here as the time period is not given. Options (3) and (4) are
incorrect as they do not give grammatically correct sentences. Option (2) is the most
appropriate verb to fill the blank. We use 'used to' when things in the past which are no longer
true are referred to. It can refer to repeated actions or to a state or situation. As the action of
living in London was done in the past, 'used to live' is the correct option for the blank.
29. The book has passed ___________ fifteen editions.
(1) by
(2) on
(3) from
(4) through
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: The correct preposition is "through." In this context, it means that the book has
undergone or experienced fifteen editions or printings, making option (4) the correct choice.
30. The following consists of a sentence the parts of which have been
jumbled. These parts have been labelled P, Q, R and S. Given below the sentence are four
sequences namely (1), (2), (3) and (4). You are required to rearrange the jumbled parts of the
sentence and mark your response accordingly.
The actress
has been selected as the best heroine
who is the daughter of a famous male singer
of the year
The correct sequence should be:
(1) RPQS
(2) QPSR
(3) RSPQ
(4) QSRP
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: R has the relative pronoun ‘who’ and it talks of the subject. So, R should start the
sequence. The verb (P) should follow this clause. The only option that starts with RP is option
(1), making it the correct answer.
31. Although he has a lot of energy, he is_______ to work.
(1) compelled
(2) capable
(3) willing
(4) unwilling
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: ‘Although’ expresses contrast between his possession – (he has a lot of energy) and
its effect on his work. Hence, the correct answer is (4).
32. From the given options select the one that carries
same relation as
Relegate : Promote
(1) Fright: Dread
(2) Apprehension: Confidence
(3) Perilous: Risky
(4) Delicious: Tasty
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: In the pair "Relegate: Promote," 'relegate' means to move down or demote, while
'promote' means to move up or advance. Similarly, in the pair "Apprehension: Confidence,"
'apprehension' represents a negative or fearful feeling, while 'confidence' represents a positive
and assured feeling, showing an opposite relationship, just like "relegate" and "promote."
33. From the given options select the one which can rightly substitute the given expression:
Fear of dogs
(1) Chronophobia
(2) Gynaephobia
(3) Cynophobia
(4) Geraphobia
Ans. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: "Cynophobia" specifically refers to the fear of dogs. The other options do not relate
to the fear of dogs but represent different phobias:
(1) "Chronophobia" is the fear of time.
(2) "Gynaephobia" is the fear of women.
(4) "Geraphobia" is the fear of aging or growing old.
34. from the given options, select the rightly spelt word:
(1) humores
(2) humorous
(3) humerous
(4) humorrous
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
35. Rearrange the following parts of a sentence labelled as PQRS to make a meaningful
(P)the light was /(Q)an easy one/ (R)my path towards/ (S)by no means
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: The rearranged sequence, "RPSQ," creates a meaningful sentence where the
speaker emphasises the difficulty of their journey towards the light, indicating it was not easy.
36. Choose the correct exclamatory form of the following sentence:
The morning was very cool yesterday.
(1) How cool yesterday morning was!
(2) What yesterday morning cool!
(3) How yesterday cool morning!
(4) What cool was morning!
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: This sentence conveys the same information as the original sentence but in an
exclamatory form.
38. Change the following into direct speech. Choose the correct answer from below:
He asked me if I could meet him the next day.
(1) He said, “Can you meet me tomorrow?"
(2) He said, "You can meet me tomorrow.”
(3) He said, "Can meet me tomorrow.”
(4) He said, "You meet me tomorrow.”
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: The original sentence, "He asked me if I could meet him the next day," is
transformed into direct speech as, "He said, 'Can you meet me tomorrow?'" This represents
the direct reporting of the question asked by the speaker.
39.Choose the correct substitute from the four options below:
A unique form of antithesis, whereby two contradictory qualities are predicted at once of the
same thing.
(1) Alliteration
(2) Anagram
(3) Oxymoron
(4) Epigram
Ans. Option (3) is correct.
40. From the given options select the one which can rightly substitute the given expression:
A public room or building where gambling games are played.
(1) Cemetery
(2) Casino
(3) Cloakroom
(4) Creche
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: A "casino" is a public place or building where gambling games are played. The
other options do not relate to a place for gambling:
(1) "Cemetery" is a burial ground.
(3) "Cloakroom" is a place to store coats and belongings.
(4) "Creche" is a nursery or daycare center for children.
41. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct idiom from options given below:
She’s planning to __________ on the cable company and watch TV online instead.
(1) pulling her leg
(2) pull the plug
(3) pick and choose
(4) part and parcel
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: This idiom means to stop or terminate something, often abruptly.
42. Choose the part of the following sentence that contains an error:
It is the quarter to ten by my watch.
(1) It is the
(2) quarter to ten
(3) by my watch
(4) No error
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: The error is in part (1) because "the" before "quarter" is unnecessary when
specifying the time.
43. Select the words which are the adverb form of the word:
(A) Gigantic
(B) Lovely
(C) Lovingly
(D) Oratory
(E) Frantically
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (B) Only
(2) (C) & (E) Only
(3) (E) Only
(4) (A) & (D) Only
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: The adverb forms are:
(C) Lovingly - Adverb form of "loving."
(E) Frantically - Adverb form of "frantic."
43. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom in bold in the following sentence:
She rejected his proposal of marriage point black.
(1) Absurdly
(2) Briefly
(3) Pointedly
(4) Directly
Ans. Option (4) is correct.
Explanation: In this context, "point blank" means to reject something directly and bluntly,
without any hesitation or ambiguity.
44. Match the words given in List - I with their corresponding meanings from List - II:
List- I List-II
(A) Hail (I) Honest
(B) Just (II) Glowing
(C) Lure (III) Greet
(D) Radiant (IV) Attract
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A)-(III), (B)-(I), (C)-(IV), (D)-(II)
(2) (A)-(1), (B)-(IV), (C)-(II), (D)-(III)
(3) (A)-(II), (B)-(III), (C)-(I), (D)-(IV)
(4) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(III), (D)-(I)
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: (A) "Hail" means to greet or acknowledge, aligning with (III) "Greet."
(B) "Just" implies fairness or honesty, corresponding to (I) "Honest."
(C) "Lure" means to attract or entice, which matches with (IV) "Attract."
(D) "Radiant" means glowing or shining brightly, relating to (II) "Glowing."
45. From the given options, select the rightly spelt word:
(1) Pnernonia
(2) Pneumonia
(3) Newmonia
(4) Nemonia
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: It is a type of fever.
46. From the given options, select the one that rightly substitutes /replaces the given
'Detailed plan of a journey'
(1) Passport
(2) Travelogue
(3) Itinerary
(4) Timetable
Ans. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: Itinerary means a plan of a journey, including the route and the places
that you will visit. A travelogue means an account of a journey or places visited.
47. Select the correct pair of Homophones from the options given below:
(1) Cite- Site
(2) Hapless- Helpless
(3) Tyranny- Tolerant
(4) Generous- General
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings or
spellings. In this case, "cite" and "site" are homophones because they have the same
pronunciation but different meanings.
48. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate Phrasal Verb from the options given below:
I set my alarm clock because I have to ______ early tomorrow.
(1) catch up
(2) get up
(3) fill up
(4) stand up
Ans. Option (2) is correct.
Explanation: The phrasal verb "get up" is appropriate here as it means to rise from bed. The
sentence indicates setting an alarm to wake up early the next day.
49. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option out of those given below:
____________being questioned, he wept.
(1) At
(2) For
(3) On
(4) In
Ans. Option (3) is correct.
Explanation: In this context, "on" is used to indicate the circumstance or trigger (being
questioned) that led to the action (he wept).
50. Choose the most appropriate option to change the following sentence into the Passive
He handed her a cheque.
(1) She was handed a cheque by him.
(2) She is handed by him a cheque.
(3)A cheque was handed over to her.
(4)A cheque been handed to her.
Ans. Option (1) is correct.
Explanation: Option 1 correctly transforms the active sentence into passive form by placing the
object "a cheque" before the subject "She" and introducing the agent "by him."

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