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Week 4

Workplace diet traps 100-calorie

We spend on average about a third of our day at work, snacks
so it makes sense to give what we eat during working
hours some careful consideration. Try these 100kcal snacks; round
figures are simple to track:
All too often our workload, stress, wholegrain bread, which is more filling
• 3 rye crispbreads with 1 table-
tiredness, lack of time and temptation than white bread, and will keep you
combine to derail our best intentions. feeling fuller for longer. Wholemeal spoon of reduced-fat soft cheese
pitta bread and bagels are alternatives • 8 tbsp of salsa and carrot sticks
With a bit of planning, you can use
to brown loaf bread. • 3 tbsp reduced-fat hummus and
snacks and lunch to keep your diet on
track, your energy levels up and even Go ‘low mayo’ celery sticks
save a bit of money. Mayonnaise is about 80% fat, and a • 5 tbsp tzatziki and cucumber
just few dollops will turn a healthier
Here are 10 tips to make workplace sticks
meal into an unhealthy one. Try lower-
eating healthier for you: • 3 cups air-popped plain popcorn
fat mayo, reduced-fat hummus, tzatziki
Eat breakfast or tomato salsa. • 1 thin slice wholemeal toast with
This should be your mantra. A healthier 1 teaspoon of peanut butter
Work on your 5 A DAY
breakfast will set you up for the day
A snack is a good opportunity to • 1 cup of low-calorie instant hot
and stop you becoming hungry before
increase your intake of fruit and chocolate
lunch. If you’re not hungry before
vegetables. To count towards your
leaving home, have breakfast at work. For more ideas, read 10 surprising
5 A DAY, each portion of fruit or veg
should be 80g. 100 calorie snacks at
Bring your own
Home-cooked food is often lower in
Swap crisps
calories and fat and cheaper than
If you have a bag of crisps at lunch, go
food bought on the high street. If
for oven-baked crisps, which can contain
sandwiches aren’t your thing, you could
up to 70% less fat than regular crisps, or
cook extra in the evenings and take the
leftovers to work, saving you money.
a plain rice cake. Burn as you go
Go lean
Drink water Turn your daily routine into an
Instead of fatty sarnie fillings such
Drinking water regularly may help keep opportunity to get active, feel
as sausages or bacon, go for lean
hunger pangs in check. You should aim
meats, such as turkey or chicken, tuna healthier and burn off some
to drink about six to eight glasses (1.2
and salmon or a hard-boiled egg. extra calories:
litres) of fluid every day.
Remember to go easy on the mayo!
• Get off the bus a stop early
Plan your snacks
Make soup • Go for a brisk walk at lunchtime
Keep a healthier snack within reach,
Lower-calorie vegetable-based soups
such as fruit, veg (e.g. carrot sticks and • Forget the lift, take the stairs
are a great way of filling you up and
reduced-fat hummus dip) or homemade
boosting your 5 A DAY intake. Make a • Leave the car, walk instead
popcorn (without fat, sugar or salt).
batch on the weekend for use during • Do a daily grocery shop on foot
Go for wholegrain the week.
When making sandwiches, go for

Losing weight - getting started

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