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110 ASZAl STE eevee er 1, The three parts of a medical term are the 2, The component part usually found at the end of @ medical word is the 43, When you analyze a medical term you start with the ‘and then define the 4, The root in periarthrts is 5, The difference between the examining form and combining vowel is ETE 222. sete rot axons. 1, The term carditis has no prefix, 2, An example of a word with no root is gastro. 43. In the term hepatopathy, the combining vowel is used because the suffix starts with a consonant, 4, Accombining vowel is not used between two roots, 5, The prefix peri~ means “around” me oH PRE HVS UE ID, ae Nee 1. thorax 3, gnnelion 4. vins 5. phalanx gor e101 Perth sim! 6 fibroma 7 varix 8 diverticulum 9, scapula 10, embolus +1 BFS HENOR MEPS, aa 1 lrynees 2, carcinomas 3 cali 4, scetabula 5, sclerme 6, bronchi 1, diagnoses 8, sinuses 9, septa, 10, intioes Part! 218 se1g01 25) ASEM ER woes 1 thro") 2, vo S.oyso 4 rato 5, encepal/o 6, enst/o 7. bronco: bronch/o 8 angio 9 hemat/o 10, steat/o tL aselo 2, cao 13, nephfo Hoo 15, Wephar/o 16, avo 1 rhino 18, sien/o 1, aneri/o 20, utlyo 2, neur/o 2. alsimin/o 23, tonsil/o 2A, myelo 2, tio 28 tracheo 2, ophtalin/o atte) sols 4412) 28, hepat/o 29, viscer/o 30, cephal/o ee sche stehgolel obete A412, 1, armpit — 2 bead a 3. nail Ce Se 4. cartilage ST 5, skull SS 6, tendon, eS ae Tee See ee aE 8, smollintesting§ | ___ 9, colon fiscal 10, tongue Le ee EEE een eeeraL TT 1, ductus deferens 12, Uayroid gland 13, vein — 14, lung SS 15, chest vo 16, lymph vessels 7, external genitalia, 18, testicle oo 19, epididymis eens eee ee 2. ovary Se cupterd mye exe ae Of Part 718 s04 1 sp tNancey)st reise BERETS. 3.7 S824 cen {OAKS 2{01(Defining Suffixes) «gelal doke debt aot 1H 2112 1, -algia 2, ~dynia eS x ae eae ee ee eis cee mode en ieee ee 3, ~malacia Sipe PMR . -oma same ee ~penia a ae, emia Sacra eee 10, ptosis eat aac UL. ~hage EE LAA LITRES 12, ~rrhexis ee 13, ~stenosis + West SeaPgS Yet ele] ols 212, 44, ~ectomy 35, -gram 16, ~graph 11, ~opey 18, ~pasty a a 19, ~sepe 20, ~tome + che Qe! alovis| hols aa}, 21, -ore sll 2, ~ist 7 Sain aeaneeaRaaTaE TE 2, ~ion er 24, “logy 25, ~poisis| pee ek + Che BSA alol2] Slog sl, 26, ~aenie 21, -oid ees -MOIAtS| 812Kidentiving Suffixes) + he dolsh waht dels 12, 1 hemia ls 2, instrument used to measure iecae oe ee eee eee 38, blood condition gee oe 4, inflammation a 5, destruction i 6, enlargement ie ee 7, abnormal condition RS Shak BAR Re 8 rational fear a Sis Sa 9, drooping ae eee 10, spitting 1, flow, discharge 12, hardening 13, process, 14, surgical fusion 15, pros of recoding 16, to mens 17, sung fixation 1B, suture cy Part 718 mgot 19, proces of vist 2), stoppin ay exalt ent 08) 2 instrument wed $908 | 2 call 22, souty of 24, formation 2%, resembling GE “~ol BiaIgl, ~2U(pertaining to)’ Slolsk= Salat «of Bag, ~2te sfolahe: aol EAHA, -al 2 3 4 oma 5. 6 MEER 02 p2108 vee worntemiving sus indicating suricl poo. cores 81S ae FETS Yeh AolAlod LAjepan 3 ofp a4] 9, 6 -pew 7, -nhaphy 8 ~rhexis 9, ~rhagia 10, ~penia eos 210)(Definttons) + kG Bole Sols wAN2, 1, mastodynia Ee 2, hematemesis Neen 3, enteritis Se 4, corebromalacia ne 9, neplarosis See 6, blepharoptosis oe 7. torres i eee 8, plebastencsis ic ee 9, mammography [ee ee 10, orchidoplasty ieee eae 1, tenotomy Ne 12, bronchoscopy 13, histioeyte 14, pharmacist 15, chondroplasia ER 224s eorstcicctval sutoes) + Che Boje] tsk BS414 AelAHE AHBsle] BSAHE MEHL, of: cardi/ cardiac, ~ac7} B4F9 4Ple} 1 ren/ 2, mamm/ cupters 3, pharyne/ Ce 4. enatr/ ee ie 5, ven/ ee a a ~~ «hg: dood sel aed saleby, wll Bake oH A, 1. ophorectomy an 2 inflamation a i i 3. cephalgia a 4. plenary ai ee 5. hemabs — 6. speenorhexis —— 7. phology —_ 8, orchidoplaste SS ee 9, hemostasis Ne 10, practitionor —_—_—_ 48 ASEM f ene- | 2EANDetining prefixes) + h8- 2 Bolo] AEA VES Bal 1 Gehel Sole Ao, 1, eeumduction Gj 2, epigastric z 3. byperpasa t cel j 5, metastasis — 6, postmortem, oo 7, retroversion oo 8 transection i 9, contralateral —— 10, hemigntreiomy oo 1, view — 1, macroephalia ee 18, neoplasm a 1, synartrotic —— 15, tadyeania ee GEE 2 veri) + Column A&} 22 2}0} 88 2k OHS Column BAA oF ello a 71 24412, (Column A Column B |, cetogenous A, study of structure 2, incision B, dow breathing 8, dysplasia , lack of red blood ells 4, blatral D, produced from the outside 5, anatomy E, pertaining to between the calls Porttrie ama F, abnormal development pei : 6. afelngof unin or dodo 7, ain 8, interceular Hi, pertaining to two sides os bey {inflammation arcund the nerve 0 mabaise J, process of cutting into CEE 10) sojg: apd ei BE TEES. Lab- 2. ante- 3, hyper 4, endo~ S tiedys oo ee ee Gita Spt sions” BBL be To ee ee to eee ees ‘e(Completion) +118 holo ES eliol aske AEE sel Sols eH, Spx ene eee «A: percutancous through the skin process of rang away frm before birth, referring to the fetus proms of eting out pons of eutng into ‘symptom occuring before the onset of ds vers of cutting ars ot digestible pertaining to one side tumor of mary glands 1, eatin fst noartbent crs SUSt Ol0|2] LEAK dentitving Prefixes with the Same Meaning) och EASY SURE ODE AN TIPARE 2412, 1 ted 2, below Bis eee 3. abowe —_—— 4 int —— 5, before ee 6, around Oe 57 ASA GEER 222 see rr sues. 1. The diaphragm is a muse, 2, Te liver is locate in the pelvic cavity, 3, The abdominal eavity is inferior to the thoracic cavity 4, The big tows lateral tothe small t00, 5, The wrist is proximal to the elbow, BSa44aa 6, Prone lying on the back, face up, 17, The left ilae egion isin the let lower quadrant, 8, Supine refers tothe palms facing toward the back, 9, Dorsum may refer tothe back portion of a structure, 10, The right hypochondrine region of the abxlomen is in the RUQ. 5 GEE verre) + Column A2} $012} 252 2}o] a) BOS Column BAM atoh eed 71S A412, Caumn A Caluran B —_Aeauperice A vay from the mine 2, superficial —_B, toward the midline 3 peripheral C, near or toward the surface of the bay 4, lateral, away from the center i 5. proximal —_E, farthest away from the point of attachment to the trunk Gamal «above ‘medial ——_G, nearest the point of attachment to the trunk 8, distal 1H, toward the tail a «ekg gaol ao SEAR eidlal 82491 S10} ser19. 1 hypogastric eres a 2 iliee eS a 3, dorsal i a 4, inguinal Se 5, visceral a ao 6, cranial ee ec ae 1. phrenic Se 8 aneror tn eee 9, superioe ——_—_.o—_ 10, thoracic oe UL caudal coe cig viele aeAl2, 1. The two layers of the skin are the __and 2, The layer under the dermis is the ____layer, 3, The epidermis is wid of ao 4. The dermis is made up of, 5, The main function of the epidermis ig Hair hiemed et tho ee 7, Name the lands found in the dermis and their secretions, peers ee ee eee 2h oe EE 2271 - #2 crine-Arctom) + Addol Gli Sols Beal ae Bele aais 12, tissue, Column A (Gatun B 1. basal eal A. The most superficial layer of the epidermis, sometimes called the homy layer, 2, epithelium 1B Tissue that lines body cavities and covers the body and body ongans, 8. fibroblasts GA protein that makes the epidermis tough, waterproof, and resistant to bacteria, oe D, A substance responsible for skin color, 5 eratiniz cals 2, Cals prdacing histamine, 6, mast cll F, Constrction and dilation of the blood vessels contr inner boy teroperatur, 4, melanin G, Docpest layer of the epidermis, las cts Cas prstcng collagen, Chapters newest tia 9, stratum comeum 1, Dead epithelial ces that are filled with keratin, 10, thermoregulation 4, Cals that produce antibodies, ELT 2 acs & combining Forms) + HE A ojo] ofaah AN Was Bw, 3 SO}91 Sekt AALe, 1, subrutanaous 2, antic 8, hypodermic 4. epithebal 5, erythematous 6, hyperhidrosis 7 leukoderma 8 neemtic 9, paronychia 10, seborrhea 1, satoma 12, rhytidertomy 18, xerderma M4, maanoma 15, abinism eae eC eras foe ee _ ee ee eS ance ene cece oe DEK ASO eee eae EE Re CED zrrtsuics) + FHS DOV) SION Wie 8H 9, 1 oma 2-w 8, -derma ee eee 4. -1hee i i AORTA. 5, -ernie See a ee es 6,~ia a 7. -ium ———-—_ 8, ~08is. a eee 9, ~eyte eee ee w-al ee eter ere ee eae er 12 -bey SSS a ee ee EE te ener + che aisle Hehe SIO} AIS, | excision of wrinkles oe ‘2, pertaining to a bluish discoloration of the skin ee a ee ‘3, one who spies in the study ofthe skin and its diseases Scene eee ee 4 ack of sent — 5, cel that prods molanin 6, fungal infetion ofthe skin "fra infeton of he a) | B harning ofthe in | 9, malignant tumor pith als 10, alga tumor aring frm the meanaces CEE we iovccrina + Column A-$4421 YO} Column Bel 326} tl 8419, Column A (alu B 1 alto A. dath 2. mye/o 2B, sweat Chapters aE hart horiike 3. hidr/o A hero ae ees E,nipple~like 6 necr/o F, fungus: _ trerpehlo 6, black Baylo ae ie paril/o Ldy rel ie? coca ¢t0l04(Antonyes) ele wgske ea 7Hal ol are, chs ofS] eee Ale, Lalhin/o a 2, scer/o a B.aylo a es 4, necr/o a a ers ‘Ghe28f — ‘eI 8H(Ghort answer —Pathology) Lose Bees, a debridement », aeearincma dd, saoma 2. SHERMAN de, Sh, 27} OWA BIS sR + UA] Alo, Ce Eas ai mee ale een ee ae A ee eee coe 23307\(Matching) + Column A-8212} 2)0}8 Column Bo 36} extol 441.2, Column A 1, subcutaneous 2, cyanotic 3, erythematous 4, hyperbiasis 5, paronychia 6, soborthen 7, periungual 8, steatoma 9, enotherapy 10, papilloma EEE 2 eie1s0a1r0 Practice) Column B A. destruction of tissue by using iuid nitrogen, which freeas the tissue B, benign epthail tumor inflammation of tissue around the nail D, excsivesoretion of sweat F, pertaining to under the skin F, pertaining to a bluish dsoloration ofthe skin Gi, red discdoraton ofthe skin 1 fatty tumor ofthe sebaoeous glands | increased discharge of sebum from sebaceous lands 4J, pertaining to around the nai + oh Solely Sel AAAS so} aLApsha, eelol uke Gok A412, 1, canotic 2, demmatologist 3, diaphorasss| 4, citi 5, arythoma 6, dermatornyosis| 1, necrotic 8 hemangioma 8, eyotherapy 10, ands Se =

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