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Britt Erickson and Veronika Meyer report from Seattle, WA.

High-temperature HPLC Carr demonstrated that the separation silica-based column with one made of
makes a comeback of 4-cyanobenzoic acid, 4-nitrobenzoic a more robust material, such as zirco-
acid, benzoic acid, and an impurity nia, and cranking up the temperature.
As new stationary phases designed for could be performed in 20 s at 210 °C “You must carefully consider relevant
use with high temperatures become (flow rate of 16 mL/min) using super- heat transfer, band broadening, and
available, more and more researchers heated water as the eluent. It would pressure-drop issues,” warns Carr. For
are beginning to rethink of tempera- be impossible to separate that mixture example, if the eluent and column are
ture as a variable in HPLC. Judging at 25 °C using only water as the elu- not at the same temperature, the re-
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

by the large number of talks on the ent, he said. sulting thermal mismatch leads to
subject presented at HPLC 2000, Developing an ultrafast, high-tem- band broadening.
high-temperature HPLC seems to be perature LC system, however, is not Other manufacturers have also
making a comeback. just a simple matter of replacing your been developing LC columns that are
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The use of temperature as a vari-

able in HPLC is not new. Several re-
ports appeared throughout the 1970s
that described the use of temperature Hunting healthy rescence and MS detection and final-
programming in HPLC; in the 1980s, molecules ly be performed on a chip. In con-
papers began to appear showing the trast to Stecher, Raimund Grüner
benefits of temperature as a variable Many plants could be considered of the University of the Saarland
in micro-HPLC. But temperature pro- philanthropists because of their abili- (Germany) has been using HPLC
gramming never really caught on in ty to synthesize molecules that keep to solve the same analytical problem.
LC as it did in GC. Perhaps the big- us healthy. These compounds, which He is able to perform the separation
gest reason was the lack of suitable we cannot manufacture by ourselves, within 5 min and differentiate be-
LC columns. Most of the early stud- include numerous amino acids, vita- tween wines of different origin.
ies found that silica-based stationary mins, lipids, and antioxidants. It is If you do not like wine, evidence
phases deteriorate at temperatures not a surprise that many research suggests that freshly squeezed cran-
above 70 °C in an aqueous environ- groups are working to identify and berry juice may also do the trick.
ment. Today, however, as more robust quantify these food constituents in Hao Chen and Yuegang Zuo of the
columns emerge, the benefits of tem- all kinds of plants and plant prod- University of Massachusetts found
perature programming in HPLC are ucts. Here is just a snapshot of some phenolic antioxidants (e.g., catechin,
once again beginning to be realized. of the healthy food research present- epicatechin, benzoic acid, and p-
Peter W. Carr of the University of ed at HPLC 2000. anisic acid) in fresh cranberry juice,
Minnesota, who runs a side business Günther Stecher and co-workers but not always in canned cranberry
selling zirconia-based LC columns, is at Leopold-Franzens University juice. These compounds were shown
particularly interested in high-temper- (Austria) and Bionorica GmbH to have anticarcinogenic properties
ature LC for ultrafast applications, as (Germany) have been seeking res- several years ago. Chen and Zuo
zirconia is known for its ability to with- veratrols, piceids, and used a protocol
stand high temperatures. Carr showed flavonoids in grapes of filtration, solid-
that LC separation times can be signif- and red wine. So far, phase extraction,
icantly reduced by operating at higher the research is done and reversed-phase
temperatures and flow rates compared by capillary elec- HPLC for quantita-
with conventional LC separations. For trochromatography tive analysis.
the analysis of long-chain alkylphenones, with UV detection. Another class of
a 50-fold improvement in time was An ammonium acetate antioxidants, the
achieved at 150 °C (15 mL/min flow buffer turned out to carotenoids, can be
rate, 5 cm 3 4.6 mm i.d. zirconia- be superior to a phos- found in orange
based column) compared with 25 °C. phate buffer. Stecher juice and have re-
Perhaps one of the most exciting wants to develop his cently been investi-

aspects of high-temperature LC is the method further to be gated by Hyoung

ability to use pure water as the eluent. compatible with fluo- Lee of the Universi-

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capable of withstanding high tempera- Not to be outdone, Roger Trones of time. In nonaqueous mobile phas-
tures. As Brian Jones of Selerity Tech- and co-workers at G&T Septech, a es, the packing material was stable up
nologies showed, going to high tem- Norwegian manufacturer specializing to about 200 °C. The researchers at-
peratures does not necessarily mean in micro-HPLC columns, along with tribute the ability of the columns to
giving up on silica phases. He de- Thomas Andersen and colleagues at withstand high temperatures to very
scribed the development of new phas- the University of Oslo (Norway), dense packing, which is achieved by
es that are bonded to a silica base. showed that silica-based columns can using supercritical CO2 and sonication
These ruggedized C8 and C18 phases be used with aqueous mobile phases during the packing process. “We sus-
have similar lifetimes under high-tem- above 90 °C, if boiling is suppressed pect that many liquid-packed columns
perature conditions, as more tradi- through temperature programming are too loosely packed to retain their
tional LC columns have at ambient and the column is exposed to high original structure when subjected to
temperature. temperatures for only a short amount temperature ramping,” said Trones.

ty of Florida. With a ternary gradient after eating well-done chicken. Fol- Zöchling and co-workers at Graz
on a C30 HPLC stationary phase, Lee lowing consumption of the chicken, University of Technology studied
was able to separate more than 25 samples were collected every 6 h for the formation of PhIP during the
saponified carotenoids within 40 min. a 24-h period. Each 5-mL sample cooking of meat and fish by varying
With this method at hand, Lee could was spiked with a deuterium-labeled the temperatures, heating times, and
track the appearance and disappear- metabolite, which served as the inter- molar ratios of reactants. In addition,
ance of the different compounds dur- nal standard. Metabolites were re- they tested various antioxidants for
ing fruit maturation. moved from the sample using solid- their ability to suppress the forma-
phase extraction, passed through an tion of PhIP. According to the re-
... and those that are not ion-exchange column, and concen- searchers, the clean-up step is critical
so healthy trated on a C18 column. in the analysis of PhIP. They used
For many, summer just wouldn’t Using LC/MS/MS, the re- liquid–liquid extraction but occasion-
be the same without the backyard searchers detected four major PhIP ally needed an additional blue cotton
barbecue. What outdoor cooks don’t metabolites in the
realize is that too much charcoal- urine samples.
grilled meat can be harmful. That was However, they
the take-home message of more than were unable to de-
one presentation at HPLC 2000. tect the metabo-
Mark Knize and co-workers at lites using only
Lawrence Livermore National Labo- LC/MS. The
ratory have been investigating the amounts and
role of dietary constituents in the de- times of metabo-
velopment of human cancer. In par- lite excretion var-
ticular, they’ve been investigating ied significantly
whether there are differences in the among individu-

way individuals metabolize 2-amino- als, suggesting

1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] that metabolism
pyridine (PhIP), an aromatic amine may have an effect on whether an in- adsorption technique for further pu-
that forms in meat during cooking. dividual develops cancer or that other rification. Samples were then analyzed
According to Knize, PhIP has been dietary constituents, such as fruits using HPLC with fluorescence detec-
shown to be mutagenic in short-term and vegetables, influence the absorp- tion. Results suggest that antioxidants,
tests and the cause of colon, breast, tion and types of metabolites pro- such as ascorbic acid, do indeed de-
and prostate tumors in rats. duced from PhIP. crease the concentration of PhIP,
Human urine samples were col- Reseachers in Austria have also whereas pro-oxidants, such as FeSO4,
lected from individuals before and been investigating PhIP. Siegfried increase the formation of PhIP.

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