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FALL 2022
Course Code: BAHU1043

Project # 01

Section: D Program: BBA

Due Date: 06-02-2023 Maximum Marks: 10


Student Name: Registration No:








The Special Service Group (SSG), also known as Mana Ka Mandir, is an elite department of
the Pakistan Army. During times of peace and war, its commandos are responsible for the
protection of national leaders, international personalities visiting the country, sensitive
defence installations, prevention of hijackings, and more.
In this context, the author Carnal Rafi Ul Den was assigned the responsibility of protecting
former President and Prime Minister of Pakistan,
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, who had been sentenced to death for the murder of Nawab Muhammad
Ahmad Khan Kasuri. The author's battalion was deployed in the police lines of Rawalpindi
jail and was responsible for Bhutto's security for 323 days. During this time, the author saw
and heard many things and is now daring to share his experiences with the nation. The
security forces deployed for Bhutto's protection included police, army, and jail department

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, former President and Prime Minister of Pakistan, was sentenced to death
for murder and was transferred from Lahore to Rawalpindi jail.
The author of the report was assigned the responsibility of protecting Bhutto, who was being
kept in a special security ward in Central Jail Rawalpindi.

Security Measures
The report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the security measures taken for the
former President and Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, during his 11-month
confinement in Central Jail Rawalpindi in 1978. The report starts with a background of
Bhutto's situation, highlighting the circumstances that led to his confinement in the jail. The
security measures for Bhutto's protection during his confinement were a joint effort by the
Pakistan Army, the police department, and the jail department. This report aims to shed light
on the measures taken to ensure Bhutto's safety and security during his confinement.
The Central Jail Rawalpindi underwent significant modifications and renovations to
accommodate Bhutto's captivity. The women's ward of the jail was converted into a security
ward and was renamed as the 'Security Ward.' The security ward was surrounded by a barbed
wire fence and was guarded by armed personnel at all times. The security ward was further
isolated from the rest of the jail through the construction of five watch towers and two barbed
wire barriers. The roof of the security ward was given the shape of a post to keep an eye on
all routes leading to the ward and the jail. Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns
were installed on the roof for defensive purposes, and a reliable alarm system was provided to
deal with possible sudden power cuts.
The security measures for Bhutto's confinement included the establishment of an operation
room on the second floor of the security ward. An operation room was established on the
second floor, equipped with necessary maps and charts, a wireless set, telephone, and a duty
officer's log book. The roof of the operation room was given the shape of a regular post and

was used to keep an eye on all the routes leading to the security ward and the jail. Formal
sentry posts were constructed on the roof of the double wall to keep an eye on all the routes
leading to the security ward. Both anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were
installed on the roof for defensive purposes.

Bhutto's Personal Habits

Bhutto preferred to dress in dark-coloured salwar kurtas and light black slippers.
He used Charlie cologne and Shalimar aftershave lotion.
Bhutto had specific dietary preferences and enjoyed vegetarian food, especially vegetables
and lentils.
Bhutto's comfort was also considered during his confinement. He was provided with a
hospital bed, two small tables, two reclining chairs, a table lamp, an electric fan, an electric
heater, and a refrigerator in the kitchen. Bhutto was allowed to use his own bed, sheets, and
personal equipment for bathing and was allowed to wear his personal clothes. He was also
allowed to keep books, receive newspapers, and have magazines and journals brought to him
by his family and contacts. Bhutto was attended to by the jail doctor, but he also had the
option to receive treatment from other doctors if necessary. Good quality insecticides were
used to maintain hygiene, and Bhutto had a regular routine of waking up, bathing, and having
In conclusion, the security measures taken for Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto during his 11-month
confinement in the Central Jail Rawalpindi were comprehensive and aimed to ensure his
safety and comfort. The joint effort of the Pakistan Army, the police department, and the jail
department was instrumental in securing Bhutto's confinement. The security ward was
modified and renovated to accommodate Bhutto's captivity and was guarded at all times by
armed personnel. Bhutto's comfort was also considered during his confinement, and he was
provided with basic amenities to make his stay more comfortable. The report concludes that
the security measures taken for Bhutto during his confinement were a testament to the
importance given to political prisoners and the importance of ensuring their safety and
comfort. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was kept in a special security ward during his 11-month stay in
the Rawalpindi jail.


First meeting of Begum Bhutto:

On the morning of May 21, 1978, Begum Nusrat Bhutto was brought from Karachi to
Rawalpindi by PIA accompanied by a superintendent of police to meet Bhutto Sahib in jail. A
police car brought them from the airport to the jail. The car was parked in a corridor inside
the jail. After the car stopped, Begum Sahiba took out a bottle of fume from her purse and
sprayed herself with it. Then she came out of the car with great pomp. She was taken straight

to the security ward by the Jail superintendent Umar Daraz for meeting with Bhutto. During
the meeting of Begum Nusrat Bhutto, Dr. Niazi, an inspector of special police used to come
to the jail to monitor the meeting. It was thought that the meeting would last for an hour, but
Begum Bhutto stayed in the cell for up to two-three hours. Due to the first meeting being so
long, Deputy Superintendent was ordered to remind Begum Bhutto to end up the meeting.
When Begum Bhutto left the jail, the deputy said that he reminded her few times in the last
forty minutes. But Begum Bhutto used to take some time after the reminder. During Bhutto's
imprisonment in Pindi, Begum Nusrat Bhutto visited his cell forty four times. In these
meetings, she spent total of 110hours and 20minute (20.110 hours) with Bhutto in his cell.

Meetings of Ms. Benazir:

Like Begum Bhutto, Ms. Benazir Bhutto was also brought to Rawalpindi by PIA every week
from Karachi accompanied by a police officer and after the meeting was taken back to
Karachi on the next flight. Their method of meeting was almost the same as Begum Bhutto's.
Much of the conversation between father and daughter was done in silent sign language,
which was often communicated, whisper or writing. During such meetings, officers record
their conversation, but the record was only what the Bhutto family wanted, because for a long
time during their meeting, only the sound of flipping papers was heard or there was complete
silence. If Bhutto wanted to tell the authorities something or to mislead them, then a loud
conversation would have started, otherwise there would have been a sudden silence like no
one is sited in cell.
During the second or third meeting, Acting Superintendent Umar Daraz popped into Bhutto's
cell to tell him that time was up and to end the meeting. He saw that the father and daughter
were sited on the same four legs and their faces were close to each other. After the meeting,
Ms. Benazir came to the office of the Superintendent of Jail and expressed her unhappiness
and said that at least the Jail authorities should show good manners so that there is no
disturbance during our meeting. She also abused the martial law authorities. However, the
issue was debated among the jail authorities for several days. Ms. Benazir visited 44 times in
jail and a total of 106 hours and 15 minutes were spent in the cell.

An unpleasant incident:
A few weeks after Bhutto was transferred to Rawalpindi Jail, the martial law authorities were
informed that Bhutto was writing a book in his defence, for which all kinds of materials were
being delivered to him by visitors from outside the jail. Superintendent of Jails were ordered
to search all meetings, especially those of Begum Nusrat Bhutto and Ms. Benazir. Initially,
the authorities thought that they should not exempt lawyers from the search, but the Supreme
Court asked them not to search them. After this order, Ms. Benazir Bhutto came to meet her
father in Pindi Jail. He had a heavy bag. The jail superintendent had already told a bed warder
that his luggage would be taken from her to see what is inside. Head-warrior took the bag
from her and went inside the office. He had just opened the chain of the bag when Mrs.
Benazir also entered the office and said to him, "O fool!" Why are you searching my bag? "
It was the last week of June 1978 that Begum Bhutto came for the meeting. The Jail
Superintendent took his bag from the police car and wanted to see the bag opened. Begum

Sahiba scolded him in anger and immediately took the bag from him. Suprintendent said to
her in a very polite tone, "Begum Sahiba, the government has ordered me to search your
belongings before and after meeting," Begum Bhutto said to him in a very loud voice. "Who
are you to search my bag" The jail superintendent then politely told him that there is a
search order. You will not be able to enter without it.

Meeting of Colonel Rafi-ud-Din with Bhutto:

As soon as Bhutto was transferred to Rawalpindi Jail, he developed a desire to meet him, but
due to several reasons, regular meetings with him took a few weeks. One evening, probably
in the first or second week of June, he was sure that Bhutto was sitting outside alone. He
decided to go and meet them. However, as soon as he was in front of him, he saluted politely
in a military manner. Immediately his face showed some lightness in his condition, but he
was still surprised. He extended his right hand and shook his hand and said would you like to
sit down. He called the laborer to bring a chair He sat on the chair near Bhutto Sahib. A few
moments passed in silence. Then he broke the silence and said. Colonel Rafi, How did you
manage to come here? he said in response. Sir, I wanted to come long ago but could not for
some reason. Now I just come to greet you. He replied that you can come whenever you
want. He thanked him sincerely for this. He asked him that he would prefer tea or coffee.
Because before he came they had asked the labourer for tea, so he called him to bring tea for
me too. He deliberately did not ask them for any favour because he was afraid that if they
asked for something and it was not in his power then what would happen. Being a humble
and great person, Bhutto did not even tease this story. Before taking permission after tea he
told him that you might have some complaints against me but he immediately said no,
nothing special. He asked his permission to leave and got up and saluted him in a military
manner. They also stood up and shook hands with him and said that Colonel Rafi must do
rounds sometimes. He replied that he will definitely be present sir and then he came out of
the security ward. He had no specific instructions regarding the meeting with Bhutto. In the
beginning, whenever SMLA asked Colonel about him, he told him that i never went to the
security ward and met him and only gave you the same kind of report on the report of the jail
authorities. One day, on such a question from him, he said to him, "Sir, to be honest, I am not
sure whether Bhutto Sahib is present in Benfis Nafis Jail or not." But I also see you every day
"All ok" report. That day he was told by SMLA that you must go in and see them sometime.

Escape of two prisoners from the jail:

According to Colonal Rafi, One night in December 1978, two prisoners managed to escape
from Pindi Jail. When I reached the jail office the next day, I found the superintendent and
jail staff somewhat quiet and concerned. After making inquiries with the Jail Superintendent,
I learned that two prisoners had escaped by escaping through the rain- water discharge pipe
under the eastern wall of the Jail. I went and examined the place, but I did not believe that a
man could climb out of an eight- ninety- inch pipe. However, the prison authorities threw him
out of the drain! On the same day, both ends of the canal were closed with iron bars. It was
later found that the prisoners escaped from the north- east direction by jumping over the
prison wall and probably from the side of the Military Dairy Farm. The next day this news

was published in newspapers. The higher authorities were very worried after reading such
news. I was asked how the prisoners managed to escape. I gave the details of the security
inside the jail and also told that as far as the security ward is concerned there is no such
apprehension. I was also warned that the police patrol outside the prison should be improved
so that the security around the prison is more effective. However, arrangements were made
inside and outside the jail so that no prisoner would dare to escape.


Conversations of Bhutto

I have written in the third chapter "Early days" under the title of "My Later Meetings" in
Bhutto Sahib's Talks that I will mention the revelations of Bhutto Sahib that he made during
many meetings with me. The moments I felt most precious were during prison duty.
Moments listening to Bhutto Sahib's words. I can't say anything with certainty about how far
Mr. Bhutto acted in these matters honestly or what was said as a political leader. This
decision will have to be made by each reader himself. As far as I can I am putting his words
on record so that all the readers can benefit from his words like me. During captivity, he
always used to communicate with me in English language and I used to communicate with
him in the same language. His revelations were as follows.

Pakistan and nuclear power

Mr. Bhutto discussed this subject with me a few times in Pindi Jail.
Two or three times he compared Pakistan to India in the sense that the Hindus were trying to
prevent Pakistan from coming into being so that they could fulfill their dream of a united
India. After the creation of Pakistan, for the first few years, the Government of India never
accepted the existence of Pakistan wholeheartedly and since then the Hindu Government has
been trying to destroy Pakistan. Then when conflicts arise in the third world countries,
unfortunately the superpowers also support the powerful country or their interests. These
powers have always opposed Islam. The Hindu philosophy is to be friendly with equals or
stronger than yourself and to be coercive with the weaker. Unfortunately, our resources are
not equal to India's and we can never think of their equality in terms of military, but Indian
resources are developing day by day in terms of industry, craft, finance and military. While
we are facing difficulties in maintaining our ratio in this sense.

How General Zia-ul-Haq Sahib was made Chief of Army Staff

When my and Bhutto's understanding became quite good, one day I dared to ask him how he
chose General Zia ul Haq as the head of the army. After thinking for a while, he said that this
was the recommendation of General Tikka Khan. Nika Sahib recommended that after him
General Zia ul Haq should be made his successor. General Tikka Khan was of the opinion
that General Zia-ul-Haq was a religious type of person and after becoming the head of the

army, he would remain engaged in his prayers etc. and would not create any problems for the
government in political matters. Only Allah Almighty knows the truth of Bhutto's statement,
because long after his execution, General Tikka Khan said in a (450) newspaper statement
that he had opposed making General Zia-ul-Haq the chief of the army.
Bhutto's views on some personalities: During our meetings, Mr. Bhutto made comments on
some personalities from time to time which is list below
 Field Marshal Ayyub Khan
 Amir Marshal Asghar Khan
 Air Marshal Noor Khan
 Maulana Kausar Niazi
 Miss Benazir Bhutto
 Shah Raza Shah Pahlavi
 Complaint to General Muhammad Iqbal
 Mr. Khar
 Mr. Anwar Al-Sadat
 Senior General of Pakistan Army.

Population problem in Pakistan

Once during our conversation, the problem of increasing population in Pakistan came up.
Perhaps this topic was mentioned in the newspaper of that day. I dared to say something on
this subject that I think this is a serious problem of Pakistan. Our population is growing very
rapidly and this ever increasing population is depleting our resources and we are stagnant in
material development. A major cause of almost all human suffering is our population growth.
Bhutto said, "Who will explain these uneducated clerics?" When Ayyub Khan wanted to do
something to control this problem, these ignorant people started telling him what to do. Then
they laughed and said, if our army continues to perform the duty of reducing our population
in the same way, this problem will be solved automatically.

The unique memory of Bhutto Sahib

Bhutto's memory was extraordinary. He used to remember the exact words of old meetings,
time, place, place and date, and even the smallest details of the events, and the conversation
of every occasion, even the dress and the manner in which something was said, was
preserved in his mind. were If I said something, he used to remind me even after a long time
that I had said it on such and such occasion. If I have anything to do with the Jail
SuperintendentAnd when we spoke to Bhutto on this subject with a slight disagreement, he
immediately referred to our old talk. We in the army usually use our diaries so that the
memory can be brought back with the help of the diary, but Bhutto Sahib used to record
everything in his mind and he used to remember even the smallest things. I have never seen
anyone else with such a sharp memory in my life.



At last, on 2 April, the authorities decided to execute Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on midnight of 3
and 4 April 1979 at 2:00 am. According to jail manuals, the execution process should be done
in the morning but the government wants to execute Bhutto at night. Also, the one who is
getting executed, his relatives should be informed about his execution so that they will meet
them for the last time. The wife and daughter of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were in the Sahara rest
house. Some relatives of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were also in Rawalpindi and they have to meet
him on 3 April 1979. The preparation was completed.

The last meeting of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto with Nusrat Bhutto and Benazir

On the final decision of Bhutto’s execution, Bhutto ladies were informed about it on 3 April
1979 so that they can meet with him. Their car entered the jail at 11:15 am. On their way
toward the security ward, they came to know that it is the last meeting. The meeting started at
11:30 am. Nusrat Bhutto sat on a chair while Benazir Bhutto sat on the floor. This meeting
was held till 2:00 pm. After some time, Zulfiqar Ali called the jail superintendent and asked
that is it the last meeting. The answer was in yes. After that Bhutto asked about his meeting
with his other relatives. Whose answer was that it will be held after this meeting. After that
Bhutto said that he wants to shave his beard and asked for his clothes and testation. On that
Chaudhary Yar Muhammad said, you will be granted time for this. After that, the jail
superintendent go and the father and his daughter started talking. Most of the time Benazir
Bhutto used to wept. They wanted to continue their meeting but the jail authorities ended
their meeting at 2:00 pm. After that, they went to meet carnal Raffiuddin and asked him to
help them so that they can request general Zia ul Haq for mercy. On that, he said that he had
not any personal contact with him but still he tried to pass their message to him. After that
carnal Raffi tried to call the military secretary of the president but it always went busy. After
that carnal Raffi came out of the jail and reached the SSP office by crossing the road where
SMLA brigadier, DC Rawalpindi, and SSP Rawalpindi were setting. He told SLMA about
the request of Bhutto’s wife. On that DC Rawalpindi said to the SLMA that they convert this
request to the DLMA. DMLA convert this request to general Zia ul Haq and he went to the
Sahala rest house on the order of General Zia ul Haq where the wife of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
requested mercy but it was rejected. The authorities don’t want to viral the execution news of
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto that’s why they cut the telephonic connection of the rest house.

Why the meeting between Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his relatives were not

Some relatives of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were present in Rawalpindi on 3 April 1979 and they
have to meet but their meeting was cancelled because the government wants to hide the news

of the execution.

The official notification of the execution of Mr. Bhutto

According to the orders of SMLA, the following officers went to the cell of Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto at 6:00 pm to inform him about the notification of his execution.
Jail superintendent: Mr. Yar Muhammad
Security battalion commander: lieutenant carnal Raffiuddin
Magistrate 1st rank: Mr. Basheer Ahmed khan
Jail doctor: Mr. Saghir Hussain Shah

The jail superintendent read that statement to Bhutto. There was a smile on his face. Bhutto
made eye contact with him and said that
“I should have been informed by the competent authority 24 hours prior to the execution, but
it has not been done.
No written order for my execution has been shown to me so far.
I want to see my counsel as soon as possible
My other relatives should have been allowed to see me
My teeth are very bad and I would like to see my dentist, Mr. Zafar Niazi, immediately”

After that Mr. Bashir Ahmed khan introduced himself and said that a page will be provided
you so that you can make your testation. After the doctor and magistrate left the cell, Bhutto
called Abdur Rehman and asked him for warm water so that he can shave his beard. He asked
from carnal raffi when the execution is going to be held. He replied with seven fingers. That
Bhutto said after seven days but carnal replied after seven hours. After some time, Bhutto
said that his lawyer's messed up this case. They used to tell me wrong. My party wants a dead
Bhutto instead of an alive one. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto made his shave at 7:05 pm in the presence
of the deputy superintendent. At 8:05 pm when Abdul Rehman made a coffee on the demand
of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, it made tears in his eye and he said to him, Abdur Rehman if I had
made any mistake then forgive me. I am going to be executed tonight. Bhutto wrote his
testation from 8:15 pm to 9:40 pm then after 10 minutes, he brushed his teeth and 5 minutes
later he put fire on the paper. Again he wrote from 10:10 pm to 11:05 pm. Then he fired all
the pages on which he was writing. At 11:25 pm, he said that he tried to sleep for some time
because he has not slept the previous night. At 11:50 pm assistant superintendent and Kazim
Hussain Baloch came and tried him to wake up, but he didn't. At 11:59 pm jail
superintendent, jail doctor, and magistrate entered the security ward. At 1:10 am Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto sat by himself. Mr. Qureshi said to him that the warm water is ready for his bath but
Bhutto refused to take bath.


According to the orders Bhutto should be executed between 3 and 4 April 1979 at 2:00 am in
the presence of inspector General jail Chaudhary Nazir Akhtar. A stethoscope was arranged
for Bhutto because he was too weak due to hunger strike.
The following officers entered the security ward:

Superintendent jail Chaudhary Yar Muhammad
Commander security force lieutenant carnal Rafi Uddin
Magistrate 1st rank district court Rawalpindi Mr. Bashir Ahmed Khan
Deputy superintendent jail Khawaja Ghulam Rasool
The following officers entered his cell and Magistrate asked him that had he left any
testation. He said: "I had tried but my thoughts were so upset that I could not do it, I have
burnt it”. Magistrate repeat his question that he wanted to write his testation then he said
"yes, I would like to dictate". But on that moment the time was finished and jail
superintendent ordered the head warden to call his men so that they can pick him up. Four
wardens entered, two pick him up by his shoulders and the other two from his legs. They put
him up to the stethoscope. At that time Abdul Rehman came with the cup of tea which he
ordered. The wardens put him up to the execution point. Tara Christ put the mask on his face
and head. Exact at 2:04 am on 4 April 1979 the executioner pull the liver and Bhutto went
into the well of hanging. The neck of Bhutto was laid down towards the left due to the
pressure of the rope on his right side. Carnal Raffi asked the assistant superintendent to put
off the ring and watch from the Bhutto's body so that they returned them to the Bhutto family.

Burial of Bhutto

After the execution of 30 minutes, the doctor lay down his body and confirmed that he is
dead. After the bath, a photographer who was from an intelligence take some photos of
Bhutto to clarify whether the circumcision of Bhutto has been done according to Islam or not.
Then, they his body into a wooden coffin. His coffin left the jail at 3:05 am through specific
cars to reach Chakala Airport where a V.I.P C-130 airplane was waiting. Then this plane
flies towards Jakababad. They reached Jakababad at 6:53 am where a helicopter was waiting
for them. He was buried in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh.

How the execution of Bhutto kept secret

When Nusrat Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto came to meet with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto for the last
time at that time there were many foreign news reporters who were trying to get some secret
news but the news will be kept secret by the following ways:

Sahala rest house where the Bhutto's wife and daughter were staying they cut down its
connections with others. No one can enter or leave it.
As soon as it was told to jail staff that today is the execution of Bhutto after that no one will
enter of left the jail.
All the telephonic connections were cut.
The first news of the execution of Bhutto was published by All-India radio on 4 April at
7:00 am.
The last meeting of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto with his relatives was also cancelled for the purpose
to keep this news secret.

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Relation of carnal Raffi with Zia ul Haq

Carnal Raffi met with Zia ul Haq for the first time when Zia ul Haq was appointed as the
chief of army staff for Pakistan. He met with Zia ul Haq in the Ramadan of 1978 at the iftar
where he asked some questions about how he implemented Islamic laws in the country or
how he run banks in Islamic way. On these questions, Zia ul Haq replied to wait for some
time. Specialists are working on it. He went to Umraah with Zia ul Haq. They stayed one day
and one night in Makkah and two days and one night in Madinah. In 1981, Zia ul Haq
appointed carnal Raffi as a defence officer in the Jakarta embassy. In 1984, carnal Raffi came
back to Pakistan. In March 1988, carnal Raffi invited general Zia ul Haq to the wedding
ceremony of his son. On this, Zia ul Haq came and give some gifts to the brides. This was the
last meeting of carnal Raffi with Zia ul Haq.

Records of those who met with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in jail:

The first meeting was on 19th April 1978 and the last one was on 26th March 19. The Last
meeting is not included in these records by the author.

--------------------------THE END---------------------------

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