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Write a Blog with Jasper

🚨 Too many words on one page for you? Check out this video tutorial instead.

Say goodbye to writer’s block thanks to your new bestie, Jasper. 🤝 When writing a
blog post with Jasper, the best place to start is in Power mode in your Document editor.

🧠 Brainstorm your topic

Why do it yourself when Jasper can do it for you?
Use our command template and have Jasper help you with the brainstorming process.
Here are a few fun commands to try 👇
(Don’t know what a command is? Here ya go! An instruction you give Jasper telling him
what you want him to do, based on the information you have given him.)
>Generate some creative blog post ideas for a blog about {topic}.
>Give me 5 different angles for a blog about {topic}.

After you have landed on your perfect blog post title, go ahead and fill out that sidebar
with your Title, Content Brief/Background information.

✨ Choose your Ideal Tone of Voice

This is the fun part! Choosing a tone of voice will add some real personality to your
content and help you sound consistent throughout! The options here are endless. You
can choose from adjectives, celebrities, and even emojis!

Need some ideas? Check out this list we’ve put together.

Write a Blog with Jasper 1
💥 Create a Killer Outline + Intro Paragraph
Head over to our command template and ask Jasper to do this for you! There isn’t a
specific way you need to talk to Jasper. Just remember the better (and more detailed)
your inputs, the better your outputs.

Here are some general commands you can use (but feel the freedom to add on some
more detail to the command):
>Build a creative outline and engaging intro paragraph.
>Create a detailed intro paragraph followed by 4 outline points.

‼ Generate some Robust Body Paragraphs

Time to dive into the Paragraph Generator Template. 👀
Go ahead and take those outline points and plug them 1-by-1 into the paragraph
generator under “What is your paragraph about?”. This is a great place to throw in any
relevant facts/data that you want Jasper to include in your paragraph. You also have the
option to include some keywords and a tone of voice.

🎀 Tie it all up with a Conclusion Paragraph

Last, but certainly not least… a conclusion paragraph. And we have a template just for

Head over to the Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph template and throw in your main
points + a call to action and VOILA - your work here is finished.

Another option is to type a command directly into your document asking Jasper to
>Generate a conclusion paragraph based off the points above and hit
COMMAND+RETUN (control+enter if you are on a PC). Jasper has a lookback of 2000-
3000 characters, so he will be able to pull in your recent work.

Write a Blog with Jasper 2

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