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Android studio

Task 1:

1. Android studio has a flexible Gradle-based build system.

a. Android Studio uses a Gradle-based build system. Gradle is an open-source build
system that can automate tasks related to testing, building and deployment etc.
Overall, it is very useful when doing a software project because it saves a lot of time
and you can use this tool for a wide range of tasks.
2. Code templates and GitHub integration to help you build common app features and import
sample code.
a. Android Studio can provide a lot of simple code templates that are in line with the
Android design and development. They can provide starter codes or basic codes that
are there for you to implement in your own code. These templates also cover UI
components, app development tasks and other services.
b. Github is useful for debugging, collaborating with other developers and working in
the same code base etc.
3. A fast and feature-rich emulator
a. Android Studio provides a virtual android device on your personal computer. Here
you can visually see whether your code works and how this is visualized on your
android app and check how the app interacts as if it were an actual app on a device.
This is useful because it is sometimes easier and faster to test the applications on an
emulator rather than a real device.

Task 2:
Figure 1 Hello World

Figure 2 Hello My name is Philip Groenemeijer

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