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Project Proposal: Digital Dice

Class: Department: BS(SE)

Project Participants:

 Student 1:
 Student 2:
 Student 3:

Project Description:

We propose to design a digital dice system that simulates the rolling of a traditional six-
sided dice using digital logic components. The system will generate random numbers
between 1 and 6 and display the result on a digital display.


 Random Number Generator

 Binary-to-Decimal Converter
 7-Segment Display
 Control Logic

Project Principle:

The digital dice system will utilize a random number generator to produce random
binary numbers representing the numbers on a six-sided dice. These binary numbers will
then be converted to decimal values using a binary-to-decimal converter. The decimal
values will be displayed on a 7-segment display to represent the rolled number.

Specific Design Methodologies:

 Top-Down Design: We will start by defining the overall system architecture and
main components. Then, we will break down each component into smaller
modules and design them individually.
 Modular Design: Each component of the system will be designed as a separate
module, allowing for easier testing, debugging, and reusability.
 State Diagrams: We will use state diagrams to model the behavior of the system,
including transitions between different states such as generating a random
number, converting it to decimal, and displaying the result.
 Test-Driven Development (TDD): We will follow a test-driven development
approach, writing tests for each module before implementing the corresponding
functionality. This will help ensure the correctness and robustness of the system.

Implementation Strategies:

 Hardware Implementation: The digital dice system will be implemented using

digital logic components such as logic gates, flip-flops, counters, and decoder
 Simulation: We will use simulation software such as Logisim or Proteus to
simulate the behavior of the digital dice system before implementing it on
hardware. This will allow for thorough testing and debugging without the need
for physical components.
 Incremental Development: We will adopt an incremental development
approach, starting with the implementation of basic functionalities such as
generating random numbers and displaying them on the 7-segment display. We
will gradually add more features and refine the system iteratively.

Project Milestones:

1. Project Planning and Research:

 Define project scope, objectives, and requirements.
 Conduct research on digital logic components and design methodologies.
 Develop a project plan and timeline.
2. System Design:
 Design the overall system architecture.
 Define the functionality of each component and module.
 Create state diagrams and flowcharts to model system behavior.
3. Component Implementation:
 Implement the random number generator module.
 Design and implement the binary-to-decimal converter module.
 Develop the 7-segment display driver module.
 Implement control logic for managing system operations.
4. Integration and Testing:
 Integrate individual components to form the complete digital dice system.
 Conduct unit tests for each module to ensure functionality and
 Perform system-level testing to verify overall system behavior and
5. Documentation and Presentation:
 Document the design, implementation, and testing processes.
 Prepare presentation materials for project demonstration.
 Finalize project documentation for submission.

Project Submission Date: Dec-2017

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