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Project Name:Runchet Drinking Water Supply Project

Contract No.:DRM/NCB/WORKS/O2/080-81
Location:Dharche-2 Runchet Offia he
eMuo S PE's Estimate Safal Nirman Sewa Banke Dipiyot Nirman Sewa & Sobit Subedi & Brothers
OficialRate Amount Amount Rate Amount
SL. No Category Hierarciy Item Name & Deseriptioif WEXecunit (NRS)
Amount Rate Rate

loss of or damage to
Provide policies for insurance of oss
Plant and materiat; WSs darn ent Thirthale
party Insurance ana toss o :and Gandaki Proinc
Personal injury or Death as prescribed in GCC 13 (o.2% of Cvil 20000o 20000 200000
200000 200000 200000| 200000 200000
1 Provisional Sum #X0O001]> Works) 1 PS

Providing and installaton of project signboards with slze of 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
2Provisional Sun #[OOX0001]> 1/ No. 10000 10000 10000|
1.8°1.2 mas per specification and instruction of engineer:
STE CLEARANCE: (Before and After Construction), all
unnecesary materials and bushes remove from site and
|disposing of debris away from the site as per instruction all
complete. 192450| 50 64150 150 192450
1283 sq.m 193.2 247875.6 1s0|
3|Construction work #[45000000>

EARTHWORK IN EXCAVATION : in foundations in all type of

soils for foundation, trenches ete. to the required depth
incduding dewatering by manual or mechanical means ete as
per speifications with all contractor's by own and
equipment's, providing rossing of track, shoring, strutting.
timbering and buttressing with appropriate materials and alt
such measures necessary to retain in position the sides of the
foundation pit and including refilling the excavated material
with watering, ramming, leveling the site and disposing off the
surplusfunusable earth to outside the construction premises,
etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and 42330s
800 685283l 50 800 685288
4 Construction work #|45000000]> instructions ofthe Engincer. 8S6.61 cu.m 1554.66 1331737.3

EARTH BACK FILUNG: Earthwork in back filing for pipe line

trench with compaction in layers of 20cm with out water
sprinkling (compacted thickness) including transportation of
soil, spreading in required line and level, sprinkling water,
ramming, compacting with mechanical rammers, testing. etc.,
all complete as per drawing, specification and instructions of
the Engineer. 419.18cu.m 652.96 273707.77 A00 167672 100 41913 167672
slConstruction work #[45000000]>
BOULDER SOLING: Providing and laying uncoursed hand
packed Dry Rubble Stone soling in foundation, under floor
plinth with out any special dressing of stone induding filing
interstices with suitable quarry waste or so quarry
sand, watering, compacting using appropriat
tedak. handling
compaction means with all contractorS maternat
nlaing etc. all complete as P eGfications and
instruction of the Engineer. The em incduding al
6|Construction work #450000001> lead & lift. 52.79cu,m 4088.2s 215818.72 4500 237555s 3000 158370 3500 134765S

Providing and laying Cement Concrete of nominal mix 1:3:6 (1

etssnd:ocoarse aggregate) for leveling course
|toundations and under rof building, ete. in all level with

broken stone ags3 te of size not more than 25 mm of

approved quality including formwork wherever necessary,
|dewatering, batching, orting, placing,
eall lead and Jift, ete. all complete
compacting, curing,i
as per drawings, specifications and the instructions of the
Engineer. 4.3cu.m 17001.74 73107.48 18000O 77400 15000 64500 14000 60200
7|Construction work #45000000]>

Providing and laying nominal mix 1:2:4 I1

ayns Cement Concrete of
orerate ) for leveling course in
level with
and under floor of buliding, ete. in all
stone aggregate of size not more than 25 mm of
pproved quality induding tormwork wherever necessary,
dewatering, batching miing nsporun
all complete
compacting, curing, induding all lead and lift,
as per drawings, specifications and stnurtion the
8Construction work #4SO00000)> Engineer, 118.89cu,m 19790.3s 235287A21 18000 2140020 18000 2140020 16000 1902240
Projeet Name:tunchet Dlnklng Water Suply Project
ontteet No, bAM/NCUWORKS/O2/0R0.41
Loeatten:Dharehe-2 hunehet Dipiyoti Nirman Sewa & Sobi Snbedi &Brothers
Safal Nirman Sewa Banke
4niclpal bti PEs Estimate' Rate Amount
tem Nnme & Description Rlcial Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amont
N, NO Chtegoty lermrcly NRS)
pat Executyo
Providing and laylng ln posltlon machine mixed and machine
ibrated cement concrete of mlx 1:1.5:3 (1 cement:1.5 sand:
3coarse aggregate) M20 grade tor renoscement
Gefáha, Gendaki Provinc
conerete work using approved cement with
Imachlne crushed stone aggregate approved que
varlous locations and heights Including tra tation of
eoncrete to site ol placing ed to regulred
ne and level, protection and conpsmlete as per
uetlons of the Engineer,
drawings, specitkationsana eres and
but exchuding the cost of centerng 24000
reinforcement, all complete as per drawings, speclflcations 818067.73 19000 612130 20000
32,22lcu.m 25390.06
9lonstuctien work AS000000) and nstructlons of the Engineer.

sTEEL RENFORCEMENT: Providing and fixing in positlon Fe

sO0 steel relnforcement of varlous dlameter confirming to
relevant lS code ln R.C.C, works Incuding stralghtening,
cutting, bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire for tying
ment bars at each junctlons (blnding wire shall
L eirnd senarately) lncluding all waste and cut
leces, provision for adequate numbers of spacers, chaits,
Inrovdog and placing cement mortar (1:1) cover blocks to
keep the bars in lntended posltlon at all levels all complete as
per drawings, speciflcations and instructlons of the Engineer.
Authorlzed lap length and lapplng for the bar length
exceeding 10 meter In length shall be measured for the 12650SR
1725079.5 165
1321870.92| 40 1073382.8 225
paymelt, except to column), 7667.02 g 172.41
10lCoñstruction work M45O00000)

FORM WORKS: Form work for concretng in simple lab and

structureSupplying and Flxing n posltlon centerlng, shutterlng
Jof various pattern formworks with water proof ply wood with
wooden props for all klnds of RCC works for foundations,
columns, shear walls, beams, slab, stalrcase, lintel, slll,
pertola, lncludlng nals, propplng scalfolding staging.
supporting and bracng in proper lines and level, sealing the
olnts wlth heavy duty brown self adhestve tape, allgning to
Nne and levels incuding Tles, PVC Spacer, Providing openings/
cutouts/ pockets, applying De-shuttering chemlcal, De
shuttering as approved by the Englneer etc, complete at all
levels as per drawing, specficatBons and lnstructlons of the 1124.64| 504457,.27| 224275 3S834 0001 448650
11/Construten work asXX)> Engineer, 448.55|sq.m, thlck cement and sand plaster work of mix 14(1

cement &4 und) In concrete surlace at all helght lncludlng
mbaing mortar, laylng ln perfect ine, level and plumb and
Gnishlng n regular and even surface lncuding all necessary
Nngle or multh-stage scaffoldlng, provding and fxing 200 mm
wide 24 gauge GI Chicken wire mesh at junction of R.C.C. and
masonry, maklng grooves and recesses, throating, dusting,
dripping, wetting, curlng, protectlon, etc. all complete as per
drowing, specification and Instructlon. (Rate shall also lncude
to providing drips band, moulds, groove, chicken wire mesh
at junction of RCC and masonrY, etc, to complete the works at
67338S 554
12/Constrvction work M45O00000)> any heights, 1346.77sq.m 612.71 S25179,4s 62338S

Punning of 3 mm for loorlng work all complete with supply

of materals as per lnstructions incuding milog layBng ln
requlred slope, intrigal Rnllng uslng approprlate power
voweling equlpment, etc. all complete as per drawlng, 46493b
pecification and Instructionsof the Engineer 400.18 1601 185974.4 S8I170
13Constructkon work R4500000> 1162.34 bq.m 46514522
10000 30000
3sq.n 2650.93 9S2.79 12000
14Construction work M45000000)> MS angte manhole cover 6ocmp vet(13 Ag) 12000
MS angle manhole cover 60»60 mset(19 kgl 7nos 3720.59 2604413 35000
15Constuction wok a5000000)> MS angle manhole cover 75em diaset(24 kg) 1/cu.m 4278.64 4378 6A 15000 1S0
16Construction woh 45000O0)> S3JRm 1896.35 100s06.SS 42400 15000 t060
12Qonstruction work jasoo000> Barbed wite fening with masonry wall(Dype B)
2Job 21742.56 43485, 12 15000
18]Constrution wok 4s00O Entrance gate ln barbed wire fendng (Iype o)
lnstallation ot Pipes &Ftings 2bob 1000 2000 2000 00007 1200
19lConstruction wok 450000)>
Project Name:Runchet brlnking Water Supply Project
Contrect No.:DIM/NCB/wOnKS/02/080-81
Locallon:bharche-2 hunthel
Sofnl Nirman Sewn Banke Dipiyotl Nirman Sewa & SobltSubedl& Brotters
PE's Egtiniate
3L NO Chtegory Hlerarchy Item'Name &DesoripoeR Unit
Oidal Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount Rale Amount
(NRS) 1S00
20)Constructlon work W45000000]> 20000 20000 15000
alation of plpes and ndngs forferoceDtea,Ai LExeeutl lo 1500 1500
S88000 2000 58800 2000
21 Construetlon work MAS000000]> |installatlon of plpes and fMings for Vave C
Ca 6andakl Pràdnca Nera 294|Jot S00 147000 2000

Praviding and laying Quarry stone masonery wal In cement

mortar 1:4 (1 cement:4 coarse sand) In superstructure and
other specifled places In all helghts and level includlng he
cost of slngle or mulu stage scaffolding, cueing, rakingJolnts,
provislon for recesses, openings, toothing ete, all complete as 20000 LGO00 16000 28300
22Constructlon work w45000000)> 17279.69L 31103.44 16000 28800
Iper drawing, specllicatlons andInstructions of the Engineer. 1.8cu.m

Supply &dellvery 12 mm dla. Cable at slte all complete as per 1000 70000 800 SGO00
23Constructlon work W]45000000)> 688 48160 600 42000
drawing, specifications and lnstructions of the Engineer. 70 R.m
Placing and fixing the cabia wire, steel rod, pipe fdng
comlete.all complete as per drawing specificatlons and 15000 15000 15000 2800 200
24]Construclon work 450D0000)> Instructlons pf the Engineer. 1|Job a000 3000 15000
453413 25 226706.5 127887.3
25 Constructlon work W4s0000DO)> Transportatlon of HDPE Plpe from Gorkha to Site 9068.26lPer Kg 19,11 173294.4s
103406| 200000 200000 25000 15000 200000 200000
26 Construetlon work MÊAsoo0000 Transportaton of Pipe Ftings from Gorkhu to Site 103406
|Construction work M4s0000001> Water SupplySystem #10001] > Pumping System W|1o0022] > 15183 s0610
27Supply Laying and Jointing of Plpes &Ftings 1000127)> plpe laying and Jolnlng: 90 mm dla. SO6,1|Rm 114.94 S8171.13 20 10122
Construction work 45000000>Water Supply System 10001] >Pumplng System M[100011] > 6A575
28 Supply Laylng and Jointing of Pipes &Fitings M1000127]> 75 mm dla. 645.75Rrn 114.94| 74222.51 20 12915 19372.
|Construction work M45000000) >Water Supply System w100011 >Pumplng System N[100011] > 100 76324S
29 5upply Laying and Jolnting of Pipes & Fittlgs W|1000127> 63 mm dia. 7632.4s| Rrm 114,94 877273.8 20 152649| 29 1908112s
Construction work H[4SD0D000] > Water Supply System M[10001]>Pumplng System W[100011]> 16275 9765
651 Rm 8.43 5487.93 10 6510
3oSupply Laytng and Jointing of Pipes &Fitings 2000127 50 mm da.
Construction work H45000000) > Water Supply System |10001] >PumpingSystem #(100011] > 20 10500
31|supptylayíng and Jolnting of Plpes& Fitings u1000127)> 40 mm dia. S25|Rn B.43 4425.75 2625| 13125

Construction work k|45000000] > Water Supply System M[10001] >Pumping System W|100011]> 10 2047.5
32 Supply Laying and Jointing of Pipes &Fittings "1000127|> 32 mm da. 204.75| Rm 6.93 1418.92 1023.75 2 5118.7

JConstruction work <45000000] > Water Supply System H[10001]> Pumping System H[100011]> 1493.62 1312.5 13125 10 Z625
33 SupplyLaying and Jointing of Pipes &Fhtings w[10001271> 25 mm dia. 262.5 Rm 5,69
Constrvcllon work M|4s000000]> Waler Supply System (10001]> PumpingSystern W|100011)]> 8304.45\Rsn 5.69 47252.32 41522.25 41522.25 3044S
B4 Supply Laying and Jointëng of Pipes &Fitings M|1000127)> 20 mm dia.
IHDPE Pioel32mm) - 10 kgl/cm2 183.75] Rm 69.28 12730.2 9o 16537.5 80 14700 13781.25
3sConstruction work N[AS000000] > Water Supply System 10001]>
HDPE Plpe(40mm)- 10 kgf/cm2 441| Rm 106.27 46865.07 120 52920| 120 52920 100 44100
96Construtlon work M45000000) > Water Supply System H|10001)> s3S_s Rm 163.8 87714.9 180 96390 IRO 96390 60|
37|Construciion work #|45000000|> Water Supply System H(10001]> HDPE Pipe(5Ormm) - 10 kgl/em2 a00
HDPE Pipe(63mm)-2o kgt/em2 2009.7 Rm 260.38 S23285.69 290 S82813 602910l 250 S02425
38|Consiructlon work M45000000] > Water Supply System #{10001]> HDPE Plpel75mm) - 20 kgl/cmz 645.75|Rm B6841 237900.76 390 251842.s 500 322875 360 232470
39lConstryctlon work Mj450000O00] > Water Supply System10001]>
tructlon work Mls5000D00) > Water Supply System 10001)>
41l Construction work 4500000O0j > Water Supply System "[10001]>
HOPE Pipe(90mm)- 10kgl/cm2
HDPE Plpe(25mm) 12.5 kgf/cm2
S06.1 Rm
21 Rrn
kHjasoo0000) > Water Supply System W[10001): HDPE Pipe(32mm)- 12.5 kgl/crn2 1890 20
Consirutt WortkkH[aso00000] Water Supply System 10001]}
HDPE P0pe(4Omm)-12.5 kgf/em2 84) Rm 128.2B 10775.52 140 11760 160 13440 29 10500
IHDPE PipelSOmm)- 12.5 kgf/cm2 115.s|Rm 198.44 22919.82 220 25410 250 28875 200 23100
44 Construction Wofk R450000 o)> Waler Supply System W[10001): HDPE Pipel63mm) -12.5 kflcn2 472.5) Rrm 309.11 146054.48 340 160650 141750
o00001> WaterSuoplySystem MÍ200011> 380 179550
45|Constructon work |450000 HOPE Pipe(20mm)- 16 kgt/cm2 8304.45 Rrm 39.63 329205.35 SO 415222 5 AS 373700.25 415222S
46/Construcilon work w45000000) >Water Supply System (10001]> HDPE Pipe(63mm)- 16 kgí/an2 3901 172187
47|Construcion work M45000000)> Water Supply System 10001> 472.S|Rm 374.86 277121.3S 184275 400 189000 75
HDPE Pipe(63mm)-6 kgl/cm2 4455 Rm 167.59 746346,15 180 801900 190 846450 1336500
48/Construction work 45000000j> Water Supply System 10001]> 4| Nos 1738 6952 1850 7400 3000 12000 1500
4glConsirycion work w45000000] >Water Supply Sysiern
W|10001]> Gi /HDPE Nange set SOmm
5olConstruction work Wj4s000000]> Water Supply System B[10001]> GI /HDPE Tlange set 40mm 1|Nos 1062 1062 1550 1550 2500 1000
51lConstruction work M45000000]>Water Supply System 10001)> GI /HDPE Aange set 65mm 65(21/2) 1 Nos 1942 1942 2150 2150 2500 2500 2000 200
IHDPE lee 90mmJEvef s Rm 339,05 1695.25 380 1900| 1000 SO00 300 50
52Construction work aj45000000]> Water Supply System |10001> Eplpe P0mm/b
HDPE pipe 50mm/10kef 2) Rm 163.8 327.6 180 360 B00 1600 300
53Constrvction work #4S000000]> Wster Supply System |10001]>
s4Consiruclon work Hj4s000000] >Water Supply System
W[10001]> |G elbow 8Omm 9Nos 1570| 14130| 1640 14760 4500 10S00 500 13500
GI EIbow 65mm (21/2)(HC) 2/ Nos 1010 2020 1200| 2400 3500) 7000 00
SsConstruction work w4s000000] > Water SupphySstem M|10001> 2Nos S82 1164 710 1420 3000 6000 550
S6lConstrucion work a45000000] >Water Supply System
W10001]> GI Elbow 50mm (HC)
S7Construcion work #45000000> Water Supply Svstem WI100O11> GI Elbow 15(1/21(Hc 10Nos 65 650 70 700 100 1000 S00

|GI sodet 5Omm[HC 1 Nos sool S00 80 350 350

SBlConstruction work N45000000j > Water Supply Systemu10001J> 260 250
s9lConsruction work w4s0O0000) > Wster Supply Svstem N100011> GIsocket 4Omm[HC) 290) 290 70 70
1lNos 1024 1024 1100 70 1000
6oConstrucion work K45000000j> Wrter Suppy System (10001]> G socket 8Omm 1100

62 Construction work w45000000)> Water SuppBy Systern [10001> Gsocket 50mm(HC) 1Nos 83 383 S00 350 350
|Gi sodket 15(1/2*) sNos 290 7 a50 70 3s0 250
62/Construction work w45000O03] >Water Supply System (10001> 1500 1700 9400
63Construction work n450O0090] > VWater Supply System w10001]> |Gl stralner 6Smm 2lNos 1804 3000 8000 16000
IGI sralner 80mm 1|Nos 2354 B54 2100 2100 10000 10000 2500 2500
64Construction work, W|4500000D] >Water Supply System w[20001]> SSO0
T stralner 100mmn 2\Nos 2773 SSA6 2800 5600 12000 24000 2800
65Constructlon work M45000000j >Waler Supply System W10001]> 2000
6lConslruaion wort w4s000000]> Waler SupplySystem|10001]> Gl reducer 100/80 1lNos 1993 1993 1860 1860 SO00 5o00 2000
1078 1000
67 Construction worksa5000000]> Water Supphy System 10001]> Gl reducer 80/65 1Nos 1078 1280 1286 S000 S000 1000

G8Const1utlon work n45000000] >Water Supply Systerm W[100011> Greducer 65/50 3Nos 2268 820 2460 SO0o 15000 700 2100
GreduCer 50/40 1| Nos A22 S10 S10 3500 3500
G9lConstrurton work M4s000000] >Water Suppy SyslemM100012 20627 82508 18000 31000 124000 20000 80000
70Construin work ej4s000000) > Wsler Supply System10001 GM gate valve 8Omm 4 Nos 72000
Project Name:Runchet Drinking Water Supply Project
Contrat No.:DAM/NCa/WORKS/02/080-A1 horc Rural
Location:Dharche-2 Runchet
of the dniciaeLEyatt
P,Patimate Safai Nimanewa Banke
Dfpiynti NirmAn S e a 1 SobitSnbeti &Brrthes

SL, NO Categnry Hierarchy Ofmcial Rate Rate Amast Ratr Amont

Item Name & Description Amoat Rate Amoant
(NRA) 22000
GM gate valve 65mm

71Constrution work W450000001) >Water Supply Svstem [10001]> 13S43
GM gate valve 50mm 6504 10512
72|Constructlon work M45000000] >water Suppy System (10001j> S700
1lNos 4219 4213
73|Conctructlon work w<45000000] >Water Supply System W(10001]> |GM gate vatve 40mm
74|Construalon work W[45000O00]> Water Supply System n(10001]>
75 Construct work N45000000) > Water Suppy System #(10001]>
76|Constructlon work N45000000> Water Ccbh
Su system (10001 2
77|Construction work 45000000> Water Supply Syxtem w[100012
|G nipple 65mm(MC)-6"
|GI nipple 80mm 6"
GI nipple SOmm 6
Gnipple 40mm 6"
6 Nos
17 Nos
s Nos

SAs 3265

78| Constrution work 45000000 Water Suppty Syztemu10001]2 G nípgle 15(1/2") slNos
79|Constructlon work m45000000]> Water Supply Syctem (10001j2 GI Unlon 80mm(HC) sNos 1785 agz25|
BOConstructlon work W45000000] > Water Supply System K(10001 GI Union 65mm(HC) 1/Nos 1320 1320
1680| 1200 ZACOI
R1 Constructlon work w4S000000] > Water Supply System #10001 GI Uníon 5Omm(HC) 2/Nos
R2 Constre n45000000]> Water Supply System [10001]> GI Unlon 40mm(HC) z| Nos 514
4NOs 4C0 ZA0
B3 w45000000,> Water Supphy System M100011> GI Union 15(1/2")(HC) 100
3| Nos LASA 4362 7100
00000]> Water Suppply Syztem#10001)> GI Unequal tee 80mm(HC)
000001 > Water Suppv Sytem gt10001b GI Unegual tee 65/50mm(HC) 2|Nos 1600 32c0|
27 Constr
oo0g1> Water Sppy00o1:
0000001 >W
n10001)> Unequal tee 50/50/15mm{HC)
|GI equal tee 20mm(HC)
1| Nos
2100 4CCol
t/ Nos 1320| 1320 TA20
RBConstr Supply System Gl equal tee 65mm(HC)
upply Syrtem n(100011: GIequal tee 5Omm(HC) 1|Nos 810 810
itee 65mm INos 1320| 1320
Gi tee 1s(1/2"XHCa sNos 170
tem 10001
IG oice 40mm(MC) 0.7] Rm 495.6
HLOO01 Ta cine 5OmmlMC) 1550 I02501
M10001P 7\ Rm 975 6825
2Omm(MC 10.55|Am 1550| 16352.5 2700 26371
4|ConstrUC tem DOO2
G 65mm(MC) 1Z45 2988 1940
55|Constructian wor tem 1o0012 360 6420
96| Contruction tem (10001]2 TG pice 15(1/2"XMC) 4374
TBass union/Flange set 80mm 4|Nos 2336| 9344 12300 S17001
97 Conetruction work # M1O0012
98] Construction work Eass union/Flange set 65mm 1|Nos 1342! 1942 500
WorkkW4500o |15 mm Gl Pipe- Medium Class 15 (1/2") LA2824 360 ZII620
99Constructionw |>Water 10001 2 47CAd
15 GI Elbow15(1/2") 5Aa| P 38220
100Construction work w45000000|> Water S M10003
101/Construction work 45000000] > WaterS 10001 Smm GI Unlon 15(1/2") 294| Ps 100 29400

102Construction work M|45000000] > waterSuppy

S tem 100012 S mm GINipple 15 (1/2") Saa P 499801 I10 G46201
294\ Pcs 1277 375438 42630g 2040
103Construction work M45000000] >water Ss tem 100012 Smm flowregulatíng tee 15(1/2")
Smm Water Flow Meter 15 (1/2") 294)Ps 1320 S4390c! 15Ca1
104Construction work w45000000]> Water Supply tem 10001:
105/Construction work M45000000]> Waler Supply System 10001]2 Smm Brass tap 400g 15(1/2") 24| Pcs T44020 900 254600

1Smm Brass Unkon15 (1/2") 294Ps 61740 270 792201 72E0G1

106|Construction work Mj45000000] >water Supply System 10001|2 SOmm HDPE plpe saddle with branched 20mm níople 470 6580 S40 7560t
107| Constructson work w45000o00] >Water Supply ystem 10001): 35|Nos 380 S10 17350 c
108|Construcion work w45000O00] >Water Supply System 10001): I75mm HDPE pipe saddle with branched 20mm nígple 13300| 30a

109Construction work mj45000000] >water Supply System 10001]2 I63mm HOPE pipe saddle wíth branched 20mm nipple 72| Nos 25200| 320 23C401
SOmm HDPE pipe saddle with branched 20mm nigple 92Nos 27600 260| 39201
110 Construction work m(45000000j >Water Supply System u100012 46l Nos A0 11040
l40mm HOPE pipe saddle with branched 20mm nipple ZAO| 1IC40
131| Construction work ra500000o0]> Water Supply Syztem m100012 23mmHOPE ciGe sadde wíth branched 20mm nipgle 1a| Nos 36C0 43201 2ca
112) Construction work w45000000]> Water Supply Sytem 10001]> L4g
112| Construction work r45000000] > Water Supply 5ystem 100012 25mm HOPE
HD aloe s
e saddla with branched 20mm nipple 17| Nos 190 3230 4020

114|Construction work w45000000]> Water Supply System 10001> 15 M Fer 294] Nos 1196 3516Z4 950| 2792ca 12001

Total Cot S4,2363274

I923,78754 LR0251 I137S
VAT 13% 15489,91141
Toal Cot with VAT 16,765,6I4,78
Total Cot wih VAT & PS 16.9756I4.7A 15.6999tLAL 1796L n6.T4
593.47.09 9OS7.52
Contingency 4%
Prdce EKalatlon 10%
Pbysical Contingencies 10% A0,68272
210,000LDG 10,004.00
105364133 18.989,30409 1.31H
Grand Total
Bedow Percentage

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